May the 13
I am heartily sorry to hear that my Lord Chancellor has given the Cause against you, and as I hear unreasonable Costs, if you’ll come to Newby this afternoon & order Mr Lister to meet you here will consider whats best to be done, I know that my neighbour Mr Harrison in a Cause in Chancery had great Costs given against him, & he petitioned my Lord Chancellor & had the Costs very much mitigated with my service to my Lady
I am Sr your Real friend & se
May the 13
Mr Ward
One of the seven Cowes I have last night Calv’d a bull Calfe, they tell me tis but a little one, but I do not question but twill make a fine bull being <under> one of the very best Cows I have, you’ll absolutely spoil it if you carry it home on horse back, so you may buy a Cow & a Calfe & send them hither, the Calfe may be sold, and this Calfe putt to the Cow, and as soon as she takes to it sent home, if you can think of any better way by the
May the 14
Mr Robinson
I Rec[ieve]d your Letter with the price of the Harness w[hi]ch is very unreasonable, When Mr Speight Recommended you to me he told me he would Engage you should send me a sett of as good Harness as any Gentleman in England need to have for £15 which was the Reason I Employ’d you, you lett me down likewise most unreasonably for the Postillion Coat & Cap which is half as much more as Ever I us’d to pay, Mr Speight likewise told me that you should hav
May the 14th 1710
My Lord
I humbly begg pardon that I have not long before this Ownd my Acknowledgement to your Lordship for the honour your were pleas’d to do my Daughter in visiting of them Last Winter, I think my selfe mightily oblig’d to your Lordship for that favour, which is All the Return can be made by
Your Lordship’s most faithfull obed[ien]t humble servt
[For] The Rt Honourable the Earl of Warrington, Dunham
My Wife & Daughter Blacket
May the 16
May it please your Grace
Am infinitely oblig’d to your Grace For your promise w[hi]ch you were pleas’d to make to Mr Aislabie upon my Son’s Acct, Am very sorry to be so troublesome but your Grace’s goodness and the Nature of the Request will I hope apologize for me at this time,
I begg your Grace will have my son in your Thoughts when you see my Lord Orford, and then I assure my self he cannot Fail of Success having your Grace’s Assistance, humbly begging p
May 16 1710
D[ea]r Maria
Upon Rec[eip]t of this Letter send the Inclosed open to Mr Aislabie & desire him to p[er]use & seal it & then he may give it to your Bro[ther] who I hope he[‘]ll Introduce to my Ld Duke before he leave the Town, Am sorry to hear your sister Alethia has not been well I hope tis nothing but a little cold or the like, your sister Blacket about 2 or 3 Months agoe had a severe Cough [struck out: ‘cold’] but now shes perfectly well againe Wit
May 16 1710
D[ea]r Nedde
I inclos’d by this days post to your Sister Maria a letter to the D[uke] of Devon. Go Imediately to your sister & take the Letter and desire Mr Aislabie to peruse & then seal it, I hope he’ll be so kind as to Introduce you to my Ld Duke & then you may Deliver him the Letter I am afraid that you’ll not gett a Commission this Summer, so I hope Mr Aislabie will speak to Mr Burdett before he leave the Town For a Lieutenantcy For you, which do not
Debtt [on left side of the leaf]
1710 D Heerens Reeders Vant Schip d Tuslw: maria voor den incoop van t Schip & Equipagie tot in Tee daer Commandeur op was Pieter Tenisz Gedestinaert na Groen dog door Calloope Leck Vederom tot Niewen Dam gekeert f 11071:10:11
Credtt [on right side]
D Heerens Reeders Vant Schip d Tuslw: maria voor den vercoop van do Schip met Zÿn toe behoren etgadens alles eselss Equipagie Gedaen tot Buÿksloot den 16 meij 1710 door den schou’t Secret
May the 18 1710
I have lately taken Mr Curtis’s son bound to me as an Apprentice, and I did design to have been att Newcastle next Week, but some business interven’d that prevents me, so I desire you’ll do me the favour to call an Oastman’s Court that the young man may be Enroll’d and shall take it as a very great favour done to
Sr your obliged humble servt
For The Worshipfull the Governors & Stewards of the Oastmans Company Newca[stle]
May the 18 1710
The Inclosed pray peruse, seal & deliver and at your own convenience gett the young man Enroll’d you have also Return’d the Indenture Executed, his Indenture I think there’s no occasion to Return it,
I am your Oblig’d Servt
[For] Mr Tho. Brumell
I hear my Lady Blacket will be in Newca[stle] next Tuesday night, or Wednesday by noon
May the 18
Mr Banson
Sr I would not by any means have Mr Curtis to putt himselfe to any charge in buying his son Fine Cloaths, for the same Cloaths that I send him at School will serve him here well Enough but in case he Want a small sum to Furnish him with Linnen &c speak to my servt Mewburne & he shall lend him it, I am
Your Assured Friend & servt
[For] Mr Wm Banson att his house in Westgate Newca[stle]
May the 18
I Rec[ieve]d yours with Mr Fenwicks Bill for £40, be sure you make it your business to gett Mr Ward to go with you from Stagshaw back to Willwike, & view all the Dams that were made last year, & what you Judge the Charge of making of them might come to, As also what is to be done this year and what you compute the Charge may come to, I am
[For] Mr James Mewburne
May the 18
My Coz[in] Blackburne was very wellcome to my Coach or any thing Else in my power without Comp<laint> Am obligd to her, for she often <offers> horses but since I spoke to Mr Clarke I have provided my selfe with just such Another, with all <owing> from here to your selfe & Relations
I am your Assured Friend & Kinsman
For the Revd Mr Brooke at his house In Richmond
May the 18 1710
The Dean of [Bristow] goes From hence on Monday next, and I am oblig’d to be att Knaresborough on Wednesday next being the Appeal Day, so if it be not inconvenient to you shall meet you at the Salutation on Thursday next, stay all fryday att Richmond & so Return on Saturday, and you may come with me to the Grand Chapter, but in case it be more convenient For you shall come the Week after, & lett me know your day With all Services From hence to your se
May the 18
Mr Ward
Pray ord[er] your Attourney to proceed against Mr Place without Delay, and when you see Mr Place pray acquaint him that in case he move it into the Chancery he shall certainly find me there, and if he [cast] there he may move it into the house of Lords, For I’ll follow him there likewise, and make it cost him more 20 times over than his Dam’s worth, this is onely a flourish from him, for you’ll Find he’ll soon pay the money after he’s served with a wr
May the 19 1710
honest Mr Speight
I Rec[eive]d your Letter of the 17 with Mr Robinsons Inclosed I gott the Harness very safe to Newby, & I believe they are good ones, but he sett down a most Extravagant price both for the Harness & Postillion Coat & Cap, for most certainly they cannot be worth nigh the price he Charges for them, I wish you could spare time to come over some morning & view them for unless you see them is impossible for you to sett a price on them,
May the 22
Mr Ward
Im very sorry to perceive by yours that that honest Mr Vane should be in such Circumstances, I am sure if his son pleases they may sell as much Land as will pay All his Debts and a very good Income considering the value of the Colliery will Remain, So I hope these will not any one lose a penny by him
I perceive Mr Place is now willing to pay what is justly due to me, there is ten Guineas due to me last may day which you know is 2½ years Rent, as you ma
May the 22
Mr Maynard
Sr I perceive my Steward Mr Ward Employ’d you in a little business of mine against Mr Place, he is now willing to pay what is justly due to me, which is Ten Guinneas for 2½ Years Rent for his fish Garth, As soon as you have Rec[eive]d that Sum and your own Charges I desire you’ll desist in the prosecution, when I have any business of this Nature you may be assured to hear from
Your Assured Friend to serve you
For Mr Maynard Attourney at La
May the 22
I desire you’ll Send me a bill for £50 payable to me or my <ass[ig]ns> 10 <or 15> days after Date by the very next post, And you’ll oblige
Sr your Assured Friend & Serv
[For] Mr Alderman Fenwick
Pray Acq[uain]t me when you can conveniently send me bills for the Ball[ance] of my Acct For shall have occasion for it in a very short time
May 23
D[ea]r Kitty
The Bearer is my neighbour Yeates son who I am sure will please you, and if you had sought England thro’ you could not have had one Fitter for your purpose, so another year you’ll be satisfied he deserves much better wages,
Lett me know when You are best provided with sugars spices & Fruit, and shall send for as much as will serve me a whole Twelve Month, I have so great an opinion of the Bearer that I promised his Father you should bear his ch
May 23 1710
Mr Wolfall
Pray come to Newby some day this week, and shall pay your for the Cloth, if you can’t come this week I would not have you come till the latter End of the next for I shall be from home Monday Tuesday & Wednesday I am your Assured friend
May 23
Mrs Gray
Pray pay for the Two Iron potts & Receive money for the Brass pott, & what you shall be in disburse shall repay you, I perceive by your Letter that you have Extraordinary good White Wine so chuse me only a h[ogs]head of the very best, & fill it up and lett it be of the largest [gage], shall send you down two Rundletts, & lett them be filld with your very strongest & best Red Port without mixture With my service to your husband
I am You
May the 26
When I sent a Bill of p[…]cells I omitted ordering two pound of Epsom Salt, w[hi]ch desire you’ll send by the very First Carrier to your Assured friend & humble servt
For Mr Kingsley att the Blue Bell in Newgate Street
May the 27
Mr Ward
I hope you have Acquainted Mr Maynard that there is 2½ Years Rent due from Mr Place at 4 Guineas a year at May day Cash, but I perceive by his Letter you have not yet acquainted him, And as for this Nelson I wish you could gett him Arrested Either in Durham, Newcastle or any other place where they keep Court that will try any Sum, both you & I can prove the letting of the Estate, & that he never paid a penny Rent, but that his Goods were driven out to
May the 27 1710
The Above said is a Copy of my last I doubt it came not to hand because I did not Receive a bill from you, if you have not already done it pray fail not send one by the very next post, I have a Considerable sum to pay in London upon my Son Kitt’s Acct who is going to sett up for himselfe, so pray as soon as possibly you can Remitt me the Ballance of my Acct & youle much oblige
Sr your Humble Servt
[for]Mr Ald[erma]n Fenwick