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Letter – Michael Blackett to Samuel Sowton – 3 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 3rd 1675 Mr Sam <Soroton> Sr Pray be pleased to advise me p[er] very first if Mr Jno Strother be still at Stockholme if he be for ould acquaintance sake I thinke to make use of him not doubting but he will willingly accept of my small Commissione and act it with as little Charge as any man In the place I have a ship about 100 last going thither Therefore if he be not there you would doe me a Greate kindnesse to recommend me to an honnest factor who is active able and u

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 5 Dec 1675

Newcastle 5th Xber 1675 Honnored Sr I am somwt Wel pleased to understand by lett of the 3rd pres that you adhaire to my desier in keeping a smal number of men at Work at Wanlock head this winter I am sure It wille no damidge tio us. let who Will Informe you or persuade you to the Contrary and thairfor beg of you & intreat you on receipt of This to send Sandy Lister to Jno Curtice with £25 st[erling] more, which with the £65 you pd him wilbe £90 that you are <at> upon y

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Horsham – 7 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 7 1675 Mr Jno Horsham Sr I have before me yours of the 26th past for Answer may please take Notice that I have Got a friend at Rotchell one Mr Anthony Allaire recommended to me by my very Good friend Mr Peter Bar of London who I do not questione but will do my businesse to Content however I cannot Omitt to acknowleg<e> my self very much obliedged unto you for <..> you writt about Mr Stukey my vessell whereof wm Leck is m[aste]r you may expect about Candlemas rat

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 7 Dec 1675

Newc December the 7 : 75 To Mr <Hester> to send first opportunity <2 Last> of the best <Croune and halfe a last> of the best second soap and to <make an abaitment for the lost 8s:5d:> soap he sent having eight halfe <firkins in it that pr..all second Croune> not else at present and that I am yours Ra. Grey

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 7 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 7th Mr Henry Nelthorpe Sr I do very much wonder neither Mr Verlaen nor Edwd Willett of Rouen remitts you no money upon my acct I wish you could drew £500 upon me though at sight provided you can do it without advance pray se[e] w[ha]t you can doe for advance here is so tempting that I will venture within a post or 2 to draw £500 upon you for I can very well afford to allow you Interest & by Gods Blessing your money shall be sure enough I doe not know how you will take

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 10 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber the 10th 1675 Mr Robt Jackson Sr I have before me yours of the 4th 6 and 8th present which I shall now God willing answer In Course In all them I take spetiall notice of your saying you cannot returne any money I would take it very well and thinke my selfe obliedged unto you if ever I mett with any such Lines In any of your Letters as that you had bene In quireing for Bills for me and Could meet with none but I supose that is to great a trouble for you I have pd Thomas Davis

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 10 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 10th 1675 Mr Jno Wells Sr You will doe me a very great kindnesse if either you youre selfe can spare me a Bill for 4 or £500 or procure me one from any of your Neighbours pray se[e] w[ha]t you can doe for me hereafter you & I shall be better acquainted I am in hast[e] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 10 Dec 1675

Ditto Mr James Cooke Sr I have writt to you one or twice for Bills but have not had a word in answer your friend P Swaile and I are very Good friends and will Corrispond togeather hereafter pray do me the favoure as to let me have a line from you p[er] next post and Intimate unto me if you thinke you can send or procure any Bills for me against next weeke and if you can how much I may rely upon for the me<..> if under £1500 the greater kindnesse unto Sr MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Turfrey – 11 Dec 1675

Newcastle 10br 11th 1675 Mr Geo <Humfrey> Sr You formerly sent me a Letter to deliver unto m[aste]r Wm Gilbert w[hi]ch I inclosed returne you having never met with the sd m[aste]r the same cost me 6d postidge w[hi]ch I have placed to your acct I am MB Lead £12 p[er] fod[der] Coales 9s p[er] Chald[er]

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 11 Dec 1675

Newcastle 10ber 11 1675 Mr Edward Allen Sr I have before me both yours of the 2 & 7 present, by the w[hi]ch takes notice that you doe not accept neither of the offers made me about your Pease, and Beanes, w[hi]ch is well, when any other more advantagious presents, you shall be advised thereof: I am very sorry to read the bad Newes you write about the great losse of Corne, pray God Comfort the Interest I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to William De Werth – 11 Dec 1675

Newcastle 10br 11 1675 Mr Wm De Werth Sr You formerly sent me 2 Letters to deliver unto Scipper Suder Stover, w[hi]ch I inclosed returne you, having never met wth the sd m[aste]r the same kost me 9d w[hi]ch have placed to your Debit. Lead £12 p[er] fod[der] Coales 9s p[er] Chald[er] I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 11 Dec 1675

Newcastle 10br 11 1675 Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have before me both yours of the 14th p[ast] and 6 present the former I received by Jno Vaughan who God be thanked at last is well arrived & I have received the 400 Bundells of Rod Iron but we shall fall out aboute the freight so let me know if there was any agrement betwixt you and him and I must needs tell you that you were very much oversene in not takeing Bills of Loading w[hi]ch do p[er] future & alwayes allow 5s p[er] Tonn no mast

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Horsham – 11 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 11th 1675 Mr Jno Horsham Sr My last to you was of the 7 present to which refers you since none from you so the lesse to Inlarge upon I have only one thinge to acquainte you withall which now Comes Into my mind and being Confident you will seeke my most advantidge makes me the willing<er> to Impart my selfe unto you when please God my vessell arrives will you if there be no Goods Ready in your place for the above mentioned Intent you know Ballasting her will cost me a g

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 11 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 11 Mr Ed Willett Sr Yours of the 3rd & 6th present came both to my hand togeather by the former takes notice of the sale of my 600 p[iece]s Leed to Mr Vincent Allen of Paris at 102<ll> which is very well but the time of payment is no way satisfactory at all yet w[ha]t you have done doth please me very well all things Considered but I wish you had sold it Cheaper and had ready money for I love quick returnes in my heart Though there be the lesse profitt I shall now

Letter – Michael Blackett to Peter Watson – 14 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 14th 1675 Mr Peter Wattson and Mr fran: Townly Srs Since Mr Boynton came for London I have wanted a Corrispondent in your place & discourseing with my good friend Mr Roll<ma..> he was pleased to offer me a letter of recommend<ation> to you which you have Inclosed this winter tim<e> trading is dead next summer very probable we m<ay> have sume dealing togeather and so be better acquainted I have sent Good quantityes of Leed to your place & whene

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 14 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber the 14th 1675 Mr Jno Strother Sr I suppose you have heard of ere this how that my father and I was in compa[ny] and alsoe that the sd Compa[ny] is seperated occation[e]d by his marrying againe so that for future I am to act for my se[l]fe and Intending by Gods Grace to use the Stockholme trade for ould acquaintance I thinke in Civility I ought rather to make bould with you then any other not doubting but you will accept of my Commission and Study my advantidge as much as any

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 17 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber the 17th 1675 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr I have received yours of the 11th I had already drawne a Bill upon you for £500: - : payable 30 d[ays] sight to Jno Parkhurse or order Valew of mr Robt Delavell and though I can assure you you shall be suplyed before my Bill fall dew yet that is no Good Argument for you to accept it I am sory for the trouble you had in youre <shoppes> the Last weeke and seing you are pleased to say you are not in Capacity at present to accept my Bil

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Wells – 18 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 18th 1675 Mr Jno Wells Sr I have before me yours of the 13th doe heart<ily> thanke you for your Readinesse to enquire after what desire I doe assure you I shall not be un gratefull if ever an opportunity present for the Bill you have of £50 pray send it me p[er] C: F: and by him I shall send you the money and if you can get me any more bills you will doe me a greate kindnesse and for the greatenesse of the same the more you can procure the more will oblidg<e> hi

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Spereman – 18 Dec 1675

Ditto Honnoured Sr Jno Spereman Inclosed I send you a letter which I received this day at my returne out of the west pray send me the supp<eris> Desired or for Expedition sake send them to Mr Matt: Lamb of Darlington whether you thinke the most propper I am Honnered sr MB I will be youre paymaster

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 18 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber the 18th 1675 Mr Jno Strother Sr My last to you was of the 14th present to which refers you since none from you soe the Lesse to Inlarge upon this serveing Chiefly to second my former & to desire you that all my Goods may be as is desired and that you would please to take care that the Iron be the very finest & best mettle the pitch and Tarr as is before expressed for your money draw all upon Mr Peter Wattso[n] and Mr fran: Townley of Hamb<urg> who will accept

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 18 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 18th 1675 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr My last to you was of the 17th present by w[hi]ch you will se[e] I have made bould to draw upon you £500: because you are not in cash I doe not desire you should accept my bill Especially seing you are soe straitned so when it is presented pray send it to Esq Ashurst as above desired; within a post or two I will God willing remitt you £200: or £300 w[hi]ch pray let sd Ashurst have provided he accept my Bill with w[ha]t more you have of mine

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 18 Dec 1675

Ditto Mr Antho: Allaire Sr My last to you was of the 27th past to w[hi]ch refers you this being only to Confirme the same desireing you to provide against my vessell arriveall 80 last of the largest and Roundest salt your Bill for the ammounte thereof when drawn shall be dewly Honnoured I do assure you I do <supose> Olerowne [Oleron] salt is the best but I leave it to you so order the m[aste]r where you please but he must no[t] lye above 8 or 10 dayes at most and take a note under th

Letter – Michael Blackett to Peter Watson – 18 Dec 1675

Ditto Mr Peter Wattson and Mr fran: Townley Srs My last to you was of the 14 present to which refers you this being only to Confirme the same and to desire you to send forward the Inclosed to Mr Jno Strother a second time the postidge of w[hi]ch place to my acct w[hi]ch with w[ha]t he shall draw upon you and your Commissione pray Reimburse your selfe upon me payable In London as above your bills shall be Honnoured I am at present in hast[e] so am forced to Conclude but God willing shall wr

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 18 Dec 1675

Newcastle xber 18th Mr Ed Allen Sr I am this day offered 3s 4d p[er] bush[el] for your pease and have to this day seven night to give an answer w[hi]ch I thought Good to advise of use your discretione I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 24 Dec 1675

Stockton xber the 24th 1675 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr This Good time I am here keepeing my Christmas where I meet with yours more than expected friend letter of the 21 present I shall never live I am affraid to make you a Requitall the Obligatione upon me is so greate I can only assure you that you shall be no Looser God willing and if I had received yours before I had drawne my Bill not a farthing faith should have bene Charged upon you but that is now past I perceive you have accepted my Bill
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467