Honest Will Newby 24 Aug[us]t 1713
I Recd y[ou]rs of the 19th the horse I writ to you about is at last found but very Soore abused tis thought that Some Scotch or Northumberland men had taken him for some other horses was awanting, but am glad he is found againe
I wunder t[h]e Tenants should complaine of the price of Corne this year For I doubt they will find corne cheaper the Next for wheat is fallen 18d in a bushell Since New corne in, busure Set all things streigh
Mr Loraine Aug[us]t 24th 17[13]
I Recd y[ou]rs of the 20th and am Sorry the undertaker has paid you £12 Short you may thank y[our] Self for makeing so foolish a bargaine I hope it will learne you to be wiser hereafter when Mewburne has weighd of y[ou]r Ten Tuns [struckout: ‘ready to be weight off shall order Mewburne to go up & weigh it off, & than’] shall send you an order to Receive y[ou]r money of W[illia]m Lowes, I wonder the Work people does not advise the undert
Honest Harry Di[tto 24 August 1713]
let me know by the very first post how many pieces of lead Mr Loraine has laying at the Mill & shall order Mewburne to go to fallowf[iel]d and weigh it off, & than will ord[e]r W[illia]m Lowes to pay him in case there be ten tun but not otherwise, you may assure his Creditors I will pay him punctually for every ten tuns he makes, therefore they need not Straighten him nor be too urgent with him for their moneys for they may depend upon
I have the favour of y[ou]r letter must own a great maney things has been told me both of y[ou]r Self & y[ou]r Father Mr Wilkinson w[hi]ch Surprised me very much being I always had so great a Value & friendship [struckout: ‘respect and kindness’] both for y[ou]r grand Father & Father & am very sure they had no less for my Self & Familey, & if [struckout: ‘it was ever’] it were in my power to be serviceble Either to y[ou]r Self or [struckout: ‘y[ou]r Fat
James 27 [August 1713]
I Recd y[ou]rs of the 22th w[i]th the bills of £200 w[hi]ch I have given [struck out ‘W[ilia]m’] Mr Coulson C[redit] for, the moneys he Recd of W[illia]m Lowes, the perceive there is 2 q[uarter]s of lead wanting so tis well if tis found amongst the undertakers Lead, you know they owed me Some 3 q[uarter]s or more w[hi]ch they have not paid for as yet, you must take as maney q[uarter]s of theirs in lew of them,
I have writ to W[illia]m
Mr Ward 27 Aug[ust] 1713
I Recd y[ou]rs of the 24th & if I had known a month Sooner that D Johnson had a Daug[hter] that was fit for a houskeeper would have sooner hired her than any other, in case she had been capable of it, pray get Mr Maynards Note assoon as possibly you can I know it Must be very inconsiderable we will let the matter rest for some time, am still in hopes to find Some writings if may be Serviceble to me in y[ou]r business I am
y[ou]r Assured Friend
Mr Foley 27 Aug[ust] 1713
Sir I have the favour of y[ou]r letter and do assure you who ever told Jewler the basket maker that he had my liberty to vote for whom he pleased was a great knave and pray acquaint him from me that I do expect he shall vote for you and Mr Dunney as he promised me or otherwise he may never Expect my friendship, wishing you both all Success immaigenable I am
S[i]r y[ou]r most Faithful Humb[le] Ser[vant]
Honest Will
my last to you was the 24th Since has not Recd any from you, This is chiefly to acquaint you that a particular friend of mine lost 2 horses last night out of the pasture, & are not to be found hereabout therefore Supposes they are Stoolen by some Scotch or Northumberland man, upon Receipt of this letter must besure so make Strict Search after them
D[ea]r S[i]r 30 Aug[us]t 1713
you know you may command me in any thing, but in breaking my word you must excuse me. I wish you had made y[ou]r mind know to me upon mr Worsleys Acc[oun]t when you were at London & then would willingly have Served him; but being Ingaged some time ago by my Neighbour S[i]r Brian Stapleton & his Son, as also by Mr Wakefield from my L[or]d Downes, I can neither in honour or Conscience break my repeted promises, w[hi]ch I know you will easily pa
James Newby 3 Sept[ember] 1713
I perceive by yo[ur]s of the 29th that you will Send me a note of what moneys you have paid & disburst out of this last half years Rent of Seaton Dalavall, & to whome, w[hi]ch besure faile not to doe,
I am much in y[ou]r opinion that there will be no Occasion for then going to fallowfield for Mr Loraines lead may be as well all weigh[e]d off next Spring, for I do not designe it shall come down sooner,
I Recd a letter
Honest Harry Newby the 3 Sept[ember] 1713
I perceive by y[our]s of the 28th that Mr Loraine had 10 tun & 6 q[uarter]s of lead at the Mill, so the Inclosed letter to W[illiam] Low[e]s is to pay him for the 10 tun, you write me likewise that George Kell the plomer hath got 3 pigs of lead weighing four hundred two quarters & two pound w[hi]ch is but indiferent weight, am very glad the acc[oun]t you give me of the groves I hope Gerrard Dobson bargaine will continue good f
Mr Loraine 3 Sept[ember] 1713
Since myne of the 24th haife [have] heard nothing from you I am now resolved that none of my lead shall come down to Newcastle till next Springe, so there will be no Occasion for Mewburnes going to weigh y[ou]r lead haveing Inclosed a letter to W[illia]m Low[e]s by this post in H Tulops to pay you for ten tun & always as you make a hundred and Sixty pieces he shall pay you so that the lead need not be weight off till next Spring all together nor the lead
Honest Will 3 Sept[ember] 1713
My last to you was of the 20th about 2 horses being Stoole from my friend w[hi]ch are Since found [Struckout: ‘is none too Certaine for they were met going towards Carlile, I wish you could make inquiry after them & you should be gratified to y[ou]r own satisfaction, they belong to Mr Dawney My L[or]d Downes Eldest Son, I doubt not if pains was taken but they may be heard of againe, I’]
I perceive Mr Loraine has made 10 tuns of
Mr Ward 3 Sept[ember] 1713
The other Side is a Copy of my last, Since I Recd a letter from D: Johnson, pray acquaint her what I write you concerning her Daughter, I could heart[i]ly wish I had known of her sooner; & shall make it my business to get her a place if possibly I can pray discharge Mr Maynards Note & I hope by the very first post to hear that you have done it I am
y[ou]r assured Friend to serve you
Mr Scott Sept the 1st 1713
Sir about ten days agoe Mr Aldm Fenwick of Hull, writ me that my basket of Spa Water was arrived, & would Send it by the first Keel for Yorke, directed for you, I desire you will let me know if you have heard any thing of it, when it comes to y[ou]r hand must beg the favour of you to send it by the first Borrowbridge boat, & give them a great charge of it, & you will oblige
Sept[ember] 4 1713
D[ea]r S[i]r
I am informed that the Lord Mayor of Yorke has made a great numb[e]r of fre[e]men of Yorke of late on purpose to Serve his friend at the Election I can assure you that all the freemen that was made Since the test of the Rit that their Votes are Voide & will not be allowed in Parliament so you may Stand upon it at the Election and let there be a query set on their names in case they are allowed to Vote assoon as this Comes to y[ou]r h
Mr Ward Sept[ember] 7 1713
I Recd y[ou]rs w[i]th Mr Maynards letter & bill I think it comes to a great deal of money considering no great matter done, for my part I do not much understand it & as he has referred it to y[ou]r Self pray do it likewise not doubting but you will get me what abatement possibly you can, I do think it very necessary that you keep a Court at Bisshopton after Michelmass, however I hope to See you after you have got your harvest Inn, & than Sha
Honest Will Sept[ember] 13 1713
I peceive by y[ou]rs of the 31 that you think you Shall be Straightened to get moneys of the Tenants to pay Mr Loraine for the ten tun of lead, w[hi]ch I very much wonder at, I hope by thus time you have got most of y[ou]r harvest Inn, so acquain[t] the Tenants that you are to come to Newby to set the last half year Streight, & that you must of necessuty have all the Arrears, or otherwise you must pay it out of y[ou]r own pock
Mr Fenwick 8 Sept[ember] 1713
I have longe Expected my German Spa Water, but can hear nothing of it so pray let me know by the very first post, in what Keel you Shipt it & the day of the month For I am afraid there is some mistake, otherwise it would have been at Yorke long before this
last post I recd a letter from Mr V[an] Meel of Rotterd[a]m wh[ich] informes me that he has two Cows & a bill for me their, but no Hull Ship being at the port, so pray acquai
Mr Van Meel
Sir 8 Sept[ember] 1713
I perceive by y[our]s of the 8th that you have got one the two Cows & the bull Calf, am Sorry there is no hull Vessel w[i]th you at present, but I hope in a short time you will find a conveniency to Ship them for hull,
I wond[e]r my Son Christopher Blackett has not Remitted you more than Forty pound Sterling, for he has much more moneys of my Son Johns in his hand, shall write him by this post that if has not al
Dear Kitt 8 Sept[ember]
tis now full time to Inquire how y[ou]r Wife does, I hope by this, She is nigh her time, & I heartily wish her a Safe delivery
Give my Service <Savill> & tell her I wonder I hear nothing of my handkerchiefs, if she has not already bought them desire her to buy them assoon as possible
<The casy> I had a letter the last post from mr V[an] Meel who writes me he has Recd a bill from you for £40 Sterling, I very m
James Newby the 10 Sept[ember] 1713
I perceive by y[ou]rs of the 5th that Mr Waters will give you a bill for the ballance of Mr Fenwicks Acc[oun]ts Acc[oun]t Mr Mayor that I shall Send a Cart from Newby on Monday Next for my Wine he will be at Newcastle Tuesday in the afternoon do you be their about that time so see the Wine fill[e]d up w[i]th the very best sort of Wine, & see the Man set out by times on Wednesday Morning, desire Mr Mayor to see the Kart over the br
Newby 11 Sept 1713
I Recd yrs of the 8th past & I do assure you have no manner occasion for a Steward neither in Northumberland nor any other place where I am concerned, being all my Stewards are liveing I am
Sr yr Very humbe Servt
For Mr. J Blackburne To be left at the post house At Settle in Craven
Dr Sister Bella
my father ordered me to acquaint you tht he Recd yr letter & is very Sorry for Cousin Norton’s misfortune, he has Sent the bearer on purpose to see him, he is very well pleased you have agreed wth the Washer Woman for mending, clearing, & washing tht linnen & she shall be paid quarterly as she desires my fathers leg is almost perfectly well, he send you his blessing & his service to Cousin Norton & his Family & believe me
yr affect Brother
Capt Fairfax
I Recd the favour of yr letter & I heartily wish you much Joy, you need not in the least fear Mr Jennkins petition, for you will find many more friends in the house then he will do when you can sare time all this family will be mighty glad to see you at Newby I am
Dr Sr yr most Faithfull Hum <I>