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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Oct 1732

To: Wr Blackett Esq. Honrd Sir, I have applied to Aldn Fenw[ic]k for a hundred pound bill payable at Bristoll agreeable to your Lre of the 1st inst., who not having Liberty to draw, gave me the Inclos'd Lre to Mr Le Quesne but I believed you must pay Commission for what money you take up, both to Le Quesne & his Correspondent, & therefore the less Occasions we have to use the Favour the better, Inclos'd is Rich. & Nicks Ridley's Bill on Mr Jno Edwards for two hu

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 20 Oct 1732

To Wr Blackett Esq. Newcastle 20th Octobr 1732 Honrd Sir, This day senight wee finished the Pay at Allenheads , when Mr Grindale resign'd & Mr Walton was put in possession of the Chappell, We had a smart skirmish at parting between Mr Grindale & Jn Armstrong, but without any Loss of the ill blood that is betwixt them – Grindale has given in an accot of about £70 he insists he has been wronged off in the last 6 Years, by Jn Armstrong's refusing to secure it for him

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 22 Oct 1732

To Sir Wt Calverley Bart Newcastle 22nd Octr 1732 Honld Sir, I have this day sent by the Courier six gallons of Brandy, & quart of the Flower of mustard, the Brandy is as good as can be imported, it comes by permitt, for none that is really good is to be got in the Cheap way, Gunnerton Collry is taken into my <Ma[ster]s> own hand, & Potts discharged being anyway concerned, I dont know what success wee shall have with her, but I fear not her turning to better accot than she h

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 22 Oct 1732

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 22nd Octr 1732 Sirs, I have this day drawn on you for the sum of £300, as below, wch I hope will meet wth your Acceptance, please to place the same when paid to Accot with Sir Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors, I shall in a little time send you a fresh supply of Silver, & at the end of the Year will draw out & send you your accot courant. I am etc J.R. one bill for £200 payable to Lanc[elo]t Allgood Esq. or order 40 days after date one Bill for

Letters – Joseph Richmond to George Edwards – 23 Oct 1732

To Mr Geo: Edwards Newcastle 23rd Octr 1732 I have orders to acquaint you that as you have not performed your <repeated> promisses of paying your Ballance for the Hill Bark before <then>, nor even thought fitt to let Mr Blackett have equall <> wth other People wch he might have expected from you, If you do not take care to discharge the Debt or put it in some satisfactory way of payment in 14 days from the date you must expect to meet with some speedy trouble, for no

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 31 Oct 1732

To Mr Denton, Newcastle 31st Octobr 1732 Dr Srs, I Reced your Favour of the 19th & am glad to hear you got well to Town, I have been this morning wth Mr Clarke about the copy of the Bill, but Its not yet finished, I expect it will be ready to send away by next Tuesdays Post, As to the £10 in your Accot Mr Allgood & Mr Clarke are not wiling to have any alteration made thereon, so that it must stand as it is, I have not yet heard from Mr Brown or Mr Ward & the time of payment

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 3 Nov 1732

To Sir Waltr Calverley Bart Newcle 3 Nov 1732 Honrd Sir, I have been with Mr Grey, who assures we he will answer Mr Wilsons Lre by next Post, wch he says he could not do before, some points wanting Mr Allgoods Resolution, but Mr Allgood being now with him I hope all will be fix’d in order to save the present term, Mr Featherston says he does not take any rent to be due for Kenton Collry, and that the certain rent of £150 per annum commences not till after three years, I think the <

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Nov 1732

To Mr Blackett Esq. Newcastle Novr 11 1732 Hd Sr, I reced your Lre of 28 Ult and agreable thereto, will take create <tow> bills ready to send you on your Return to London, of wch you'l please to give me notice, I'm sorry I can't send Mr Denton a £500 bill as soon as I could wish, for the last pay & half Years interest have drawn away the ready Cash, & there here is £2000 going in the <Town> I can't raise £200 at present, either in Bills or money

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Nov 1732

To Mr Blackett Esq. Newcastle 21st Novembr 1732 Hld Sr, I am informed a Petition is forwarded to you by the Grovers at Moohope and back'd by Mr Geog Robson of Ninebanks to suffer them to <pay> their half shifts to Mr Toppin for officiating at Ninebanks Chapple. If you have reced any such Application, I am humbly of Opinion it will be well to defer giving any <g....> of it till you return into the Country, for it's a thing that may require some consideration, the Peo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 28 Nov 1732

To Sr Wr Calverley Newcastle 28 Novr 1732 Honrd Sr, The Bill Inclosed in your Lre of the 18th for £12.11s.8d the amount of the Cloth & Brandy I sent you is accepted, I have paid for the 6 gross of Corks wth Mr Stephensons Wine, they come to 11s wch I shall charge in your next accot, I desired Mr Stephensons Cooper to buy them, who having never called for the money, they were omitted to be charged Mr Allgoods Accots cannot be particulariz'd in the Bill, the Title, amount of the D

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Richard Ridley – 29 Nov 1732

To Richd Ridley Esq. Newcastle 29th Novr 1732 Sir, My Mas[te]r having ordered his Leadmines in Weardale to be paid off the next month, I desire you will be pleased to Order Mr Crowe to let me have £300 on the 9th when I expect Mr Peart here for the money, There Will be remaining on the Lead Accot upwards of £400 after the paymt wch I hope shall not have occasion to trouble you for in hast[e], I shoud not have done it now for the sum, but on the present Emergency, wch will plead my excu

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Robert Long – 29 Nov 1732

To Mr Robt Long Newcastle 29 Novm 1732 I have sent along wth Jeney the Laundry Maid in the George, Geo: Airey Ma[ste]r five <potts> of Wild <Fowl> for Mr Blackett, wch I desire you will lett be taken out of the hampier they are in, and put in the proper place, I have also this day put on board the Robt of Shields two <potts> of wild <Fowl> committed to your care, as above, wch pray enquire after, & if they come not all safe to your hand, let me know, Mr Airey wil

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Strother – 1 Dec 1732

To Mr Stroother Newcastle 1 Decemr 1732 Sr, I am favoured wth yours of the 24th past, & agreable to Lady Calverleys order, shall send the Holland you mention, tomorrow by the Courier the charge of wch is, as below, When she has compared the <...> wth what I sent her before at 6s, I desire you will let me know wch she calls the better pennyworth that at 7s is the finest our <Town> affords, at present, I wish it may please. I am etc J.R.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Dec 1732

To Mr Blackett Esq. Newcastle Decemr 3rd 1732 Honrd Sr, I have before me yours of the 25th ult. & in my last gave you any thoughts upon the petition signed by the workmen at Moohope, to wch I have only now to add, that I take the petition to be sign'd only by a few that livi[n]g near the place, who are influenced by Mr Robson & Mr Toppin, for whose ease & Intrest the thing is calculated, Ninebanks Chapple is not much more than two miles from the Parish Church, is

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 5 Dec 1732

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 5th Decembr 1732 Srs, On Saturday last I sent you by Crabtree the Carrier a piece of Silver weighing four hundred & sixty two ounces & a half, wch you will please to own the Receipt of- Mr Blackett being come to Town f[ro]m Bath, I have this day drawn on you for one hundred pounds payable to him or Order 20 days after date, if he should want the money before Due, I hope it will not Inconvenience you to oblige him, tho' I don't know that

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Armour – 5 Dec 1732

To Mr Wm Armour Newcastle 5th Decembr 1732 Sr, I am favoured with yours of the 29th past, I desire you'l get me a particular accot of the whole charge attending the Division, that I may see how Mr Blacketts proprtion of the £20.13s.10d anses [answers], wch he will expect from me, I shall then return you the money, or you may draw on me for it, & also for the £18 you have been so kind as pay for the March <Stores>, Mr Blackett & his Lady are both well, she has reced grea

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Dec 1732

To Mr Blackett Esqr Newcastle 8th Decemr 1732 Honrd Sr, Inclosed is two Bills for the sum of three hundred pounds, as above, wch I desire you please to <arrange> Receipt of, Stainbanck on whom the two hundred pounds is drawn lives near the Custom house, Mr Clarke called this morning at the Office & seemed to be in the huff that he had not reced an Answer to a Lre he said he had sent you, he asked if I had lately heard from you, & asked that you had mentioned anythin

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Dec 1732

To Mr Blackett Esqr Honrd Sr, The pay at Weardale is fixed for the 20th inst wch will amount to £3000, & will not leave £100 in Bank & the money that is now owing in Town amounts only to £900, seven hundred of wch is in Mr Clarkes hand & not a penny of it be got, £200 still remains in Aldm Fenwicks hand, wch if you please <may> draw on them for 10 days date to Mr Le Quesne, who the Aldm says will readily accept your Bill without any <premium>, This Sr is at prese

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 15 Dec 1732

Newcal 15 Xber [December] 1732 To Chas Joye Esqr at St Thomass Hospital, Southwark Sirs, Inclosed are five Bills for the Sum of Seventeen Hundred & thirty two pounds ten sh[illin]gs as above, wch when paid will discharge the last half years Intrest due to the Hospital the 11th July last, I desire you will please to acknowledge the same, & advise the Receipt here up to. Sir, Your most hble Servant Jos. Richmond Newcastle 1st Decr 1732 Att usance pray pay by this m

Letter – John Watson – 22 Dec 1732

Extract of a Letter from Mr Watson to the Lords of the Treasury, Dated at Goswick near Berwick on Tweed 22d The country people having shot & destroyed most of the Deer, and would also cut & destroy the woods; to prevent any further damage to the Estate I have appointed two or three people as bailiffs to preserve the timber, deer, pheasants and young springs of wood which I hope may be agreeable and any small allowance of about 7 or 8 £ a piece pr ann, or what your Lordships wi

Letter – John Watson – 22 Dec 1732

Extract of a Letter from Mr Watson to the Lords of the Treasury, Dated at Goswick near Berwick on Tweed 22d December 1732 I have caused all the timber cutt down and lying upon the Northumberland Estate to be measured by Woodmen, which Mr Busby tells me he left as the proportion due to the Government, and which amounts to 778 Tuns, but part of it is not sound, which with your Lord[shi]ps Approbation I shall advertize and sell by publick Auction to the highest Bidders. [Note in margin:] has c

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Thomas Strother – 23 Dec 1732

To Mr Strother Newcastle the 23d Decr 1732 Sr, I received your Lre last Night on my Return from making a pay at Weardale & have this day sent by Warbutton 4 dozn of the best french Wine, I could meet wth, you will also receive herewith two Packs of Wool from Mr Robson wch are all he has yet sent into the place, wth the wishes of the Season, I am etc J.R. 4 dozn of Old French Wine at 30s pr dozn £6.0s.0d Packing etc £0.1s.0d

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 29 Dec 1732

To Mr Blackett Esqr Newcastle the 29th Decr 1732 Honrd Sr, Mr Carr took his leave of the Town on Wednesday last, without making any Publick Entertainment or Bustle, & on Monday will sett forwards from Auckland for the South, Mr Clarke has withdrawn your Lre out of the hand, who he says expresses great Friendsp, & promises it shall be read on the 15th of next Month, I will then deliver it publickly in Court, & at the same time deliver the Companys Lre to their Ste

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 5 Jan 1733

Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle 5th January 1732/3 Hon[our]d Sir The Lres you sent down are look[e]d upon by the best Judges to be so well done as not to be amended in any Respect; the Expressions from the Favour & Influence of that Body, is very proper & can’t give offence to any. On the other side you have the names of these person’s in Town, who have any influence here, if any other occur to my Memory I will let y

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 16 Jan 1733

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle the 16th January 1732 Hon[ou]rd Sir Yesterday being a Guild & Common Councell Day, till which the reading of your Lre was put off, it was again assured to Mr May[o]r, but he had taken proper measures that there should not be a sufficient number present to hold a Common Councell, so that your Lre was again postponed to the Disapoinment of half the Town, who expected it to be read ; What Gloss may be put upon this, I don’
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467