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letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Loftus – 4 Oct 1713

4 Octobr 1713 Honest Mr Loftus I have Sent you by my Servant the bearer Six pounds, so I desire you will buy me twenty Ewes at Laburne you know what sort of Ewes I would have, such as would bring up their lambs well, and after they are killd off, will feed that summer I refer pray let me know whether you could hire a man from beadle to bring thm from laburne, or shall send a Servant from hence, had much rather you could hire an honest fellow, wish you that you can can depend upon, for th

letter – Edward Blackett to Paul Foley – 4 Oct 1713

Newby Octobr 4th 1713 Sr I Recd the favour of yr Lettr and wish it were in my <Power> at any time to be Serviceable to you in this County am much obliged to you for yr kind remembrance of mr Lodge, and doubt not in the Least Question but yr intrest will Prevale for a Quallification for him You know it is no manner of Charge to the a noble man, and am Sure the Prayer’s of So Good and Pius a man as Mr Lodge is are valuable [struck out: ‘I am Sure I thin

letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 5 Oct 1713

Mr Ward New[by] Octobr 5th 1713 The above <said> is a copy of my Last, I doubt it did not Com to yr by Reason I Possitively desire you to Give me a line by the very 1st Post having got a warrant of which will Send you a long by the 1st carefull hand which you must serve on mr Bellingham Servt and leave it with him tht he may inclose it to his master you need not trouble yr Self to send a horse to Richmond to appear at the militia for have taken Care of tht affair

letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 6 Oct 1713

oct 6 1713 James the Inclosed are two Indentures the one I have to Indamnifie the Tenants the other I would have you sine & the rest of the tenants send for them to Seaton & give them a drink & read it to them & a Quent [acquaint] them that Seaton ground is in debted to me nigh 1500 pounds & not a tenant can keep a beast there till my full debt be paid & they may so that I have Indeamnified them a gainst Sr John & all other persons what so ever I hope with y

letter – John Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 7 Oct 1713

Mr Pemberton Sr according to yr desire, I acquaint you tht may Lady departed this life just at 4 a clock my fathers remins you to let my Lord Warrington & the Dean of Bristol know of her death, & tht he was not in a condition to do it himself I am <In haest> yr Very humbe Servt

letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 8 Oct 1713

8 October 1713 Sr when I signed the deed the other day wch concerns my dear Grand Daughter, I was so much concerned for my poor [struck out: Dear’] Wife tht I did not know well what I did, for you know it is not reasonable to pay a hundred pounds a Year to a child betwixt 9 and 10 Years old, when I never Recd one farthing of her Dear Mothers fortune, & I doubt not in the least but my Lord Warrington will think it so, however I am willing to whatever his Lordship thinks reasonable, &

letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 9 Oct 1713

9 Octobr James am very Sorry upon this Occasion that I must give you the [struck out: ‘very’] sad & melancholick news of my Dear wifes death, who died on Wednesday last in the Evening, not onely this family but also all the <wl> neighbourhood lements the loss of her upon Receipt of this letter go & waite of Sr John wish him my Service & acquaint with it, I am in such a concern tht I can write no more but tht I am yr assured Friend James

letter – John Blackett to John Ward – 9 Oct 1713

9 Octobr 1713 Mr Ward My Father is in so great a concern for the death of my poor Lady who departed this life on wednesday last at 4aClock in the afternoon, so what you heard of her being dead, was not so, he d never did designe to part wth any thing about bishopton now was there any offer made to him about it, we are all here in so great a concern tht I can write no more but tht I am Yr assured Friend JB

letter – John Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 9 Oct 1713

Dr <Brother> my Father Recd yr letter but is so much concerned for the death of my poor Lady, who Died last wednesday in the afternoon at 4 a Clock, tht he ordered me to write you, he is very glad tht yr wife is safely brought to bed & wishes you both much comfort of him, he gives you both his blessing and his service to all Relations I am yr

letter – Edward Blackett – 13 Oct 1713

October 13: 1713 Dr Sr am Infinately obliged to you for the great concern you have for my Irrepparable loss of of the best of wifes & one of the best of women God almighty support me in this sad affliction I can write no more upon this Mellancholic occasion, but that I am to yr Self & lady a most affect Uncle & most Faithfull Humbe Sevt

letter – John Blackett to Mrs Cuthbertson – 14 Oct 1713

Octobr 14: 1713 Mrs Cuthbertson The great affliction wch has happened this Family will prevent my Fathers Comming to Yorke he is so much concerned tht he ordered me to desire you will Endeavoir to let your house & dispose of the goods wch mrs Millington brought as you think convenient all but the Scrutore For we have occasion for one here, my Father is Informed tht mr Boldero would take the house being much nigher his business as his friend but he could wish you could get a Tenant mo

letter – John Blackett to Dorothy Porter – 14 Oct 1713

14 Dorothy Parker This brings you the Sad news of my Dear Ladys Death & tht they will want a Chamber Maid at Newby in Hannahs Roome for she goes away at Martinmass so upon Receipt of this Letter let me know whether you come or no, That Sr Ed may provide himself wth another if you come will send a horse for you 4 or 5 days before Martinmass, or if you hire a horse will pay for the hire of it wch faile not to do by the first post by a line to yr friend Millington

letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Stephenson – 15 Oct 1713

Mr Stephenson 15 Octobr 1713 Sr I desire you will pay the bearer To: Staitham for ten Chaldron of Coals, pray Send me my Acct I believe there will be veryd little betwixt us, the first bills wch I get from Newcastle shall send you but are very scarce at present, so am forced to have money sent, & order a paper to be set above the door tht the house is to be let, I wish you could get me a good Tenant, & dispose of the goods wch you assisted mr Milligton to buy, pray discourse mrs

letter – John Blackett to Mr Jones – 15 Oct 1713

Jones 15 Octobr 1713 Sr The great affliction tht this family Especially my Father are in, for the death of my poor Lady is in Expressible, my father wants company very much & nothing will but diver him, he desires yrs assoon as passible you can, so pray let me have a line from you, by the next post whether I shall send horses for you, or you will come to Topcliff in the stage coatch, & shall be ready to waite upon you their, wth our Charriot at the time appointed, My father hope

letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 15 Oct 1713

Newby 15 Octobr 1713 James Mewburn I Recd yours, and am glad you have got, so many of the tenants to signe the attornment, and shall justify both you and them for so doing, as for the rest that refuses to signe, they must blame themselves, what trouble & charges may be occasion’d for not doing it, and for atkinson that has taken possession of Seaton house illegally, I am advised not onely to action of Trespass lyes against him for it, but an Indictment for forceabe Entry, and no e

Letter – John Delaval to Edward Blackett – 15 Oct 1713

October the 15th 1713 Sr Edward I had an Account by Mr Mewburn of the Death of yr Lady, for wch I condole wth you but was Surprised at the Methods he has taken wth the Tenants at Seaton wch I may conclude was without your directions, the Estate I take to be mine charged wth my Nieces portion, and why your Steward should persuade any of the tenants to attorn you, I cannot apprehend, for I must not suffer him to deal large pennyworths out of my Estate, nor can I think you design it, I am

letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Stephenson – 16 Oct 1713

16 Octobr 1713 Mr Stephenson Sr the Inclosed should have come by the boatman but he went away without Coming to Newby, as soon as you can bargain for a boat load or two of back Barnsley Coals pray send them up, For I will willingly have thm at Borrowbridge before the ways grows bad, I wonder coals should be so scarce at Yorke, they used to be very plenttyfull this time of the Year, oray oerusem seal, & deliver mrs Cuthbertsons letter, ordr a papr to be put above the door tht the hous

letter – John Blackett to Maria Blackett – 16 Oct 1713

Sis Maria 16 Octobr The great affliction tht this family Especially my Father are in, for the death of my poor Lady is in Expressible, so be order me to acquaint you that he Recd yr letter, if it had pleased God tht my lady had lived we all designed to have gone to Yorke at martinmass, for we had taken mrs Cuthbertsons house & bought furniture for it about 4 or 5 day before my Ladys death, not thinking in the least of her death, Go almighty prepare us all for our latter End, none knows

letter – John Blackett to Isabel Blackett – 16 Oct 1713

16 Octobr 1713 Sister Bella my Father Recd yr letter, but is in so great a concern for his loss tht he cannot ut en to paper, so ordered me to acquaint you tht you may buy a Crape Gown & petticoat for mourning at Knaesbroug & what other small things are Necessary & send the note to Newby & he well send you money to pay for it, the bearer will give you a little box of pills you may take 5 of thm at a time as you have occasion for they are very safe Physick, my father i

letter – John Blackett to Thomas Brummell – 17 Oct 1713

Newby 17 October 1713 Mr Brumell The great affliction that this family Especially my Father are in for the death of poor Lady is in Expressible, so oreders me to write to desire you to send the last half years Rentall as also a bill for the balance betwixt you, another half year you know being at hand, shall expect yr answer by the first post, my service to yr spouse I am Yr Humble Servt Mr Coulson 17 Octobr 1713 the Inclosed is a letter of great concern so pray hi

letter – Edward Blackett to Francis Pemberton – 17 Oct 1713

mr Pemberton 24 Octobr 1713 Sr I heartily thank you or the Inclosed letter & am mighty satisfied to think tht my r Grand Daughter will be Educated under my Lord Warringtons Care I had a kind letter the last post from the Dean of Bristol, he is well pleased that his dr kinswoman will be educated under my Ld Warrington’s Eye I had a letter lately from Sr John who appointed the 28 of this Month wch is St Simon & Jude for his friends Meeting mr Norton

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Delaval – 17 Oct 1713

Newby 17 October 1713 Sr I recd yr letter wch is very Acceptable to me, & I thankfully acknowledge yr condolence wth me for my Dear Wifes death, & yr kind offers of having matters accommodated between us in an amicable manner, and I do assure you it shall be none of my fault if they be not, I most readily agree to your proposal of having two friends to meet & discourse the concerne and have prevailed wth my Couzin Wm Norton Esq to attend what friend you please to send to Pr

letter – Edward Blackett to Paul Foley – 18 Oct 1713

18 Octobr 1713 Mr Foley I hope mine of the 4 came to yr hand, Since mr Wortley did me the honour of a Visit, I believe he has lodged his petition before this but you know he may with draw it when he pleases I hear it is a very severe one, I heartily wish for quietness sake tht my Ld Harley will give him no opposition in the next Election for Aldborough for it would reconcile both parties and make thm intirely friends, this I write out of Respect to you both & wishing a good unde

letter – John Blackett to Edward Boldero – 18 Oct 1713

Sr 18 Octobr 1713 The great affliction that this family Especially my Father are in, for the death of my poor Lady, is in Expressible, so ordered me to give you thanks for the kind Invitation of yr house this sad misfortune has prevented this family coming to Yorke this Winter so if either yr self or any Friend of yours has a mind to take the house, he will let it at Reasonable Rent, it stands mighty well for the business, so consider of it, my Father would be glad to see you at Ne

letter – Edward Blackett to Henry Lodge – 18 Oct 1713

18 October 1713 Mr Lodge Sr I desire you will deliver the inclosed to my brother Christopher, assoon as you hear he is come to town, he will be at Leeds on Wednesday or Thursday at farthest, all this family joins wth me in our services to yr self & mrs Lodge I am
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467