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Letter – Michael Blackett – 1 Oct 1675

I have beene showing your pease to some marchants In Towne as Mr Roddam Mr Davison Mr Bailes Mr Mallabar Mr Johnson Mr Rumney Mr Foster and some others, none of w[hi]ch will bid me a farthing above £10 p[er] last for the Same, Soe pray lett me have your advice for I Cannot Resolve to lett them goe att that price.

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 1 Oct 1675

Newca[stle] 8ber primo Mr Robert Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 27th past I shall take my 20s of <kirke> when I pay him freight for the beanes but pray examine your coppy booke of Letters & se[e] when ever you advised me w[ha]t freight he was to have for I doe not remember you ever did I have writt severall times for an acct of the beanes but to that you never gave me one word in Answer Your Brother <Ripley> it seemes by his Threats & high words got primmidge

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 1 Oct 1675

Newc[astle] 8ber primo Mr Ed: Allan Sr I have before me yours of the 25th past thereby takes notice of all sorts of granes the curr[en]tt prices with you from 26 to 28s for beanes is a very good price far better then this markett will yeild for I doe assure you I cannott be bid above 2s 4d p[er] Bush[el] for yours and as for your pease I am this day to show them to some merchants in towne if I can procure 3s 4d for the same they shall goe but I thinke noe body will give me that price for t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 1 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8 ber primo Mr Nicho: Verlaen Sr My last to you was of the 28th 7ber to which refers you since have received yours of this date with the welcome newes of Bartho: Kirkhouse his Good arrivall for w[hi]ch god be praised the disposall of my Leed is left to your discretion not doubting but you will doe for me as for your selfe and I hope before my last came to hand you will be as much in cash as will buy the above mentioned Goods w[hi]ch if soe then Desire you to write to mr Walter Ch

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 1 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Walter Chaytor Sr My last to you was of the 28th 7ber to w[hi]ch refers you since have received yours of this date with the very welcome newes of John Tuckers safe arrivall with you for w[hi]ch god be praised Barty Kirkhouse is at Amsterdam but I wish he had gone to y[ou]r port for I perceive as you write the Amsterdam Markett is Overladen with that commodity but now tis too late to helpe and seing you give me some incouridgement I shall If possible send you a suply before it be l

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 2 Oct 1675

Newc[astle] 8ber 2d Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr You being willing by your former <to> accept of my small Concerne upon the same ter<ms> as you do my fathers to begin our acct I inclosed I inclosed send you a bill drawn by m<r> Wm Aubony upon Mr Wm Nutt for £50 payable at 6 d[ays] sight to my order & I doe Ind<orse> the same to you soe pray be pleased to recei<ve> the Contents thereof when dew & place the<m]>to my Creditt I doe expect shortly that Mr

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 2 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Robt Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 30th past w[hi]ch I received by your brother whome I could have helped to some hundreds of pounds, but all my friends and all I spoake too thought His bills but at too Long sight so I could not help him to any but I perceive he got enough of w[hi]ch I am very glad If you can spare a bill at <50> d[ays] sight or under for £100 or £200 I can procure you money. Dickeson is Loaden Mr Clipsam orders me to draw my Reimbursements upon

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 2 Oct 1675

Newc[astle] 8 ber 2nd Mr Ed: Allan Sr I have before me yours of the 28th past w[hi]ch requires Little answer but only to satisfie you that I p[ai]d Jno Stockesly no freight soe that you may please to do it with what more satisfaction you thinke convenient I will not say but he may be an honnest man but if he be, il est L<’>unique de son Etoffe that ever I herd of I cannot be bid a farthing above £10 p[er] last for your pease not £9 for your Beanes so am resolved to keep then awh

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Legendre – 2 Oct 1675

Newc[astle] 8ber 2d 1675 Mr Jno Legendre Sr I have before me yours of the 28th past for answer If I can meet with an Opertunity for the Conveying of 200 p[iece]s Leed either to Rouen or newhaven upon the Condition you Limitt me to before the latter end of this month shall not faile to doe it but if no convenience present before that time then shall according to your desire forbeare unlesse a new order come unto MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 5 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 5th 1675 Writt Mr Henry Nelthorpe a Second letter and advised of £30 charged upon him payable 8 d[ays] sight to Mr Wm Benson or order valew of Mr Jno Elleson

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 5 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 5th 1675 Mr Robert Jackson Sr I have now before me yours of the 4th by C: f and shall God willing write you at large I have disposed of all your fower Blanck Bills viz one upon Mr Robert Jackson at 20 d[ays] date payable to Mr Henry Nelthorpe or order valew of maddame Margratt Blackett for £600, one upon Mr Danniel Porter at 20 d[ays] date payable to Mr Henry Nelthorpe or order valew of Mr Timo Davisson for £300 & another upon Mr Robt Jackson at 20 d[ays] date payable

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 5 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 5th Mr Robt Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 4th Mr Rodd<am> will pay the £99: =: = odd monies w[hi]ch shall send you p[er] Cuth: fewler and £1000 more God willing for you shall not be forced to run away as yett this morning I expect C: f as alsoe a letter with Blanck Bills seeing you are straitened I will use my Interest & I warrant you I will gett you £1000: upon returne for once all at 20 d[ays] date if not more if one of your blanck Bills be upon Mr

Letter – Michael Blackett to William de Werth – 5 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Wm De Werth Sr I have before me yours of the 30th past have <..> your inclosed to Mr Geo Murton who is willing to pay you the money either here Or at London – I judge it not for your advantidge to have it pd you at London soe may write him to that effect who will Answer your Letter in dew time & withal<l> advise you where you shall receive your sd money upon delivering in of his noate your postidge I have placed to your acct & if at any other time I can serv

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 5 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Mich Chipsham Sr serves Chiefly to advise you that I have Loaden aboard of the Suply of Whitby Tho Dickeson m[aste]r 24 Ch[alders] Coales of w[hi]ch inclosed you have an Invoyce Ammounting unto the Sume of £16: 6: 9d for the sd Sume have this day past a bill upon you payable 6d[ays] after date to Mr Henry Nelthorpe or Order to w[hi]ch pray let due honnour be Given. Your prunes were the worst that ever I se[e] in my Life some Casks not worth 6d a hundred I sould them all [to]ge

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 5 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 5th 1675 Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr My Last was of the 2d present to w[hi]ch refers you Inclosed you will find a Bill drawne upon Mr Mich Chipsham of your place for £16: 6: 9d payable at 6 d[ays] date to your Order w[hi]ch pray receive when dew & place to the Creditt of MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 9 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 9th 1675 Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr haveing none from you the needfull at present is for conveying of the inclosed bill unto you for £100 < st[erlin]g> dated Ghent 5: 8ber drawne by Vincent de Wall upon Mr francis lycens & company merch[an]ts in this place payable 2 d/us[uances] to Jean de Coningh or order endorsed to Henry panser by procuration to me by adriaen pancur & I to you the needfull of w[hi]ch pray procure & place to the Creditt of MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 9 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 9th 75 Mr Nicho: Verlaen Sr I have not time to give you a Coppy of my former haveing bene in the west country & but this day comd home at my returne Doe meett with both yours of the <..> present one by post & the other by Bartho: Kirkhouse for answer to w[hi]ch may please take notice that there is no thinking of sending you any rye or wheat as the priceis you mentione for rye at present is here above 4s p[er] bush[el] & wheat above 5s but shall se[e] w[ha]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 9 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 9th Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have not time to write you a Copy of my former haveing bene in the west country & came but home this day where I meet with yours of the 4th & 8th present which I shall now god willing answer at large in the former takes notice of the receipt of mine by Bartho: Kirkhouse that he was gone for Am[sterdam] which I did advise you of before haveing some time since have had letters from Am[sterdam] of the same but I wish he had gone for the port f

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 9 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8 ber 9th 1675 Honoured Sir It did not a little Trouble me that I had not yoar blessing before you went from hence but I hope you will excuse me & lay the blame upon Mr Pees who was mistaken a whole hower for I did desire him to call me up before 5 it being realy my intention to have waited upon you at 5 before w[hi]ch time I did supose you would not be going but when Mr Pees came to my Chamber door & tould me that it was almost 5 I presentlyarose but it was to no purpose

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 12 Oct 1675

Ditto Major Ed: Allen Sr I have before me yours of the 5th present for answer unlesse I can procure 3s 8d for your pease they shall Ly for your beanes they do not give Content nor liked at all I wish they were at any place where such were in demand for here they are not your advice from Holland I suppose is means of a good comodity pray Sr let me have advice from you when your seed time is over & advise me there withall the price then of corne if I could buy any good Corne for 3s would

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Legendre – 12 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 12th 1675 Mr Jno Legendre Sr I have a vessell now going for newhaven by w[hi]ch god willing I intend 600 p[iece]s Leed the same will be all shipt before night the price is £12 p[er] fodder first peny you know w[ha]t other Charges & Commission will be the freight I am to pay is 20 sols p[er] ps free of all Charges tis Landed if you can fancy there termes take w[ha]t part with me you please either ½ 1/3 or ¼ or name what you <wishe> upon shall be to the full satis

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 12 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 12th Mr Mich Chipsham Sr I have before me yours of the 5th present which requires Little answering so the Lesse at present to inlarge upon your order about <10> or 13 barrells of salmon came to Late otherwise would have indeavoured to have procured the same. I must beg your excuse for not sending you the acct of your 12 p<…>s prunes not can I for my life help it for the poor men to whom sume Charges must be paid thinking there money sure will not call for it ti

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 12 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 12th Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr I have before me yours of the 7th do heartyly thanke you for the care you will take with w[ha]t forraigne bills shall be remitted you upon my acct and se[e]ing punctuallity is not regarded In Inland bills I will not be the first that shall begin a new Custome to doe for me as others doth and as you would doe for your selfe of w[hi]ch I doe not questione is all that is desired by MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 12 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 12th Mr Robt Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 7th present alsoe one of the 11th I am glad Dickeson is Arrived with you & that you have given advice of all the Bills I have filled up for there Complience I neither doe nor ever did questione. your order about drawing no money upon Mr Chipsham is come to late for tis already done but the neet proceed of the prunes I suppose he will order me to pay unto you nor do I know w[ha]t you meane by saying there is money dew

Receipt – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 13 Oct 1675

Received be me John Curteis Greive to the Leed Myns of Wanlochead from Alexr Litster in name and behalf of Sir James Standsfeild of Newmylnes the Some of Fifty pund Sterling Mony for payment of the workmen there for dryveing on the said Lead Myns As witnes my hand at Wanlochead the Thirtienth day of october <…> sevinty sex yeere. Befor thes witness Thomas Snawball Recd By me John Courtice
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467