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Letter – Edward Blackett to Joseph Barnes – 1 May 1710

May 1 1710 Sr, I hope mine of the 27 post came safe to yr hand. I can now acqt you that in case my Son’s agreemt with his master Mr Primate go foreward I have a friend has offer’d to pay Mr Primate upon my acct £1500 in London at what time he’ll appoint, so you need not give yr selfe any further Trouble as to that business. So I heartily thank you for what you have done. [Following section struck out: ‘I writ to Mr Brumell to know whether he has a Copy of my fath

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 1 May 1710

May 1 1710 Sr, I thank you for yr kind invitation to yr house. Have now gott my business done here so shall not take any journey northward this Time. I shall take care that Kitty <….> £1500 Returnd & paid him before the 26th May. Pray acqt me in yr next whether Mr Curtis be well recoverd of the small pox. I am yr Humble servt Mr Tho Brummell Newcast

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Robinson – 2 May 1710

May the 2 1710 Mr Robinson, I perceive by yr letter of the 29th that you have sent down the Harness to Mr Speight, & that the Carriage cost you 20s. You should have directed them onely for Mr Speight & let him have paid them & not name my name & then he would have paid no more than ten shillings of great heavy harness for himselfe. I have not yet seen them tho’ I doubt not but they will please me provided the price be Easy and then you may expect much more of my money

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 2 May 1710

May the 2 1710 Dr Nedd I recd yours of the 29. I would gladly know what <news> Mr Aislabie had from the Duke of Devonshire for if he cannot prevail with my Ld Orford for a ship for you I am sure no body can. <Wh…. Is> the Oxford at present, I would have you by all means in case you cannot get a Capts Commission to go Lieut for a little longer. Be sure you take both Capt Fairfax and Mr. Aislabie’s advice. I hope in a little time we shall have a Peace and then I believe

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 3 May 1710

May 3 1710 Sr, I have £1500 in the hands of Dr Ward of Yorke so I desire you’ll get me bill for £1000 payable about the 23 of May other bill for £500 payable 20 days after in case you get bills desire they’ll send their servts to receive the money on Fryday morning early, for the Dr can be at home no day but that these fourteen days, otherwise I am afraid shall be forced to send the money by the Carriers. Yr endevaours in this affair will very much oblige sr yr assured friends &

Letter – John Blackett to John Van de Wall – 3 May 1710

Mr John Vande Wall Rotterdm 3 May 1710 Sr have this day drawn on you at 10 days Sight by the order of Mr Anthony Smith & for his Acct £60 to the order of Mr Jacob <Sensert> & Son, D[ebto]r Smith of Harlinpool writ me the 11 April that had given you order to accept my bill, therefore does not question but will do my bill due honour I am

Letter – John Blackett to Alexius Clayton – 3 May 1710

Mr Alexius Clayton in Cutlers Hall Ditto Sr this day have drawn on you for the Acct of your Brother N Clayton £50 at 2 Usance to the order Mr Roeloff & Anthony <Eclbo>, I do not question but you have had orders Some time ago to accept my bill your Brother writ me the 21 March last to draw on you, do not question but you will do due honour to my bill, I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 4 May 1710

May 4 1710 Sr, Am much obligd to you for the trouble you are pleasd to give yrselfe upon my Acct. my servt shall not fail to be at the Starr in Stonegate by Eight a Clock on Fryday morning and will go with them to Dr Ward where they may Receive £1500. I doubt not but the Bills will serve his Turn as well as if they were drawn at a shorter Date. Pray let them be made payable to me or my Ordr I have sent you a barrel of pickled oysters which I doubt not but will prove very well & pr

Letter – Edward Blackett to Humphrey Primate – 5 May 1710

May 5 1710 Sr, Inclos’d I sent you Bills for £1500 upon my son’s Chr. Acct. I desire you’ll do me the fav’r to let him have yr advice in yr Way of Trade upon all occasions. I must always own my great obligations to you upon his acct and I hope he’ll have the Grace always to Own his Rise from your & yr great kindness to him has been much more than could be Expected. And if ever it lie in my power to be serviceable Either to you or yours you may depend upon a most faithful

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 5 May 1710

May 5 1710 Dear Kitty, I Recd yrs of the29th and I perceive that yr uncle Bridges , Mr Gould & yr <parton> Relations are pleasd with the Articles and that yr uncle Br shewed them to Council and that he approved of them. so when they’re engrossed you must desire yr uncle bridges & Mr Gould to be <..skesses> to them. I have inclosd by this post to Mr Primate Bills for £1500 they are as good as Ready money in case you buy anything at Sales, which you may see b

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 5 May 1710

May 5 Sr, I rec’d yr Lettr as also I perusd yr Lettr Inclosd from Mr Place so without any more adoe desire Mr Maynard to proceed against him. This last may day there was two years & a halfe due, and tho he would pay me the money in hand provided I would abate him a penny of the whole I would not do it. The note under my hand wch had shewed you, you have the very copy of it which I gave you last year. You see the note obliges him to pay me four guinneas yearly & I very m

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 5 May 1710

May 5 Dr Maria, I heard long before yrs came to hand that my Lady Blacket was to sett forward for the north on Monday last. She designed to be at her son Calverleys as <…> night, and to stay there either till the 15 or 22. I design to send a Servt thither some day this next week to invite her to Newby, wch will make her journey more easy to Newcastle Am sorry to hear of my nephew Davisons death. I cannot believe but that the Bishop of Ely did his utmost Endeavours to procur

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Morris – 6 May 1710

May 6 Sr, I discoursed Sr Tho Tankred this morning & have persuaded him to pay you £7 10s for the Tythe of what rape he may sow on Minskip Moor during yr time. This year is so farr spent that he cannot sow much & the low part of the moor is so wett that he design to let it for pasture for tis fit for nothing Else. I think I have made you a very good bargain for £7 10s in hand is better than nothing & if was my own case I should desire no better advantage Yr assured friend &a

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Tanckred – 6 May 1710

Sr Thomas, Inclosed is a Lettr to Mr Morris, which I desire you’ll p’ruse, Seal & inclose it by yr Servt. I must own I did wonder you should refuse the proposal made you, for you may consider that this year may prove a wet season & then you can sow but very little & besides it will be hard for you so late to procure <Pairers> that could pair a considerable quantity, so now you have yr own time to pair & sow yearly what you please during his life wch <. ….> so

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 6 May 1710

Mr J Kelley Rotterdm 6 May 1710 Sr I Recd yours of the 7 April, wth orders to Insure £300 on Goods in the Tho & Eliz William Oxley Mastr from Findhorn In Murray Frith to your place, on Receipt of yours I writ to Amsterdm but none of the Insurers will Insure any thing, because you do not write if the Ship was Sailed whenever you order any Insurance must always write wth letters of Such a date the Ship was not Sailed, this Evening Shall

Letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 8 May 1710

May 8 Sr I hope you rec’d mine on Sunday morning. I did design not to have faild to have mett you at Richmond on Wednesday but poor Mr Blackburne lyed a dying and my wife tells me they design to bury him at Richmond & to borrow my coach for the mourners, so my journey to Richmond is uncertain. I send this day to Esholt to give my Lady Blacket an invitation to newby in her Return to Newcastle & as soon as that is past I design for Richmond & shall acqt you the day & hour sha

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Jones – 8 May 1710

May 8 1710 Sr, I had the favr of yr Lettr of the 5 past. Am sorry I have not a bull calve for yr friend Mr Bilton for they were all disposd of before you went from hence but another year yr friend may depend upon me. I perceive by the news paper last post that the whole officers of one English Regiment was cut off in the Trenches. Capt Burton writ their Regiment was at the Siege. I writ it was not his fortune to be in the Trenches. It was a great oversight of him that Commanded

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 8 May 1710

May 8 1710 Honest Will, I perceive by yrs of the 3d that you have sold 160 Trees to Fenwick & his partners at <11s> pr tree. If the wood be anything they must be very cheap for I should judge the Bark worth at least one halfe of the money. However you say he was the best Chapman. I perceive he is to pay halfe of the Money at Xtmas & the remaining part within a year after. The first payment is well enough but I think tis an unreasonable to give him so long a time for the second

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 8 May 1710

May the 8 Honest Jacob Acq[uain]t me by the first post how many people you have at work at the dead heaps, as also how Loraine goes forward with his work. I should be mighty glad to hear that Fallowfield Mines prov’d well for I heartily wish them as much profitt as I gett my selfe, I wonder they do not make many more Tryalls, Acq[uain]t me likewise how the Slaters goes foreward, I hope they have gott a good quantity at the Quarry ere this hasten both the leading & lying the

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Morris – 8 May 1710

May the 8 1710 Sr I Return you Sr Thos Letter the proposall that I made to him was that in case he would pay you £7 10s he might sow what Rape he pleasd on Minskip Moor, & take his own time for it, provided you kept Aldbrough living, he told me this year was farr spent & he could gett little done, & for the low part of the Moor twas more proper for pasture then anything Else, I did understand that the £7 10 was to be paid you in hand, the scruple w[hi]ch Sr Thomas makes i

Letters – John Chambers to John Blackett – 9 May 1710

John Blackett Amsterdam the 9/21 May 1710 Sr: The menifold favours you were pleased to conferr upon me obliges me for Duty to returne you my hearty thanks for. also assure you of my readyness to serve you wherein shall ever be capable. our ships from Hull arrived here on sunday night last & a Convoy for the sounde is ordrd to be reedy to saile at 22 NS [new style?] soe tht unless the winde <range> out of the wes not any of the ships bounde for <yo .ent>: &c can safe [sav

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 11 May 1710

May the 11 Jacob On the other side you have a Copy of my last & since I Rec[eive]d yours of the 8th As for Mr Charleton of Leehall I know he will not refuse any thing upon my Acct so you may either speak or write to him with my service, am sure he’ll Refuse me nothing that’s in his power to grant, I have p[eru]sed [the enclosed] from Will Gibson, & he is very unreasonable in all his Demands, for would willingly have as many work people & as many severall undertake

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 11 May 1710

May the 11 James Fail not gett a bill of Mr Fenwick for £40 att 10 or 15 days after Date, & acq[uain]t him shall have occasion for the Ballance of his Acct in a very short time, am sorry Sr John & Mr Rogers should have any difference, would be much better for them both to be as good Friends as his father & Sr Jno was, I will order Mr Ward to meet you att Stagshaw Bank att the Fair day, & go with him to Willwick [Willemontswick] and shew him all the work that Will

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Mashrother – 11 May 1710

Sr I thank you for buyeing me 3000 Tyles, as also for speaking to my Coal mer[chan]t Jackson, When you see him again pray tell him that he may come as often as he will when there’s water, & we’ll unlode his Boat immediately, Will have occasion for 3 or 4 score Chaldrons of your best Penshaw Coales, such as he formerly us’d to bring I have now gott a very honest fellow for a boatman his name is Thorpe, so Tyles & what other Merchandise I have coming from Yorke I have orderâ€

Letter – Edward Blackett to Richard Speight – 11 May 1710

May the 11 1710 Mr Speight I perceive by your Letter that the two Hampers with my Harness Postillion Coat Cap & <topping> are come to Yorke, I writ to Mr Robinson to send me down a note of What they come to, and that I would Referr the price solely to your selfe what I should pay him for them my Coach man must be a very blockhead if he does not know to putt on six Harness, however I shall be very glad to see you at Newby I like the little horse you bought for me
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467