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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Lancelot Allgood – 18 May 1732

1732 May 18. Sent Mr Allgood the Bond of Indemnity under Cover by Mr Hunter

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 18 May 1732

Mr Armstrong Newcastle 18th May 1732 Mr Hunter complains that the Oar reced from the heads to Dukesfield miln, has been very wet, & particularly what was sent from Allisons Shaft, he says its occasioned by the <.arg.s> throwing water upon it to make it weigh, but then Robt Dixon or the Person who delivers the Oar to your Carriers could not but observe it, I desire you'l make enquiry into the Matter & punish those you find guilty of a practice so Injurious to the propriet

Letters – Joseph Richmond to George Edwards – 23 May 1732

To Mr Geo. Edwards at Bernard Castle Newcastle May 23rd 1732 You promis'd me faithfully in Jan[ua]ry last, that if Mr Blackett & the Trustees would forbear wth you till Mayday, you would then punctually pay what are arising for the Hill Bark, but as I have since heard nothing from you, I send this by way of Recollection & desire you'l take care the money be imediately paid & that upon Receipt hereof you'l let me know when & were I may expect to receive it. I am e

Letter – William Hutchinson to Francis Pewterer – 25 May 1732

Barnard Castle the 25th May 1732 Sir, I sent my Mill Agent, & one of my smelters, to view all the workings in Weardale. Thro them all not above 250 Bings laying, of a very poor kind & badly dressed, your Bayliff acquaints them, the yearly produce of the Mines may be about 1400 Bings, reckond at 40 shillings per Bing, at an average, would bee £309 per ann[um]. Now this being barly a supposition, the yearly produce of the Mines may be more or lesse. Therefore as to my own part,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Isaac Hunter – 26 May 1732

To Mr Hunter Newcastle 26 May 1732 Sir, If Mrs Featherston is well recovered, I desire you will seal & deliver her the Inclos'd, if not pray respite the delivery of it till a more proper Oppertunity, I send you also inclos'd your own acco[un]t from the beginning w[hi]ch I desire you will look into & carefully examine against you come in for the money, in order that if any mistake appear it may be rectifyed, the due paper comes to abo[u]t £4000, but you will observe

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Anne Featherston – 26 May 1732

To Mrs Featherston Newcastle 26 May 1732 Madm, I reced your Lre of the 30th Mar[ch], in Answr to one of Mr Blackett & the Trustees, I have communicated the Contents, w[hi]ch I am now to tell you are not very agreable, since you have thought proper after three Years forbearance to call in Question the justness of their Decisions, & deny Mr Featherston's hand writing, thu[ough] the same has been proved to the satisfaction of Mr Ellis & Mr Wharton, both of your own appointm[

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 28 May 1732

28 May. Sent Sr <Walt.r> copy of the Bond of Indemnity, wrote him about riding the Boundarys & Rookope grove, & that I do not think any good will be done by <counting that a…sp, till he finds it has intrest>

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 30 May 1732

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 30th May 1732 I sent you on Saturday last pr Laycock the Carrier a piece of fine silver g. four hundred & eighty ounces for w[hi]ch I have debited you as below at 5s.9d p[er] oz, please to advise me on the receipt. I am etc J.R.

Letter – Edward Chandler to Walter Blackett – 5 Jun 1732

June 5 1732 Sr An Act of Parliament that empowers the Bp of D[urham] to lease the lead mines at Stanhop & there is this clause, “yielding & paying the lot oar or 9th pt of the said lead ore gotten in the said mines, from time to time as the same shall accrue & be gotten, clean & well washed, without deduction of any manner of charges – at the Feasts of Pentecost, Lamas, St Martins in winter & Candlemas Day – And if it shall happen that the lot – or any pa

Letter – Andrew Dickson – 7 Jun 1732

Reverend Sir When I had the Honn[ou]r to wait on my Lord last week his Lordship asked me at what price he might dispose of his Lead Oar I then told him not under fifty shillings per Bing (or 64 ston) last night I was with La[w]yer Cuthbert who told me that Lead advances in its price, Lead Oar being now at 50sh <and> 56sh per Bing and still rising in its price. I thought it proper his Lordship shoud know this without delay. Peter Whitfield is now privetly observing what Mr

Letter – Walter Blackett to Edward Chandler – 17 Jun 1732

Newcastle 17th June 1732 My Lord Upon my return from Berwick I found your Lordship had honoured me with a letter in my absence; I am sorry I was not master enough of business to have given a more speedy answer, I really was at a loss till I had made proper inquirys from our stewards in Weredale, which by reason of distance could not be immediately executed; I perceive there are other differences likely to arise, upon which account , if agreeable, I will do my self the honour to wait up

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 23 Jun 1732

To Sr Wr Calvorley in Golden Square Newcastle 23 June 1732 Honrd Sr, Mr Blackett sett forwards for Calverley on Wednesday last, that morning he called upon Mr Grey but met not with him, being in the Country, as soon as he comes to Town w[hi]ch I expect will be tomorrow I will wait on him, and let you know his Answer about the Bill. On Monday Mr Blackett was to wait upon the B[isho]p at Auckland who agreed to renew the two Lives in Kilhope & Welhope for £200, & also

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 23 Jun 1732

To Mr Chris Denton Greys Inn London Newcastle 23rd June 1732 Sr, I desire you will let me know by the Return of the Post, what is done w[i]th Mr Bull about Fenw[ic]k Lamberts House, we have had the Offer of several good tenants, w[hi]ch are now provided, because matters not being concluded, we could not put the House into Repair, w[hi]ch I declare is actually £20 worse than when I contracted for it with Mr Steel, for all the Windows, Shutters, hangings etc are broke & tore to pieces,

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 27 Jun 1732

To Messrs Cook & Abell on Forster Lane Newcas[tle] 27 June 1732 Sirs, Mr Blacket having occasion for 255£ I have this day drawn a bill on you for that sum payable to him on Order 30 days after date, to w[hi]ch I desire you will pay the needful, & place the same to acco[un]t with Sir Wm Blacketts Executors, If that draught be thought too quick, we will endeavour to make you demands afterwards &c , I am, Sirs yours etc J. Richmond

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Jun 1732

To Waltr Blackett at Esholt Newcastle 27 June 1732 Hon Sr, The above is a Bill on Cook & Abell for two hundred & fifty five pounds, I desire you will please to own the Receipt thereof to etc. J.R. Newcastle the 27 June 1732 Srs, Thirty days after date, pay Walter Blackett Esq., or order the sum of two hundred & fifty five pounds (£255.0s.0d), & place the same to Acco[un]t / value being reced as pr advice from – Srs your most h[u]mble Servant J. Richmond To Mes

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 27 Jun 1732

To Mr Chas Joy Esq. Inst. Thomas Hospitall, Southwark, London Newcastle the 27th June 1732 Sir, Inclosed are two Bills of Exchange for the sum of thirteen hundred & forty two pounds ten shillings, w[hi]ch when paid will clear off all interest on the late Sr Wm Blacketts mortg[ag]e to the 14 Jan[ua]ry last, You will be please to apply the same to the Credit of Sr Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors (making it with the other Remittances I have made you, reced by my hands) & also to advise

Report – Peter Whitfield to Edward Chandler – 1 Jul 1732

Account of most of the Vaines above Wolsingham to Killhope head, with their distance from Shortthorns which is Called the Center (below Shortthorns [in a different ink and hand: ‘Wr Mr Blackets Steward Mr Peart’] [Above the next entry in a different hand: ‘Upon the Comons or Wast’] On the south side of Wolsingham a vaine not wrought 9 miles [in another hand: ‘distant Shortthorns] Pikestone a vaine not w 9 South Graine a vaine not w

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 7 Jul 1732

To Mr Denton Newcastle 7th July 1732 Sr, I send you Inclosed a Bill for one hundred pounds by Mr Allgoods Order on his own private Acco[un]t, of w[hi]ch he has no doubt advised you, I desire you will own the Receipt of to me. Mr Blackett & his Lady are at Scarbro, I expect him at home on Tuesday next, I am etc J.R. Newcastle 7th July 1732 Thirty days after date pay to Mr Jos: Richmond or order the sum of one hundred pounds sterling (£100.0s.0d) (the value reced) & p

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Rebecca Stainforth – 7 Jul 1732

To Mrs Rebecca Stainforth Petergate York Newcastle 7th July 1732 Madm, Agreeable to the desire of Mr Lanc[elo]t Allgood I send you the Inclosed Bill for the sum of seventeen pound ten shillings, w[hi]ch I desire you will own the Receipt of to, Madm Yours etc J.R. Newcastle 7th July 1732 Thirty days after date pay to Mr Joseph Richmond, or order the sum of seventeen pounds ten shillings sterling (£17.10s.0d) (the value reced) & place it to acco[un]t as by Advice from Fenwick &am

Letter – Edward Chandler to Walter Blackett – 9 Jul 1732

Mr Walt Blacket July 9 . 1732 I have reason to think myself very ill used. While you & Mr Algood were treating with me for my 9th lot & you both assured me no oar should be carried off the premises without my knowledg , as did Mr Richmond again at Newc. Your men were then actually carrying away the oar, as I can prove by several persons of undoubted credit & Mr Peart can’t deny it. I can’t prevail [phrase apparently in shorthand: O vs 2 .. d is .. V y .. F..

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Pealing – 11 Jul 1732

To Mr Pealing Merch[an]t in Cecil Street in the Strand London Newcastle 11 July 1732 Sir, Your Bill on Mr Blackett for £80 is paid, and you may draw for the Remainder of your Note when you please, making allowance for the 21 Bottles that were short sent, w[hi]ch Mr Blackett expects, as he had not yet the Wine, Mr Long writes that he desired to be present at the packing it up, be he had no notice given him as desired, upon the whole, it is hard for Mr Blackett to pay for what he neve

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Peter Walker – 11 Jul 1732

To Mr Peter Walker at the three Crane Wharf London Newcastle 11 July 1732 Sir, I desire you will buy & send here for Mr Blacketts use, Thirty Casks of your Best Bone ashes, the Casks to be about the same size w[i]th the last you sent, & let them be marked WB, you need not be hasty in sending them, for if they come in a month, it will be sufficient, therefore I again desire you will endeavour to get the ashes as good as Possible, Please to advise me of the Shipping them, & draw f

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Edward Ord – 11 Jul 1732

To Mr Ord of Grindon Rigg near Berwick Newcastle 11th July 1732 Sir, I read your Lre of the 5 & have according to your Order shipt 100 p[iece]s of our best Lead in the Rich & Mills of Whitby, Xpher [Christopher] Green Ma[ste]r for Berwick , I could not prevail on the Ma[ste]r to abate anything of five pence pr ps , w[hi]ch I think is too dear a freight, but as I did not know what want you may have of the Lead, was not willing to lose the opportunity, You receive Inclosed the Invo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 16 Jul 1732

Wrote Mr Denton about the Deficiency of Pealing wine, & desir'd him to take <Robt> Long with him & pay <or tender> only 12.11.2 the <Clark>, unless he saw no reason to pay the whole sum demanded. Wrote him also to procure & send down Copies of the Leases of Killop & Wellop & also of Lintsgarth.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Clark – 21 Jul 1732

Newcastle 21st July 1732 Sir, Inclosed is a <Cimps> note for twenty pounds, w[hi]ch I send you at the request of Mr Thoms Smithson for the use of his son Rog[e]r, & desire that you or he will advise me of the Receipt hereof by the Return of the Post, the Drawer is a good man, & I doubt not it's being punctually p[ai]d, be if it should not, return the Note to me, & Ile send you a Bill at sight in lieu thereof, I am etc J.R. to Mr Jno Clark bookseller at the <No
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467