Saml Robinson August 8 1710
Our River has been up at least this 14 dayes, so Expected you every day, let me know by a line by the poast whether I may rely on you or not for shall have occasion for a great Quantity of Coals so If you cant furnish me there is several at Yorke will with the same coals shall Expect to hear from you in a post or too I am
Your friend
For Samuel Robinson at Wakefield bridge End These [presents] post p[ai]d
Augt 11 1710
Dear Maria
I perceive by yours that your are returned from [Ember] I have given your brother Kit a bill for £25 for you to Day for your table etc I have also paid him w[ha]t Alethia paid her Apothicary which was [missing] 9d I have writ each of you a letter which your brother will give you assoon as he comes to London so consider well when you read the Letter he Expects to be there on Tuesday or wednesday seventhnight with my blessing to you both I am
August 12 1710
D[ea]r Alithea
I rec[eive]d yours with your Apothicaries bil[l] Inclosed peoples of that profession here thinks it a very Extravegant one they think it very strang[e] that he shud offer to Charge 10s for bleeding of you twice being you are in his own house the Apothicaries here thinks them selves well paid if they go 100 mile to let Blood & have ½ a Crown given them however I have paid your brother kitte your bill which comes to £3 9s & 7d so paid have paid him
August 12 1710
D[ea]r Maria
I Rec[eive]d yours by Mr Smirk, I think it is now full time for you to come into the Countrey you know your meat & drink would not cost me much at Newby so there is about £55 a year thrown away by your liveing at another place so I would have you consider it, for the more you spend after this manner the less you are likely to have for your fortune I think your Landlord might very well find you with Coals paying him after the rate of £55 a year for your
Aug 12 1710
I Rec[eive]d yours on the 8th & 9th as for haveing wine in bottles from newcastle it will be a great Charge & in case I should have a h[ogs]h[ea]d of Florence drawn off it is ten to one but it will be prict for it is a nice wine to be dealt with
I thank you for the acct you give me of my tryal as allso the trouble you gave your self in getting me the bill exchange & <char> from Mr Fenwick The former bill might be a good bill but not a m
Augt 14 1710
I Desire your care in sending this pipe aboar[d] of a Hull Keel & order the master to put it on board on one of the Hull vessels that Goes for London & w[ha]t Charge you are at shall thankfully be repaid by S[i]r
Your obliged friend & servt
For Mr Scot Crane Master in Yorke
Augt 15 1710
Hon[es]t will Armstrong
I p[er]ceive by your letter that you have a desire that Mewburne should draw your lease & you would have it done Exactly after your old one so the first time Mewburne comes to Newby he shall draw your leas[e] exactly after your old one only 40s a year <incerter>
I am your assured friend
For Will Armstrong at bardon Mill
August 15 1710
I Rec[eive]d you letter with the bill Inclos’d I own I am alltogether a stranger as to the charge of the recovery & the proceedings I Desire you will name a day when you will be at newby & bring the recoveries & other things that Concerne me with you & shall Desire my friend who I believe understands these things much better then I do to meet you here that all things may be adjusted give me timely notice that I may acq[uain]t him with the Day
Augt 15
I p[er]ceive by yours that both the bills were accepted w[he]n due pray receive the moneys I Desire you will send down the abovsaid parcels with all possible speed & let them be the very best you have for you shall find me a very good paymaster direct them to Mr Scot Crane master in York for Sr Edwd Blacket my son will not be in London til the latter end of the next week
I am
Your assured friend to serve you
For Mr Sellers Thornbury at the whit[e] hart on bread
Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdam 15 August 1710
Last post advised you that had Shipt part of your goods in James Lidle Enclosing bill of loading & on the Other Side Invoice of 15 Matts flax Shipt as before the rest of the flax tow & candle week are ready I Shall Shipt them the first oppertunity wch will be in little time Shall Endeavour to get 10 Matts right Harlem Bossell Tow is also 5 or 600<lb> good Steel hemp have bought 23
Mr Anthony Smith Rotterdam 15 August 1710
Sr have not been favd wth yours for Sometime This is to desire you upon receipt of this letter to buy for me 40 last of good Rape Seed if can get it for 101/2 or £11 but if must give £11:5 than 25 last & Ship it in as good Ship for this place by the first oppertunity must beg of you to be expeditious in the buying this Seed & that tis of a good Sort as also that the measure is good when I hear you have bought
Mr N Clayton Rotterdm 15 Augt 1710
Writ him that had Sent per Liddle 23 Bolts Canvas I had drawn on his Brother Alexius for £50 at 2 usance at 34<..> 10<..> the 7 <…> ticking for Wastcoat & Bretches cost f4
Augt 17
Honest Jacob
I perceive by yours that the 12 men is come from Scotland & that you have let them 7 heaps at £6 12s 6d p Tunn 24 Hund[redweight] to the Tunn which is very well I wish they performe their words in bringing 20 budlers at michelmas & 20 in the spring & that considerd is but a very small number of men to get the 7 heaps drest up in a year or too I wish you could get as many men as would take the remainder of all the heaps unlet that is to say to let
Augt 17
The Inclosed p[er]use & send to Will Armstrong I perceive by a letter by the last post from Jacob that he had sent from the mill 210 pieces of my wast[e] lead & the next day would go down to see it was all got to Newburne let me know w[ha]t p[iece]s of Lead there is in the Cellar & In what the wherrie men may Judge there is at Newburne
The Country keeping of Northumberland is allwayes let the Day the Judges goes from Newcastle acq[uain]t who has
Augt 17
Mr Ward
Inclosed you have a Coppy of the fine that was <sued> out in the Court of Durham for Sockburne Estate, pray make it your business to get acquainted with an attorney or too that has been practised in passing of fines & recoveries in that Court I do not know what attorney in Durham was Imployd in this business you may Inquire but I would not have you Discourse him for he for his own advantage will say tis Just & right I here came very fortunately a Gen
Mr Anthony Smith Rotterdm 19 Augt 1710
Sr my last to you was of the 15 past, when gave you Orders to buy for Mr John Van Meel & my Self 40 last Rape Seed if could get it for £10 1/2 or £11 at £11:5 then but 25 last, I desire you to take no Notice of my letter of the 15 but refer your Self to this I now write, wch is to buy for Mr Van Meel & my Self 60 last Good Rape Seed if can get it at £12 free of all charges aboard, but if must give £13 free of a
Mr Iveson Ditto
Writ him the price of Seed £35 – I Bagwell had not Signed bill of loading for the water he has 2 qts of linnen Wood Chery brandy & 1 pound Tea Watson 1 pound Tea & Cravats
Mr Ridley Writ him the price of Butter f11 & R Seed £35
Mr Wilkinson
20 Augt
Sam Robinson
Your two boats came to burrowbridge on Thursday night I unloaded them boath on fry day & paid your servt for them he might have got to york that evening but I hear the fellow staid at burrowbridge til Saturday noone upon the receipt of this letter get both your boats loden againe & send down with all possible speed for now I have a vacant time to load them so let me know by the very first post about the time you think youl be here that all things may
Aug 24
Assoon as my steward sends me your leas[e] shall Execute it
As for the piece of ground you mention nigh Willimontwick mill am alltogether a stranger to it the present tennant has been a farmer nigh 30 years & he has no ground but w[ha]t Mr Burdet Injoyd some years before as part of Willimontswick Demaine shall send you my writings to newcastle w[i]th your lease for should be very unwilling to see Enjoy my ground that is not my own with my humble service t
24 Augt
I rec[eiv]ed your with the bill for £50 as for the 80 w[hi]ch Will Lowes paid Mr Reah you may Desire him to give you a bill for it and Inclose it to me
I mightily admire that James Clark should tel you that I had no lead at newcastle and that the wherrie men should acq[ain]t you that I had none at Newburne I had a letter last week from Jacob Peart who writes me he had sent down 210 peices of my slag Lead as allso 40 pieces w[hi]ch was my part of w[ha]t lead
Augt 24
James Clarke
I was surprizd by a letter I rec[eive]d from my servt Mewburn last post who acquainted me that I had no lead neither at newcastle nor newburne my steward Jacob peart at Fallowfield acq[ain]ted me that he had sent down 40 p[iece]s markt with my own mark with the undertakers lead & 210 p[iece]s of my slag lead markt with my own marke so I Desire you will take care of them & let them be put into the Cellar for I will not sell any at this time I have give
Aug 24
I p[er]ceive you have got a parcel of Choice Florence Red it is a nice sort of Wine & very apt to be prict what wine I use I have from from Newcastle and they never fail of sending me a h[ogs]h[ea]d or 2 of French wine every year or more if I have occasion and do likewise procure 2 or 3 hoghead for my friends yearly from the same place & not much dearer then your Florence wine pray acq[uain]t me by the next post w[ha]t you can have <….> last Deliverd aboard
Augt 25
Honest Capt
I rec[eive]d your letter am very glad to hear that your are both in good health I hertily wish you may long continue so
You may send for the heffers when you please I hope they will answer your Expectations
Am sorry to hear that Mr Boothe will have trouble given him in his Election I wonder <Tiburne Do> should leave his old friend tho I think not much better could be Expected from him pray give humble service to my Lord and Mr Booth & I hea
Augt 25
Dear Kitte
I hope this will find you well returnd to your own habitation I hope your Gelding Carried you well however you must not too much trust to Yorkshire Jockeys give my service to your Partner & Desire him to buy me a bagg of the very best hoppes he can Lay his hands on at Sturbridge fare I wonder I have not acct from him of the shipping of the small Quantity of Goods I sent to him for I Expected they might have been with me ere this provided he had shipt them u
Augt 27
pray do me the favour to write a line to your brother at Nottingham by the very first post & desire him to Inquire out if possible an Extrordionary good Brewer & acq[ain]t you w[i]th w[ha]t wages he Demands he shall have allwayes w[ha]t help he pleases when he brews as allso to assist him in keeping his vessels and hogh[ea]ds Cleane your assistance in this affaire will very much oblige S[i]r
I am Your obliged Kinsman and humble servt
For Wm Nort