Mr Henry Nelthorpe
I have before me yours of the 20th present for answer inclosed I returne you the 2 bills endorsed the needfull of w[hi]ch pray procure when dew & place it to the Creditt of MB
Newcastle 8ber the 30th
Mr Tho: Legendre
I acknowledge my selfe exceedingly obl<iged> for yours of the 15 Instant and should thinke my selfe very happie in such a reall corri<spondence> my businesse at present in your place is not wor<th> your Trouble but if please God blesse me and that a Considerable Temptation present tis likely you may here farther from MB
I have before me both yours of the 24 past & primo present I doe acknowledge my selfe very much obliedged unto you for the same & so long as I live will Endeavoure to make you a Requitall If at any time I can doe you any Service in this place if upon all occationes pray fre[e]ly dispose of me but I am sory you are prevented of doing me that kindnesse you Intended your bill for £100 would have done me no small kindnesse when you can spare a bill for 2 or £300 or more pray l
Newcastle 9ber 2d 1675
Mr Robert Jackson
I have before me yours of the primo Currant for Answer I now want no Bills neither at Long nor Short sight for am provided I have received of my Brother £18: 19: 7d out of w[hi]ch have taken 20s according to your order & by the beared C: f: I send you £17: 19: 7 which cleares all accts betwixt my father and you Leed here £12: p[er] fodder Coales: 10s Rye 4s to 4s 6d I wonder I here not from my unckle Eden pray is he well my respects to all
Newc[astle] 9ber 6th
Brother Edward
Mr pees desired me to send unto you this Letter so I thought Good to advise you underneath that I have before me yours of the 4th present I do assure you I am sore put to it for you know w[ha]t If I had not you might have assured your selfe I would never have writt you as I did I want now £100 where to get it faith I know not borrow it I must of some or other but thinke shame to aske any so how I shall gett it I cannot yet advise you but I thinke to make
Newcastle 9ber 6th 1675
Mr Robert Jackson
I have before me yours of the 4th present people that are jealous takes alwayes things In as <…..> as I perceive you doe by saying that you se[e] I can receive money for others for nothing w[hi]ch I will never doe no more so long as I breath nor have Done it for any since I did it for you beleve you w[ha]t you please I cannot helpe it w[he]n you sent me bills I had no occatione and w[he]n I had occatione you could send none do you then
Newcastle 9ber 6th 1675
Honnoured Sr
As for Businesse or what passes at home I refer you to w[ha]t my Bro: Wm or Wm Creagh will write you this night so shall not Inlarge further than to give you an acct of Occurrences at your Leed mynes & mill from whence I came this day: the Conditione of the severall Grooves then are as followeth viz-
Greengill Indifferent Good Cole Cleugh poore espetially in the Low Bed Reed groves poore the Slitts very good: & the Levill extraordinary hard at R
Mr Ed: Allen
I have before me yours of the 30 past & have bene twice to waite upon Mr Tizicke but could not find him within some time this weeke we shall God willing meet & so w[ha]t can be done as to the dispersal of the Goods you mentione one with another but my opinion is that 26s a quarter for ….. will not be procured In this place my reason is this that none of the sd goods by themselves will yeild 24s a quarter I am very sure none in my Custody will & I am Cred
Newc[astle] 9ber 9th
Mr Mich Chipsham
Upon Saturday last I recd the money up<on> Mr Wm Hutchisson & Mr Tim Davisson for your prunes (which I could have had soon<er> had I demanded the same for the payment of <it> I expect your Commands but pray take not<e> that I omitted in the acct deducting the <tare> w[hi]ch is of 12<p> 12<ll> & comes to £2: 13 abate<ing> a shillings for my Commission of the same pray mind to draw so much the L
Newcastle 9ber 9th 1675
Honnerd Sr
Since mine of the 6 present have recd yours of the 4th ditto for gods sake if possible order it soe that I be not forced to make oath my selfe before a Barron of the Exchequer for a Journey to London with the Charges of procureing an order I supose will eat a great Hole in w[ha]t I thought to have saved so if It cannot be done without my Coming to London I must let it alone till sume other businesse of greater Concerne call me there the reason why I put in
Mr Mich Chipsham
I have before me yours of the 6th present signed alsoe by Mr <Swynocke> w[hi]ch I shall answer in short for can say no more to it than that I sould your prunes according to your order as soon as I could & as well as I could am sory w[ha]t I did did not prove to Content I will not say but Alderman Webb gave 9 s for the same prunes: for I have wine on my hands w[hi]ch any one shall have for £20 p[er] tun & yet I <sould> a good quantity of the v
Newcastle 9ber 12th 1675
Mr Ed: Willett
I have before me yours of the 5 present with the very welcome newes of Jeremy Gardners good arrivall at newhaven w[hi]ch Wm Creagh had from Mr Richd: pickering 2 posts before me but god be thanked they are arrived the disposall of w[hi]ch is left to your discretione not doubting but you can doe as well as others & will d<oe> for me as if it were your owne Concerne and as moneys comesin be remitting me as formerly desired pray send me p[
Newcastle 9ber 12th 1675
Mr Robt Jackson
If you can spare a Bill for 4 5 or £600 or £1000 or can procure me Bills for that sume upon my owne acct I will take it as a great kindnesse from you and if at any time I can doe you any service in Requitall pray dispose of MB
pray let me know p[er] next post w[ha]t I may rely upon
Unckle Eden
I have before me yours of the 6th present and do take notice how far you have Carried on the Businesse with Mr Draper but you do drive things so to the last that I know not what to say to you for do you thinke I can leave my businesse upon a minuits warning I got your letter upon tuesday night & is it Likely I could meet you at Billingham that night no nor could not come the next day to you if it would have advantidged me £1000 God willing I will be with you to morrow
Newcastle 9ber 12th
Mr Hugh Mason
I have before me yours of the 6th present there<by> takes notice that the businesse betwixt my father & Robinson is ended of w[hi]ch am exceeding glad as for the £20: Robinson pd you pray place it to my fathers acct I have got in your bill as alsoe the Charter <pt> & covenant & have d[elivere]d the m[aste]r his Charter <pt> all w[hi]ch are cancelled I am in hast[e] MB
Newcastle 9ber 12 1675
Mr Walter Chaytor
I have before me yours of the 8th present and alsoe have received my Chist 6 Harnas plates & 2 salt pan plates w[hi]ch I wonder you would send me without order but seing tis Inconsiderate I will allow thereof and Have given you Creditt for the same for future never send me any thing without order but was ever such a <evil> trick done as to send me a Chist without a key pray faile not to write me upon receipt & advise me where tis fo
Mr James Cooke
If it be possible to procure me Bills for £1000 pray send me Them pray once more try your hand: for if you do not help me in earnest I am quite undone & advise me p<er> next post w[ha]t I may rely upon money is ready I am MB
Newcastle 9ber 13th 1675
Mr Ed: Willett
My last to you was of the 12th present since none from you so the lesse to Inlarge upon this being Cheifly to advise you that there is one Monseu Piere Barronneum of paris who desires my Corrispondence he haveing formerly Imployed Jno Legendre of London to send him Leed from hence so p[ai]d twice commissione w[hi]ch he would Gladly save & have water from the fountane head it seemes sd Barronneau should have had 200 p[iece]s of the Leed you hav
Newcastle 9ber 13th 1675
Mr Cha: finley
I desire you would be pleased to advise all my Tennants that god willing I Intend to be at <Darnton> the day after Great Monday against w[hi]ch day I expect all there moneys to be ready for they shall no longer put me of 14/ d[ays] as they did the last time I did thinke to have bene with you upon martinmas day & to have p[ai]d CP some money but I must have another award drawne before he get the money my service to all friends with you I
Newcastle 9ber 13th 1675
Mr Benoit Decoud
I have before me yours of the 9th present doe heartily thanke you for your readinesse to serve me upon all occationes and seing you are so kind as to give me assurance of your fidelity and Endeavours to promote my Interest to the utmost of your power of which I doe not question I will be as fre[e] with you as to tell you that God willing I Intend to follow the wine trade after a while & that you only shall be the man I will make use of thoug
Newcastle 9ber 13th 1675
Monsieur pierre Barronneau
Jay Receu lagreable value du 6 du Cour[an]t a laquelle Cette Le ruira en Response Ilest bien vray que mons[ieu]r Jean Legendre de Londres me donna ordre de luy Envoyer 200 p[iece]s de plomb ou pour havre de Grace ou pour Rouen mais ne voulut plus donner pour frett que 14 <ll> <…> les 50s p[er] tonneau pour Rouen ett 14<ll> sansces 50s pour tonneau pour havre de Grace accquell pris il nestoit pas possible darre
Newcastle 9ber 16th 75
Mr Robt Jackson
I have before me yours of the 15th I could not possiblely meet my unckle Eden for reasons tould himselfe your bill I have filled up for £100 payable according to your desire upon the 16 of xber next unto m<r> Na: Holroide or order valew of myselfe mon<ey> for the same I send you by the bearer w[hi]ch I do not questione but you will find right & I doe thanke you for your kindnesse if you will please to send me bills for 4 or £600 n
Newcastle 9ber 16th 1675
Mr James Cooke
I have before me yours of the 16th doe heartily thanke you for your kindnesse therein expressed you did well not to medle with that Bill of £80 you mentione but as for the bill of £200 I keep it & will God willing send the money to Robt <Josling> of Richmond p[er] first opertunity & doe heartily thanke you for your kindnesse herein pray be seekeing about & get me bills for 5 or £600 more if possible payable any time before Chr
Newcastle 9ber 16th 1675
Mr Walter Chaytor
I have before me yours of the 15 present I do approve of the 400 bundells of Rod Iron w[hi]ch you have bought for my acct & shiped aboard Jno Vaughan of whome I shall alsoe call for the keys you omitted to send me p[er] Tho Richardson vessell & when I receive an acct of the Rods shall place the ammount to your Creditt & w[ha]t you shall be In disburse may frely valew upon me for now I can send you no Leed whereby you might reimburse
Newcastle 9ber 16th 75
Mr Nicho: Verlaen
I have before me yours of the 12th present the <f..> rye that can be bought for 3s a bush[el] & sound I will venture upon 20 or 30 last to send to your place In w[hi]ch you shall be halfe concerned but can light of none to Content as yet the dispersall of my leed is left to your discretion so do w[ha]t you thinke convenient therein I hope my goods desired are all shipt ere now <w[hi]ch> I should be Glad to heare & w[he]n you a