Sunday 7th June 2015 saw the end of project celebration. We invited Lord Allendale (the landowner) to come along and see all we have achieved.
His 4x great grandmother, Diana Beamont and mill agent Erasmus Blackett (characters from our comedy Carry on Mining…Ore) presented him with a copy of the archaeological reports for safekeeping in Allendale Estates library.
Lord Allendale unveiled the first of our three Lead Carrers routes milestones.
These depict a galloway pony with a load of ore, and will mark the carriers ways at Dukesfield, at Sinderhope and at Killhope mine. They’ve been beautifully carved by local stonemason David Edwick.
We then all adjourned to Whitley Chapel Parish Hall for a party for all the volunteers and contractors who helped make this project so very enjoyable.
Minds Eye Productions filmed the event and are making a short video as part of the evaluation of the project, with interviews from people who took part – watch it here!