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Letter – Edward Blackett – 22 Dec 1715

Sr I cannot express the great obligations I lay under for your Civilitys to my Son, I hope I shall satisfy Mrs Savill both as to your prest settlemt jointure, & reversion, I have layd out a very great sum of money In Newby house & gardens, & think it is as fine a Seat aa any in the county, I design if he please me wch I do not question in the least but he will to give him all the furniture, plate, linen as also what jewels I gave his mother etc that belongs to the house wch c

Letter – Edward Blackett to Albert Silvertop – 26 Dec 1715

Newby 26 Xbr 1715 Mr Wilkinson Sr – I know no way how to get a letter to Mr Silvertop but undr your cover so I hope you will Excuse the trouble given you by Sr your assur’d friend & Kinsman EB Mr Silvertop Sr I Recd your letter & doubt not but Mr Reay will give you a bill when he can draw, & if Mr Featherstone have any occasion for money in Newcastle shall know of him shortly, for this morning I set forwd for London, & shall not faile to speak to my Ld Sca

Letter – L. Skipwith to ElizabethWentworth – 1 Apr 1716

To Mrs Wentworth at Sir William Wentworth’s House at Bretton Near Waikefield Yorkshire I won’t think of excusing my fault of being so very Long in Dear Mrs Wentworth’s debt but own it with shame & trust to your good nature alone for a pardon. in yours you mention seeing me in the Spring if I am so happy it must be in London we having no thoughts of the <>. Miss <Dye> Condon writ her sister word they were in great affliction to part with you at York the Town had bee

Letter – John Wilkinson to Edward Ridsdale – 23 Sep 1717

Cousin Ridsdale Newcastle, 23rd September 1717, pm This is to request your friendship and assistance in an unfortunate affair, which I suppose you must be no stranger to from the many particulars Mr. Leedam gave Cousin Thomas Davison of what hap[pe]n[e]d of it at Boroughbridge and at Ripon, and from the acco[on]t your Lady (as I was told) gave Mrs Christian Blackett in a lett[e]r to her at that time, and therefore twould be needless to trouble you with a relation thereof, but from what

Letters – John Ord to George Allgood – 13 Jun 1718

June 13 1718 Sr, I am very much obliged for yours of the 9th & you have there a copy of wt I wrote this post to Sr W T [Thompson?] in answr to his p last post wch pray acqt Sr W. B.t with. The Ingrossment will be with my son p next post & I hope will be executed & returned in 10 days wch will answer all expectacons here. There is a plentifull estate & will more than answer wt I have said to Sr W <T>. I have seen a copy of the conveyances of Kenton & Welton &am

Letters – William Blackett to George Mowbray – 11 Apr 1719

Newcastle 11 April 1719 Mr Mowbray Mr Brumell I desire you will Treat & agree with Mr Jno Ord for the borrowing of Eight thousand pounds on my [word obscured] upon Mortgage of my Estates above mentioned; and I will execute Securitys for the same, as above written; Praytake particular care in this, you know its of great concern & service to me, and therefore I press your speedy care in it; for I am Yo.r loving Friend The estates of Winlinton, Woodcroft, three D

Rental – Thomas Brummell to John Ord – 14 Apr 1719

May day 1718 Years rent due to Sr Wm Blackett Baro.t from his tennants in Winlinton lordship [ie. Winlaton and Blaydon] £ s d Margt Anderson 2 10 6 Ch Anderson 5 John Anderson Senr 1/2 John Anderson Junr 2 Widdo Aldred 5 Wm Briggs 2 6 Henry <Boell> 3 Tho Broad 2 Luke Biggens 2 Widdo Brass 5 Geo Bailey 9 Geo B

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 18 May 1719

In answer to your query I do not know whether the Lease of Lintzgarth is so <ne..> but thinks not, because 2 of the lives are good Jo: Philipsons wife is a fresh healthfull woman of her age & her son John is living at Walington, a mason by trade, a good life as far as I know. Coal Clugh no lans but houses in good repair built upon the mines for the use of them Inclosed you have the best Ans[wer] I have received from Hexham, the Clark hath omitted Willm Hetheringtons Surrender of the

Letters – William Blackett to Ralph Fetherstonhalgh – 20 May 1719

I desire you will pay unto Mr George Mowbray the nine thousand pounds lent and advanced uon mortgage and Security of my estates of Winlington Kenton Woodcroft and other my estates in the County of Durham and Northumberland or one of them and for which sume of nine thousand pounds I have given receipt on severall of the said mortgage deeds and his Receipt shall be your sufficient discharge this being the twentieth day of May 1719 Wm Blackett Witnesses to the signing of this by Sr Wm Blackett

Letters – William Blackett to John Ord – 28 May 1719

Mr Ord, I cannot help thinking that the Security is sufficiently answerable for the sum thereupon to be raised; but howver for additional satisfaction there are no judgements, Statute, Recognizance or mortgage entered into by me, but one of about fifteen hundred pounds; of which I hope to be out of the Collected estates there may be room enough for the payment. If I should have an opportunity of selling Winlington your information whether in your opinion I am att liberty so to doe will much ob

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 1 Jun 1719

Hexham June [obscured] Sr, I received your very kind & welcome letter for wch I am much in your debt, to send to Hexham I thought was uncertain to Answer tomorrow post so upon receipt of yours came here, Mr. Tate & Mr. Readhead are both at a loss how the Lord must pass a Coppyhold, it not agreeing with the Custome etc. however they have sent two Coppys the first as the Custome is, the other as they think it ought to pass, but they refer it to Mr. Steward to Correct and thinks thes

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 1 Jun 1719

Allenheads Jun[ rest of date obscured] Sr, When I was with you I agreed to come on Saturday or Sunday but when I consider that we cannot expect an answer of your last letter from Sr William on Friday, and that it will be Sunday or Tuesdays post at soonest therefore I shall not come until I hear from you, my wife was gone to Steel hall when I came home so has not seen her but knows she will be very unease and therfor if you think their to be an absolute necessaty of my going pray be ple

Letters – John Ord to William Blackett – 5 Jun 1719

… I have <end> Sergt Cuthberts opinion wch I got but last night & the partyes upon the appearances of your Lre of the 28 may post – that there are no incumbrances by you than therein menconed are willing to advance the Eight thousand pounds & tomorrow the Securitys will be Sett upon to be immediately drawn & <w.h end> Sergt Cuthbert has <pushd> & settled them shall be engrossed & I believe <ent.> Jno Mowbray may be prevailed <with> rather tha

Letters – William Blackett to John Ord – 6 Jun 1719

London June 6th 1719 Mr Ord, I was in great expectation of returning into the North before this time but am detained on an affair of Consequence wherefore must desire that the necessary deeds for the completing our agreement may be sent up here to be signed. In the Post in my opinion will be the most expeditious & properest method of sending them up, if directed to your Son. I hope to nobody you will divulge the Security; but if there should be any questions asked by one extraordin

Letters – George Allgood to John Ord – 9 Jun 1719

Sr, When I answered yours I was not let into the whole secret about your raising the money to discharge the Debts of the leadmines wch in a great measure was discovered upon my treaty in adjusting the Differences <betwixt> Sr Wm Blackett and Sr Wm Thomson abt their bargain (wch I was a stranger to and declared ag[ains]t it) for £8800 in discharge of my Lady Blacketts £800 p ann rent charge Upon preparing a draft of the Mortgage between them Sr W.T. asking me some question

Letters – John Mowbray – 9 Jun 1719

I do not find that I was concerned in levying any fine of Eldon Lands from Mr Kennt to Mr Stevenson but only of Hunwick & Coxoe, if there was a fine to him of Eldon Lands pray when & by whom was it levyed for wee have sought two years and cannot find such a one upon looking into our Copyhold Booke I find Sr Wm Blacketts fines are in two Severall Townships (vizt) Stanhope & Wolsingham wch will occasion you the charge of two deputacons if you rsolve to have the piece of ground at Wolsi

Letters – Wm Blackett to John Ord – 13 Jun 1719

June 13th 17[..] Since you assure me of your Caution, & Circumspection in the affair; I shall intirely depend on you in it, & take it as a particular Service, & favour. I can not be certain of my immediately comeing down, wherefore that there may be no obstacle towards our intentions, or hindrance of the performance of our agreement, the surest way will be to send up the deeds to your son, & they shall be executed, & returned according to your direction, & desire;

Letters – George Allgood to John Ord – 18 Jun 1719

Sr After a good deal of trouble wee brought the matter bare between Sr Wm Blackett & Sr Wm Thomson only yesterday morning the Agreements were executed the substance of wch is that Sr W B confirmes the former agreement for the £8800 for the purchase of my Lady’s jointure of £800 p Ann and of her Dower or any <P.tence> thereto and the tender of the Release of the Dower And Sr W T agrees to give a years time for paymt of sd £8800 with Inteest and to stop all proceedings in th

Letter – Charles Busby to Anna Radcliffe – 9 Jul 1719

Madam, 9 Julie, 1719. I have the Honor of your Ladys Dat : the 4th and am glad there is such an Order coming, which when reced I shall then do all in my power to gett up those Rents, the Collection whereof will be a verry great Advantage to your Honor and Estate : As to my owne paste, I shal never desire ffarthing from your Honor, till such time your Ladyship is Restored to your owne, As to Robert and Mary there is two Years Wages Due to each, of which one year att present will

Letters – George Mowbray to John Ord – 29 Oct 1719

Sr, I being at Newcastle last week when you writ to me, & you being abroad it did not come to my hand before Friday last, and Mr Tate being at Morpeth the beginning of this week, so I did not go there before yesterday and then could get nothing done for want of the letter of Attorney, wch Mr Readhead Mr Tates debety [sic] says he sent to you with with the other writings. Prat let me have it or yhour Answer by this post and I shall get all done as fast as I can I shall be God willing bri

Letters – John Ord to Todd – 17 Nov 1719

Mr Todd, I had the fort[une] to see Sr Wm Blackett last week and acq[uain]ted him that Mrs Smiths Mortgage was now (aft much trouble. Settled to bef.d the 20th of Dec.r and that it was Convenient the Interest til that day should be all pd of that so the assignment might be for no more than the bare 4000 principall he sd it shd be done and he wd take care to give you direccons accordingly wch I presume he has done however I thought fit to acq[uain]t you and desire you may send me the Copy of yr

Letters – John Ord to George Mowbray – 12 Mar 1720

I am sorry my services for you are so pfectly begotten you cann.t but be sensible the Service was done you in raising that money And I know both you and your friends were apprized of the great danger you were in to the hazard of some £1000 that you both sleep contentedly now that its removed, it was the confidence I had in you & yr credit I gave to you Solemn p[ro]mise p[ro]cured you this ease I think I did once let you know that I tho[ugh]t I was very ill used & I can’t forbear repea

legal opinion – Chambers Slaughter – 1 Jun 1720

To the Honourable the Commissioners & Trustees for Sale of Forfeited Estates etc In Obedience to Your Order of reference to me Yesterday touching the Damages and grievances sustained by the Purchaser of Jeffreys Grove etc I humbly beg leave to Observe that with other advantages specified in the Lease of the late lessees they in particular had full power of making water Courses, driving drifts, sinking shafts Erecting Engines and other Conveniencys etc also full authority with a p

Letters – Thomas Carr to John Ord – 27 Jun 1720

Cous Ord, You may believe that I had not forgot your Copy until now but a misunderstanding between <.anne:> Allgood & his late Clerk had made such confusion in the Office that it was not to be had soe [2 short words obscured] abt a fortnight agoe, since wch time I have been twice att Newca. wth it & could not find you there either time: your Surrender ha[lost] been passed out of Court, shoud have been (according to the Clerk [torn] Mannor) p.sented & found by the homage; w

Letter – Thomas Errington to Anna Radcliffe – 21 Nov 1720

For Mrs. Croney att m r s Cabrise att the Golden ffarm ouer against Grays Inngate In Hollbourne London. May it please your Ladyshipe. Kepwicke Nouember the 21th: 1720. Mr. Busby and I am now here, it is a great Storme of Snow, as I came here, I see that Mr. Lorance, that brought me a letter from your Ladyshipe Some time Since concerneing Aldston moore, there was a gentleman with him one Mr. Geo: Errington who lives by Grays Inn att London, and I supose this Mr. Errington is desired by
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467