I Desire you will do me the favour to send me by the bearer the Cheshire Address & shall returne you it safely againe with all our most humble services to your self & Lady I am
S[i]r your faithfull humble servt
For C<t> Stockdale Esq
Thes[e] [presents] <Bilfore>
Oct 8 1710
Dear S[i]r
I rec[eive]d your letter by your servt You may Depend upon all the Interest in my power If had known your Designs sooner could have made you much better both at Newcastle & Elsewhere however I shall write by the very first post there & Inclosed is a letter to my steward Will Lowes who I know will do you all that service in his power which you may peruse seal & Deliver
I heartily wish you success & beleive me allwayes
Dear S[i]r
Your real fr
October 8
I have the favour of your letter am sorry shud be Absent when you Designe me a visit & hope you will oblige me with your Company when you go southward I perceive you stand for the County of Northum[berland] & am glad you take so worthy a Gent[leman] for your partner as Capt Ogle & you may both Depend upon my Interest Could wish had Longer time to make it much better for your service
All this family gives you their humble service & believe me allways S[
October 8
Honest Will
I perceive Capt Ogle & Mr Forster Designes to stand for Knights for your County so I Desire you will make all the Interest you possibly can for them both & make it my request to Mr Algood & Mr Carr to serve them to the utmost of their power I do not in the least doubt but my nephew will do like shall write him by the first post who I hope will give the same orders to them both
I am your assured friend
Your care & Diligence in this wil
October 10
I perceive Capt Ogle & Mr Forster Designes to stand for Knights of the Shire for your County so I Desire you will do me the favour to give your Interest to them in case you be not other wayes Engaged which I hope you are not & pray Desire Mr Algood & Mr Car of Hexam to Do the same & youl very much oblige S[i]r
Your real friend & servt
For Mr Roger Willson Esq at Wallick nigh Hexam Northumberland
October 10
Dear Kitte
I perceive by yours on the 7th that you have bought me a bag of super fine hopps and so they had need be for it is a much higher price then ever I know hopps sold for in all my time I know this is a very scarce year for Hops Every where you did mighty well in shipping the wine & apples & I wish you had sent to Mr Jekell for a hamper of payper & some other small things which I bought of him when he was at Newby & shipd them with the other goods be s
October 12 1710
I rec[eive]d yours with a bill for £50 which I have given you Cr[edit] for when I see my nephew you may be assurd shall do you all the service in my power & beleive me
Your real friend to serve you
For Mr Tho Brummel at his house in Pilgrim Street Newcastle
October 12
The above said is a Coppy of my last I perceive by yours on the 7th that it did not come to your hand which I very much wonder at let me know the time when you Judge will be most convenient for you to come over go & give my service to my Cosen Simpson & tel her I orderd you to know how she [struck out: ‘her Daughter’] My Cozen Wilkinson & family dose acq[uain]t me likewise how the Election at Morpeth went & <w[hi]ch> stood. by me a Large Dried Salmo
Mr Aislaby & Mr Sharpe are now Chose for Ripon so you may Direct your letters for John Aislaby Esqr Member of Parliam[en]t at Newby near Burrowbridge & when he goes to London you shall have a line from from
Your assured friend
For Mr John Dawks at the sign of the red Lyon at the West End of thames street near Puddle Dock, London
Dear Kitte
the above said is a Coppy of my last Inclosed is a bill for £50 which give me Cr[edit] in your book for If my Cosen Jekyl have not sent to your shop the paper which I Desird him to do goe to him & order him to send it assoon as Conveniently he can I gave him 3 Guineas at Newby & w[ha]t it comes to more do you pay him & place it to my acct & take his receipt at the bottom of his note & Inclose it my the first post to With my blessing to you
Your most affe
Messrs Featherstone & Reay Rotterdam 14 October 1710
Gentlemen Since my last am not favoured wth yours the two bills wch draw on you are both paid therefore desire you to accept them, have this day drawn a bill of £43 at usance to the order Thomas Frost at 35<..> for wch make upon Credit f451:10 could have bought bills this day for London at 2 usance for 34<..> 5<..> Same Sort of flax as Sent you per Robathan could buy now for 25 or 26 S
Mr John Hall Rotterdam 14 october 1710
Sr Since you left Rotterdam have not heard from you hop’d you are arrived long ere this on the other Side have Invoice of goods bought when you was in town but what you bought of Mr Parwell over <against> the <doyt ….> cannot get his acct is at present out of town, but Shall Send it in a post or two when Shall Send your acct currt have this day drawn on you at one usance to the order
Mr John Kelly Rotterdam 14 october 1710
my father has not writ you to Ship me 100 ps lead wch is in his Cellar pray Ship it by first opportunity in Tho Robothan or Some other carefull master wth Convoy & let me know masters & Ships name in a post or two shall Send you the acct of white Carseys & shall let you know if has any money of H Witton in my hands & how much would have Sent Flax by Robothan but was very dear is at l
Mr Wm Leighton Rotterdam 14 october 1710
Sr Since my last am not favoured wth yours on the other Side Invoice of goods per Robothan hope is arrived wth you & goods <prove> to Content here is no old flax Left they begin to bring new to the market the Same Sort as the Sample wch Sent you could buy now for 25 & 26 Stl in a week or two will be lower P Harrison Stays for new flax if would have 2 or 3 more matts for a tryal please
October 17
Mrs Gray
Your sturgeon you sent me was the best that ever I tasted there was a great many Gent[lemen] & Ladies Dined with me yesterday and they were all of the same opinion that it was the freshest & the sweetest that Ever they Eat so upon receipt of this letter I desire you will buy me a Cag & I wish it may prove as good as that you sent me
I have sent a rundlet by the honest boatman & Desires your husband to fill it with the same white wine he
Oct 18
Mr Gowland
I desire you will taste & buye me a hogheadd of the best red port in towne I hear Mr Alderman Dawson has very good you must Not name me but buy it in your brothers name for your wine merch[an]t sels 30s in a h[ogshea]d Cheaper to one that draws <wine> then they do to a Gent[leman] & I shall pay your brother for it after you have pickt upon a h[ogs]h[ea]d pray se[e] it filld with good wine & send it to Mr Scots Cranemaster in yorke & my boatman Th
Honest Harry
I am very glad to perceive by your letter that Mr Loraine is so very Diligent in the Managem[en]t of my Concernes & I hope he will Continue so I hope hel want no water now so that he may set on dubble shift when he pleases I wish you had given me an acct how the mines are for I heartily wish the undertakers good success I perceive you know of an honest sober fellow for a servt for me so acq[ain]t me the very first post his age whether he be a lusty fellow or not & where he
October 18 1710
I had the favour of your letter on the 3d under Cover from Mr Nathaniel Rogers of Hull I am so much obligd to you for your Extrordionary Kindness to my son John & you may be assurd my best Endeavours shall not be awanting to Inquire you out such a horse that is of the height Coulour & shape that you mention in your letter If such a horse be within a hundred miles of my house I have taken that Care as to have him bought tho I must tel you I Doubt such a Cou
October 19 1710
I perceive by yours on the 14 that no Coucumbers are to be had which I am sory for Inquire if there be any sturgeon in towne & write me the Lowest price of a Cagg as allso what day I may Expect you at newby I long to hear how the Election went at morpeth which informe my by a line by saturday nights post to
Your assured friend
you need not make the least doubt but there is Dried Salmon Enough to be had at sheels
October 20 1710
Mr Ward
I thanke you for the care you have taken in my Concerne, shall in a very little time thank Mr Jones for his service & respects to you, & what Charges you are at in this business pray Charge it to my account as for Geo Pemberton If he give any of my ten[an]ts Disturbance shall send a warr[an]t for him & punish him according to his Deserts for takeing bribes of severall overse[e]rs of the high ways as the bearer informes me, I think it would be very p
Oct 20
Honest Harry
I perceive by your letter than the man you hired for me will be at Newby the first week on november I hope he is not a married man If he be I must send him back again but in case he be a single man a carefull working fellow he shall find me very kind to him as for the two men servts in your Country they will not be proper for us at Newby they not being accustomed to live in great families let me know the price of all graine with you
I am Your assu[re]d frie
Oct 22
Honest Jacob
I perceive by yours that Mr Loraine has made his last ten tun [struck out: ‘there will be thirty 5 pounds due to him you write’] and that the budlers are very needful so inclosd you have an Order for forty pounds which I know will Lowes will pay in a day or twos notice
be sure you keep Dubble shift goeing at the mill all the next month
I hope there will be no want of water after you have weighed of Mr Loraines ten tunn let it be at the mill
Oct 22
Honest Will
there is occasion for £40 to be paid to Jacob peart at fallowfeild so in 2 or 3 Dayes time fail not to pay it to him & his receipt shall be your Discharge Acq[uain]t me by the first post how the severall Intrests in your County went for the 3 Candidates & what Difference there was in the Poule of Each of them I am
October the 30th 1710
My servant Curtus will be in Newcastle either this night <Monday> day night, soe as soon as this Come to your hand, pray goe to Mr Alderman Fenwick with my servis and desire him to Call A Court assoon as Convenientley he Can that Courtus may be bound to me, he promisd my servant Mewburn that assoon as the young man Came that he would Call A Court, and when his buisness is doon pray hasten him home with all speed
I Rec[eive]d A letter latl
October the 30th 1710
James when you wear last at Newby I for gott to Acquent you that my son John had sent me from Roterdam, by Mr John Hall of newcastle twelve bottels of Rasberre Brandey, he promisd him to gett them safe one shore, and would send them by Rippon Carrier, he is A young marchant [juct] out of his time soe Inquire of him whether they be sent to Rippon If not see it doon, and give me a line of it
Assoon as you Com to town goe to Mr Fenwick with my servis,