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Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 10 Dec 1728

Newcastle 10 Dec 1728 To Mr Rob Macmorran Tower Royal Watling Street London Sr In ansr to your favour of the 5th ult do desire you to forward down with all Expedition 16 or 20 casks of Bonashes at the Cheapest price you can get them. Let them be good and if wee cannot get them under 3s pr bushel must be Content to give it. The 4 casks formerly sent came safe to hand & being mostly useful depend upon your care in hastening the above. Mr Alderman Reay & all friends present their ser

Letter – Joseph Richmond to George Barkess – 14 Dec 1728

Newcastle 14 Dec 1728 To Mr Geo Barkess at Kenton I am extreamly surprised to find you have taken the Liberty of plowing any lee land without leave. As you have done so & broke through your covenants you may depend On I shall make satisfaction & Discharge you from proceeding any further I am yrs &c JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 16 Dec 1728

Newcastle 16 Dec 1728 To Mr Isaac Hunter Hexham Pray take the first opportunity of informaing yourself whether your Gentlemen tanners of Hexham have any thought of purchasing the Hill wood Bark. I have had two very substantial persons with me about it who have offer’d very handsomely to whom I defer giving any ansr till the 1st Janry expecting I may receive before that time the resolution of the tanners of your towne to whom it lays most convenient & to whom shall give the preferment t

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Partiss – 26 Dec 1728

Newcastle 26 Dec 1728 To Mr Thos Partess Sunderland Sr. By your ansr to my lre of the 6th last month I never questiond but that you would have pd. before this what you are oweing to the late Sr Wm Blacketts Estate but as you seem to take no notice of what I then wrote to you I hereby acquaint you that I cannot any longer respite the calling ni of that debt for the Ex’tors intending speedily to make a pay wch will amount to a large sum and have required me to make provision for the same &am

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Dawson – 26 Dec 1728

Newcastle 26 Dec 1728 To Mr Jno Dawson Sundrland Sr The Extors of Sr Wm Blackett intending to make a pay at the Lead Mills next month have Directed me to make Speedy Provision for the same wch occations my desiring you will pay the Bearer the Ball of your Acct or send me a Bill on Mr Monkhouse for the same. I hope you have ere this gott Xtian Xtiansons Bill on Mr Tho Robinson paid and that you will return me that Money also with the Other is it is not paid pray Deliv the Bill to the Bearer

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Robinson – 26 Dec 1728

Newcastle 26 Dec 1728 To Mr Thos Robinson Sundrland Sr I hope when you recollect that it was by your Ordr that Xtian Xtianson has the lead and that you will not any longer defer the paymt of his Bill as to the expense you say you were at on Acct of making interest for Sr Wm I hope you doubt not but the Extors will Ansr it when you satisfie them you were so much in Disburse but as the Lead is on another affair for wch I am accountable and as I have laid above I have your order for Delivering

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 1 Jan 1729

Newcastle 1 Jan 1729 To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield, I must desire of you to hasten down with all possible expedition an exact acct how matters stood at the several mills the 31st ultim in the manner formlery directed takeing care not to confound the same with any alteration made in the lead or oare in that time wch in this acct is not to be taken notice of for what I must have is the number of the severall sorts of lead and the bings of oare that remained that day wch if not taken a

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Armstrong – 17 Jan 1729

Newcastle 17 January 1728.9 For Mr Robt Armstrong at Coalcleugh I rec’d yours pr Tho. Craig and shall observe the contents. What I have now to desire is that Xtimas acct may be forewarded as much as in your power that I may if possible have them at Candlemas without which I cannot compleat some accts I am required to draw out and pray let me have sent therewith an acct of what oar may be computed to be lying at Coalcleugh the 31st Dec with the charge that may reasonably be supposed will

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Clark – 17 Jan 1729

Newcastle 17 January 1728.9 For Mr Chas Clark Mr Trenchard & Mrs Bella Blackett have drawne on me for 20 guineas each allowed them for mourning & the last post brou.t me a letter from Mrs Fran Blackett desiring a bill might be sent for her 20 guineas & also for her sister Marshall by Mr Allgood’s Ordr. I have sent her a Bill pr this post for her own 20 guin. But as for Mrs Marshall he orders it to be respited till such times as the caveat entered by Mr Marshall be withdrawn.

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Frances Blackett – 17 Jan 1729

Newcastle 17 January 1728.9 For Mrs Fran.s Blackett at her house in Newbond St London Madm, I recd yous of the 9th desiring the money order for your own and Mrs Marshall’s mourning may be remitted to you agreeable to wch I here inclose you a Bill for 20 guin. Allowed for your own mourning as under the recpt of wch I must beg you’ll please to own by the returne of the post. But as to Mrs Marshall as nothing was left by Sr Wm on this acct the trustees think proper to respite the payment

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Jubb – 17 Jan 1729

Newcastle 17 January 1728.9 For Mr Thos Jubb in Minster Yard, York Sr, agreeable to yours of the 13th inst I here inclose you Hen Reay’s bill on Math Featherstone at 20 days date dated this day for the sum of £9 13s 3d the amount of your Note. I desire you will own the recpt hereof by the returne of the post to yrs etc JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 22 Jan 1729

Newcastle 22 January 1728.9 For Mr John Armstrong at Allenheads Sr I wrote to your brothr Robin pr Tho Craig to joyne his forces with yours in forwarding me your Christmas accts as soon as possible & bid him acquaint you that I must have those with an estimate of what stock in oar wood deals ropes etc remain’d at the groves the 31s Dec 1728. Since which I have recd your of the 14th inst inclosing an estimate of the oar as it stood at Mich[aelm]as but you have not mention’d the cha

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 31 Jan 1729

Newcastle 31 January 1728.9 To Mr Isaac Hunter at Dukesfield Sr Recd yours of the 25th in ansr I does here inclose you Mr Robinons’s ticket & beg of you to hasten the lead from Dukesfield Mill to the halfway while the fine weather continues wch the Westhandmen may much better get done then the others get it thence to Bladon & yet if it were at the halfway I should soon have it. In Mr Petr Barnardeau wants 1000 pcs of his bargain for wch he has a ship now waiting & Mr Allgood

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 31 Jan 1729

Newcastle 31 January 1728.9 To Mr Lan’t Allgood at Hexham Sr, yesterday I got the books were in Mr Brumells possession by wch & what informations Mr Wilkinson can give me I find his acct to stand as within. I have been this day with the commissioners who shewed his acct given them of his affairs from wch I can gather nothing at all. Morrow was the day fixed for signing his certificate but have prevailed for a longer time. I hope you will be in towne next week to order what will be b

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 14 Feb 1729

Newcastle 14 Febr 1728.9 To Mr Robt Macmorran, Tower Royal, Watling St, London Sr, Having recd no more than 8 casks of bonashes must Beg of to send me downe as soon as possible the remainder of the quantity I order’d. but if you can get me 22 casks more wch will make the whole parcel 30 casks desire you will send them. I leave it to you to buy them as cheap as you can for it is a commodity wee cannot be without & the present necessaty wee are under having few left of these you have

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Wilkinson – 17 Feb 1729

Newc. 17 Febr 1728 To Mr Jno Wilkinson Mercht in Newcastle Sr, I find that nothing can be done with mr Brumell’s affair unless you will be pleased to give your further assistance. I herewith send you how the acct stands as stated by his own hand and shall wait on you with the books whenever you please to appoint in order to draw out such a state of the same as can be swore to; Mr Steel says he will then draw a proper Deposition by wch shall be able to bring the affair to some conclusion

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 15 Mar 1729

Newcastle 15 Mar 1728.9 To Mr. Allgood I have this day sent by the London carrier in a Box directed for you 56 pieces qy 1040 ¾ oz of silver the wt is upon cash piece as under mentioned &c I am [given as side note:] 134 ½ 188 ½ 79 ¼ 152 ½ 186 [totalled to] 1040 ¾

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 18 Mar 1729

Newcastle 18 Mar 1728.9 To John Bacon Esq at Staward Sr, on the 10 ult was delivered to our refining house 140 ps of your lead q 196C.1.14 wch has yielded no more than 186oz of silver short of 20 oz pr Fother & nearly agreeing with the Essay mentioned on my Lre of the 10 Decem, from wch youl please to observe that this has prov’d so hard a bargain that it won’t answer to deal any further upon the same terms, for if you abate nothing ,of?. 19s wee can scarce be call’d gaine

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 24 Mar 1729

Newcastle 24 Mar 1728.9 Mr. Allgood Sr, from Mr Bells acct wch I have got in to the end of year 1727 have on the other side drawn you out a state of the severall collierys for the years 1725, 1726 & 1727 whereby you will observe the annuall produce of each as well as how Mr Bell’s acct stands to the end of 1727. As to Fellon Colliery Mr Wilkinson has agreed that the balance of 1725 & 1726 be brought by Mr Bells to acct but as to £1098.3.3 wch appears to be the produce of 1727 h

Legal opinion to Walter Calverley – 1 Apr 1729

Abt Sr Wm Blackets Will Beginning of Will relates Sr William was Seized &c Yet if he had not the power to make Such will ‘tis no better miss Blacket, being she is not heir at Law, So cannot contend that (save what given to Lady Blacket) It appears the Trustees were not only to have the Lands but p[er]sonal Estate also for paymt of debts funeral Expenses & Legacies, but Seems were first to apply the p[er]sonal Estate, and then Sell or mortgage part of the Reall

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ellis – 19 May 1729

To Mr Ellis at Hexham May 19 1729 Sir, I have received by Mr Hunter Mrs Featherston’s reckoning books for Dukesfield & Allanheads mills, that for Rookhope I hope won’t be long behind. Notwithstanding the delivering of these books in wch many articles are omitted I think it will be of absolute necessity for the security of both Sr Wm Blacketts Ex’rs & Mrs F& will undoubtedly proven mistakes in the pay, that a pay bill on due paper be drawn out for each mill expressi

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 20 May 1729

Newcastle 20 May 1729 To Mr Allgood, Since my last, Mrs featherston has sent me on the Reckoning Books from the last Pay to the time of her husband’s death in wch are so many mistakes & corrections that I do not think it proper or safe for me to meddle with that part of the mill pay till you are present being apprehensive that it will be attended with a deal of clamour & confusion. She refuses to give a due paper or Pay bill signed wch to prevent mistakes in the pay & disp

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Clark – 24 May 1729

Newcastle 24 May 1729 To Mr Clarke, Inclosd is Crabtree the Carriers note for the sum of £707 13s 6d wch with Mr Bernardeau’s bill for £1024 16s7d sent Mr Allgood the 8th ult answered half a years interest due to Mr Guy’s Ex’tors the 14 Jany last. I beg Sir you will please to favour me with a line upon yr receipt hereof to satisfy the note comes safe to you hand & that you will order some person to call for the money the 7 June. I have nothing new to offer can’t yet acquai

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 27 May 1729

Newcastle 27 May 1729 To Mr Allgood, Inclosed I sent Mr Clark pr last post, Crabtree the carriers note for £707 13s 5d wch with Mr Bernardeau’s bill due 4 June makes up half a years interest & pursuant to your directions of the 21st shall not fail of sending by the carrier on Saturday next £500 more wch if not sufficient to make same & satisfy the present demand of Mr Guy’s corporation shall be prepared to answer at sight any draught that you shall be pleas’d to make upon me

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Clark – 31 May 1729

Newcastle 31 May 1729 To Mr Clarke, Inclos’d is <Lillin> the London carriers note for the sum of £500 more sent you by Mr Allgoods order of the 21 inst wch note I desire you will pelase to own the receipt of that for rge £707 13s 5d sent you the 24th, is, I hope, come safe to hand. Mr fenwick is expected in town this evening I am &c JR
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467