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Letter – Edward Blackett to James Parmentier – 10 Mar 1710

Mr Parmentier March 10 1709/10 I Rec’d yr Lettr. from Leeds ten days agoe and have Expected you Every day since, I hope yr old Discharge of the Gout has not Seiz’d on you Againe, and that Mr Parmentier will not break his promise so often Repeated to yr Assured friend Mr Parmentier Att his Lodging in Leeds

Letter – Edward Blackett to Richard Thornton – 10 Mar 1710

Sir March the 10 1709/10 Am very much oblig’d to you for the trouble you were pleas’d to give yr Selfe upon my Acct. I doubt it will be hard to gett £1500 in one person’s hand I design however to write to York shortly to know what may be done there. I am Sir yr most oblig’d humble Servt Richard Thornton Esq. At his house in Leeds

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 10 Mar 1710

Sir March the 10th Inclos’d I send you Mr Thornton’s Lettr. which after perusal I desire you’ll Return me, you see what he writes, So you need not give yr Selfe the trouble to write him any more about this business, nor do I believe ‘tis possible for him to procure the money, I desire you’ll do me the fav’r to write a Lettr. to Dr Ward, if Such a Sum may be procur’d at 5 per Cent and undeniable Security given for it, to be paid the first week in Ju

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Fish – 10 Mar 1710

Mr Fish March 10 I have Rec’d Sev’rall Lettrs from Mr Parmentier of late, and that he would have been with me long Eer now but that he had gott the Gout, and about ten days Agoe I had a lettr from him that he was finally well Recovered & was at Leeds, and would be with me in 3 or 4 days time, but Since that I neither See him nor heard from him, which makes me think he never designs to do it, pray do me the fav’r <where’d> he is to write a line

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Gray – 11 Mar 1710

Good Mrs Gray March 11 1709/10 I must now tell you that the Coachman I gott last proves as idle a drunken fellow as any I had before, but whether he was of yr Recommending or not I cannot well remember, pray desire Mr Gray to inquire me out a good Coachman, I would have him a lusty good like fellow unmarried and one that understands his business & a sober Man, I have been so often mistaken in my Coachmen that I almost despair of ever having one to

Letter – Edward Blackett to Richard Speight – 11 Mar 1710

Honest Mr Speight March 11 I’m very glad to perceive by yr Lettr that you have bought 4 horses, and pray lett me have one of the best of them that will Suit my sett and you shall have yr own price for him, I hope one of them may Either Suit Ratt tail or the young horse that you bought for me , which I do think to be the finest Coach horse in Yorkshire, my horses are fifteen hands two Inch and some of them fifteen hands 3 Inches, however a small ma

Letter – John Blackett – 11 Mar 1710

Mr Wm forster at Mr Childs in love Lane Billingsgate London now in George lane nigh pudding lane

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 11 Mar 1710

Mr Kelley Rotterdm 11 March 1710 Inclosed Remit you for your Acct a bill on Mr Feartherstone & Reay of £70 a 34<B>11 f733:5 Shall Send per Harrison or Some other Master the goods you writ for, according to Mr Gibson order has made no Insurance on Goods in the Jane of Montross David Gentleman Master

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 11 Mar 1710

Mr Featherstone & Reay Ditto have this day drawn on you a bill of £70 at 2 usance to the order of Mr John Kelley or 34<B> 11 f733 Shall Send you per first Ship 2 Matts flax at 17 or 18 Stl 400 CandleWeek 10 Matts Ryn & 8 Matts Bors Ton please to let me know if will take the Bos Tow for your Acct because you Never writ for any Severall writ me for what could get but being Scarce Sends all to you I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Wilkinson – 14 Mar 1710

Coz. Wilkinson March 14 I desired Mr Brummell the other day to give you a Lettr which I Recd. from my nephew Mitford, and inclos’d is another which I desire you’ll peruse, he’s putt to very hard Shifts, and tis a pity he should want a small Sum to pay for his Passage, I desire you’ll spare so much time as to go to Sighill & and Read my Sister Mitford both the lettrs and in case She’ll be so kind as to give him £20 I’ll give him ten pounds a

Letter – Edward Blackett to Blackett Mitford – 14 Mar 1710

Nephew Mitford March 14 1709/10 I have so very often writ to yr father upon yr Acct & and all to no purpose, that tis in vain to trouble him any more, he has been so very dangerously ill of late and continues so that most people think he cannot possibly <over> this sickness. I design the first post to write to my Coz. Wilkinson & desire him to go to yr mother, and Acqt. her with yr whole Circumstances, and tell her that in case she’ll be so kind as

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 16 Mar 1710

James Newby the 16 March 1709/10 I Rec’d yrs with the Account of the weight of the Lead delivered Mr Fenwick & Mr Featherstone, wch I find right. I hope ere this all the Lead that was made this year is brought into the Cellar - soe order Jacob immediately to come to NewCastle, to assist you in carrying up the money and be sure you ride in the day time, and have some more Company with you than Jacob, be sure you make a clear pay, and lett not one workma

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 17 Mar 1710

Dear Nedde March 17 1709/10 I Recd yrs of the 14 this Morning, and am very glad by yr good friends interest you are in so fair a way of getting a Capt’s Commission, Be sure you fail not to write me Every post, for am uneasy till I hear that yr Commission is post. I wish this Dr Sacheverill had never been born, for he has done more harm than Ever he’ll live to do good. Am sure his Tryal has put you back in yr business very considerable. I p

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Robinson – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Robinson March the 18 yr friend Mr Speight Recommended you to me for a very good Coach and Harness maker, he promised to write & Acqt. you of it by the last post, I have Occasion for a Sett of Harness, I would have them as Strong and as good as any at loose with as much brass upon, lett the Brass that you putt upon the Pads be <…ly> large, and E. B. Reversed, if you make them Extraordinary good and use me well as to the price you may

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 18 Mar 1710

Honest Mr Ward March 18 I perceive by yrs that you design for York Shortly, I shall take it very ill if you do not call at Newby Either in yr going or Returning, After you have spoke to Mr <Place> if he will not pay you, you must ordr an Attorney to proceed against him and that I’m sure will put him to more charge, so he had much bett’r pay it with fair means, I cannot imagine what he can Say or Alledge in this business. Am very sorry that Vane

Letter – Edward Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 18 Mar 1710

Sir Newby March 18 In case Jacob Peart be gone from Newcastle I desire you’ll Send the Inclosed by the very first conveniency, if he have not been at Newcastle to Receive money for the Pay, keep the Lettr by you for he’ll certainly be with you in a day or two I am yr very humble Serv Mr Featherstone & Comp’y

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 18 Mar 1710

Honest Jacob March 18 I Recd’ yrs of the 13 but this day, and it should have come’d to me the post before, in a lettr last post to Mewburne I writ that you and he at the Pay should first discharge Tulip, for you know he Farm a considerable Farm of me and when he’s paid whats due to him from the Work people, there’s all the Reason in the World that the Stewards should pay themselves first, and tis yr own fault if you do not Seeing there is money e

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Featherstone & Reay 18 Ditto Inclosed Send bill of loading & on the other Side Invoice of goods in P Harrison, hope all will prove to content, if could give me orders to draw on your friend in London would be much convenienter for me I lost by the last bill of £100 to my order f7:10 flax continues from 18 to 22 1/2 the best

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Anderson – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Edward Anderson Ditto Sr Inclosed bill of loading & above Invoice of Goods in Philip Harrison, looking over my books finds have charged f1:10 too Much for Custom in my last therefore makes you Dr for So much less, if could give orders to draw on your friend in London would be much more convenienter for me <W> flax is 2 1/2 or 3 Stl cheapr than 4 M Agoe

Letter – John Blackett to Nathaniel Clayton – 18 Mar 1710

Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 18 March 1710 Sr Inclosed bill of loading & above Invoice of 20 Rolls of Canvas in P Harrison the qts of linnen & Tea Shall Send per Mr <Tower> as also one dozin of claret who promises to deliver all Safe flax from 18 to 22 Rynsbr Tow 14 1/4 if could give me orders to draw on your brother in London would be much convenienter for me

Letter – John Blackett to Anthony Smith – 18 Mar 1710

Mr Anthony Smith at Hartinpool [Hartlepool] Ditto Sr Inclosed bill & Invoice of Goods in Gibson as also Send the bill of £20 back or d[ebto]r gibson would not have you to be angry he is really concerned because cannot pay it, if reason is he has been here so long, pray let me know on whom Shall draw in London for the Acct bills on Newcastle & other places in the North are Seldom wanted here, the Thread is aboard the person of whom I bought it is o

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Forster – 19 Mar 1710

Sir March 19 I Rec’d the Basons Chamber Potts & plates, which am oblig’d to you for, So pray by the first post Send a lettr. to yr Bro. Loope to come & Receive the money for them, I was in hopes to have seen you at Newby when you were last at Burr’bridge, and then my Debt to you should have been discharged by yr Ass’d friend For Mr Forster at his house in Wakefield

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Sharp – 21 Mar 1710

Dr Sr March 21st 1709/10 I am mighty oblig’d to you for the Worthy Drs Speech and the Collection of Passages at the Tryall. I hope he will find a great many friends, tho’ in my opinion he stands need of few being his Cause is so very just, I wish he had no greater <Incourager> against him than my Ld W. P. who I believe cannot say his Catechism, So a mighty fitt man to be a Champion Either for or against the Church of England.

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Forster – 21 Mar 1710

Mr Forster March 21 I hope my nephew shew’d you the Lettr which I writ to him, on the 14. Inclosed I send you a Copy of the Lettr I writ to Mr Wilkinson his answer, as also my Answer to him againe, So unless you Receive a bill or ordr from Mr Wilkinson by this post to pay £30 I despair that they’ll Return him any thing, pray if my Kinsman be with you lett him See this Lettr as also the Inclosed With my Service to him I am yr Assured friend to serve

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Robinson – 24 Mar 1710

Mr Robinson March the 24 I Recd. yr Lettr and I leave the brass work of the harness to yr Selfe, not doubting but you’ll make them of the newest fashion, and am of yr opinion that the Coat of Arms and Crest will look much better that the Cypher, So Inclos’d I send you them. I would have the Topps for the horses Scarlett, & very full, and as for the fashion of the bitts, for the bridles I leave them wholy to yr discretion, you may Send down a
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467