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Letter – Joseph Richmond to Robert Macmorran – 30 Dec 1729

Newc 30th Dem’r 1729 To Mr Robt Mackmorran Sr, I have shiped on board the Cooper of Londn Thos Miller master a Coach belonging to Mr Blackett who is now at Calverly in his way to London, Inclosed is a bill of Lading for it, I beg on receipt hereof you will be so kind as send for one Cockdale a Coachmaker in Silver st near great Marlborough Street to take care of it as soon as the ship arrives & if you find him out b y this Direction which I am not sure is right you may deliver him the

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Clark – 2 Jan 1730

To Mr Cha: Clark Newcastle 2d Jan 1729 Sr, inclosed is Fenwick & Waters bill on Mr John Lee Quesne for £150 wch wth the bill for £64-15-0 Sent you in my lre dated 2d ult on Mr Richard Jackson I desire you’l please to acknowledge the Receipt of Mr Allgood gives his service to you & desires you’l let Mr Denton draw out an acct of what Bills you have been paid since Sr Wms death, also a list of those remaining unpaid which he says should have in order to prepare an Answe

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 6 Jan 1730

To Mess Cook & Abell Newc 6 Janry 1729 On Saturday last I sent by Crabtree the Lond. Carrier directed for you tow pieces of fine Sylvery of three hundred an forty three Os a quarter wch at 5s and 9d comes to ninety eight pounds 13 s 8¼ I desire you’l place the said Sum to the Credit of Messr Allgood & Clarkes acct & own the Receipt of the silver Sr yours J Richmond

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 6 Jan 1730

To Mr Armstrong Newc 6 Janry 1729 On saturday in the Evening I received yours setting forth the Dispute between you and Fra. Little & partners, the had been with me that Morning, & related the whole affair so very little Different from what you have done, that I convinced them you had done no more than your Duty in letting their Bargain to others, and what if I had been present I would actually have done, so that I doubt not but their are returned with so resigned & peacable a Dis

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Jan 1730

to Waltr Blackett Esq Newcastle 10 Janry 1729 Sir, I have received your lre of the 7th & shall observe your orders therein concerning the Horse. Mr Allgood presents his service & bids me acquaint you that here being no person at present in the Country to apply to about adding your Life in the lease for Weardale lead mines, desires on your getting to Town that you’ll please to get Mr Clark to treat with the Bishop on that head, & when you have got his Answer that you will p

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Baudier & Hunter – 10 Jan 1730

Messrs Baudier & Hunter Newcastle 10 Janry 1729 Sirs, Inclosed is Pillin the London Carriers note for fifty three pounds six shillings, wch sum when received you’l place to the Credit of Mr Isaac Hunter’s acct & I desire you will own the receipt hereof by the return of post to Yours J Richmond

Letter – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 21 Jan 1730

To Mr Armstrong January 21 1729 Sr, I have yours of the 20th & am very Glad you are now at quiet, & that things go on so well, pray let me know pr first opportunity, how you pressed in the Ginsump and whether there is any thing in what I have heard suggested, that the Gin is overpowered, & not only so, but also that the Level being sludged or run sets bacl part of the water against the Wheel, the latter I can give no credit so <fo> if any such thing had happened it would

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 30 Jan 1730

to Waltr Blackett Esq Newcastle 30 Janry 1729 Sr, I have sent pr Crabtree the London Carriers, a Box directed to Mr Richard Cook Goldsmith in Forster Lane, containing 1023 ounces ¼ wrought Plate, the Particulars of wch are within mentioned. I have been as Exact as possible in weighing it, but as to the real value of part of it I am not a Judge. Mr Cook is a Person we have always dealt with for our Bullion, & is I believe the properest Person to treat, or advise with on this affair.

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Cook – 30 Jan 1730

to Mr Richd Cook Newcastle 30 Janry 1729 Sr, I have this day sent by Crabtree the London carrier a Box of wrought Plate directed for you belonging to Walter Blackett Esq wch I request you’l please to send for for to the Carriers Inn on Saturday the Saturday the 14 Feby & take care of it, till you see Mr Blackett or have his directions concerning it, the Box being of great value. I beg your particular care & desire you’l let me know when it comes to hand. Iam Sr J. Richmd T

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 3 Feb 1730

To Mr Xpher Denton, Newc 3 Febry 1729 Sr, I have yours of the 28th ult & tho I am satisfied Mr Clark & you must be made very uneasie by Sr Wms Creditrs I do assure you, it is not in my Power to help it, for I have not £150 of the Trustees money in my hand, & tho here is money owing by the best men in Town to the amount of a £1100, I can’t get any part of it, either in bills or Money, so that if Mr Clark should have drawn on me at any Short date I shall not know how to answer

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Feb 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle February the 6th 1729 Sr, I have not yet got any money of Mr. Ogle, but inclose you a bill on Mr. John Gould for one hundred pounds, the receipt of wch please to advise. Sr & c JR Jan 27 Jo <Airey> & co on Jno Gould Esq payable to J R’s order 30 days after date for 100l

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 17 Feb 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle February the 17 1729 Sr, Upon renewing the Lease of Weardale Mines with the late Bishop Crew in 1706, & putting in the late Sr Wm Blackett life, I find there was paid no more than 300 guineas besides the fees which came to about £30, Mr Allgood is of Opinion the present Bishop, will on the present Occasion insist on £1000 at least wch I am humbly of Opinion, concidering his Ldshps age, & the Declension of those groves from what they were at the

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Feb 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. N Ca Febry 24 1729 Hond Sr, I received your lre of the 19th inclosing one to Mr Allgood who is now here, I am very sorry you should have any trouble with the Bill I sent you on Mr Gold both he and the Drawer are very Sufficient & I doubt not its being punctually paid, but if it should not before the 3d March please to return it, I shall take care to pay your Bill to Kennedy at Sight. I was last week at Wallington collecting those Rents, where I find owing about

Letter – Joseph Richmond to William Robson – 14 Mar 1730

To Mr Robson Marck 14 1729/30 On receipt hereof go to Fenwick Bowman & see what malt he has & at what price he will sell, for Mr Blackett has ordered the Cellars to be filled, tho I fear the season is too far advanced to get any quantity of strong Beer brewed, I can buy old malt here, made of the best Lincolnshire Barley for 10s 6d our bowl wch is three Bushels & as I take it will be best for Strong Beer of wch I would have three Brewings you must immediately order Tom the Miller

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ridley – 16 Mar 1730

To Richard Ridley Esq March 16 1729/30 Sr, Having reason from some former Passages to apprehend that whenever I am not qualified to Answer your Lead Commissions Mr Crow may zealously misrepresent what passes between us, of which very probably there has been a late instance, when he was with me last week for a parcell of Lead. My intention hereby is to undeceive you in that particular, by acquainting you that I am always ready to Supply you, on the same Terms I would any other Gentleman in

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 17 Mar 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 17 Mar 1729/30 Hond Sr, Since my last I have the Favour of your tow lres the contents of wch will be duely Observ’d the inclosed in your former I deliver’d Mr Allgood who with his family removed yesterday to Hexham. Trading is but yet dull & particularly the Lead trade for wch here is little Demand, the price is at £15 10s 0d pr Fother, but the Road & weather continues so bad that wee can get but little to Markett. Winship having taken in mos

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Charles Clark – 31 Mar 1730

To Mr Clark Mar 31st 1730 Sr, The deadness of trade & badness of weather wch has nitherto presented our getting the lead from the mills are the reasons I have not been able to make you the Returns I expected, but as both begin now to be on the mending hand I hope shortly to be qualified to remit your Money sufficient to Answr the interest in arrears to Guys Extors & all other present Demands, Inclosed is Joseph Watsons bill on Messrs Cantillen for three hundred twenty one pounds f

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 31 Mar 1730

31 Mar 1730 Wrote Mr Blackett that the Lead mines are flourishing that the last years proceeds were about £6000 Sent him the advertisement of this years <Plates> that Mr Ridley has been in an Ague but on the mend but on the mending hand, Tho Winship can’t now go out with the dogs witht giving Offence <have> suffer him to go to Wallington without Direction & c

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 1 Apr 1730

To Mr Denton March 01 1730 Sr, I have by this post sent Mr Clark a bill on Messrs Cantellen for £321 4s 8d If he should not be in town please to present the bill as soon as it come to hand for acceptance & advise the receipt thereof Iam &c JR

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Apr 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. Aprl 3d 1730 Hond Sr, Sr John Swinburns Stwed would not allow Finlay to go to Wallington, having, as he tells Wm Robson, no orders from Sr John for so doing, wee are making a trial in Smith’s field wch is so promising that I hope wee shall have no occasion for his advise. Tomorrow shall put the old harpsichord on board the Wye Indian, Capt. Whitfield, for London, who as soon as he arrives will order it to the Dog tavern in Billingsgate, who ever calls for it need

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Strother – 10 Apr 1730

To Mr Strothers April 10 1730 Sr, I have this Day sent by the Leeds Carriers directed for Sir Walter a piece of Holland as ordered by your Lre 15 Febry last, the price is below, I have done to the best of my power in the purchase but if my Lady thinks it too dear or in any Respect dislikes it I desire it may be returned, I shall hope to hear from you on the Receipt of it, wch wth my most humble Service to Sr Walter & Lady <El…> is all at present offers to Sir & c JR Linnin

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 Apr 1730

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 28 Aprl 1730 Hond Sr, I have advised Mr Robson to take grass for the horses that are in the Parks, in order to make the most of the parks he can, for wee always reckon a horses grass in the parks at 45s & he may get grass for them on Harwood where they will be very safe at 8d a stint, The Houghton Gray Gelding, & Mr Crosses gelding continues down right lame, & I believe will never be of any service to you. I should therefore think it most for

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Isabella Blackett – 28 Apr 1730

To Mrs Isabella Blackett Newcastle 28 April 1730 Madam, agreeable to yours to Mr Allgood I have by this post sent Mr Christ Denton Clerk to Mr Cha. Clark a bill for £100 payable at three days sight & desired him on Receipt to wait upon you with it, the Bill will be punctually paid & will answer your half years annuity due 24 next month, the reason of my not sending it to you is Mrs Netherburns telling me this morning she was not certain the former directions to Mr Reeves was rig

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Apr 1730

Mr Denton Newcastle 28 April 1730 Sr, I am favoured with yours of the 7 & 23 the first owning Mr Clark’s receipt of Jo. Watson’s bill wch I hope will be paid before this comes to hand, the Latter requiring a return of £378 5s 0d to pay off the mortgage on Winlington Colliery wch will shortly be made good to Mr Clark, I shall take care to answer his bill for the money you say he has taken up & you may with my best respects assure Mr Clark that as soon as I can raise money I will

Letter – Joseph Richmond to Grindall – 29 Apr 1730

To Mr Grindall 29 Aprl 1730 Sr, I have yours of this date, & it is very inconvenient for me, to comply wth your request, have nevertheless for this time to oblige you, done it, by sending you pr Bearer the sum of ten pounds as desired, I would desire you for the future when you have occasion for money to apply to Mr Armstrong when he comes down for subsistance and I shall not be backward to qualify him to gratify your wch will be a more regular way, & better correspond wth my affa
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467