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Letter – Edward Blackett to Daniel Jackson – 2 Jun 1714

Newby the <2> June 1714 Mr. Jackson I desire you not to faile to come to Newby to morrow being Friday or on Munday Next without faile for Mrs Millington may perhaps go for Cheshire the begining of the Week, for I have occasion for Severall things in yr. way, bring with you yr. Note what I am indebted to you for the Chair bed, I am Yr. assured Friend

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Clavering – 2 Jun 1714

Sr I had the favr. of yr. letter but was ingaged before it came to hand, am obligd to you for yr. kind invitation to yr. house but I Shall not go into the North this Summer disigning the latter Season for the Bath, for have not had my health well for Some time past, wth. my Humbe. Service to yr. Self Lady & Cousin Betty I am yr. Affct. Uncle & Faithfull Humbe. Ser Mr James Clavering

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Blackett – 4 Jun 1714

Dear Kitt I reced yors. with yor. Brother Savells Letter Inclosed as also his directions, wch. I have exactly persued, & have got three of thm. Executed, wch. you’l receive from Mr. Ridsdale who Sets forward for London on Monday next. Inclose each of thm. by - 3 – Severall Ships & the first that goes, & desire yor. Brothers perticular care to gett me my whole debt & rather than fail to compound for the most he can get, I gave Mr. Ridsdale a Bill upon you for – 40l,

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 4 Jun 1714

Newby 4 June 1714 Sr. I am Glad to perceive by yors. of the 1st of June, that notwithstanding the unhealthfulness of yor. great Town, you keep yors. very well, wch. I heartily wish continuance of for the good of yor. Family, Captain Milinton gives you his Service, he has not heard any thing from Collonel Leigh though he doubts not but he will be yor. Tennt. the Captain will goe for Cheshire before you return from London he has promised to give me a positive acct. wheithor Collonel Leigh

Letter – Peter Aram to Mr Parker – 6 Jun 1714

June – 6 - 1714 Mrs Jetherill. my Master order’d me to write to you that you may thank God that he was Soe kinde as pay you yor. moneys, if he had not pd. you then, you would never have reced a farthing from him I am Yor Humble Servt June – 6 1714 Mr Parker. My Master Sr. Edwd. Blacket desires you to Send the Inclosed to Mrs. Jetherill & you’l Oblige him I am Yor. Humble Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Booth – 8 Jun 1714

My Lord June – 8 – 1714 I have the Honour of yors. of the 5th - & - am very Glad yor. Lordship hath reced yors. moneys of yor. uncle George Booth, I hear that he Should Say, that notwithstanding yor. Lordship had got a decree agt him, he would never pay one Farthing but live in a privilege place till yor. Lordship would come to his terms, but am Glad it is otherwise. I designe God willing, my dear Jewill Shall begin her Journey to Dunham on the - 23 – of this month, &

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 9 Jun 1714

Sr. Newby 9 June 1714 I designe god willing to goe to Sr. Walter Calverleys on Tuesday next, & if it Suite yor Conveniency Shall be glad of yor. Company Soe pray by the first post give a Line to Sr Yor. Faithfull Humble Servt Soe if it Suite yor conveniency may goe in my Charriot

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 10 Jun 1714

Sr. I designe to goe to Esholt in my Charriot, on Tuesday, & there will be roome for you in it, the reason I goe Soe Soon is, I must in necessity be at Home on Fryday I am Sr. In great Hast Yor. Faithfull Humble Servt.

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 10 Jun 1714

Mr. Silvertope 10 June – 1714 The abovesaid is a Coppy of my last, I doubt it miscarried, because I heard noe answer of it Since, you will finde I Shall not much Insist upon a month or – Six weeke in Clearing the rents, & if you agree to it in my next Shall Inclose you a Coppy of the Rentall I am Yor. Assured Friend to Serve you

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Mowbray – 10 Jun 1714

Newby – 10 – June – 1714 Mr. Mowbray I perceive by Mr. Dixon of Hexham who was at Newby the other day, that you designe Shortly to come to Newby, I desire you’l put off yor. Journey till you hear from me, for my Stay at Newby at present is very uncertain, am Sorry to hear that Fallowfield Mines are Soe poor, I heartily wish a Speedy Amendment *The next weeke I goe to Stand Godfather wth my Lady Blacket for my niece Calverleys Child I am etc Yor. assured Friend to Serve you

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Dixon – 10 Jun 1714

Newby – 10 – June 1714 Mr. Dixon pray take care to gett the Inclosed Sent by a Safe hand, when you were with me the other day, I thought I should not goe from Newby for Some time, but now I finde to the Contrary, Soe I have writ to Mr. Mowbray, not to Come to Newby till he hear further from me, which I hope may be in a Short time I am Yor Assured Friend

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 10 Jun 1714

Newby – 10 – June 1714 James. I perceive by yors. of the 5th that Mr. Brumell, will Satisfie Mr. Wise, for Mr Selby’s Annuity, wch. Shou’d be very glad to See performed, & doe you Acqut. Mr. Wise wth. it before you leave the town, see, besure take care to Employ a man to pyle the Lead as it comes down to Newburn, & Sett on the Carriages to leed as Soon as possibly you can, for now the Country men has least to doe, there is Some Small matter unpd, either to the West or Ea

Letter – Edward Blackett to George Mashrother – 11 Jun 1714

Sr. 11-June-1714 I perceive by yors. of the 7th, that you have seen Mr. Moyser at Yorke, am very glad to hear, he is in good Health. Oats here are Somewhat Settled in price, though not much, have discoursed Severall of my Neighbours, abt the Charge of bring Oats from Acaster by Water to Newby, & they are all of Opinion, that Considering the price of the Oats their & the Charge of bring thm. by Water to Newby will be much dearer, then buying Oats here deliver’d At Newby, I hop

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Goulton – 12 Jun 1714

Sir 12 June 1714 I perceive by a Letter from my Steward Mr Ward, that Mr Bellinghams Servts will be at Mr Malwerers the middle of the next week, Soe I desire you will doe me the favour to goe thither, & acquaint Mr Malwerer that I will certainly have a war[rant]t of distress in case he does not adjust the business with you. So I soly refer it to yor self, & what trouble you have in this Affair Shall be gratified by, Your obliged Humble Servt

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Ward – 14 Jun 1714

Mr Ward 14 June 1714 I perceive by yors of the 10th that Mr Bellinghams Steward will be at his Estate at Worsall this weeke, Soe I have writ a Letter to Mr Goulton who is Clerk to the militia, to goe to Mr Malwerers & acqut him that in case he or Mr Bellinghams Steward, doe not pay to him what is due, will have an order of distress, to distrain very Shortly upon his tennts at Worsall, however have referred it Soly to him to make what Composition he pleases, & I doe desire you

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Boldero – 15 Jun 1714

Newby the 15 June 1714 Mr Boldero I Recd yr letter of the 12, & gives you many thanks for Inquiring what I writ you about shall send two Guineys to my Ld Mayor by the first Neighbour of Servt that goes to York, all this family gives their Service to yrself & Mrs Boldero At Mr Salkelds In Hatton Garden

Letter – Edward Blackett to Mr Croft – 15 Jun 1714

Mr Croft Dt I Recd yr letter of Yesterday & gives you many thanks for yr offer of yr Gelding, but Shall not have occasion for him, for has this day bought one, wch will Serve my turn, but am obligd to you for yr care, all this family gives their Service to you I am

Letter – Edward Blackett to Edward Ridsdale – 15 Jun 1714

Mr Ridsdale 15 June 1714 I Recd yrs of the [date blank] give you many thanks for Care about my business, & desire yr continuance of it, & whatever passes shall be glad to have a line from you whatever you think requset to be done or otherwise, for biding for Seaton Estate in Court, acqt my Son Christopher & Show him this letter & he will do whatever you ordr him,

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Waddington – 20 Jun 1714

Newby 20 June 1714 Sr I had owned the favour of yors of the 15 much sooner, but that I have been at my Nephews Sr Walter Calverleys for three or four days. I perceive yor business will call you to Rippon Shortly, and I hope you will be Soe kinde as to make Newby yor Home whilst you Stay in this part of the Countrey, where you may be Assured of a most Hearty welcome from Sr Yor obliged Humble Servt To Mr John Waddington At his House in Wakefield pt pd

Letter – Edward Blackett to Christopher Hutton – 20 Jun 1714

Newby 20 June 1714 My Lord Mr Bolderoe desired me to pay to your Lordsp two Guineas for his use, wch I hope you’l receive I am Yor Lordship’s Obliged Humble Servt For The Right Honoble the Lord Mayor of Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to Zachary Scott – 20 Jun 1714

20 June 1714 Sr I am desired by Mr Bolderoe to pay to my Lord Mayor of Yorke two Guineas for his use, having no business at Yorke at present to send a Servt but upon this acco[un]t makes me give you the trouble to pay two Guineas to my Lord Mayor for Mr Bolderoes use, & the 1st time I send a Servt to Yorke Shall repay it you, with many thanks I am Yor Assured Friend & Servt To Mr Zachy Scott Crain Master at Yorke

Letter – Edward Blackett to James Mewburn – 21 Jun 1714

June 21 1714 James I reced yors of the 19th – the reason I did not write you the last post, I was at Sr Walter Calverleys 3-or-4- days the last Weeke, it must Certainly be a very great mistake that there should be <572> pieces of Lead to pay for, for I believe Wm Lowes or Harry Tulip or both did pay a considerable sume of money to the Lead Carriers, & I thought they had discharged all the Carriage except -252- pieces, wch laid at the Mill the last pay, Soe Inquire of

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 22 Jun 1714

June 22 1714 Sr I perceive by yors that my Cause cannot Come on but in Course, Soe I wish it had been one of the first enterd, than might have expected that it would have come on in a Short time, I hear it is Entered the twelfth cause, wch is very Backward, Soe I despair to have it heard this long time, & in case my Lord should decree it to be Sold to the best bidder then besure you take care that my Son Kitt bid to the value of the principle & Interest that Seaton Delaval Esta

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 22 Jun 1714

22 June 1714 Yors of the 14th & 19th both came to Hand & I am well pleased you Accept my proposals, as to the date of yor Bills you may take 20 days before Lammas & Candlemas payable to me or my orders, & after as for this present Halfe Year, you may take longer time for the payment of it, & in a little time I hope you’l finde me not very pressing for moneys, Inclosed I send you a Rentall, there is some Small arrears, but Mr Bromell has promised to make them good, S

Letter – Edward Blackett to Unknown – 23 Jun 1714

23 June 1714 Sr I reced yors by Scotch Jenny, I perceive Mr Goulton, has made a Friendly end wth Mr Malwerer abt the Light Horse, he has given him Soe many Guineas in hand, & pay him £4 a Year for every Year they Muster, wch I take to to be a very good end I know I might have obliged them to have payd more moneys in hand, but considering the £4 a year when they Muster, to be pd wthout trouble, does well satisfie me, I shall have occasion for moneys before Topcliffe Fair,
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467