Dear Mrs Cuthbertson
My Neighbour Mr Hinks has been with me & shewd me 2 sever[a]l letters from you that in case he did not pay your money in July you would throw him out of possession of his Estate he is promisd your sum as Ime Informd of two severall persons in my Neighbourhood & likewise does Engage to me to clear your Intrest by mayday or soon after so I desire youl give him no trouble & youl oblige
Your assured freind to serve you
pray give my service to Mr
I perceive the Offer you make me by your letter is to work up my Slaggs & give me a 1/5 when at this very time I lett them at £3 10s Pr Tunn & clear of all Charges so you may well Judge of my profit have all ready made severall hundred pounds of this the proposall I made to you was w[ha]t you would give me in money for the old slags & dead heaps I dont Question but to make some thousand pounds of them I dont think it possible they should be wrought up in many years, for o
Vercoop Reek oover 23 Ps Coddens van de Heer John Blackett <ontH> en voor desselfs reekening Vercogt in Publique Vercooping als:
den <18 7b 1710>
2pes @ 5f f10:-
Den 29 Jann see 1711
2pes @ 5 10:
2: @ 4:15<pr> 9:10:
2: @ 4:10 9:
4: @ 4:5 17:
11: @ 4: 44:
Feb 20
Dr Sr
Am very much obligd to you for your kind Invitation to my daughters they shall not fail to pay their respects to you & my dear neice the beginning of the next week with all service from hence to your self & Lady I am D[ea]r Nephew
Most Affect[ionately] yours
For Walter Calverley Esqr At Calverly nigh Bradford
Feb 21 1710/11
Honest Will
These are to Desire you not to faile to come to Newby assoon as Conveniently you can & bring with you as much money as will set all things streight betwixt us shall make no pay at fallowfeild till the Lead be sold at Newcastle so let me know by the very first post w[hi]ch day I may Expect you I have more then ordionary occasion for money at this time being lately at a very great Expence about my dear daughter Blackets funeral
I am your Assured fr
Feb 22
I rec[eive]d your Letter on the 17th as allso the fish on Tuesday last by Chapman the Carrier, they are the very best that Ever I did see & I do not in the least Question but they will prove very well. I would willingly have Will Lowes to come over that we may set straight for there is a very long reckoning betwixt us so do you write a letter to him by the first post to hasten his Journey as much as possibly you can
I have the favour of your letter & am very glad to perceive that my Intrest has so good success Mr Sharp & severall other yorkshire [struck out: ‘Gent’] Members gave me an acct of it before yours came to my hand
pray acq[uain]t me whether my good freind my Lord Teviot rec[eive]d my letter before he fell sick wherein I assured him I would write to all my freinds on your behalf being Sr
Your faithfull humble servt
For Mr Livingston Esqr Member of Parliam
Feb 26
Honest Will
this is a Copy of my last so be sure you come to Newby with as much money as will set all things streight betwixt us & the so[o]ner you can possibly come the better I wish you could speak to parson Bentham & he would Acq[uain]t you how fallowfeild Leadmines is before you come for I beleive they are Extrordionary rich
March 1
Mr Ward
Am sorry to perceive by yours of poor Fawcets misfortune I hope will only be the loss of one of his fingers for if the Mel had hit upon his whole hand it might have ruined him
I have at present a very fine Whie Calf & If Mr Pepper will send for it you & he must adjust the price
I have a good Quantity of Lead aforehand If I could sell it & receive the money betwixt this & June Will Walker may Depend upon his sum but that is not positively to be
March 1 1710/11
Mr Bentham
I heartily thank you for your letter of the 26th I have not rec[eive]d a Letter that pleasd me better this many years I wonder the Undertakers does not set on another hearth for they may do at a very little Charge the Axlletree being so very good
Pray know of Ger[a]rd what bings of Oar he may Judge the severall bargainers may get betwixt the takeing of there bargaine & the 25 of March, I know tis Impossible to be Exact in it but to the best of his
March 1
Honest Jacob
I rec[eive]d yours on the 22th with your advice Concerning letting of the slaggs I do so Intirely Depend upon your Judgem[en]t that I shall not Concerne my self in the letting of them bur refer them to you
What washing Tubbs sive bottoms &c which I shall not have occasion for my self, sell them to the undertakers You know they have made use of them above 12 months so If they anything worse for their useing it is but reasonable they should make them good
March 1
Inclosed I send you Mr Hargrave the Attorneys bill in English being you know there was little done I think it is very unreasonable however give my service to him & pay him but tell him that I hope hel use me well for I may in a little time be a very good Customer to him & get him to make w[ha]t abatem[en]t you possibly can I have Inclosed you likewise my Attorneys letter & you may see w[ha]t reflections he makes upon his bill which you may make use of when you
March 2d
Dear Nedde
This is a Copy of my last, since I have not heard from you, write me as often as Conveniently you can & let me hear where your ship is in <France> whether in Com<pany> of some other ships or by your self, if you can borrow £300 I will be bound with you for it, & Charge your portion with it, as I have done with your two Brothers, for the moneys which they have had, tho I think you’d better have a little patience the more you have now the Less y
March 2d
I long to hear w[ha]t you have done in my Concerne pray Acq[uain]t me by the very first post & youl oblige Sr
Your Humble servt
For Mr Tho Pickring
March 5
Mr Shaftoe
I rec[eive]d you letter with your proposals & when your bargaine is nigh out you may Depend upon it my Steward Jacob Peart shall give you the refusall of the bargaine of the slaggs & wasts at the Mill w[ha]t bargaine my servt made w[i]th Mr Loraine I do not know but only that it was Conditionall provided I was pleasd with it I am
March 6
Mr Scot
I rec[eive]d yesterday two h[ogs]h[ea]ds full of bottles markd on EB & the boatman saith you told him they were for me I have had no advice of them so pray let me know by the post b[o]y (who is the be[a]rer hereof) If you know from whence they come pray Informe me w[ha]t the Knaresbrough people pays p[er] Tunn for freight water idge & Craneidge from London Excuse this trouble from
Your Assured freind & servt
For Mr Jach Scot Yorke
March 7 1710/11
Dear Neice
Your request to me is shall allwayes be an absolute Command so my Children will trouble with their Companies till my Nephew Calverley returne from Yorke
P[er]ceive I have the good fortune to be your Valentine & have sent you by the bearer a Couple of hancker[chiefs] which is all I have left [struck out: ‘that are unwashed that came’] that were never used which I had from holland If had more of them they should be heartily at your service &
Dear Bella & Christ[ian]
I rec[eive]d both your letters my Neice Calverly Desires you may stay with her till my Nephew returnes from Yorke so let me know w[ha]t time he Designs to returne & shall send for you the day after am sure you have been troublesome Enough allready with my blessing to you both
I am
Your most affect[ionate] father
March 9 1710/11
Good Mrs Gray
Mr Mawde told Doctor Johnson that he though[t] Mrs Squires would let that part of the house they dwell in & In case they did that Sr Edwd should have the first profer of it but in case they should alter their minds should be willing to take Sr Hen Goodricks house provided it be large Enough for our family which I hope it is we shall find all puter & Linen & the beds & furniture will be no worse for standing for we shall leave everything in
March 10
Honest Jacob
I p[er]ceive Mr Loraine offers to do all the slaggs Cheaper then any has yet so you may make an agreem[en]t with him let it be upon stamp paper & Inclose it to me & shall signe it I am
Your assured freind
March 10
Mr Leece
I rec[eive]d yours on the 27 for which I thank you for as for w[ha]t you write me about Jacob peart it is a very Idle report for I never heard a word of it Either from him or any other person till this day Mr Loraine told me that an Apothecary in your town one Mr Ellet told him that I had sent a Letter for you & offerd you my business at fallowfeild & that you refused it so you may Judge they are nothing but lies & stories so you must take no notice of the
March 11
Mr Thompson
I last post rec[eive]d Mr Hall your agents bill Taxd London you have an opportunity please to come to Newby & I will discharge it pray remember me Kindly to your father, mother & Mrs Cuthbertson I am
Your humble servt
To Mr Wm Thompson Yorke
March 11
I rec[eive]d yours with Mr Thompsons Bill Taxd which I was in hopes would have been more I am sencible your did your utmost to serve me & I thanke you for the trouble you have taken & I Desire you will give me a line what I am Indebted to you which shall be duely Dischargd by
Your humble servant
To Mr Tho Pickering at his Chambers in Bernards Inn Near Holbourne London
Mr W Leighton 11 March 1711
a bill of £60 to the ordr J Davison <34…..>
March 15 1710/11
I p[er]ceive by my son Christ[opher] that you have a large Coarse black stond horse you would gladly part withall & have occasion for such a one for my Waggon so pray let me know by the first post how many hands high he is by the standard & what white he has one him whether a star or a <snip> or a white foot & If he be a smooth Lim[be]d horse & his very lowest price
with my service to all your good family I am Sr
Your assured f