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Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 16 Nov 1675

Newcastle 9ber 16th 1675 Hon[oure]d Sr I have before me yours of the 11th present both H kirkhouse & I have done w[ha]t we can do about procureing of a vessell for Rott[erdam] for you but can meet with none we shall still be endeavouring if any to be gott of w[hi]ch H K doubts very much it shall all be upon your acct for I have no mind to venture this winter time the money R M recd more than the pay cam<e> to was to pay for candles for all your Groves w[hi]ch he sd was to come from

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 18 Nov 1675

Leed Hill 18th 9ber 1675 Sr James Standsfield Worthy freind I stayed at Edenbr in Expecktation of yr Coming home till I was ashamed to look upon the street & since I was frustrated of seeing you I thought fit to send this unto you to bid you welcom to Newmils were I hope you are arrived in good health. Sr: the M[aste]r of the mint and I parted to my Judgment Good freinds but no mony so that I was forced to leave my man to deliver you som letters with the Glenlyon acc

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 19 Nov 1675

Newcastle 9ber 19th Hon[our]ed Sr Since mine of the 16 have yours of the 13th with an Inclosed for Jno Mowbray w[hi]ch I have forwarded & have writt him w[ha]t I thought convenient when I receive his answer it shall be signified unto you I have spoake with Wm Creagh who is resolute for under 20 <s of> for newhaven and 25s for Rouen he will not take one farthing & he tells me you writt to him that you were resolved to ship 400 or 600 p[iece]s & to consigne them to his friend

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Horsham – 19 Nov 1675

Newcastle 9ber 19th 1675 Mr Jno Horsham Sr I questione not but you have heard of the com<panys> seperation & how that for future I am to act for my selfe & I hope you will accept of the small concerns w[hi]ch I shall have in your place haveing bene recommended to me by my good friend Mr Robt Jackson of Stockton and if at any time I can do you any service in these parts upon all occationes you may frely command me who you shall find as honest punctuall and ready to obey your C

Letter – Michael Blackett to Peter Barr – 19 Nov 1675

Newcastle 9ber 19th 1675 Mr Peter Bar Sr You will doe me an exceeding great kindnesse if you will please to recommend to me an Honnest carefull corrispondent in Rochell who will dispatch businesse with all speed posssible for with such I know you commonly deale withall I shall not make use of him till after candlemas but <Have> to provide aforehand my friend there grows ould & leaves his businesse to his men so is not so well done as it ought In requittal of w[hi]ch kindnesse all

Letter – Ralph Grey – 19 Nov 1675

November the 19th 75 Honord Sir Yours of the 25 of October recd for which I thank you & for your advice of the price of Cole and lead I have agreed with Mr Jno Dobson to goe in Spring I intreat your further advice what the Charges there Come to upon every per of Coles and w[ha]t the Custome & Charges of lead per tt for my better goverment. I cannot prevail with him to goe higher than New Haven [probably Le Havre] and shall according to your order consigne them to <Mr Jn a Co

Letter – Ralph Grey to Ralph Grey – 20 Nov 1675

Newcastle November the 20th 75 Sonn Ralph I rec[eive]d a Letter the 11th Current From Mr <Byron> per Mr Tradills order wherein I perceive Lead is Fallen to 29 <.y> & Brandy to 80 the H[ogs]head there will be loss by the Brandy & noe profit by the Lead, present my service to Mr Traddill & acquaint him I have shipt aboard of the Loves Increase of Newcastle Thomas White Master 300 p[iece]s lead qt 386c:1q 14lb which Charges amounts to £240: 08s: 06d which will shi

Account – John Curtis to James Standsfield – 20 Nov 1675

Disbursed by me Jo Curtas for my mst Will:Blackett at Wanlock head Lead mines from the 4 September til the 20th November 1675 as Followeth £ Robart hare for 3 horse lod house timber 0 1 6 Jo hare for 3 horse lod house timber 1 6 Robart Criton for 6 jorse lod house timber 3 Andrew Criton for 3 horse lod house timber 1 Jo Lattimer for 8 horse lo

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Cawood – 22 Nov 1675

Mr John Cawood I have sold yore Tobaccos to <Mr> Burdeaux (at 5<d> per s/ll) send your <pacqerts> your ceartifacate that he may have <alloacacion> in your Custome, Yors R.G.

Letter – Ralph Grey to Tradell – 22 Nov 1675

Newcastle November the 22th 1675 Monseur Tradill For service to you presented I intreat your Care of my sonn that he improve his time; you & he desires to stay that he may gett such insight into Trade, that he manig it when he comes into Inglang. If he doe not improve in bookeepingg by seeing your acts; if their be any good keiper there that doth wach I would have improve himself to keep him Imploied in any Concern, which will keep him out of Idleness and bad company I have shipt

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Eden – 22 Nov 1675

Newcastle 9ber 22nd 1675 Unckle Eden As I came thorow Durham I failed not to speake with Mr Spereman and to acquainte him fully of the businesse you know of: who not to trouble your patience with every particular of our discourse In short tould me that my case was so plaine & reasonable that he was Confident not one of them would offer in the least to withstand a tryall with one soe to try them gave me the Inclosed suppenies [?subpoenas] w[hi]ch pray get served as you thinke best and if

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27th Mr Antho Allaire Sr Inclosed is a letter from my very Good friend Mr Peter Bar of London by whose Recommendatione I make bould to trouble you with these few lines desireing to know in answer if you will please to accept of w[ha]t small commission I shall have to give in your place and In Requitall if I can do you any service in these p[ar]ts none shall be more ambitious of your Commands nor more ready to observe them than my selfe assureing you shall find none more

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27 Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have before me yours of the 19th present with an acct of the 400 Bundells Rod Iron which I have Examined found Right and Booked in Conformity with you but no news of Vaughan as yet I wish he may be safe your Bill of £85 shall be discharged never feare it if you could send me an Anker of Excellent Good old Hock you would do me an exceeding great kindnesse provided it were Good I would not valew the Cost but if not Excellent Good I would have non

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Schand – 27 Nov 1675

Ditto Mr James Schand Sr According to former order I have shipped & Consigned unto you 85 p[iece]s Leed In the Adventure of Leith James Wooll m[aste]r for acct of your m[aste]r Sr James Standsfield Inclosed you have Invoyce & bill of Loading of the same the cost and Charges of w[hi]ch being £73: 3: you may with the ammount of the last percell appoynt me so soone as it shall stand with Sr James his Convenience either here or at London here is one younge who hath a vessell <abo

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27th Mr Nicho Verlaen Sr I wonder I have not herd from you this long time so haveing none of yours will cause brevity you may remember you recd some Leed by Jno Huntington who I here is at present in your place when I loaded the Leed In him I lent him £10: upon Bottomry for w[hi]ch I was to have £1<9> upon his arrivall at Stockton he Intending from this place to your port from your port to Norway and from thence to Stockton and it seemes my Gentleman never minded

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hubert Aylwyn – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27th 1675 Mr Hurbert <Aylum> Sr I have before me yours of the 2<5>th according to your desire I have gotten In the returne w[hi]ch Cost me 6 <d> the same have placed to your Debt – you may please take notice that the Company is seperated and every brother for future is to act for himself if at any time I can doe you any service upon all occationes pray frely dispose of him that is MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Blackett – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27 Hon[oure]d Sr At my returne from darneton met with yours of the 20 & 23rd present w[hi]ch I shall now God willing answer in course There is not a vessell to be procured neither for Amst[erdam] nor Rott[erdam] for love nor moneys I have both H: <k/R>: Couz: Ed <Jvene> & peter at worke but to this day not one found out by the very first that Goes and that I can prevaile withall to take on any Leed shall ship 4: 6 or 800 p[iece]s upon your acct I wil

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27th Mr Robt Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 22d my wife did send you the £70 w[hi]ch I hope you found right if you could spare me Bills for 5 or £600 you would doe me a great kindnesse or if you can procure me bills for that sume pray Inquire of your neighbours and se[e] w[ha]t you can doe for me Mr Cooke Mr Wells or Mr Atkinson or some other I am confident may be able to helpe me pray try your hand for once for me I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 27 Nov 1675

Ditto Mr James Cooke Sr I was at Stockton upon Sunday last where I went a purpose to kisse your hands and to give you thanks for the many kindnesses which you have done me but you were not at home if you could spare me a bill for 5 or £600 or procure me bills for the same you would doe me a great kindnesse pray Inquire of your neighbours & se[e] w[ha]t you can doe for me Mr Wels Mr Atkinson or some of your quakers I am Confident may be able to help me I am in hast[e] Sr MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27th Major Ed Allen Sr my last was of the 23rd from Darneton from whence I sent you the bill of £85 accepted and have taken care for the paym[en]t thereof when dew but I must beg your excuse for I cannot pay it before as is desired by yours of the 18th w[hi]ch I have recd since my comming home I am desired by a merchant in towne to know if you will take £9: p[er] last for your Beans In my Custody if they were mine they should goe but doe w[ha]t you please and afford

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 27 Nov 1675

Newcastle November 27th 1675 Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr Upon the 23rd present I did accept a bill of £85 drawne by Wm Chaytor upon me dated Rott[erdam] 19: 9ber payable <2/us[uances]> to Mr Sam: Tucker or order Endorsed to Mr Ed Allen if such a Bill be presented unto you it being made payable in your house you may please to acquainte them that you will pay the same when dew I will take care you shall want no money for the Discharge thereof I am MB

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Webb – 27 Nov 1675

NewCastle November the :27:1675 To Alderman Webb To send per Mr Antho: White one case of the best Case pepper one dozen of the best case nuts on[e] case of Currant about 28s per Cwt two barell of: the best New Rasons solus not else but that I am yours: Ra. Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Cawood – 29 Nov 1675

NewC Novembr the 29th (75) Mr Cawood Yours of the 19th recd & since hath been with Mr Arkley & shewed him yours he will sell more under 11s I have alsoe been with Mr Midleton & he will let you have it soe he expects reddy money, I have profered your Tobacco to severall but they doe not like it, nor the price, I shall receive the <bill> of Mr Arkley, pray order the mony for the Glass the first oportunity I shall send the Glass per first your friend Ra:Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 30 Nov 1675

ditto the 30th Mr Wm Peacock Yours of the 22 of October came to hand which found me in a <gread could> & since I have been tormented with the gout this day I recd a letter from Christ. Rudd who mails me he will send me a sample of a skin as he did Mr Carr last year, & all that was of that sise was at 12s per doz & all that is larger 13s & 13s 6d per doz & will not send them except I will Ingage to pay him those rates I shall write him your order which I shall

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 3 Dec 1675

Newcastle December 3rd 1675 Mr Edward Allen Sr I have before me yours of the 27th past Inclosed you will find the returne desired which cost me takeing out 3s 4d the same have placed to your Debt I am offered £12 p[er] last for your pease which I thought Good to advise you of but am unwilling to Embrace that motione with out your Consent so desires your advice at your leisure but the sooner the better you may use you owne discretione by the by I thinke more in hast[e] will not be procur
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467