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Letter – Edward Blackett to Leonard Bentham – 10 Apr 1711

Honest Mr Bentham I Rec[eive]d yours of Mr Loraine & I thank you over & over for the plaine & good Acct you give me of my mines which pray god Continue when any thing happens at the mines be sure you give me an acct of it however let me a have a line from you once in 14 days Acq[uain]t harry Tulip that it is my order that he give you w[ha]t wood you have occasion for to make Gates & have orderd Mr Loraine to tell harry the same have given Mr Loraine a shilling to

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 10 Apr 1711

Apr 10 1711 Sr I rec[eive]d yours of the 5th & am glad you got safe to London I thank you for sending me a Copy of the Clause for Wayleaves I heartily wish you the Desird success which I very much doubt for where a persons Freehold is Concernd the parliam[en]t was allways very Cautious how they Acted I Observe my Nephew is gone to Newmarket Informe me w[ha]t you hear of his marriage to Mrs Ord I am Your humble servt To Mr Tho Brummell at Mr Adsons at the Crown

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Ridley – 11 Apr 1711

Mr Ridley 11 April a bill of £70 < 35> to the order

Letter – John Blackett to Edward Anderson – 11 Apr 1711

Mr Ed Anderson a bill of £40 to the order <a 35…>

Letter – John Blackett to Cuthbert Burton – 11 Apr 1711

Mr C Burton a bill of £40 to the order <a 35…>

Letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Davison – 13 Apr 1711

Dear Nephew I have sent you by the bearer my servt a Copy of my last Will & Testam[en]t as allso 3 Copies Annuities for my 3 younger sons which I Desire your particular Care of as allso of the assignm[en]t of my daughter Blackets portion which is in your Custody with my most humble service to your bro Davison when you se[e] him I am Your most Affect[ionate] uncle To Mr Tho Davison Newcastle

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 14 Apr 1711

Apr 14 1711 Mr Ward My son had last half year ten pound more then his allowance & the half year befor 5 which he promisd to allow in his next half years Allowance but he did not so be sure you Deduct it out of the first moneys you pay him & then hereafter you may allways pay him whats his due for he can Expect no more pray Acq[ain]t me by the first post how poor Mr Lambt[on] does I am Your assured freind

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 16 Apr 1711

Apr Mr Ward I thank you for the fish This is the first I have seen of the Kind this year we all Differ here much as to what sort of fish it is some saith it is a Salmond Trout & some a Burne Trout & Others saith it is Quite of an another specie but Let them call it what they will Ime sure it is Extrordionary good fish for I have made my supper of it this night I have seen & eat of a trout which was taken out of Driffeild beck which was sent to my lord archibishop which wei

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 16 Apr 1711

Honest Will this is the 3d Letter I wrote to you & can receive no answer which I very much admire at be sure you fail not to sell a Considerable Quantity of wood & take care it be to good men that there be no Danger of the paym[en]t I am Your Assured freind

Letter – Edward Blackett to Jacob Peart – 19 Apr 1711

Apr 19 1711 Honest Jacob Mr Armstrongs servt was at Newby to see his Relation which is my servt he tels me that he beleives his master has occasion for a Ginn for his Mines at Alston Moor in case he have youl have a good opportunity to sell mine I hope you have got it up before this if not let the Workmen be sent for with all speed I am in great hast[e] Your Assured freind

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 19 Apr 1711

Apr 19 James I hope you got well home be sure you fail not to send me a bill by Saturday nights post for the ballance of Mr Featherstones Acct & let me know Certainly whether ever there was Difference in the Marke of the lead that was made by the Undertakers it is much better if there be no Difference for then they may Dispose of my part with their own we had here yesterday the severest raine that Ever I see in this time of the year in my life & the ways are as deep or deeper f

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 22 Apr 1711

Dear Kitte I rec[eive]d yours of the 6th with the particulars of the Charges of the small parcels you sent me down I Expected them here on Tuesday last but he told my servt he had nothing for me so upon rec[eip]t of this letter order your servt to go to the Warehouse & perhaps he may find them unsent away & may be kept there till Simpsons returne so the Oranges may be all spoild by the Cariers neglect when you send any goods hereafter you should order your servt allways to see th

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 22 Apr 1711

Dear Kitte Your Letter on the 6th advised me that you sent me down a small parcell of goods by Simson the Carrier & that you would send me down by the very next Carier after the rest of the small things which I ordered to be sent I spoke to the Last Carier my self whose name was Mr Pillin he told me he had no goods for me & that he lookt over all the warehouse & there was nothing Directed for me so you had best look what is become of them for If they dont come to hand I assur

Letter – Edward Blackett – 22 Apr 1711

Sr I rec[eive]d your[s] with a bill for £50 which have given your acct Cr[edit] for as allso yours or the 24th the small things which I have to send my son John is of Extrordionary vallue so I will not have them to go Without Convoy shall send them to you by the first safe hand but be sure you do not give them to any master that does not goe with Convoy I am Sr Your very humble servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 25 Apr 1711

Apr 25 Honest Will I rec[eive]d yours of the 16th Am sorry my Letter did not come to your hands before you parted with the wood monger be sure you sell me what Quantity of wood you possibly can both at brayar wood bank & the Common bank as allso the remainder of the wood which is at Chesterwood I pe[r]ceive Will Barrow a Customary ten[an]t is dead & that he was heir to three small parcells of Customary land if any Customary ten[an]t die & have not a beast better then 40s he

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 27 Apr 1711

Sr Inclosed you have Fawcetts Lease returnd you as for Abbots farme I leave it solely to your Discretion to let it as to whom you think fit Indeed I must own I do not think that Abbots daughters are proper tenn[an]ts for me for in a little time they will marry & fill the town full of beggars I doubt not but you may get a substantiall ten[an]t for it for I fear it is very Eas[i]ly rented I heartily thank you for your fish they are the freshest & best that ever I see be su

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mrs Gray – 28 Apr 1711

Apr 28 Good Mrs Gray I perceive by your Letter that Mrs Weddall is unwilling to table any but young Ladies I beleive Mr Wickham has the Key of Sr Hen Goodricks house p[er]haps hel be unwilling to let us come to it before he hear from Sr Henry you may tell him it is only for a Week & we shall bring our own Linnen & not use any manner of their goods Excepting beds & shall have our meat from the Cooks If you find that Mr Wickham is least unwilling I would by no means m

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 1 May 1711

May 1 1711 Dear Kitte I wrote you four Letters but rec[eive]d answers none of them which I take mighty Ill I rec[eive]d this day the <T> Barley & P Barley Jorden Almonds Dates & Pistatia Nutts but as for the former Parcells of Oranges Lemmon & Jam[aic]a Ginger I hear nothing of them & the Carriers saith there is no such thing in the warehouse so upon rec[eip]t of this Letter order the book keeper of the warehouse to be arested for them for they are never like to c

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 2 May 1711

May 2d 1711 Mr Ward I rec[eive]d yours this morning & that which made me mistaken was your own Acct for you say paid Walker the 17th of June £1:10s for a half years Intrest which I will shew you the first time you come to Newby. Immediately upon rec[eip]t of your Letter I went & lookt for Walkers receipts & I find that you are very much in the right for it is the 7th of June so rather then you shall be put to any Inconveniency shall pay the Intrest [struck out: ‘of one h

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 3 May 1711

May 3d 1711 James I p[er]ceive by yours of the 28 that the Wherrieman told you that Jacob had orderd my Lead to be pild up at Newburne so be sure you Acq[ain]t the Wherriemen that Ile have it brough[t] to NewCastle Immediately after it comes to Newburne & speak to James Clarke that he likewise order the wherriemen to bring it down with all possible speed & that he take Care to put it in the Cellar as fast as it comes down give my service to Mr Alder[man] Ridley & tell him I

Letter – Edward Blackett – 3 May 1711

May 3 Sr I desire you[r] wife do me the favour to come to Newby on Saturday next by Eleaven a Clock & bring the writeing which I left in your hand with you I have write to your brother Cha: to the same purpose & Mr <Alderm[an]Lister> & Mr Oxley will not fail to meet you to be witness to a deed of Concerne which I shall Execute I am Sr Your obliged friend & servt

Letter – Edward Blackett – 3 May 1711

Sr I desire you will do me the favour to come to Newby on Saturday nex[t] by Eleaven a Clock have Desird the same favour of your Bro[ther] as also Mr Ald[erman] Lister & Mr Oxley will not fail to meet you to be witness to Deed of Concerne which I have to Execute & youl much oblige Your assured frend to serve you

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Blackett – 4 May 1711

May 4 Dear Nedde I rec[eive]d yours of the 29 & I do assure you that if I possibly could have recd money you should have had it long before this We have had so much raine in the North which has hinderd the Carriage of my Lead to newcastle there has not been one peice brought down as yet by reason the ways is so Extreemly bad for Carriages assoon as I have sold my Lead will send you a bill for what I can possibly spare tis Impossible to borrow any money here for them that has money

Letter – Edward Blackett to Maria Blackett – 4 May 1711

May 4 1711 Dear Maria I rec[eive]d your Letter & I hope Mr Aislabie in a little will get Nedde a better station be sure when you see him give my most humble service to him & tell him I do make it my request that he will put him into a good station assoon as Conveniently he can & be sure you write me w[ha]t answer he gives you when your Quarter is due I have orderd Kitte to pay your £25 I wonder you should not desire to come down long before this, let your Let your Brother

Letter – John Blackett to Robert Fenwick – 5 May 1711

Mr Robt Fenwick Rotterdam 5 May 1711 Since my last am not favoured wth yours This to advise you that have drawn this day a bill on you of £60 at 2 usance to Mr <Van der wall> or order at 34<..> 11<..> & wch is the <highest> the Exchange for wch make you Credit f628:10 hope <Barton> is wth you & goods prove to content flax is very Scarce Lead is Sold for 18 a <C> & lower <Carrot seed> w
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467