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Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 14 Sep 1675

Ditto Mr Edwd Allen and advised him I would dispose of his peas to the best of my knowlidge for his most advantidge, if the price curr[en]t please me w[he]n they arrive shall lett them goe if nott can lay them up till a better markett present Rye I thinke may be had for £15 if nott under MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 16 Sep 1675

[Date given as December but placement in volume strongly suggests this was a mistake for September] Newcastle xber 16th 1675 Mr Robt Jackson Sir I have before me yours of the 14th present for answer Mr Beachchamp pd me just now £100 which according To your order I have given to Cuth[ber]t fewler the same I suppose you will find <that> all but 3d abated for the bagg: & for which I have filled up one of the Bills payable 28/d<ays> date to sd Rich Beachchamp or order, soe p

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 16 Sep 1675

Edinburgh, 16th September 1675 Sr James Standsfeild Worthy freind my last was the 9th pres.t to which I refer you. I have since dispatch' severall carts with daels iron & other nessessarys for my Ld Queensberrys Lead mines. I hope you wilbe pleased to ordr Mr Schand as I desired to pay me £25 for Eagels work & £56 for this new work which wil make your four fifths £80 - I intend for that place (after the provost & Baillies are chosen for the Citty one of which

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 17 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 17 1675 Mr Nich: Verlaen Sir My Last was of the 14 present to w[hi]ch refers you, Since none from you soe the lesse att present to Inlarge upon that being chiefly to advise you that I have shipped & consigned unto you by the welcome of London Richd Streeter M[aste]r 400 p[iece]s Leed which after good arrivall you are desired to receive & dispose thereof for my most advantidge paying the m[aste]r 10 Stuyvers p[er] piece freight with a stuyver upon a Gilder for primidg

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 17 Sep 1675

ditto Mr Robt Jackson and sent him the blanck bill w[hi]ch I forgott to Inclose unto him In my last as I then writt him.

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 18 Sep 1675

ditto To Mr Mathew Shiperd call on Mr Wm Sanderson to pay him £20, not else from Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Sanderson – 18 Sep 1675

ditto To Mr Wm Sanderson to pay unto Mr Wigfall & Mr Hayward the Ball[ance] of my Accompt & to Mr Matt Shipperd £20 not else from Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Robert Thorpe – 18 Sep 1675

September the 18th 1675 To Mr Robert Thorp To pay unto Mr Rand: Richardson the Ball[ance] of his accompt which is £29:2s:10d not else

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 21 Sep 1675

ditto To Alderman Webb to ship us aboard of Robt Thorp 1 Bar[rel] Ra.Solis 1 Bar[rel] Mall Ra: 1 Bar[rel] Anitseeds & 1 hodg[shead] Br:Suger at 28s percent not else from Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 21 Sep 1675

ditto To Mr Shiperd to shipp us aboard of Robt Thorp 1 hog[shea]d of sugar about 62s percent 1 hog[shea]d sugar at 50s or 52s percentt 1 hog[shea]d at 42 percent 1 hodg[shead] Lofe sugar not else at present from Ra: Grey ditto

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 21 Sep 1675

ditto 21th (75) To Mr Wm Hester to send 6 Bar[rel] of B:S sope & 6 Bar[rel] of ord[inary] sope not else from Ra: Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 21 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 21st 1675 Major Ed: Allan Kind friend I have before me yours of the 16th present the contents have well observed & seeing you leave the disposall of the Beanes wholly to me I doe assure you I will doe for you as if they were my owne but my opinion is they will never reach 3s 6d I wish any one would tempt me with 3s no newes as yet of your pease I pray god the vessell may be in salvo for since Sunday we have had very cruell winds and what doth yet continue but sumwhat Les

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 21 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 21st Unckle Eden I was at durham upon Saturday last where I had the Honnour to kisse his Lordshipps hands & dine with his commissioners when we came to the businesse in hand they <….> stifly for £160: all the time I would bid nothing though severall of them one after another did presse me earnestly to it but I begged all there excuses saying there demands were so unreasonable that I knew not what to bid then they came downe to £140: still pressing me to bid sumth

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Schand – 24 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7br 24th 75 Mr John Scand Sr I writt you yesterday p[er] Mr James Lamdell J[u]n[ior] whome I have Loaden 85 p[iece]s Leed upon the acct of my good friend Sr James Stanfield haveing had his order sume time agoe for the doeing thereof for which you are to pay 12s <…> for every fodder freight there being in all 5 fodder as p[er] the inclosed Bill of Loading & inclosed you have alsoe an invoyce of the same Ammounte my unto the sume of £73:1: =d <..> w[hi]ch please

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Standsfield – 24 Sep 1675

Ditto Honnoured Sr To Sr James Standefield I have got shipped & consined unto mr Jno Schand upon your former order 85 p[iece]s Leed which was all the Convenience that offered till this day that I could here of & for the Same I was forced to promise £3 <…> freight as p[er] Bill of Loading sent Mr Schand unto whome I have alsoe sent the Invoyce w[hi]ch doth Ammount unto the sume of £73: 1: = & have desired Mr Schand to place the same to my Creditt. And at his leisure to

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 24 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 24 1675 Major Ed: Allan Kind friend I have before me both yours of the 9th & 16th present the former I received p[er] John Stocksley who god be thanked is well arrived & the latter p[er] post both which I shall now god willing Answer at large I am very sory that there will be sume difference betwixt you & the quaker or that you did not advise me fully of your agreement with him if any mistake on my side I hope you will excuse me for my honnest man would come no fur

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 24 Sep 1675

Ditto Mr Mich. Chipsham Sir I have before me yours of the 18 present Tho Dickeson not yet Arrived I pray god he may be in salvo for we have had of late cru<el> winds & God knows severall vessels lost if please god he arrive I shall doe the needfull with your 12 <..> prunes & act as well as I c<an> for your most advantidge & the m[aste]rs & I shall make another computation of w[ha]t Coales he can conveniently take in which businesse God willing shall be Ord

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 24 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 24th 75 Mr Robert Jackson Sir I have before me yours of the 20th present and am glad you have provided your selfe with leed. I shall observe Mr Chipsams Order about the <leaving> of Tho Dickeson. Tho Kirke deliverd here 939 bush[els] as I have advised Mr Allan I have wri<t> you once or twice & desired you & desired you to advise you where Tho: Huntingham were if you could inquire & so receive a little money of him when he arrived as alsoe to receive

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Legendre – 24 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 24th 75 Mr Jno Legender Sir I have before me yours of the 16th present to w[hi]ch I shall Answer that if I can meet with a Convenience according to your desire before your Contradictory order came shall shipp you 200 p[iece]s Leed for Newhaven or Rouen but no vessell at present going from hence to either of these places that I can here of so pray advise me before w[ha]t time you would have it shipped & after w[ha]t time I shall Give over Seekeing a Convenience and your O

Letter – Michael Blackett to Abraham Van Rincom – 28 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7 ber 28th Mr Abraham Van Rincom Sir I have recd your kind letter of the 24th present to w[hi]ch I thought good to give you 2 or 3 lines in answer thought it will be worth your postidge I take notice mr ward is gone for London & hath left his businesse in your hands soe you desire my corrispondency w[hi]ch is not worth desireing for y<ou> know the company is seperated & that I have neither Lead nor Coales of my owne but that I have little or no dealeing at all for H

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 28 Sep 1675

Ditto Unckle Eden I was at durham upon friday last where I concluded with Ldshipps commissioners for £100: =: =: as my couzen davison would acquainte you but the shame take them all for with filling there Gutts with all sorts of wine they made me sick for 2 d[ays] after both my wife and I are to be at durham this day soe to have my new lease delivered me & the reason my wife goes is that they will not believe but that she is either dead or sick Though God be thanked neither but as healt

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 28 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 28th 1675 Mr Walter Chaytor Sir My last was of the 11th present to which refers you since have received yours of the 20th ditto most of it I suppose my father hath Answered being his concerne. I long till I have some newes of John Tucker I wish he may be in Salvo for of late we have had cruell Blowing weather if it please god he arrive well pray dispose of my Leed for my most advatidge & as you are in cash remitt the same I pray unto Mr Nicho. Verlaen Merchant in Rotterd

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 28 Sep 1675

Ditto Sir I have before me yours of the 13th present In the firs<t> place pray take notice that the company is Seperated & I for future am to act for my selfe soe that I can now doe w[ha]t I will for am no Longer bound for feare of displeaseing <M .> <B..>. to consigne all Leed I send for Rouen unto Mr LeGendre who may be certaine he shall have none of my commissions <w[hi]ch> I must confesse are not worth his Trouble. I wish I had knowne your Corrispondents nam

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 28 Sep 1675

Newcastle 7ber 28th 75 Mr Nicho: Verlaan Sir My last to you was of the 17th present to w[hi]ch refer you since none from you soe the lesse at present to inlarge upon. I doe a little wonder I never had a letter from you since the company was seperated & that I doe not here of the arrivall of some of my Leed consigned unto you upon my owne proper acct viz 400 p[iece]s by Bartho Kirkhouse 400 p[iece]s by John Tucker & 400 p[iece]s by Richard Streeter the former & the latter possit

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 1 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber primo Mr Michl Chipsham Sr I have none of yours to answer so the lesse to inlarge upon this being Chefly to advise you that Tho: Dickisson is now with me but we had such Cruell blowing wether for these 3 or 4 dayes by past that it was impossible for me to Get one Coale aboard of him or the prunes out as yet the other day there was severall keeles sunck in the River but this morning God be Thanked it is pretty Calme soe that I hope before n[igh]t not only to have the prunes o
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467