Honest Will 7 April
I Recd. yrs. of the 30 March & am very much obliged to you for yr kind wishes to my Self & Family, I would gladly have you come over this Week without faile that all things may be set Streight betwixt us before I go to the bath, wch. I believe will be Sooner than I Expected, wth. my kind remembrance to you
I am
yr. assured Friend to Serve you
Sr – I perceive by a letter from Mr. Ward tht you discourst the Deputy Lut[enan]ts about my concern wth. Mr. Bellingham, am Sorry I did not acqt. you what has past betwixt Mr. Bellingham & my Self, about Fiveteen years ag<oe> I met Mr. Bellingham at Durham & acquaintd him, tht. his lands at Worsel was many years in arrear to me for his share one half for the Setting forth of a light horse, he told me there Should be no difference betwixt us, & if it pleasd to take his Gelding
Peter I perceive by yr letter tht you Sent <Raw>den to Bedale to see the lead weighd off, as also Carriages for it wch was very well done, do you See a Sheet of it weighd, & let me know how many pound there is in a foot, for I am afraid he has cast it to thin, there must be great care taken to Secure the Chimney, & know of Scratcher if there will want no deels for the Roof of the house, for some of the deels wch are layd dos not lay the right way, so must be taken up, I hope there
John Ward
I Recd. yr. letter & gives you many thanks For yr. trouble, tis now about Fiveteen Years Since Mr. Belligham gave me a horse & tht was for the mony wch. was then due, so tht there is now about Fiveteen Years due to me wch. pray acquaint Mr. Manliverer when you See him I am
Yr friend
James 14 April
I Recd. yrs. & have writ to Mr. Silvertop by this post & Shall have his answer by the next post, be sure you have all the arrears wch. are due ready against the first week in May that all things may be Set Streight betwixt us If Sr John offers to Stop any of Seaton Carriages do You acquaint the Neighbouring Towns of it, & we will have a tryall wth. him for it is certainly a high road, if they any of my carriages do you repleavy
Mr Ridsdale york apr 14
I thank you for the good account you give me of my affairs In Cheshire Inclosed have sent you my Lord warringtons Lettr., who I Know will be both very willing and Readey to do me all the Service in his power, he is fully acquainted with with this Concern and did this day Inclose to my Lord your Lettr. which you Sent to me from Leeds So you may order your Agent if their be occation to wait on my Lord with my Humble Service who I know will do what your Agent desi
Apr: th 14 1714
Mr Sillvertop [struck out: ‘pot’ in favour of top]
I have DisCharged mr Brumell for R[ec]eiving my Rents of winlaton Lordship being he did not perform his agrement with me willing to to allow you 20 pounds per year - providing you will Recd. and make good all the Tenents Rents tho I know there is no maner of <Pander/ Dunder> of aney of their faillings So if you approve this proposall give me a Line and then Shall inClose you a Rentall with my most Humble Ser
my Son designs to go Shortly to Newcastle to Set all things Streight wth. his friends their, So I desire you once more to give my Humble Service to Mr. Witton & acqt. him I solely leave the debt wch. was oweing by his Son to his generosity, & shall send my Son to you assoon as I Receive an answer of this letter
Inclosd you have Mr. Foleys letter & care shall be taken of in that affair, Pray let me hear from you assoon as conveniently you can & you will much obl
My Lord York 14 April 1714
My Commissioners went for Cheshire on Wednesday last, & returned Yesterday, I beg yr. lordships pardon for Giving you the trouble of the inclosed, wch. gives a full Acct. of all their proceeding I do not in the least question Success, & am mightily oblig’d to yr. lordship for your assistance, all this family are much yr. lordships Humble Servts. & pray believe me always yr. Lordships Most Obliged &
Most Faithfull Humb. Servt.
Leadmines In Killop Edge
Aprill : 17 : 1714
A Lease from the Right Honorable James Earle of Darwentwater to Richard Ridley Esq George Ledgard Esq Mr George Robson and Mr Andrew Fenwick for 21 years from the 21st December 1713 of those Leadmines at a place Called Killop Edge near Redgroaves att Nenthead in Aldston Moor
This Indenture Made the Seaventeenth day of April In the year of our Lord God One thousand Seaven hundred and Fourteen and in the Thirteenth year of the Reign
This Indenture made the Seaventeenth day of April In the year of our Lord God One thousand Seaven hundred and Fourteen and in the Thirteenth year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Queen Ann over Great Brittain ecr Between the Right Honorable James Earle of Darwentwater Viscount Radcliffe and Langley and baron of Tindale of the One part and Richard Ridley of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tine Esq Lord Mayor of the said Town George Ledgard of the said Town and County of Newcastle upon T
April 18 1714
Dr. Kitty
I hope you got well to London & found yr. family in good health Inclosed I send you Mr. Bromells Letter I have discharged him of my Service, so you will be troubled abt no more bills on Mr. Horton upon receipt of this letter do you buy me a pound of the very best Super Fine black wax In town, & give it to Mr. Richd. Thomson of Furnivals Inn, & desire him to give it to one of his brothers tht. comes first down for they both now in London you have like
Mr Gowland York 18 Aprill
My Master ordred me to acquaint you that if you should have occation for any bills for Sr. Bryon Stapylton against Whitsontide he will furnish you with Bills of a hundred Pound or if you will let him know in time my master hopes you have sent to Mr Pullons as he desired Pray let my master Know his answer by the first oppertunity I am
care will be taken to get two barrs of Iron the dimentions as you write for, the water is so low tht. I doubt we Shall be forced to have our goods brought from York by land, if so you must borrow Mr. Calvert Waggon & one of our own Wains will bring all things tht. are necessary to be used at home, till it pleases God tht. we get Rain tht. the rest of the goods may be Sent by water, you had best Send down to Milby & ask what weight of goods they can bring up as water is now, the g
I give you many thanks for the good offices you have done my Son to Mr. Witton, he offered him £40 & if he will give no more he will be forced to accept of it, I perceive there are Some goods to be yet disposed of wch. were young Mr. witton so I hope when these Goods are Sold Mr. Witton will be so kind as to pay the remaindr. so this you may propose him – wth. my Humbe. Service to yr. Self & Mrs. Lodge I am
Yr. Faithfull Humbl. Servt.
Mr. Silvertop 21 April
I Recd. both yr. letters & am very willing you should make the division you write about, what improvmts. you make amongst my ten[an]ts. my Nephew & my Self will Expect the advantage of it, for you know the Estate is not devided, however if you improve the rents we will considr. you for it, acqt. me what time you desire After the Rent day, to pay the half years Rent In full, faile not to give a line by the first post to
Yr. Assurd. Friend
21 April
Mr. Stapylton
I have had the favr. of yr. letter, & I writ this day to know if I had a bull Calf or no to dispose off, pray let Mr. Fairfax know tht. I have the very best bull in Engd. to dispose of he is 2 Years & a half Old, I have refus’d ten Guineys for him but if he has a mind to him, he shall have him, at the price, am Sure if he see him he would not go wth.out him, pray make my humbe. Service acceptable to yr. Lady & believe me always
Sr. yr. Most
Peter 21 April
I have Sent to Hull for two barrs of Such Iron as you writ would be proper, but the Ironmong of this town tells me, tht. they believe there is not any at Hull of one Inch & a half but there may be of Inch & three quarters or two Inches, so let me know by the first if either of thm. will be proper, ordr. Anthony to keep me the very best bull Calf, & acqt. me what more bull Calves we have & whether there be another Extraordinary bull Calf besides tht. wch. I
21 April
My Lord
For the acct. you have given me in yr. last I return yr. Ld-ship ten thousand thanks concerning my Ld. yr. Fathers Will, I hope there will be no occasion for it, but in case there be shall order My attorney Sollicitor above to write on yr. lordship
Should be mighty glad to hear tht the house of Lds. had Confirm’d yr. decree tht wch you got in chancery, wth. all our most Humbe. Services to yr. Ld.ship I am
Yr. Lordships most Faithfull & Most
<Dr.> <K>itt 21 April
The above is a Copy of my last I had a letter from Peter yesterday, who write me <it> as my bed Chamber is Five Yards high, as nigh as he can Measure it, perhaps it may want ¼ or ½ an inch wch. Signifys nothing, though he writes it is exactly Five Yards, I know none can measure it so nicely, but may want ¼ or ½ an Inch, I wondr. I have not had one line from you since you went, I hope you have got the monys of Mr. Horton, If not be sure give hi
Honest Will 21 April
I hope you got well home & be sure you faile not to make a bargain wth. the Wood Men for a good parcel of <Wood>, where you think it most convenient to cut it, give my Service to Mr. Bacon & let me know what answer he gave you about Seaton Delaval Lordship, faile not to acqt. H. Tulop to be at Newby about the 8 day of May at tht time or before (God willing) my self & family shall be their, I am
Mr. Ridsdale York 25 April 1714
inclosed you have my Ld. Archbisshops letter Ld. Warrington was certainly his fathers Executor, for I have heard him Say he pd £40000 for his fathers debts & I dought not but the Will or a Copy of it may be found in Docters Commons, so I hope it will not be necessary to be at the charge to look for it, my Ld. if there was occasion would satisfy the court though neither Will nor Copy could be found that he was his fathers Executor, wth. my Service to
Dear Kitty York aprill 28 1714
I perceive by yours of the twenty fourth that the Bed made & finish’d after the Best manner would Come to Seaventy five Pounds I did Expect it would come to nigh that Sum however let it alone till further orders shall not be at newby but a very short time this Summer as Soon as I have Sent my Dearest Mitty to my Lord Warrington & the Coach returned shall Imediatly Goe to the Bath & stay there all Summer for I have been much out of orde
York 29 April 1714
Mr. Hey
I give you many thanks for inquiring about the Iron, & must give you the trouble to go to the Forge & bespeak two barrs of Iron one Inch & three quarters Square, & Five yards & a quarter long, they must be Sent by York by water, directed to Mr. Ja Scott Crane master In York, pray Send thm. wth. all expedition for we want thm. mightly, must desire you to pay for thm., & when I See you at Newby Shall be thankfully repaid by
Pray own
& write to H. Tulop by the very first post tht he faile not to come to Newby & set all things streigh betwixt him & my Slf, know of Co[usin]: Wilkinson the price of the last Lead he Sold, as also whether there be any dem[an]d. for the commodity or not, faile not to speak to Mr. Bernardeau as I writ you in my last