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Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 20 Jun 1729

June 20 1729 Writt Mr Robert Mackmorran for 20 casks of Litharge Boneashes pr JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Allen – 29 Jun 1729

Newcastle 29 June 1729 To Mr Tho Allen at the Flatts I shall be on a condition to letter and of next week to furnish you with 20 tons of refined lead wch if you design to have at £16 2s 6d per fother please to give me notice the first, when you expect a ship, that I may reserve it for you, as out occasions at this time requires quicker paymt than usual, you will also please to take notice that it must be part of the Bargain that the money be paid in a month after delivery wch I hope will n

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 3 Jul 1729

Newcastle 3 July 1729 To Mr Isaac Hunter, Mr Dalton complains heavily of the lead being still ill scummd at Allenheads & Rookope Milns of wch I desire you’l acquaint the miln clarks & caution them again to look more narrowly into that affair.. My lre of the 31 Janny acquainted you that upon trial there were 10 lb dross in smelting down 5 pieces & he assures me that great part of the lead from those two milns are as fould now. I have order’d all the dross to be laid together

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 11 Jul 1729

Newcastle 11 July 1729 To Mr Rob Mcamorran, I am with your favour of the 1st inst am very well satisfy’d with the price of the Boneashes, provided they prove as good as the last & shall pay your bill for the same whenever you please to pass it upon me. You say the price of lead is from £15 10s 0d to £15 17s6d, pray inform me whether that is the current price on the keys or deliver’d on board, I mean whether the seller does not pay the custom out of that price, wch I am almost sati

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 1 Aug 1729

Newcastle 1 Aug 1729 To Mr Rob Macmorran, Sr, I am Dr to yours of the 17 ult.o advising the forwarding of 15 casks of Boneashes pr the Happy Return wch I don’t hear is yet arriv’d. This morning I receiv’d yours of the 29, inclosing Mr Clark’s bill on me for £500 & your own receipt for £27 14 the charge of 20 casks of Boneashes & according to your own & Mr Denton’s desire this cover Crabtree the Carriers note for the amount viz £527 14s 0d the receipt of whc please

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 1 Aug 1729

Newcastle 1 Aug 1729 To Mr Chr Denton No 8 Grays Inn, Sr. For answer to yours of the 29 ult, this post brings Mr Macmorran the Carryers note for the amo.t of Mr Clarks Bill, I beg youl signify how much you pay Mr Joy on the interest acco.t that I may note it accordingly I am JR

Letter – John Webb to John Jackson – 13 Aug 1729

[Note in Margin:] Copy of a Mine Lease This Indenture made the thirtieth Day of August in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty and Nine Between Sir John Webb of Hawthropp in the County of Glocester Barrt. Grandfather Tutor and Guardian of the honourable John Radcliff Esqr now an Infant and under the age of Twenty One Years and the said John Radcliff of the one part and John Jackson of Scalebank Nicholas Richardson of Hillhouse and John Grindale of Aldston all in the Cou

Marriage Settlement – Walter Calverley to Elizabeth Ord – 26 Aug 1729

Articles of Agreement Tripartite Indented had made Concluded declared and Fully Agreed upon this Twenty sixth day of August in the third yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Brittaine France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c Ano Dmi 1729 Between Walter Calverley of Calverly in the County of York Esqr. only Son and heire Apparent of Sr. Walter Calverly of Calverley aforesaid Baronett of the First part Lancellot Allgood of Hexham in

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Robinson – 27 Aug 1729

To Mr Thos Robinson, Sir I did not doubt but you would have paid so much regard to your promise made me in Mr Alnwicks, as to have discharged Christian Christianson’s bill on you for £34 9s2d longer & then it is now upwards of 11 months since the lead was deliver’d him by your order of the 27 Aug 1728 wherein you promis’d to answer his draught on you at sight. When the bill was presented you in Sept last you did by lres dated 15 & 21 of that month also promise the imediate disc

Lease – John Webb to John Jackson – 30 Aug 1729

This Indenture Made the Thirtyeth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and twenty nine Between Sir John Webb of Hawthropp in the County of Glocester Barrt. Grandfather Tutor and Guardian of the honourable John Radcliff Esqr. now an Infant and under the age of twenty one years and the Said John Radcliff of the one part and John Jackson of Scale Bank Nicholas Richardson of Hillhouse and John Grindale of Aldston all in the County of Cumberland yeomen of the other par

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 2 Sep 1729

Newcastle 2 Sep 1729 Mr John Armstrong, I have your favour of the 27th ult.o with Mat Whitfield & co’s proposal about Redgroves, & your offers to them in answer admitting of give severall cases; all of wch as you observe amounting to the same thing; I wish they may embrace any of them as nobody knows better, if so well how to treat with them as yourself that affair if left to you to do as you judge best. I can’t now inform you what time wee have to come in that lease shall enq

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 9 Sep 1729

Newcastle Sepr 9 1729 Mr Joy Sir, By Mr Allgoods directions, this acquaints you that I have at present by me good bills for about one thousand pounds due at 35 days from this date which I shall remit you per first return on the interest account if you think proper to negotiate them, if not, that sum will be paid you in specie on Mr Denton’s return to town, wch will be about the time the Bills will become due. I shall wait your answer in which please to signify how the acct stands to the

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 9 Sep 1729

Newcastle Sepr 9 1729 Mr Joy or Cook On Saturday last I sent by Burrell the London carrier in a Box directed for you two pieces of fine silver contg 817oz, as under, please to note the same accordingly in acct with the late Sr Wm Blackett Extors, & own the receipt to Sir your very hble servant Jos Richmond 320 oz 387 817 at 5s9d (£234.17.9)

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Peter Bernardeau – 9 Sep 1729

Newcastle Sepr 9 1729 To Mr Bernardeau, I remember you told me your friends had resolved to give no further orders for lead till it came to £15 10s0d pr fother. You may if you please acquaint them that to oblidge will let them have 1500 or 200 pieces at that price provided they will ship in 30 days & give you leave to draw for £1000 on the receipt of their answer, wch I presume may be in 10 days for the demand on shipping the last parcel thereof; (at hus.r) as usual, I am Sr your

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Sep 1729

Newcastle Sepr 10 1729 To Walter Blackett Esq The town seemed much disappointed you were not there on Sunday last so that few besides the Magistrates wore their Favours, expecting you on Sunday next, which day I am humbly of opinion would be the most proper if you do intend to receive their compliements at all, tho if you care then conveniently the Sunday following may do very well for it will be the first Sunday you appear here they’ll attend you, as I take it, in the following manner; yo

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 16 Sep 1729

Newc 16 Sept 1729 To Lanc Allgood Esq Yesterday Mr Coulson told me he had an answer from his Friend about the lead who will give no more than £15 5s for 2000 pieces, he desired my answer against this post but have put him off till the next so please to signify your opinion pr Nan on Friday. The lead trade at present seems to be so much at a stand that I believe no body can forsee what turn it will take, the great quantities at all markets & the very little demand gives reason to think t

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Bacon – 19 Sep 1729

Newc 19 Sepr 1729 To John Bacon Esq. Sr, I am favour’d with yours of the 10th agreeable to wch you herewith receive your ansr, both as to the rent & Whessonope oar lead, wch I hope you will find right. You will observe I have made a Quere as to the land tax wch I refer to Mr Allgood & yourself to settle. I have not receiv’d any acct of the partnership money since that ended the 10th May so can give at present no further answer to that part of your lre relating a Pay, but that

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Dunn – 22 Sep 1729

Sep 22 1729 Mr Tho Dunn I am not a little surpriz’d to find you take no better care to pay off your arrears of Rent. You can’t say but you have had uncommon indulgence & as it is not now in my power to give you any longer time I desire you’l receive this as full warning thereof from JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 27 Sep 1729

Newcastle 27 Sepr 1729 To Mr Armstrong Give me four or five days notice before you let the new Bargains, for intend then to be at Allenheads if I possibly can, but if I come not proceed in telling them, as soon as the month is expired pray let me have a state of the live groves, you have not sent me a copy of the last bargains as you promis’d. I hope you go now briskly forward at Allenheads, how do you proceed in the Ginpump, what prospect have you gain’d , do you command the Water, &

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Robinson – 15 Oct 1729

Newc 15 Octob 1729 To Mr Tho Robinson We find you stand indetted to the estate of the late Sr Wm Blackett the sum of £34 9s 2d for lead delivered by your order for which you have refused to pay, wee that only are trustees for the estate of Sr Wm Blackett (in cae you do not immediately pay the money) must take such methods to oblige you as the law directs. Wee are, & c La Allgood Cha Clarke

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Robinson – 15 Oct 1729

Newc 15 Octob 1729 To Mr Tho Robinson Sr, I have agains passed Christn Christensen’s bill on you for £34 9s & 2d for lead dd him by your order the last year wch bill I hope you will not pundually [sic] pay as desir’d by the Trustees in the inclos’d, & thereby save both yourself & me any further trouble on that account. I am JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ridley – 23 Oct 1729

Newc 23 Octob 1729 To Richard Ridley Esq My masters present occaions obliges me to request you’ please to give your directions for two hundred pounds being paid me in pait of your acco.t on Friday 31st inst, having a Considerable sum to pay on that day. I am JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Robinson – 24 Oct 1729

To Mr Tho Robinson, Sr, Your answer to Mr Mand is very surprising when you know I have your order for the delivery of the lead and everything else that is necessary to recover the money by law. What can be the reason of this usage? I beg you will let me know pr return of the post for I am unwilling to acquaint either Mr Blackett or the trustees with your answer sent me by Mr Mand, till I am assured there is no mistake in it, which I am willing to believe there certainly must. For to declare po

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 28 Oct 1729

Newcastle 28th Octobr 1729 To Messrs Cook & abell Sirs On Saturday last I sent by the London carrier in a box directed for you 547.5 of fine silver for wch pray credit the late Sr Wm Blacketts Extors acco.t as under & own the receipt to JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 3 Nov 1729

Newc 3d 1729 To Mr John Armstrong Sr I am directed by Mr Allgood to send you the inclosed Queeries which Mr Grindall has put, since wee were at Allanheads, in order for you giving a distinct answer to them with all expedition, wch when done let be sent either to Mr Allgood or me, I think I could almost answer them to satisfaction myself after having heard your joint opinion of the affair, but doubt not of your doing it so affectually as will Silence the Queries & vindicate what has been
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467