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Receipt – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 15 Oct 1675

Recaved then of Mr John Schand by order of Sr James Standsfeild the some of twenty six pound sterling which with twenty four pound formerly recaved maks fifty pounds. Which I have got for defraying of his four fifth part charges of the leed myns called Wanlock Head. Pay recaved by me Wm Blackett

Letter – Ralph Grey to Ralph Grey – 15 Oct 1675

Newcastle: october. the: 15: 1675 Sonne Ralph: Yours of the 7th Currant Came to hand, my last was with Mr James Liddell who sayled ten dayes agoe with whome I sent yew 15 <dunder> 3 pare of stokings 38 Cottons on[e] p[iece] of stufe qt 38 yeards and 300 p[ieces] of Lead qt 395c 1q 15lb which praye in first place present my humble service to Mr Tradell and desire him to reimburse the ball[ance] of Last accoumpt and what yew have recd of him as to your expences and send returns in brandy

Letter – Michael Blackett to Michael Clipsham – 15 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 15th 1675 Mr Mich: Chipsham Sr I have before me yours of the 9th present Inclosed you have an acct of the 12 p[iece]s prunes the nett proceed being £22: 7: 2d I have placed to your acct <curr[en]tt> w[hi]ch you may either draw upon me at sight or order me to pay it to whome you thinke Convenient In this place & the Contents of your Answer shall be Complyed withall. Let Mr Swynocke beleve w[ha]t he pleases I was never no Juglar & tis now to late to begin If any

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 15 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 15th 1675 Mr Ed Willett Sr I have at last with much adoe prevailed with a merchant in this towne for the Conveying of 600 p[iece]s Leed unto you in a vessell w[hi]ch he hath freighted called the fortune of London Jeremy Gardner m[aste]r who sailed the <other>.morning & god send him in Salvo to his desired port the goods have consigned to Mr Jac. Coquemar of newhaven the vessell going no further up w[hi]ch after good arrivall he is to receive & following the ord

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 19 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 19th Sr I have before me yours of the 16th and 18th present according to your order did proffer Mr Swaine £50 he tould me he wanted £60 w[hi]ch sume did furnish him withall & have placed the same to your debt for further answer of your Letters I must beg your excuse for must be short with you so send me no more bills to fill up for I refer it to your selfe if it be reasonable to spend dayes neglacting owne businesse & all for nothing when I had men to Command it was

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 19 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 19th 1675 Honnoured Sr Since mine of the 19 present have received yours of the 14th ditto with the sad newes of the Losse of our Leed by Richd Streeter no remedy but patience: God gives so I ought to be Contented when he pleaseth to take away and therefore no Losse shall ever trouble me for tis but a folly for men to Grudge or <paine> at the Almightyes will and pleasure but now when sumthing is to be saved I thinke we ought to looke after it: therefor I hope you will be

Letter – Michael Blackett to Samuel Beake – 20 Oct 1675

[date not stated, but position in book is between 19th and 22nd October] Newcastle 8 ber 1675 Mr Sam: Beake Sr I have before me yours of the 12th present the reason why I answered not your former about the 12 p you mentioned, is that It is not my Concerne, for the Companie Is seperated, and all business that was acted whilst it Continued, my father tooke Into his owne hands, who Is now I hope In London, soe may speake to him if you please about the same, noe question but he will make you

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 22 Oct 1675

Mr Ed: Willet Newcastle 8ber 22nd I have not time to give you a Coppie of my former but I hope it came well to your hand as alsoe before the the 600 ps Leed good news of wch would be very acceptable unto me if please god they arrive well pray dispose of them as you think convenient either at price curr[en]t or keep them awhile for a better market for the disposal thereof is wholly left to your discretion not doubting but you will doe for me as if it were your owne Concerne. Now Sr I des

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 22 Oct 1675

Honoured Sir Ditto Sr Wm Blackett Since mine of the 19th psent have not any from you so the lesse to Inlarge upon this Chefley to give you notice of what I forgot in my last you know you sould above 300 bus:[hels] of Major Allens beans & sould <sd> that you would either buy as many againe or be accomptible to me for the same as I sould the remainder <Ilhrile> I shall sell none of them for expect every post orde to ship them for Rotte[erdam] so pray let me have a line

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 22 Oct 1675

Mr Henry Nelthorpe Newcastle 8ber 22nd Sr this serves for Cover for the Inclosed bill of £100 Charged upon Mr Wm Gall by Hen: Hoplett at Rotte[erdam]: 15th 8ber payable 2/us to my order valew of Walter Chaytor wch is Indorsed to you so pray procure acceptance & payment when dew & place the same to the Creditt of MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 22 Oct 1675

Ditto Major Edward Allan Sr I have none of yours to answer so the lesse at present to inlarge upon but I am vexed that I can meet with no Chapman neither for your peese nor beanes to Content Rye here to 3s 8d to 4s 4d oats 17d to 20d new w[hi]t[e] pease 4s beanes 2 ½ s to 3s Leed £12 p[er] fodder butter 17s 6d p[er] firkin Coals 10s p[er] Ch[alder] this being the needfull at present I take leave MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Schand – 22 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 22nd 1675 Mr Jno: Schand Sr I have before me yours of the 19th present with the very welcome newes of the receipt of the Leed consigned unto you by order and for acct of Sr James Stansfield who I perceive by the sd Letter desires me to shipp as much more p[er] very first oppertunity w[hi]ch shall God willing be Observed had I got your Letter one day sooner very probable itt would have bene Shipt before now for I heard that yesterday went from here 2 small Oysters Boats with

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Legendre – 22 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 22nd 1675 Mr Jno Legendre Sr I have before me yours of the 16th present for answer I am very well pleased with your resolution about the proffer I made you of the 600 p[iece]s of Leed mentioned in my former itt seemes you have no mind to be Concerned w[hi]ch is very well and according to that order shall forbeare shipping any upon your acct all though an opertunity offer to Content untill further order from you so I <kisse> your hands & remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 23 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Robt Jackson Sr haveing none of yours to answer I have very little at present to Inlarge upon this serveing Ch[i]efly for Covert to the Inclosed 2 accts which I am forced to make out to myselfe by the sume you will se[e] here dew to your father £1: 2: 10: and to your selfe £17: 16: 9d which is £18: 19: 7 so pay your father £1: 2: 10 and there will be dew to you from my father w[hi]ch I know you may demand upon a minuits warning or if you thinke fitt that I should receive it le

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 23 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 23rd Mr Nicho: Verlaen Sr My last unto you was of the 19 present by Bartho: Kirkhouse by whome I have shiped and consigned unto you provided he come to your port for perhaps he may Goe for Rott[erdam] 400 p[iece]s Leed which after good arrivall you are to receive & to dispose thereof to the best of your knouledge for the most advantidge paying the m[aste]r 10 st[uyvers] p[er] p[iece] freight with a st[uyver] upon a Gilder for primidg[e] & Averidge but I cannot at pre

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 23 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 23rd 75 Sr My last unto you was of the 19th present by Bartho: Kirkhouse by whome I have shipped and Consigned unto you (provided he come to your port for perhaps he may goe for Amst[erdam] [)] 400 p[iece]s Leed w[hi]ch after good arrivall you are to receive & dispose there of to the best of your knowledge for the most advantidge paying the m[aste]r 10 st[uyvers] p[er] p[iece] freight with a St[uyver] upon a gilder for primidge and averidge but I cannot at present Informe

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 26 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 26th 75 Mr James Cooke Sr I shall presume to trouble you with these few lines Intreating you thereby to doe me the favoure as to send me a bill if it stand with your Convenience for 2 3 or £400 payable 20 d[ays] or 24 d[ays] after date or if you cannot doe it your selfe that you would be pleased to gett me some of the same or other if possible and they sh<ould> be sure of there money this kindnesse I did desire of one of your towne who had no occatione himselfe and I

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 26 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 26th 1675 Mr Robert Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 25th present with a blanck bill upon Mr <duCally> w[hi]ch for this time I have filled up for 140 <£> payable at 28/d[ays] date to Mr Henry Nelthorpe or order valew of mr Timo: Davisson so faile not to give advice thereof that the same may be dewly complyed withall according to its contents £80: I send you by the bearer C f and the other £60 according to your order I keep in discharge of w[ha]t I pd M

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 29 Oct 1675

Ditto Major Allen Kind friend I have before me yours of the 21st present doe heartily thanke you for the first acct you give me of the price of <Hey> but now I have Occatione for none If I had tis Cheaper here than with you for the other day I was offered a quantity for 9s and I am Confident could have had it Cheaper but I had no occatione your beanes and pease are still waiting for a markett w[hi]ch I hope will present a<t> last and that to your advantidge but you must have p

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 29 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 29th 75 Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr Pray take notice that the 26th present I drew upon you the sume of £50: -: -: payable at 20 d[ays] date to Tho: Dalston or order valew of him w[hi]ch pray let be complyed withall I will take care God willing to reimburse you before my bill fall dew next post I will returne you the 2 bills Indorsed I am Sr MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 30 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Walter Chaytor Sr My last to you was of the 23rd present to w[hi]ch refers you since have received yours of the 29 present with an acct of my 400 p[iece]s Leed w[hi]ch I have examined found right & booked accordingly – pray take notice that the 400 p[iece]s Leed shipt in Bartho: Kirkhouse is all upon my fathers proper acct so if he come to your port pray booke the same accordingly the 2 bills for £91: < st[erlin]g> I have received & placed the same in Conformity w

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 30 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 30th 75 Mr Nico: Verlaen Sr My last to you was of the 23rd prsent to w[hi]ch refers you since not any of yours so the lesse at present to Inlarge upon this being Chiefly to advise you that the 400 p[iece]s Leed shipt on Bartho Kirkhouse is all upon my fathers acct so if he come to your port booke the same accordingly I cannot as yet meet with any good rye 3s if you can give 3s <..> and doe thinke that any good will be done thereby pray advise me p[er] first for the soo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 30 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber 30th 75 Mr Ed: Willett Sr My last to you was of the 22nd present to w[hi]ch refers you since have received yours of the 25th present butt doe wonder that thereby I have no news of the arrivall of my 600 p[iece]s Leed I hope your next will bring it me & shortly or else I shall begin to be in sum feare of losse Tho: Legendre by <a letter> doth desire my corrispondence this day I have writt him a Civill Letter in answer as you know is but reasonable in such a case but

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 30 Oct 1675

Newcastle 8ber the 30th 1675 Honnoured Sr I have before me yours of the 23rd present Inclosed you have a Certificate according to the Instructions given me Somthing is better than nothing so pray be pleased to procure an order that so we may have the Custome of our Leed restored I dare sweare none in the world had any part in my halfe if it be requisite upon your advice I will Imediately send you up an affidavitt to that effect I doe heartyly beg your excuse for the Trouble I putt you to In

Letter – Michael Blackett to William de Werth – 30 Oct 1675

Ditto Mr Wm Dewerth Sr Yours of the 18th Instant with the Inclosed for <schiper Luder Slover> have recd: he is n<ot> yet arrived so shall (according to your order) place the postage to your acct I shall be Glad upon all occationes to testifie that I <am> MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467