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Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 16 Feb 1675

ditto the 16: 1674 Mr Sheapard Sr Yours I recd with the inclosed acct of the goods recd and the monyes pd, which I have prased and finding it right acordingto your letters, shall god willing order your use the remainder of your monyes by the first opportunity, when pd pray advise me that I may place it to acct This whats neadfull from, Sr yours to command Ra:Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 20 Feb 1675

Feb the 20 1674 To Mr Randolph Richardson to send per the first opportunity one <….> of <……….> hops this what neadfull from yours Ra:Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 27 Feb 1675

Feb the 27: 1674 To Mr Webb to send per the first opportunity one <hhd> of purged suger about 26s or 27s per <Cnt> and 12lb synamon, 6 Barll figgs not other at present p Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Mar 1675

March the 13 1674 Sr yours of the 9th March I recd for which I thanke you : I p[e]rc[ei]ve your friend have sent me 12 botles of canary for which I thank him, returnes is very scarse heare I wish you had charged the ball[ance] of the acct per Rob.<Thorp> or if William Sanderson come downe or who you plese your bill shall thankfully be pd, Lead heare 13£per fother, coles 12s per Chall, Rye 5s2d per bush[ell]. Beanes 4s9d per bush[ell] : oats from 1s6d to 4s the best: <Holland>

Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Mar 1675

ditto Sr I p[e]rc[e]ve by my fitter that he recd the £10:15s which by mistake he hath ordered in to Mr Sandersons have this post the writ as to that concerns, he informes mec that he did aquaint Mr Sanderson with it 14 dayes since when he was there and did not questione the payment this whats neadfull from yours Ra. Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 27 Mar 1675

March the 27 1675 Alderman Webb To send per the first opportunity one <…> of the best fine currint one small bar[e]ll of rice one bar[e]ll of Brimston: one Box of <flat> indigo : Not else but that I am Yours : Ra Grey

Receipt – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 1 Apr 1675

Edinbruge the first of April 1675 Received then of Sr James Standsfield the Sum of twenty five pounds sterling for ¼ part of his first advance made for defraying of the Charges in Driving on of the Leed Myn of Eagle I say recd by me £25 stlg Wm Blackett [outer leaf:] memo to post the 2 H: moores accots in my proper leager Mr John Mecckwath [Mackworth?]

Letter – John Grey to William Blackett – 2 Apr 1675

Lintz the second of Apryl 1675 Sold to Wilam Bleckeit one <Stwdie wies> - 7 stone 2 lb - at 7 shilinges and sexpenc sterling a stone - 2-17 <Tesevet> be me John Gray fule and complit pyment of this above wryten day and dait forsind as witnes my hand John Gray

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 1 May 1675

Newc[astle] : May the 1st : 1675 To Alderman Web : to send per the first oportunity 7 bar]re]ll of Ra:[sins?] one <hhd> of <figs>: at 28s per <cent> one <hhd> at : 50s per [cent] not else at present but that I am : Yours to command Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Watkins – 1 May 1675

ditto To Mr Watkins to send per the first opportunity 6 doz of the best small 12 doz of the best Large 6 duzen at 4s:10d 12 doz at : 5s:10d 6 doz at : 6s:6d not else but that I am Yours to command Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Lemon – 1 May 1675

May the first 1675 Yours of the 26 per post & of the 27 per Mr Porter came to hand I have according to your order recd of Mr Porter 1 ½ last of rye which I was not bid above 16£ per last their being soe much East Contry corn come in this week corn which they sell at 17£ per last soe have lofted yours & shall dispose of it to the best advantage a[s] for your 2 hoggheads of Brandy I had your M[aste]r to see them filld up which wanted 2 ½ gall[on]s Mr Rain doth profer 3s3d per G

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Lemon – 4 May 1675

Newc[astle] May the 4 1675 Sr my last was of the first instant to which I referr you since which I sould your Rye for sexten pounds per Last your Brandy for thre shill four pence per gall the best none gives but 3s6d per gall your Rousin for nine shill per Cnt there being of the same sort sould for same price, of mounday morning Mr Porter sent me home the canvis which his men found out I have sould it to Mr Swaine for nine pence halfpenny per yard it proving bad in the middle or <shd&

Letter – Ralph Grey – 4 May 1675

ditto Sr yours I recd and hath accepted your bill to Mr Frast, I could have wished you had ordered some freind of yours to have taken a loading of coles for we have a bad trade Coles fallen from 12s5d to 8s6d per chaldr that makes out cares of money and a dead trade <howsoever> shall paye you praye send on Bage of <chaped> fine hops and at cheapest rate I had another meeting with the brewers and at last prevaled to refer it <wholly> to Mr Mathews for I hope M[aste]r ex

Letter – Ralph Grey – 14 May 1675

ditto the 14 : 1675 Sr This may serve to aquaint you that Mr James <Border> saled the 9 instant I have here inclosed sent you the Accompt of his coals and lead which you may send to your correspondent Bath. A fothr of lead upon his owne accompt which he <pro….> to aquaint you with and <….> to se it pd in my last I aquaint[ed] you with the sale of your <Rosall> and your brandy and two <ba[rre]ls> of <Crenish> Rye is fall[en] here to 15£ per Last

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 15 May 1675

Newcastle : Maye the 15 : 1675 Mr Haster Yours of the 11 currant came to hand wherin I pceve you find the ball[ance] of the accompt to be fifty four pound <twelve> shill[ings] I was in good hop[e]s that Mr Harry Hill had pd youe the sixty pounds which was due last October he having writ me since you were heare that he had pd the mony I shall writ him this post and if I find a saling shall put his bond in suit and returne you up the mony by the first for he hath dealt verey unw

Letter – Arthur Grey – 21 May 1675

ditto the 21 : 1675 Sr My Mast[e]r being out of towne : Mr younge having drawne of the brandy and measured it finding it should c[o]nt[ain] 58 Gall[ons] 3 quarts per <hhd> whears you mension in your letter that they should cnt 63 Gall p <hhd> since I have had the gager to gage them and […] [….] cnt no more but what the gall < p. ..> makes & complains that it is a kind of a mixt brandy and and [sic] hath a great deal of brimston in it and likewise that it is mix

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 22 May 1675

May the 22 : 1675 To Mr Shepard to send per first opportunity 1 <hhd> sugar at 44s 1 <hhd> at 62s per first not other Yours Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 6 Jun 1675

Newcastle Jun the 6 : 1675 Mr Heath: Thes at present are to desire you to send me per the first opportunity 6 Bar[re]ll of your best Neat Soape and ½ Last of your best ord[inary] soape praye let there be as many halfe fir[kines] as you can spare. Not else but that I am Yours Ra.Grey

Receipt – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 8 Jun 1675

Indermark [Innerwick or Invervar?] 8th June 1675 Teusday Recaved then of Sr James Standsfeild knight for his third advance of his one fourth part concern in the Leed myns of glenlyon The some of twenty five pound sterling, being to defray the charges on driveing on the sd Leed myns . Wm Blackett [outer leaf:] Mr Matthew <M>ackele. Please pay the contents on the other side & include it in the acct of the bills to be cloased with John Shand. Jas Standsfield

Letter – Arthur Grey to Thomas Lemon – 8 Jun 1675

ditto the 8 : 1675 Mr Lemon Sr in my Masters absence last weake I sent your accompt and prasing the book since I found a mistacke. I gave you an account in p[ar]t of a Last and a halfe of Rye sould at fourten pound the Last which in our booke is plast and sould at sextenpound per Last the error being carried on in the accompt will macke the ball[ance] but one pound seventeen still Sr your wine yeasterdaye came to safe hand and we have had sevarall <ventamors> tasting of it and thares n

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Cawood – 8 Jun 1675

June the 8 : 1675 Mr John Cawood Yours of the 1st June came to hand <with> the inclosed bill upon <Hen> Arkley I p[er]ceve the <glase> is redy but canot geat a shipe to send it as Mr Arkley is gone to <Whitby> and so for Hull and from there to Norige. Beans here at 3s8d per bush. Oats at 2s: not else but that I am Yours: Ra. Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Lemon – 12 Jun 1675

ditto the 12: 1675 Mr Lemon Thes may sarve to aquaint you that I have put your wine to saile and can be biden no mor for it but £30 per Tun if you be plesed for to despose of it at that rate you may aquaint me per the first opportunity and it shall be performed by Sr Yours to command Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 15 Jun 1675

June the 15 1675 Mr Hestr Sr yours of the 10 current came yo hand wherein I p[er]ceve you did serve of Henry Hill and since hat bene with your man and promiseth he will paye the monyes <> the bond which I have sent you heare inclosed it was due the 21 october. Let him paye consideracon for the time which the other of his brothers wanted with charges of Arrest and intrest till he entred the bond praye writ the receipt of it I thanke you for your care in sending the soape

Letter – Ralph Grey to Thomas Lemon – 15 Jun 1675

June the 15 : 1675 Mr Thomas Lemon Yours of the 28 and the 5th came to hand wth your wines per Mr <Trackett> I prceve you thinke your brandy sould too cheap I p[ro]test I did my utmost yeat Mr Jas Younge complains of it and hath not as yeat pd for it, pure <nayce> brandy at that time was sould at 3s6d per Gall which they acc[ou]nt 8d per gall better and for the Gage it was no mor nor what my man writ; for your wines I was bid 30£ per tun for it all which I would not take

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 19 Jun 1675

ditto the 19 : 1675 To Aldrman Webb to send per the first opportunity one Barll of sugere fine blue and <thre> large Barll of ord[inary] Currin about 28s percnt and to advise me of the price of goods nopt else at present but that I am yours Ra:Grey
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467