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Letter – John Blackett to John Marshall – 13 Mar 1713

Mr John Marshall Newby the 13 March 1712/3 Sr since my last to you when advised my Arrivall at Newby am not favoured wth yours Inclosed send you Acct of the 16 hogsheads of Allam arrived at Rotterdm same sente the Amount is as <Iactur /s>1440:12 which shall remet you Assoon as gets to Newcastle wch will be shortly would have been there before now but severall has write me that they was just going their Western Journey (as they call it) & d

Letter – John Blackett to Heron – 16 Mar 1713

Mr Heron Newby the 16 March 1712/3 Sr have been about three Weeks in Yorkshire & now Settling my books, above your Acct Currt pray let me know if agrees, I think I Sent you Some trifills as Shirts & wch have not Set down in my book desire will let me know what they were, or Otherwise Shall be forced to look all your letters over. Expect a line from you per first post

Letter – John Blackett to John Kelly – 16 Mar 1713

Mr John Kelley Ditto Sr Since my last am not favd wth yours Inclosed Send your Acct Currt wch please to persue, I do not know any thing that is wanting Excepting the Kerseys, wch Shall Send the Acct off by the Next post, & place what is due to your Credit, pray Send my Acct Currt assoon as possible, if any thing is amiss Either to my prejudice or your Self let me know & Shall be immediately rectified pray let me have a line by the first post

Letter – John Blackett to John Dagnia – 19 Mar 1713

Mr Dagnia Newby the 19 march Sr Inclosed send you Acct of Bottles Kelp & Stockens as for the Kelp I believe is sold very well am sertain now could not make above 16 gilders at present at Rotterdm the Stockens was Miserabley eat by the moth could not sell them at any Shop keeper never was bid above 3 1/2 &4g but by chance met with Mr Harmaniver Van Lumpen who as going to a foreign Voyage & gave me 6 but told must first have all Stock

Letter – John Blackett to John Wilkinson – 26 Mar 1713

Cousin Wilkinson Newby 26 March 1712/3 Sr Inclosed Send you the Acct of lead as also your Acct Currt wch please to peruse & let me know assoon as possible how you find it, for my father is uneasy till all is done & the 200 <last ps> Mr V Meel Sold have writ to him to know what he pd me out of them but I think was 180 or 200 gl at most, am Certain have lost above 300 gl my Self in Warehouse hire for was forced to keep 2 Warehouse when Mr

Letter – John Blackett to Nathaniel Clayton – 26 Mar 1713

Mr Natha Clayton Newby 26 March 1713 I Inclosed Send your Acct Currt which pleas to peruse & find right, Pray remit the money In bills on London my father will not let me Stir til have recd & pd all what is due Shall not go to Rotterdam again & however when have done my business designs for Newcastle to give my friends thanks for all their favours but particularly your Self who has been & believe would Still have been my Good friend

Letter – John Blackett to John Hall – 4 Apr 1713

Mr John Hall Newby 4 April 1713 Sr the bearer hereof is my fathers Steward Mr Joshua Curtis has given him all my Accts & is to receive what moneys is Due to me pray Dispatch in Looking over the Accts as soon as possible & what moneys & Bills you give him on my Acct has receipt will be Sufficient I hope there will be no mistake if there should shew it him & will be allowed I am Dr Sr when all my Accts is Settled designes for y

Letter – John Blackett to Matthew Featherstone – 19 Apr 1713

Messrs Featherstone & Reay Newby the 19 April 1713 Messieurs Since my last am not favd wth yours this to desire you to pay the Ballance of my Acct to Mr James Mewburn or send me a bill for the same & shall send you a receipt pray my service to all friends I am Gentlemen your Humble Servant My father servant tells me of the Mistake which to be sure must be abated

Letter – John Blackett to Nicholas Fenwick – 30 Apr 1713

Mr Nich Fenwick Newby the 30 April 1713 Sr since am not favoured with yours this to desire you to pay the Ballance of my acct to Mr James Mewburn my father steward at seaton Dalavall or send me a bill for the same the Ballance is f199:16 may Regulate the exchange as comes off my service to your Brother I am Sr your Humble Servant

Letter – John Blackett to John Hall – 30 Apr 1713

Mr John Hall Newby the 30 April 1713 Sr since my last am not favd with yours this is to desire you to pay the Ballance of my acct to Mr James Mewburn or send me a bill for the same

Letter – John Blackett to Henry Witton – 1 May 1713

Newby May the 1 1713 Sr some time ago I sent your son Mr Henry Witton his Acct Currt but recd no answer from him therefore takes the freedom to Inclose it to you & desire your Son will examine the Acct & if he thinks there is any Mistake please to let me know what time will be most proper & shall come over & bring wth me his Letters & Bills wch he drew on me as also the bills drawn on me by Messrs Bo

Letters – Nicholas Burdon to John Blackett – 20 Jun 1713

Mr: Jo: Blackett so: Sheilds the 20th June 1713 I was the: other day discoursing wth: Jon: Dagnia and amongst other things there was 20 Tuns of Kilp sent <you> & his father <one> half of wch: was mine and upon wch: he produced me your accot: confirming the same but such an accot: I never see nor heard of for the charge in yr Custom and fees gild 68 2 stiv and the <weigh> money 99 19 more than either <zach Cluagh or Pelsant> and <Sister> charges for the same

letter – Edward Blackett to William Lowes – 13 Aug 1713

Honest Will Newby 13 Aug[us]t 1713 I perceive by y[ou]rs of the 3 & 7th that you have paid Mr Coulson two hundred pounds w[hi]ch you did mightly well in, Should be glad to hear you had made an absulate End <n..> that Idle fellow Greenwell, I hope then next will give me an Account of it, I do not in the least question y[ou]r Judgem[en]t in makeing the Dams as Substantiall as possible could be, & I hope they will have the desired Effect, w[hi]ch would be a great Sat

letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 13 Aug 1713

Mr Ward Newby 13 Aug[us]t 1713 I Recd y[o]urs of the 10th as also the Inclosed from Mr Maynard, I refer wholly to you & Mr Maynard to make an End w[i]th Allinson [or Allason] as you shall think fit, & do not in the least question but you will do for me as for y[ou]r Selves, pray let me know by the next post the Rental of the ground & what is the least he will take for it, for am sure he can have no Manner of title, I dought [doubt] the ways are so bad that you canno

letter – John Blackett to Edward Barnard – 14 Aug 1713

Mr Ed[ward] Barnard Newby Aug[us]t 14 1713 Sir my Father is willing to pay you y[ou]r Note of £2:12 & if he had know of it would have p[ai]d it much sooner, for his gardiner Peter Aron never acquainted him w[i]th it, but what he writ to you was of his own head I am Sir y[ou]r Humble Serv[an]t

letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 14 Aug 1713

Dear Brother Aug[us]t 14: 1713 my Father is Indebted to Mr Edward Barnard two pound twelve Shillings for garden Leeds, w[hi]ch upon the Receipt of this letter you are desired to pay it & place it to his acct, he wonders he does not hear from you of the Receipt of the moneys of Mr Brumells bills, w[i]th all Services from hence I am y[ou]r affect[ionate] Brother To Mr Ed[ward] Barnard at Mr Charles Barnards leather Seller at the lamb & Sun in Newgate Street

letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 14 Aug 1713

D[ea]r Brother Newby Aug[us]t14 1713 my father Recd y[ou]rs of the 11th & is very much surprised that mr Charles Horton has not paid Mr Brummells bills of hundred and fifty pound, my father would have you keep the bills to Indeavoir to get the moneys for through Mr Horton has no affects of Mr Brummels in his hands yet will be obliged to pay the money, because has accepted them, if you have not protested the bills, be sure do it upon Receipt of this letter & than you w

letter – Edward Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 15 Aug 1713

Mr Brumell Aug[us]t 15 S[i]r Inclosed I Send you my Son Christophers letter so by the very first post write a line to Mr Horton to pay the bills or otherwise they will be Noted & returned, I can say no more upon this Acc[oun]t onely that am very ill dealt w[i]th all by you, I thought Mr Brumell had been a much wiser man than to draw bills upon one that has no affects of y[ou]rs in his hands faile not to write a line to him by the very first post, as also to y[ou]r Hum

letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 15 Aug 1713

Mr Ward Newby Aug[us]t 15 1713 I am now fully resolved to let all my grounds at Newby & does not in the least question to get Tenants, so if you have not already absolutely bargained for the Ten Ewes, do not buy them for shall dispose of all my stock in the Spring I hope you Recd my last letter so pray let me hear from you by the Next post I am Y[ou]r

letter – Edward Blackett – 16 Aug 1713

My D[ea]r Kinsman Newby 16 Aug[us]t 1713 am infinately obliged to my dear Kinsman for the favour of y[ou]r letter, w[hi]ch gave me some comfort in this most Malancholy condition I am In, I need not name the Occation for I cannot name it without tears, for must own Tis one of the greatest troubles that ever befell me, pray god grant that I may not live to have such another, I can Say no more upon this Malancholy occation but that I am to your self & Family a reall & affect[ionat

letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 18 Aug 1713

D[ea]r Kitty Aug[us]t 18 1713 Inclosed I send you Mr Brumells letters I doubt not long Eere this but you have Recd the money of Mr Horton wch give me Credit for, Inclosed I send you three bills For Hundred and Fifty pounds wch am very Sure will be punctually paid, acquaint me when bills are accepted by a very good hand whether you can dispose of them in pay[men]t for goods as ready money, though they be eight or ten days before they be due, faile not to own the Receipt of my bills by th

letter – Edward Blackett to George Mashrother – 18 Aug 1713

Mr Mashrother 18 Aug[us]t S[i]r Pray do me the favour by the bearer the post boy to acquaint me if Mrs Tompson be at home or where she is, for Mrs Millington has got [struck out: ‘a sore’] a paine in her breast & would come to York & take Mrs Tompsons advice bout it, pray faile not & you will oblige

letter – Edward Blackett – 20 Aug 1713

D[ea]r Cousin you may depend upon it that the money you have upon Stavely is good security & whether the Mill & house are in good repair or not it does not much concerne you for you may have your moneys wch you have upon Estate repaid you in a months notice, as I am ve[ry] credibly informed & better Security for y[ou]r money you cannot possibly have, so I advise you to keep it w[i]th all Services fro[m] hence to y[ou]r Self & my Lady Wandesford I am Mad[a]m y[ou]r affec[tion

letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 20 Aug 1713

[Dear] James Newby Aug[us]t 20th 1713 I Recd y[ou]rs of the 15th give my humb[le] Service to Mr Major & acquaint him I shall send for the hhd [hogshead] Wine assoon as the Weather is something Couler, I hope Mr Coulson will be as good as his Word to send me bills for W[illia]m Lowses two hundred pound by the next post as he promised you, I perceive Mr Foster told you if Mr Jones was perfectly well but I hear by Severall hands that he cannot walk over the roome without he

letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 21 Aug 1713

[Dear] Mr Ward Newby 21 Aug[us]t 1713 Sir I Recd y[ou]rs of the 18 w[i]th the Inclosed Note from Mr Rob[er]t Allason [Allinson?] so I leave you to deal with him as well as you can, & in the mean time Shall look over my writings againe & indeavoir to find a better title however assoon as possible you can & desire you will pay Mr Maynard his bills and give my Service & thanks to him for his Care & that he proceed no further in this business till he hears
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467