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Letter – Edward Blackett to John Marshall – 14 Feb 1710

Sir Febry 14 1709 Inclosed I send you a Bill of Exchange for the £8.18.0 wch I perceive I am indebted to you , I wish the oysters come sweet wch I very much doubt, I would you would putt them into a hamper, for you may be sure the sailors will open it and take what they please, pray advise me when the Ship went down the River, as also how long the Oysters will keep sweet in there Barrells, for I have rarely any goods that Shipt at London that are not six weeks at leas

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 14 Feb 1710

Dear Sir Febry the 14th 1709/10 I think I ought not in good manners So Soon to trouble the Duke of Devon. With another Lettr I desire that Mr Sharpe would be so kind as to go & Remind the Bishop of Ely, who I am well satisfy’d will do me all the service in his power, I could heartily wish that likewise acquainted with him so that you might accompany him. I believe his Intrest is very great & I know he’ll exert it upon this Occasion, after

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Thomson – 17 Feb 1710

Sir Newby Febry 17 I am Extreamly oblig’d to yr Selfe & family for yr great friendship to my Daughters which I heartily thank you for, if ever it be in my power to be Serviceable so doing you or yours they may always depend upon a Real friend of EB All here give their humble service to yr Selfe & family Mr Tho Thomson Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 17 Feb 1710

Dear Nedde Febry 17 I perceive by yrs of the 11 that you Recd mine of the 7th but you do not at all answer my Lettr I order you to Acqt me what answer the Bishop of Ely Gave you after you delivered my letter and whether he invited you to dine with him or not, upon Rect of this Letter go & wait on yr uncle York I know none has a greater Intrest with my Lord Wharton than he has, and if he be able to go abroad I know he’ll go & desire my Lord’s fav

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 17 Feb 1710

Sir Febry 17 1709/19 Am very glad you gott well to London, could heartily wish before you leave the Town that you would find out my Bro Bridges & discourse him fully about my Son Kittys Partnership, and whether all things absolutely be Agreed upon, my Bro writ me some time agoe that £1500 must be provided against Midsummer, and that was the time prefixed for the payment of the money, and I perceive by yrs that Kitty tells you that the money must be provided agains

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 20 Feb 1710

James Febry 20 I perceive by yrs of the 16 that the Fish will be brought to Ripon on Tuesday Sennight wch is very well, I wond’r there should be no more Lead in the Cellar than 128 pcs fail not by the very first post to write a very chiding Lettr to the East Carriagemen, & lett them know they shall have no moneys at the Pay by Reason of their great neglect wch I am likely to be a great looser by, there must be at least 300 pcs at the mill & the

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 20 Feb 1710

Honest Will Febry 20 I hope this will find you well at home, I wonder you did not write me from North Allerton whether you got the horse again or not, I design to make a Pay about the beginning of March so be sure you fail not to make up what moneys you can of them that are indebted to you against that time, I hope you are mindfull to inquire where the very best slates are to be had, & that you bargain for the Winning of as many as will do Fallowfield house Barn B

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 20 Feb 1710

Honest Jacob Febry 20 1709/10 I perceive by yrs that you have lett Severall bargains of the new Cuttings, some at £5.5 others at £5.10 all to the Tuns which you did mightly well in, be sure you Endeavour to lett all the Dead heaps & to Severall Companies as soon as possibly you can, for the sooner they’re wrought up the better and pray mind that they keep constantly & go to bottom of them as to their Work. I wonder that the Carriagemen should not make more

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Errington – 20 Feb 1710

Sir Febry 20 1709 I Recd yrs of the 13 but this day in Answer to mine of the 21 Janry. So having no Answer from you in so long a time made me think you had no mind to be Concern’d in taking the Cuttting and dead heaps, so Some time since I order’d my Servt to lett them all, which I perceive by his last Lettr he has lett the most of the them and to Sevrall Companys wch am very glad of, for would willingly have all wrought up as soon as possibly can be

Letter – Edward Blackett to Blackett Mitford – 20 Feb 1710

Dear Nephew Febry 20 I Recd yrs of the 16 as also one from Mr Forster of the same Date, whereby I perceive you have passed yr Examination & is made one of the Factors for the Company Mr <Hewers> has been Extreamly kind to you not only in promoting you to that preferment, but likewise promising you two Bondsmen in £1000 Each, considering you were altogether a Stranger to him. In one of yr former Lettrs you writ me you were to have all necessary whatsoever prov

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Aislabie – 20 Feb 1710

Dear Sir Febry 26 1709/10 The Bearer is my nephew Blacket Midford who I perceive is going upon the East India Comp’y Acct. as a factor to the Indies, and he writes me he may go for some little time to Bombay, So I desire you’ll be so kind as to give him a Lettr of Recommendation to the Generall yr Bro. which will be of great Service to him and shall Esteem it as a great favr. Done to yr most obliged humble Serv Jno Aislabie Esq.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Joseph Barnes – 20 Feb 1710

Sir Febry 20 1709/10 I had own’d the favr of yrs long eer this but was from home, I perceive you have found Sir Nath Johnsons Bond with the Assignment. I wish you could putt me into a Way to get all if not part of whats due to me wch should be very well content with, When I come to Newcastle must have yr Advice in a little business, So pray keep the Bond & Assignm’t by you till that time. I am Sir yr Faithful Humble Servt Joseph Barnes Esq Counseller

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 23 Feb 1710

Honest Jacob Febry 23 This is a Copy of my last and yesterday I Rec’d yrs which is an answer to mine in Every particular, however be sure go to the halfe way twice a Week, for if they do not get the Lead in next Week the Bean & Oats seed time will come on, which will be a hindrance to them, And if the Lead were at Newcastle now I could dispose of it all

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 24 Feb 1710

Dear Nedde Febry 24 I Recd both yrs of the 19th and 21st this morning the former should have come the post before, upon Rect. Of this go & give my Service to Mr Aislabie & know whether he Recd my Lettr of the 14th tho I doubt it did not come to his hand by Reason I have heard nothing from him Since, desire Mr Aislabie to speak to Mr Sharpe that he would Introduce you again to the Bishop of Ely, and then he’ll Acqt you what he has done in yr Affair, I believ

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 24 Feb 1710

Sir Febry 24 I am much oblig’d to you for discoursing Mr Primate and am altogether of the mind that Mr Gould is a much more proper person than Mr Bridges to assist in this Affair, Some months ago I writ to Mr Gould and desir’d his Assistance upon my son Kitts Acct. I had a very civil Answer from him that he would be always ready to do my son all the Service in his power which I do not in the least question. My Brother Bridges Acquainted me that the money wo

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 2 Mar 1710

James Newby March the 2nd 1709/10 The Fish you sent me came very well to Ripon, let me know the price and charge of them, I perceive by my Lettr from Jacob that all the Oar will be Smelted up this Week, So give Mr Fenwick and Mr Featherston notice to have Moneys Ready against you call for it, which may be in 10 or 12 days time. Send me an Acct. of what Lead they have had, and what the Sum comes to, I would gladly have what Lead’s in the Cellar As also t

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 2 Mar 1710

Honest Jacob March 2 1709/10 I perceive by yr last that in a very short time All will be Smelted up and carried to the halfeway, I do not know what weather you have with you but here tis like Summer, You must write Mewburn what time you design the Pay that he may acqt Mr Fenwick and Mr Featherstone to have their money Ready in a little time for the Lead they have had of me, Give me an Estimate by the very first post what you Judge the whole may come to, as also wh

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 2 Mar 1710

Honest Will March 2 1709/10 I perceive by yrs that you took two Workmen and view’d Fallowfield Hall and outhouses, and that the estimate of the Charge would come to £60.07s.08d which is an Extravagant Sum for Such small buildings, I would have you by all means to get other two Workmen to View it and take their Estimate. Upon Rect. of this Lettr Acqt me where you design to gett the slates for there are few places in Northumberland where good ones are to be had f

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Thomson – 3 Mar 1710

Sr March 3 1709/10 Inclosed I Return you Mr Halls Lettr. I think Mr Sanderson has been very civill, & Mr Hall very diligent, so if he have not already paid the money pray ord’r him to pay, with my Service to all your family I am in great haste yr Assured friend & Servt. Mr Wm Thomson

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 9 Mar 1710

Mr Ward March 9 1709/10 I Recd yr Lettr of Complem’ts which you might very well have Spared yr Selfe that trouble, for without any Complem’ts yr Daughters were as welcome at Newby as if they had been at yr own house, my wife and Daughter Blacket give their kind Remembrance to yr Wife & two Daughters and bid me tell you they must have their Company at Newby this Summer. Am very sorry to hear of Mr <Vaines> being so dangerously ill, pray A

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 9 Mar 1710

James March 9 1709/10 I Perceive by yrs that there was onely 1988 pcs in the Cellar So you want 116 pcs to make up the number that was made since the last Pay, I bargained with Mr Featherstone for 6 or 700 pcs which you writ me he had occasion for, the price was £8.15s after that I writ to him whether he had occasion for any more, his Answer was he could afford to give no more than £8.12.6 d so you may very well remember I order’d you to go to Mr Fenwick to acq

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 9 Mar 1710

Honest Will March 9 I writ you of the 2nd and since I heard nothing from you, upon Rect. of this Lettr I’d have you take a view of the wood at Brear Woodbank as also all the rest of my Woods and acqt. me what number of Trees you may cutt down this Spring & what Sum they may come to, I would have you to cutt down as much as you think you could gett vended, but no more, I shall have a Pay at Fallowfield Shortly, and have ord’d Jacob by this post to give you n

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 9 Mar 1710

Honest Jacob March 9 1709/10 I perceive by yours that there’s 1827 pcs. Made of the Grove Oar, and 277 of Slagg Lead, these 277 pcs which Loraine made can’t possibly be 20 Fothers, I was informed that he made his Piggs a very small weight, but if that small number of pcs make 20 Fothers they are much heavier than the Smelters make for me, for 280 of mine will but make 20 Fo. So satisfy me how this is in yr next. As soon as all the Lead’s at Newcastle I’d ha

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Ovington – 9 Mar 1710

Mr Ovington March 9 1709/10 The Bear’r my Servt. is a very sober fellow and One that I have a kindness for so I would willingly have him to learn to brew and make mault, if you have a spare Room in yr house I would table him with you for two Months if not, I desire you’ll get him Tabled in Town by you, and I’ll thankfully pay what they please for his Table washing and lodging, and I doubt not but you’ll be so kind as to teach him what Art you have both as t

Letter – William Millington to Hugh Massey – 9 Mar 1710

D[ea]r Countryman March 3rd 1709/10 Sr Edward Blacket of late has turned of[f] three or four Coachmen, and had one Recommended to him about a week ago which he likes very well, he gives his Service to you and bid me Acqt you that if he was not provided he would sooner take one of your Recommendation than from any other. We have a report here that you would rather take a house in the heart of the Town than than where you now live and that you may have Ald.
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467