July the 16 : 1675
Mr Merall
Thes at present are to desire you to send me per the first opportunity 6 Rems of Case paper 6 Bundals of two pound 6 Bundals of pound 6 Bundals of <….> 6 Rems of your best cut paper at 6s6d per Reme not else but that I am
Yours Ra Grey
Newcastle July the 17 : 1675
Mr Partis
Yours of the 14th came to hand for which I thanke you, I prceve you have refered on <qrter> for your self and and [sic] me which I accept of but I had rather had a great[e]r concerne with you then that if you come not for <these pts> must order my concerns in <sunder> other vessels of which I shall give you a futher accompt I could have wisht them in your hand. Jo: Riggs and mine 150£ I refer that to further consideracon whic
July 24, 1675
As to the Leadmynes shall say more when you send me a Copy of the Contract
ditto 28th 75
Mr Lemond
This at present is to acquaint you that I have sold your Claritt and white at 30£ per tun to Mr Hubboock postmaster of Durham but I am afraid that it will be martinmas day er it be pd, if it had been good wine had gone <currently> if ther was 2 Hogs[heads] of it good & could have sold it for 36£ & other 2 Hoggs fitt for nothing but viniger, your Sherand wine none would buy it, soe have sold Mr Woodraw 7 gall for his maids funeral & Sr F
Lieth 11 August 1675
Honnored Sr
I would intreat you Caus your servt Mr Schand to Write me out a note of the Cost of thoes Coles you sent unto St Johnston's, not only that, but A shair unto the freight for carriing of them to that place both which soms being aded togeather I thinck it would not be amiss iff you sent me as much mony as would fil out your fourth £25 for GlenLyons leed mynes for I would not willingly have broken aaccots I intend to give in my 6 mo accot when
Aug 14, 1675
The enclosed copy of the Agreement with the Earle of Queensberry we rcd and when Br[other] L[indsay] comes to town shall advise you thereof.
Londo Aug 17, 1675
Sr Ja Standsfield
Our last was of the 14th inst subce none from you. As to the agreement with the Earle of Queensberry: Our friend at psent is out of towne in the North but doe believe you may depend upon his taking of 3 fifths part. We should be glad to hear fro you before you goe to your journey wishing you prosperity therein & lets know where we may write you there & as needful
For my Bro Lindsay & Compy
Peirse Reeves
[outer leaf:]
Newc[astle] August the 19: 1675
Mr Panall
Though unaquainted I salute you, and upon Mr Richardson and the present Master recomidations have consined you five h[ogs]h[eads]ds of tobacco the Numbers and weight you have as in the Margin, hoping that you will dispose of them to the best advantage and at price curant & to the returns be in spring stufe as pound flax or the <....> not else at present but that I am Sir Yours to Comand
Ra: Grey
[note in the left margin:]
Ditto ye 28: 1675
Mr Lemon
Sir yours I recd and acording to your desire here per Mr Youngs and Mr Cros sent yaw 50 p[iece]s of Lead the w[e]ight yow have in yawr accoumpt, as for yaur wine I have only disposed of 5 h[ogshea]ds at £32 per Tune and have as yet but recd the one halfe of the moneyes and doth not know when I shall rec[ei]ve the rest and without trusting I would not have got it ofe, as for your renish it is not as yeat sould you writ that it should hauld eighty Gall[ons] wh
Edinbruge the 1 September 1675
Received then of Mr Jno Schand for Sr James Standsfield in part for defraying the Charges of the Earl of queensburys Leed Myns I say for his 4 part Intrist their the som of twenty four pound stg I say recd £24 Wm Blackett
[outer leaf:] Receipt Mr Wm Blackett To Sr Ja Standsfield on acct of his interest of Drum Lanrig Leid myns per then p J S £ 24 Booked
Newcastle 3d 7ber 1675
Mr Henry Nelthorpe
You will perceive by my last letter that the Companie Is separated, and I for future am to act for my Selfe, w[hi]ch I now begin to doe, God give a blessing to my Endeavours, and haveing noe minde to Change Corrispondence, I desire to know wheather you will accept of my little Concerne upon the Same tearmes as you doe w[i]th my father I meane that if I doe order you some monies, wheather you will allow me, as you allow my father, for the ti
Newcastle 7ber 3d 75
Unckle Eden
I had the honour yestarday to dine w[i]th his lordship the Bisshop of Durham and all his Commissioners, the former hath promised my father, and the latter my selfe, that all things In reason shall be granted me, and for a treaty have appointed tomorrow forthnight the 18th pres[en]t In the morning nothing without you I Can doe, therefore if you Can with Convenience meet me at Durham the night before, it will be singular well, if not then advise me In time that
Newcastle 4th September 1675
Mr Nich Varlaan
You will p[er]ceive by my fathers last that the Company is seperated, and I for future am to Act for my selfe which pray note accordingly, and haveing noe mind to change Correspondents, I hope you will accept of my small concerne, In confidence of which have shipped and consigned unto you by the bearer hereof Barty Kirkehouse 400 p[iece]s small lead marked WB with a D to distinguish them from those which my father consignes unto you by the s
Newcastle 7ber 75
Mr Walter Chaytor
I have shipped In the John and Henry of Newcastle Barty Kirkhouse m[aste]r 400 p[iece]s leed for amstardam, as pr the Inclosed bill of loading, w[i]th whome I have prevailed to Come to Rotterdam, w[hi]ch he hath promised me he will doe if the wind presents for his purpose, soe that if he doe Come you are desired to receive the said 400 p[iece]s leed, and dispose thereof for my most advantidge, paying the m[aste]r freight as if he went for amstardam,
Newcastle 7 7 1675
Mr Robt Jackson
I have before me yours of the 6th w[hi]ch before I answer pray take notice that the Companie is seperated, and that for future I am to act for my selfe, occationed by my Fathers marrying againe, soe direct your Letters to each of ous accordingly, as you shall have occation, w[ha]t is by past, is my Fathers concerne, but for future looke upon ous, as two severall p[er]sons, your acct is right, and booked accordingly and shall give you Credit for the 1d
Newcastle 7 7 1675
Mr Edmond I Servison
I have before me yours of the 2d pres[en]t for answer noe lead in Towne that I know of is sould under £12 p[er] fodder, under w[hi]ch price I cannot buy a Pig, nor will I doe any businesse for any man Living under 1½ p% Commition, for I doe assure I am not att all concern’d w[i]th Sr Wm nor my Bro: neither, the Companie being separated, soe for future am to act for my selfe sol[el]y, Noe Vessels goeing for Rouen, to w[hi]ch place seldome any
Edenbrugh, 9th 7ber 1675
Honnored Sr
I hope this wil find you in good health at London & hearing of your being thair I thought good to give you notice that I came from Glenlyon & Eagel to this place the 30th past. As for your first Its as It was hard, thair is 2 or 3 thousand stone afore I judge aforehand. drest our men wil come from thence 8 or so days after Michelmas as also from Eagel which place to all our Admiration alters not a <Joiil> all tho we have found th
Newcastle 7ber 11d 75
Mr Jno Legendre
I have received yours of the 11d pres[en]t, In the first place pray take notice that the Companie Is seperated and I for future am to act for my selfe, soe that I have noe leed but w[ha]t I buy of whome sells Cheapest, I have now a parcell that I Can afford for £12 p[er] foder, first penny, If you buy any In towne Cheaper I am much mistaken If an opportunity pres[en]t soone for Rouen I shall ship you 200 p[iece]s according to your desire but an op
Newcastle 7ber 11 75
Mr Walter Chaytor
My last was of the 6 pres[en]t to w[hi]ch refers you, since none from you, soe the less at pres[en]t to Inlarge upon, this being Cheifly to advise you, that my father and I have freighted the Rose of <Tine> Jno Tucker m[aste]r for your place, and have put abord sd vessell 800 p[iece]s leed, Consigned unto your selfe 400 p[iece]s whereof Is upon my owne proper acct soe take them up, as they Rise, they haveing noe particular marke, w[hi]ch lay
Mr Robert Jackson
I have Rec[eive]d yours of the 8th att my Returne thereby takes notice what you write Concerning Tho: Dickison, for w[ha]t place In france doth he goe, if for New haven or Rouen will you give me leave to ship some Leed In him allowing you a Reasonable freight, if you will nott then shall dispatch him with Coales according you your desire.
your brother I perceive was In Towne, w[ha]t discourse he had with my father I know nott, mr Pease tells me he did offer your bro
Mr Edwd Allen
I have Recd yours of the 7th w[hi]ch doth please me very well for according to your desire your beanes are all Lofted and not a Bu[she]l sold thereof, will you be pleased for my governo[r] to limitt me to a price or doe you leave the disposall thereof to me, w[hi]ch if you doe you may be assured I will use my uttmost Indeavours for your most advantidge, butt pray lett me know whatt you thinke is a fitt price for them, w[hi]ch I thinke Convenient you should doe.
<Hereweth> from Master Blecket for ane stidie wies
7 stone 2 lb at 7s-6penc a stone £02-13-06
Item ane pair of belies £01-10-00
<Hereweth> be my order [.....] the fwte of this above writen acowmpt the dait above wryten I say <Hereweth> be my John Gray
[On cover:] from John Grey, Lintz, 13th September 1675
Newcastle 7ber 14 1675
Mr Robt Jackson
and advised him that I would keep his two blancks bills till next post, and if Mr Beauchamp did nott appeare betwixt that and then, would then returne him them, Rye 4s beanes 2s 8d Oates 18d Lead £12 Coale 10s and desired him to advise me where Mr Huntington is if he could MB
Mr Mich Chipsham
and advised him that I would dispose of his 12 p[iece]s pru<…> upon arrivall to as much his advantidge as I could and loade the vessell with order <entering> her as he writes MB
Mr Saml Beake
and sent him a bill for £3: 10: charged by my father upon Hen Nelthorpe att Sight payable to Mr beake <value> of <me> which ballances all accts MB