April 18
I desired my son Wise to Acqt you that I had a young Gelding one of my Coach horses gone blind and that <fancy> he might be serviceable to you for yr Ginn. If you think the price he sett of him to be too much if you please to send for him <If a.> shall pay me as he proves & shall take it out by price or Coales or Sinders. I’ll assure you he’s a very sound gelding both in his Wind & Limbs and if he had his eyes would not take £25 for him. So pray le
April 18
Dr Kitty,
Mr Marshall was with me the other day, and told me that you would willingly have a servt out of Yorkshire that understood weighing & making up of small parcells. I have upon inquiry found out such a man. You know his father, tis John Yeats son of Skelton and fit both able and willing to be bond in a great sum for his honesty. I know he’d be willing to come for about six pounds or 6 guineas a year provided you find him meat drin k washing &c he has at least
April 18
I recd yours this morning. Am sorry to perceive you have been well of late. If I had known you would not have come down would have Returned you what I am indebted to you long before this. So Inclos’d you have a bill for it. Pray send me by the first Richmond carrier as under writ, you must consider that the carriage of every pound will me two pence so I expect you’ll use me Accordingly. Upon receipt of my Letr pray let me hear from you & the carriers name. you send them
April 20
Pray send me p Saturday night’s post a bill for £45 at fifteen days or 20 after date. You may now more certainly depend upon a speedy peace wch I doubt not in the least will be very acceptable new to you.
I am yr very humble servt
Mr Ald.man Fenwick mercht in Newcastle
April 20
Honest Will,
The above said is a copy of my last. I fear it miscarried because I have heard nothing from you since the wood monger that I writ you of cannot possibly come up till after sap time. However I would not have you delay to sell as much wood as possibly you can. You may be <..> and I’ll always leave wood enough for my Mills & <Tenants>. Be sure you give me an estimate what you judge the wood at Whiteshields may be worth as also whats left at Chesterw
April 20
Honest Will,
This day the bearer John Glendenings daughter was with me, who makes a heavy complaint that there is a house at the millhouse that belongs to her, her aunt who had it for her life being dead I desire you’ll inquire into this business and if there be any such thing let the poor Woman have her right for I will not have any one debarr ‘d of their just due. After the perusal of the paper of the names of a great many little Farms wch my father bought after he purch
April 21 1710
Mrs Cuthbertson,
I rec’d yr Lettr this morning & shall do what’s in my power to serve you in yr concerns with yr Graceless nephew. I have sent to him severall times to come to Newby and he will not come nigh me. I desired the Postman last night not to fail to Send him to Newby and to tell him in case he wanted a little money I’d let him have it. He told me he was sure nothing else would be an Inducement to bring him. If he had happened to come to Newby when he w
April 21 1710
Am oblig’d to you for the favour of yur lettr and shall lend you my Writings of the Lordsp of Newby on Monday next. I desire you’ll take care that such security may be drawn as will satisfy my Lady. Tis a shame that above £300 a year should be given for the security of a £1000 so I think one part of the Lordship mortgagd for that sum is sufficient. However I refer that & what concerns this affair to yr management and what trouble you shall be at you shall be
April 22
I recd yrs this morning with Mr Ward’s Inclos’d. I sent my Writings this day to Mr Adams and desired him that part of Newby Lordship might be Mortgag’d for the £1,000 and that he would take Care to see this business perfected, & would gratify him for his pains. Inclos’d I send you the Copy of a Lett. Which I recd this morning from Newcastle so when you hear from Mr Harland pray return him thanks & acqt him that yr friend has provided himselfe with that S
April 23
According to Dr Ward’s Request I have Inclos’d you a particular of the Ground with the number of acres which is much more in values that £200 a year. I am sure less than 200 is sufficient security for £1000 however am resolved my Lady shall have security enough.
My wife has no Joynture out of Newby Lords.p and if Dr Ward distrust what I write shall send it under my wife’s own hand. I desire the Security may Comence not before the 1st day of May and when &
Mr C Burton Rotterdm 23 April 1710
Sr Inclosed Invoice of 4 Matts flax Ship in James Lidle for your Acct who Sailes to Morrow if the Wind is fair, Shall draw on you payabe in Newcastle
April the 24
I hope this will find you well Returnd to yr own house. Inclosd you have a bill for £48 wch you paid me at Newby they are So scarce to be had not one to be got without advance. With my humble service to all yr relations I am yr assured friend & humble servt
Mr Jno Marshall
April the 25 1710
According to my promise I Inclosd you have a copy of the verses you desir’d. I think they are the best that ever I read And very much Trust in them. with my most humble service to yr Lady I am yr faithfull humble servt
For Robt Hitch Esqr att his house at Leathley nigh Osley p Tadcaster
April the 25 1710
Dr Maria,
Acqt your brother Nedd I Rec’d his Lettr this morning and that at last the snuff came Safe to my hand, and I believe more than I should have had, tis the worst of the kind that ever I see not worth ¼ part of the moent that it cost. Shall be very glad to hear that my Ld Devonshire is come to Town and that Mr. Aislabie will leave the Town before yr bro get a Ship. Tell yr bro he must wait of Mr Aislabie as often as he can but not too troublesome to hi
April 27 1710
I had the favour of yrs of the 22, & am mightily obliged to you for yr Endeavours in procuring the money which I have occasion for upon my young son’s acct. I perceive by a Lettr last post that Mr Primate my sons master has some thought to continue his shop for six or 7 months longer, so will be to no purpose to raise money to lye dead in my hands. Howevr in a little time you shall have the trouble of a line from Sr yr obliged humble servt
April 27
I hope you remember everything I gave you a Charge of at Newby. Desire Mr Quince to buy me some hay <of> Mr Swinburn of <York> or any other where he can buy the cheapest but be sure it be extraordinary good for I do not know what I may use during my stay. I would not have it sent in till you give him notice. My time of coming to Newcastle may be 15 or 20 days sooner or later. Write me exactly the answer Mr Wilkinson gives you when you desire the stables for
April 27 1710
I had the favour of yrs of the 22nd and am mightily obligd to you for yr Endeavours in Procuing the money which I have occasion for upon my younger sons acct. My Lady Hewley has promised to furnish me with £1000 att May day at 5 p cent so tis onely £500 more that my business requires and I believe there is no very great hast of that sum provided I can get 1000 speedily Returnd from York or Leeds, wch I have some Reason to doubt by this time of the year so shall be
April 27 1710
Mr Ward,
You need not give yrselfe any further trouble to discourse Mr Plaice but immediately ord Mr Thomas Maynard of Yarm who I hear a very good Charactr of to <see> out a plant and prosecute the matter according as you give him Directions for I will never refer my Just Right to any body but so a Judge & Jury at the Assizes. So I shall give my selfe no further trouble upon this acct.
I perceive the Water Wheel at Sockburne is decayd so you may cu
April 28
I had the favour of yrs of the 26 and am willing my Lady Hewley should have the Lordship of Newby for her security, except the house, gardens & two closes the one on the foreside of the house called the Cowfield, the other on the back side called the Long field, both which are the way to the house. I must own tis much more convenient for me to have the whole sum of one hand otherwise should be very unwilling to give four times the usual security for such a sum, and I c
Mr Gray,
I hope <Mrs> will be at newby shortly when she does come pray send a note by her of what I am indebted to you & shall pay you the money. I am yr assured friend to serve you
Mr Edwd Gray Yorke
April 28
Mr Gowland,
I desire you’ll do me the favour to buy me two couple of Duck, & lead them by the post boy for Fowl has been here mightily scarce & you’ll oblige yr ass. Fr to serve you
Mr Jno Gowland Yorke
April 29
Honest Jacob,
I perceive you have let the slating of the house &c and I think upon very moderate terms which am very well pleased withal. Be sure you see it done in the heat of summer, & the sooner they begin to get & lead slates the better.
I hope there’ll be water enough this summer tho the Ginn be not taken up to Employ some people in the old wasts for tho there be not water to wash much they may get it ready for washing against the water
I am yr assur
April 29 1710
I recd yr Lettr yesterday from Mr Adams who writes me that my Lady Hewley has lately recd a considerable sum of money & is willing to lend me £1500 at 5 p cent wch is much better than to have part of it at Newcastle wch will both cost me a Journey which you know am unwilling to take, beside a good sum in expenses. I hope there is now an End of that business which has both given yr selfe & me a great deal of trouble, which am obligd to you for.
I have sent
May 1 1710
I recd yours by my Servt and am oblig’d to you for giving Mr Tranter & Mr Harland notice that yr friend was provided. I shall God willing meet you at Richmond Either the 9th or 10th but can only stay two night there, by reason my Lady Blacket will be upon the Road, and I believe designs us a Visitt. With all our humble service to yr selfe & Mrs Trotter I am yr Obliged humble serv
Revd Mr Pemberton
I recd yrs of the 29 So you need not trouble yr selfe any further about inquiring for bill. For I have done my business here as to my son Kitty’s Concerns, so shall not come to Newcastle till the Assizes, if then. You may acqt Mr fenwick I shall have occasion in a month’s time for the Ballance of his Acct Either in Bills or Money. I am yr Assured Friend
James Mewburne