To Mr Denton Newcastle 3 April 1731
Your Lre of the 27th ult.o bro[ugh]t me Mr. Allgoods Bill payable to Jno. Culcheth Esqr. or order for Eighty seven pounds ten shillings I have this day p[ai]d your Bill on me for Eighty pounds, shall pay the seven pounds ten shillings as you direct, I am JR
To Mr. Allgood Newcastle 9th Ap.l 1731
Last Night I reced your Lre of the 1st inst, on my Return from the mines pursuant to which I have examined Lady Barbara’s Mrs Bruces, & Mrs Isabella Blacketts accounts, & find that what you mention to be charg[ed] by Mr Clark under those heads does not inte[r]fere with either your payment or mine; except Mrs Isabella Blacketts half Years Annuity due May 1729 which you charge to be paid by you, & for which I believe you ha
To Mr Allgood Newcastle April 10 1731
Last Post bro[ugh]t me your Lre of the 6th As to the £1032. 10s. 0d which Mr Clark is made D[ebto]r for the 13th Sept[emb]er 1728, I know no more of it than that you charge him in your acco[un]t, only with that sum, so if you sent Mr Denton at that time £1332. 10. 0d. Mr Clark must be <debited> for £300 more, for which your acco[un]t must have credit, On the 21st December 1728, I paid you at <Felb
To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 15th Ap.l 1731
Hon[ou]rd Sir,
On my return from the Leadmines where all things go on successfully, I reced your Lre of the 2nd instant & shall take care to pay your bill to the order of Mr Cagdale.
I sent by Winship 30 guin[ea]s for the Guelding which Mr Carr b[ough]t you & he is getting him into order against you coming into the Country.
I have plow’d & sewn the Nuns, & begin with the design o
To Mr Allgood Newcastle 16th April 1731
I have rece[ive]d your Letter of the 10th , Agreable to which this incloses you two Bills for seven hundred pounds, as follows, which please to send for Acceptance, & advise me on the Receipts hereof.
I have had severall meetings with M.o Jos: Watson the Fitter about your house in the <Maxknowls>, & have at last bro[ugh]t him to £20 a year on a lease for 7 or 9 years, provi
To Jno. Bacon Esqr. Newcastle 23rd April 1731
I have reced the favour of your Lre of the 14th inst. with a Bill on Mr Bland for fifty nine pounds 13s. 6d, which is paid & placed to your acco[un]t I have heard nothing further from Mr Isaacson about Pikestone, but Mr Millet who I apprehend is to be concerned in the Tack, if it is let, has been enquiring ab[ou]t that grove, & seems very desirous to know what terms will be acceptable, I expect Mr B
To Mr Allgood 23 April 1731
I have received your Lres of the 16 & 20th & am extremely glad Mrs Allgood is in so good a way of recovery since writing the inclos’d, Mrs Vasey has received yours which gives the great satisfaction, & I intend this Evening to call on Mr Watson & tye him as fast as I can, I have spoke to John Crowe about the £200 bill; they are Seemingly much asham[e]d of the delay & have
To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle April 23d 1731
Hon[ou]rd Sir,
Cap[tai]n Ellisons Servant has delivered me the Mare in very good order, Here is Gentlewoman desirous take the old Hall at Kenton, I believe she will give Six pounds a year for it, & agree to the Reservation of the Rooms for the use of your servants, as this will be of service to the house, & I think not to <comodious> to your stables, I desire your directions whether I may let it, &a
To Mr Denton Newcastle 24 April 1731
I have reced yours of the 13th inst. with Mr. Allgoods bill on me for Eighty pounds, I here inclose Crabtree the Carriers note for that sum which please to acknowledge the receipt of, the seven pounds ten shillings are still in my hands, but was not in any mind when I delivered the Carrier this money.
Mr Allgood writes me that Mr Clark says the £200 bill on Cook d[ate]d the 26 November 1728, which I sent Mr Clark
To Mr Allgood Newcastle 24 Apl 1731
Instead of sending you £500 this day by the carrier as mentioned in mine of yesterdays date, I send you inclos’d Fenwick & waters bill on Mr John Rudolph Spellerbergh at 21d[ays] for that Sum wch I preferred to trusting so much by the Carrier, I was oblidg’d to pay them ½ p[er] cent prem[iu]m for this bill good bills not being now to begot here at par, please to own the Receipt hereof, I know not
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Dickinson of Eshgill In Priorsdale In the Chappellry of Garrigill, Parish of Alston In the County of Cumberland & Diocese of Durham Yeoman being weak in body but of good And perfect memory blessed be god but Considering the uncertainty and frailty of Mankind do make this my Last Will and Testament In Manner and Form following/ Vizt. Imprimus I commend my Soul into the hands of Allmighty god hopeing thro. the Meritorious Death of my Saviour Jesus for free pard
To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 30 April 1731
Hon[ou]rd Sir,
On the 12 of May will be run for in Hunwick near Auckland a purse of 15 guineas by aged Horses carrying 10 stone, Winship thinks Thorkeld will stand a fair chance to win, if you allow of his going there with him on Saturday Sennight, which is the Day of ent[e]ring, I desire your directions whether to send him there, or keep him fresh for Newcastle Races, which will be about fiv
To <Gilfur> Lawson Esqr. Newcastle April 30th 1731
Hon[ou]rd Sir,
Inclosed are two bills for the sum of sixty two pounds, which my Bro[the]r Thompson has desired me to remit you on Mr Thos. Lawsons acco[un]t, The Gentlemen they are drawn on will be found upon the Exchange, I desire you’l please to order me advice upon the Receipt hereof I am Sr. yours etc J:Richmond
Corn & Crook on Mr Fra. Winante M[erchan]t
in Lo
To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle 7th May 1731
I have this morning been with Ald[erma]n Ridley about the £200 bill, who desires you will not return it, & promises if his <Bro[the]r> pay it not in two posts after your Receipt hereof, he will send up money by the Carrier to discharge it, please therefore to send it once more for payment & let me know what <answr> is given, this usage must surely be thought so trifeling, as will excuse my be
To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 8th May 1731
Hon[ou]rd Sir,
Since the Receipt of your Lre of the 1st instant, I have used my utmost Endeavours to get good bills but in vain, none being at present to be got in this place under 30 days, & at one pr cent premium, which at this time of the year I never before knew, for trade in general was never so bad in my knowledge, I have therefore sent you by the Carrier, one hundred Guineas, as pr inclosed, which please to own the Receipt
To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle May 11th 1731
Wm. Robson writes me that Thos. Anderson’s new kiln was burnt down yesterday with 27 Bowls of Oats, & that he begs your directions for the immediate recovering it, the walls are not damag’d, & of the slates will serve again, but all wood is distroy’d.
Dodds & Atkinson the Kenton tenants have paid me £30 & there stock being now worth about £90 I have ventured to tr
To Walter Blackett Esqr. Newcastle May 11 1731
Hon[ou]rd Sr.,
I have received you[r]r Lre [Letter] of the 6th & shall have the Horses ready to send away upon notice, please to let me know whether I must send four or five, besides the horse that Robin must ride up As I read not your directions I did not send Thirkeild to Hunwick Edge.
My last bro[ugh]t you the Carriers note for One hundred & five pounds since which cannot meet wi
Mr. Bernardeau May 13th 1731
If you judge it proper, I desire you will write to your friends in France to know the utmost price they will give for 5 or 6000 peices WB Lead, to be d[elivere]d as follows 2000 peices before the 11th June, 2000 more before the 1st July, & 1 or 2000 more before the 30th July & to be paid for by bills in London at 2 usance, dated at those respective times, whether the Lead be shipd or not, provided 10 days noti
To Mr Rudd Newcastle May 13th 1731
I observe by your last accot that on the 1st inst you had only got 1297 pieces of Lead sent from the miln, & that there was then remaining above 2800 pieces, I desire upon Receipt hereof you’l let me know whether the carriage goes briskly on, & when you expect to get the miles cleared, This is the carriers Leisure time, & the time of the market calls for the Lead, & I therefore hope wee shall not be
To Mr. Martin Newcastle 14 May 1731
I am Deb[to]r to the Favour of yours of the 13 Feb[ruar]y, for which with your former Favours you have my hearty thanks, my not being able of late to meet with a ship directly bound for your Port, has been the Reason I have not made my proper acknowledgem[en]ts, you’l please to accept, the inclosed in part thereof, for I still esteem my self your Deb[to]r for the trouble I give you, I am now to request a Line from you with
To Mr. Conset Newcastle 14 May 1731
For answ[e]r to your Favour of the 8 inst[an]t, the Gentleman therein nam’d appears Indeed not a little littigiuous in insisting upon a Cocquet for his Linnen without Fee, that demanded is surely very reasonable, & your table of fees which I take must be at least equall to that of this port, will as surely justify such Demand, If he had entered that quantity in this Port, our patent officers wou
To Jno. Bacon Esqr. May 14: 1731
I have before me your Lre of the 5th, in answ[e]r, do intend tho beginning of next week to take a trial of your Lead at Bollyhope Miln, I shall then offer you what I really think it deserves as the Markett is likely to rule, & am etc JR
To Lancelot Allgood Esqr. Newcastle 15th May 1731
I have received your Lre of the 11th by which I find you will want more Money to clear off with the Corporation than I doubt I shall be able to get returned before the time you have fixed for leaving the Town, for Mr Bernardeau has been disappointed of a ship, & Loads not his Lead till the next week, Inclosed is Mr Ridleys bill on Mr Jno. Edwards for three hundred pounds which I hope is very good,
Mr Hunter Newcastle 18th May 1731
We have only got this Year to Blaydon 200 ps of Allenheads Lead, tho there was above 3000 ps at Beldon the 10 of last Month, & from Rookhope, we have not received one Pigg but 206, part of what was laying in the way over the Year, I have now only 400 pigs at Markett, & the Refining Ho[use]s stand still, This is therefore to desire you will forwd the Lead to Markett with all Expedition, I could this Day have sold 2000 ps if I'de had it
To Mr Vickers Newcastle May 18th 1731
Sr, I have not yet reced your accot for the last Month. Wch I wondr at, there being so many Oppertunitys of sending from Allenheads pray hasten it down, & omit not sending me it, in ten days after the Expiration of each Month, What may be the reason that Allenhd Lead comes not away from Beldon, there's no more than 200 ps come to Blaydon this Year, I am etc J.R.