24 November 1715
Dr Kitty
I was very glad to perceive by a letter wch I Recd this post from Mr Willson that you are perfectly recovered & in good health wch pray God continue to you, am much concern’d to hear that my poor brother Bridges is so dangerously Ill, I was in hopes to have see him this winter, but if he was so ill as Mr Wilson writ me am afraid he will not over it,
I should have sent Mr Kingsley a bill for one hundred pound, but bills being Scarce could on
Newby 29 9br 1715
My Dearst Missy
I am glad to perceive by yours this day that the Rebells hath left your neighbourhood, and that my d[ea]r Mitty is not likely to be frightened by them any more as for your Cousin Sr Wm he was not amongst the Rebells nor does any one know where he is, for he hath not appear’d publickly since their first Rising, all this family are very well & give you their best Services as also to my Ld & the Ladys, wth my blessing to my dr Mitty I am
30 9br 1715
I perceive by my Stewd Mr Silvertop who Receives my Rents for Winlinton L’ship that he dare not go about his business for fear being taken up being a Roman catholic, wch is a great disappointment to myself & a very great loss to the poor man, being he cannot manage he concerns wch he is imployed in any place, am willing to be bound for his appearance when ever the Lieutenants or Justices of the Peace shall please to command him, I desire your favr in this concern
30 9br 1715
Mr Silvertop
I writ you the 24th, but I believe it is not as yet come to your hand, I perceive by your of the 28 that you have not as yet your liberty to go abroad wch am sorry for as for my writing to my Ld Scarborough I know it would be to no purpose for no Ld lieutent when he is out of the country will concern himself wth any thing that happens their, but refers it to his deputy lieutents & the Justices of the Peace, inclos’d I send you a letter wch read, seal, &am
The 2 december 1715
Mr Seth
I Recd your letter of yesterday, I hope my Goods wch I sent the other day by the Milby boat are all got safe, I desire you will send them by the first opportunity to hull, & desire your friend to ship them in the very first ship for london, he must take care to get a cocket or whatever is necessary out of the custom house, there are nothing in any of the boxes but wearing cloaths & linen, I think to begin my journey for London the first week
Newby 2 December 1715
Dr Brother
there are shipt on board the John & Ann - Tho Molton Mast[er] from Hull – Two hhds [hogsheads] of ale one for your Self the other for my father as you will see by the directions you must besure to see his hhd carefully put in to his Cellar assoon as the ale arrives
Inclosed you have two bills Each for one hundred pounds one drawn the 3d December at one month after date by Wm Kenton of Leeds on John Jeshmaker Mercht in London, the other draw
5 Decr
I am ashamed that myself & Son has given you so much trouble, but I hope if please god I live to Come out of the Debt, have sent you a Coppy of the Lettr which I sent to Mr Lowther, & have desired him to inclose the answer to you, which pray send by a carefull messinger, with a basket along with him for an Excelant Roll of Brawn, which I shall send you, & as soon as I receive the answer you shall certainly hear from me with all our most Humble Service & thanks
5 December 1715
Mr Ward
I Perceive by yours that you do not think there will be a meeting of the lieutenancy till Christmass Sessions you must have three deputy lieutenants hands to the order two is not sufficient, Mr George <C/Loup> has much above One hundred pounds a Year and lays in the township of langthorp, & desires he may be a bearer to me, Mr Tho Wilkinsons yearly valueation of his Tyths in the parish of Kirby ravensworth is above Seavenscore pound a Year to my knowle
6 Xbr
Hon[es]t Capt
Am oblig’d to you for the names of the Rebells sent me wch was taken at present but I find the 10 men wch you writ me as Shot are by this post yet living,
I design god willing to go for londn in Christmas week, & should be glad to find my Ld & his family their this winter, pray let me hear from you and direct your letter for me at Mr Chr. Blackets on bread street hill londn wth my most humbl Service to my lord & his family, & my bles
8 december
Am very sorry to perceive by yours of my Dr Sister Mitfords weakness, I hope to god she may recover this illness & that we may see one another once more wch pray god grant,
give my service to my Cousin Wilkinson & know of him if he did not receive a letter from me, & that I desire an answer of it,
deliver the inclosed & let me know what this Mr John Anderson is, when you receive any moneys tho be it but £50 you may get a bill of M
11 Xbr 1715
I hope desire you will take care to prevt Sr John delaval for having any long[e]r time given him for the paymts of the moneys, for I know it is impossible for him to raise it, & besides the debt is more than the Estate is worth, so I hope he will be foreclosed wch shall be glad to hear by a line from you by the first post I am
Your obligd humb Servt
Dr Kitty dt
Hont Capt
I shall not go to londn as soon as I expected so pray give me a line to Newby, for I desired you in my last to direct for me at Mr Son Christ[opher}I hope my Ld & the family are all in good health, if my Ld be not gone to London, desire his lordship to bring the deed wch my Self & Son Signd for Mittys present maintenance, it must be Ingrossd over againe & my Self, & Son, will Sign it, wch was according to my promise to my Lord. faile not to write
Newby 11 Xbr 1715
I have no thoughts of parting wth my house at York, for when I return from londn I design please god to live much their, I hope neither the house, nor the Furniture can take much harme, give my Service to Mrs Cuthbertson & acqt her she may let who she will live in the house, for 3 or 4 months, so that they be carefull of my furniture, & shall expect no rent from them, I am Sr your humbl Servt
12 Xbr
I would have answerd your Letter soner but I expected a Letter from my Ld Duke of Summerset who I gave my Intrest many years agoe you know I could do no less being I had his graces Intrest Intirely when I stood Knight of the Shire for the County of Northumberland, besides he ordred his Steward to entertain me at his own Castle at Alnwick when I have a line from his Grace you shall hear further from
Your Assured Friend
To John Duglass Esq at his house in Newcastle
12 decr
Mr Silvertop
This day I received answer of my letter which I writ to Capt Liddle upon the acct, the very words of his Letter is that on Wednesday I read the Letter to my Brethren who as well as my Self, would have been very ready to have serv’d you but in the case of Mr Alb[er]t Silvertop we cannot for Ld Scarbrough granted warrants upon Information he received when in this Country & the high Constable took him upon one of those Warrants & he brakeaway from him, I bel
Mr Ward
I desire you will send me by Crawford £30 you need not send me a bill till you hear from me from londn, for believe my Servts will have occasion for the mony to buy barley – wth my Service to your Self & family. I am
Mr Lodge
Sr inclosed is a Copy of my letter to my good friend Mr Crowther, I desire you will write him to send you an answer of it as soon as possibly he can for I design for London, the beginning of the last week in this month, for have taken both a house, & a coach to commence for the 1st of January & a coach for the last week in this month, so I heartily wish it would suit Mrs Savill conveniency to be in londn this winter, I despair of seeing you before I begin my journey, but be as
My Lord I writ your ldship by the last post but for fear it should not come in time to your lordships hand have sent this by Roachdale bagg wth a Copy of my last, I am to your lordship & family
Yr most faithfull humbl Servt
13 Xbr
My Drst Mitty
I am very glad to hear that you have learn’d the Church Catechism in French & that you improve in that language, & I doubt not in the least in every thing Else that is becoming a Young Lady if you will but take pains & make it your business, your two Uncles & aunts gives you their kind love & Services wth my blessing to you I am
Your mt affect & Grand Papa
My Lord
I Recd the honr of your lordships letter of the 6th & am very glad that your lordship & famly are in good health & that you design to be for London shortly where I hope to have the honr to waiting on your lordship & family, as for my dr Mittys Jewels and gold watch by all means let her wear them for they were given her to no other End, wth all our most humbl Services to your lordship & the Ladys, wth my blessing to my Dr little Mitty I am
Your Lords
15 Xbr 1715
Honest Will
Am Sorry to perceive by your that you have not been well since you left Newby, I hope it will onely prove a Cold, the acct you Send me for the Fines are onely part of them, inclosed I send you a Copy of them all as they have been Recd, I wondr Corn should be so cheap wth you, for all sorts of grane gives an extraordinary price here, I have a letter from my Servt Mewburn this day who writes me that Mr Reay & his partners are unwilling to receive any moneys f
15 Xbr 1715
Though your letter be dated of Saturday yet I Recd but this day Yesterday, am very much concernd for my Dr Sisters Illness, Pray God almighty send her better, besure when you go to town, know how she does and my concern for her wth my Service to her, I perceive Mr Reay is unwilling to give a receipt to Will Lows, so I have ordered him by this post to pay all his money to you, & your Receipt shall be his discharge, I do not know what is fit to allow the ten[an]ts f
20 Xbr
My Lord
I give your Lordship many thanks for the weekly Packet your Lordship was pleased to ordr to be sent me, am now going out of the country, so your lordship need not give your Self further trouble that it be sent me longer, I am
Your Lordships m.t Humbl Servt
To the Right Honbl Ld Viscount Downe at Cowick
Mr Lodge Newby 20 Xbr 1715
I gave you the trouble of a letter as also one inclosed for Mr Lowther wch I doubt did not come to hand by reason I have heard nothing from you since –
About 8 months ago I got a decree in Chancery against Sr John delaval for £15000 pound and in case that Summ was not pd me the latter End of this month or the beginning of the next, he was to be foreclosed, & the Estate of Seaton Delaval absolutely my own, so was lately advised by
I cannot express the great obligations I lay under for your Civilitys to my Son, I hope I shall satisfy Mrs Savill both as to your prest settlemt jointure, & reversion, I have layd out a very great sum of money In Newby house & gardens, & think it is as fine a Seat aa any in the county, I design if he please me wch I do not question in the least but he will to give him all the furniture, plate, linen as also what jewels I gave his mother etc that belongs to the house wch c