To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 8th Augt 1732
Sirs, I sent you Saturday last pr Burrell the London Carrier, two pieces of fine silver, as below, w[hi]ch I desire you will advise me on if Receipt of, I am etc J.R.
2 ps at 929 1/2 oz at 5s.9d pr oz} £267.4.7 ½
August the 11th 1732
My Lord,
I had the honour of yr Lordships Letter on Wednesday; & intirely agree that if Mr Blackets People will not contract on Monday, to pay the former Rent, that tis necessary without further Delay to strike a Bargain with the Northumberland Gentlemen. So that the only thing under Deliberation seems to be, whether to let them the Oar per Bing, or for a certain yearly Rent, in Case of Mr Blackets Refusal. Now tho I think they offer a good Price per
Stanhope Tuesday Night
My Lord
I have just now received information wch I think may be depended upon, that Mr Blackets People intend to come to an Agreement with your Lordship, & that they will be at Durham this week.
I am not able to get any Account at all what Terms they design to offer; But thought proper to send this information, tho I hope to be able to wait upon your Lordship before they come. I must add, that upon further Inquiry I am fully assured of the Truth o
To Mr Allgood Newcastle 15th Augt 1732
An Agreement was clos'd yesterday w[i]th Bp on the terms within mentioned, & an article drawn accordingly, being the best bargain could become at with him, because he had about departed from every thing he had promis'd to stand to before, possitively denyed the Term of <...> years agreed on for the Rent, & also what was concluded about <B/Risby> grove, I must own I was so much staggerd at the unexpected usage
To Mr Whitaker Newcastle 18 Augt 1732
Mr Lanc[elo]t Allgood of Riding, Mr Cha. Clarke jun[io]r of Newcastle, & Mr Major Allgood of Brandon in the County of Northumbd, are to be made Lessies, in all four Leases, In the Moor masters Lease the Lives are to be <as foll> Walter Blackett Esqr aged about 23, Mrs Eliz: Marshall wife of Wm Marshall Esqr of New Bond Street, aged about 44. & Mrs Frances Bruce Wife of the Honble Robt Bruce Esqr aged about 35. The lives to be put in
I have sent by Warburton the Leeds Carrier, a Cask directed for Sr W[alte]r of six gallons Canary, w[hi]ch Tho. Craven left behind, not being willing to wait the Return of a Messenger who I sent w[i]th Sr Walters Lre to <Mr> Blackett. I am glad to hear the Family are well after their Journey pray present my Duty to Sr Wr & acquaint him that Mr Blackett is come to a Bargain, but a very hard one, w[i]th the Bp, being to pay him £900 fine for adding one life in the moormasters Lease, &
To Mr Armstrong Newcastle 31st Aug[us]t 1732
Sir, John Vipont having petitioned Mr Blackett to be restored to his Work again, & promising better behavour for the future, I am ordered to acquaint you that as Mr Blackett believes what he has already suffered, will be a means to make him keep his word, & mind his Work, you are to set him on again at the next Bargains, In the mean time he has Engaged himself to shew you some Discovery he has made of an untryed vein, near his own Habitati
To Mr Edw.d Ord Merch.t in Berwick Newcastle 1st September 1732
I have this Day drawn on you for the sum of Ninety two Pounds 9s. 5d. ½, payable at sight to Mr Wm Robson or Order, being in full for one hundred pieces of Lead sold Wm Ord Esq.r
I am etc J.R.
To J[oh]n Bacon Esq.r Newcastle 8th September 1732
Before I reced your Lre of the 6th I had agreeable to your Sons desire, made an Assay of 289 p[iece]s of your Lead now at Bollyhope Mils, w[hi]ch is not nigh so rich in silver as the last I bought of you, or the 300 p[iece]s you offered me last year, for it Yields only, as follows, if Daltons report to me in just, & I do assure I verily believe it is -
186 ps oar hearth Lead yields 3 gra[in] pr lb or 15 oz pr Fother
To Mr Peart Newcastle 8th September 1732
I am to desire of you to hasten the Oar from the <Partn[er]s[hi]p> Mines as fast as it can ever be got washed, & to take care all hands that be kept at work, w[hi]ch I apprehend Mr Bacon will Endeavour to prevent this Year, in order to save in his proportion of the fine, this is to yourself, therefore you take any measures you shall judge for Mr Blacketts intrest herein, & if you think pressing a pay, will be of any use, you are at
To Messrs Cook & Abell in Forster Lane Newcastle 12th Septembr 1732
On Saturday last I sent you by Crabtree the Carrier one piece of fine Silver g. 638 ½ oz wch I have debited you for at 5s.9d & desire you will acknowledge the Receipt of it. I have this day drawn on you for one hundred and ten pounds payble to <Gilfrid> Lawson Esqr, or order in three Bills as follows
at 35 days date for £40.0.0
at 30 £40.0.0
at 30 £30.0.0
To Mr Robt Long in John Street near Gold[smith] square London Newcastle 15th Septr 1732
On Saturday last I sent by Crabtree the Carrier two Trunks of Mr Blacketts directed for you, wch I desire you will put in some very dry place till he come to Town, I have shipped in the Sarah Rose of Yarmouth Morris <Barnhard> master the Coach & Furniture 13 boxes 3 trunks wearing apparel Box of Plate, 1 hampier of Pickells & half an anker containing 4 bottles Pealings Burgundy.
To Sir Wr Calverley Bart Newcastle 16 September 1732
I have sent by Warburton the Leeds Carrier three dozn of macmorrans claret, & one dozn of Fenwks Burgundy according to Order – I have not yet got the Article about Kenton but expect it in 10 days, on Mr Dentons return hither, who I believe has got it from Mr Shaftoe.
I am etc J.R.
To Mr Blackett Esq. at Esholt Newcastle 16th Sept 1732
Honrd Sir,
Inclosed is Henry Coulsons bill on Mr Thos Stainbank for two hundred pounds wch please to advise the Receipt of, I find it was expected by the magistrates that you would have publickly declared your Intention of standing for the Town the day they last dined wth you but Mr Ridley, I am told, is the only one that calls it an omision, because it might have been of some use to his Designs, I am humbly of opinion it was as wel
To Waltr Blackett Esq Newcastle 19 Sept 1732
Honrd Sir,
There is one Mat[the]w Price who listed himself here some time agoes in Captn Carneys Regiment Comp. of L[or]d Cadogans Regimnt now at Exeter who is desirous of being discharged, he is a free <Roper> and his Father and two Brothers are freemen of this Town and will all enter under any Engagem[en]t of giving single voice at the next Election, if you will procure his discharge, & the Father will also pay any Charge that may a
To Wr Blackett Esq. Newcastle 23rd Sept. 1732
Honrd Sir,
I have reced the Kenton Article, & called upon Mr Ord for the Rent who can't recollect anything of the matter, I went afterwards to Mr Ra: Featherstone who is Agent to the whole Alliance & he told me Mr Ord had been giving him some accot of it, but not having seen the Article himself, he understood it to be only Condition if they went forwards w[i]th the purchase of Kenton wch he saw no probability of, that as soon as
Septr 26th 1732
Writ Mr Geo: Edwards at Barnard Castle about the Ballance of this Account
To Mr Armstrong Newcastle 26 Septembr 1732
I have reced yours, but have not time now to send you the particulars of my paymnt here, neither do I think it very materiall, for if you set to every man his exact due, we will adjust all well enough when you come down, for shall have all my paymts ready drawn out for you against the time. Mr Blackett is very desirous to know how Mohope goes forwds, what likelihood there's of her proving a good grove, w[ha]t hands are imployed in her,
To: Walter Blackett Esq.
Honrd Sir,
I desire you will be pleased to let me know how you Intend your Intrest for the County & Town of Durham, Mr Hedworth, Mr Bowes & Mr Vane will be for the County & Mr Shafto, Mr Lambton & Mr Talbot, as reported for the Town, Mohope grove continues good, On Monday I expect the Draught of the Disputed ground in order to get a Bill to be filed next Town, On the other side you have a Copy of a Lre from Jn Armstrong to Mr Allgood ab[ou]t the per
To: Wr Blackett Esq.
Honrd Sir,
I have applied to Aldn Fenw[ic]k for a hundred pound bill payable at Bristoll agreeable to your Lre of the 1st inst., who not having Liberty to draw, gave me the Inclos'd Lre to Mr Le Quesne but I believed you must pay Commission for what money you take up, both to Le Quesne & his Correspondent, & therefore the less Occasions we have to use the Favour the better, Inclos'd is Rich. & Nicks Ridley's Bill on Mr Jno Edwards for two hu
To Wr Blackett Esq. Newcastle 20th Octobr 1732
Honrd Sir,
This day senight wee finished the Pay at Allenheads , when Mr Grindale resign'd & Mr Walton was put in possession of the Chappell, We had a smart skirmish at parting between Mr Grindale & Jn Armstrong, but without any Loss of the ill blood that is betwixt them – Grindale has given in an accot of about £70 he insists he has been wronged off in the last 6 Years, by Jn Armstrong's refusing to secure it for him
To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 22nd Octr 1732
Sirs, I have this day drawn on you for the sum of £300, as below, wch I hope will meet wth your Acceptance, please to place the same when paid to Accot with Sir Wm Blacketts Ex[ecu]tors, I shall in a little time send you a fresh supply of Silver, & at the end of the Year will draw out & send you your accot courant. I am etc J.R.
one bill for £200 payable to Lanc[elo]t Allgood Esq. or order 40 days after date
one Bill for
To Sir Wt Calverley Bart Newcastle 22nd Octr 1732
Honld Sir,
I have this day sent by the Courier six gallons of Brandy, & quart of the Flower of mustard, the Brandy is as good as can be imported, it comes by permitt, for none that is really good is to be got in the Cheap way, Gunnerton Collry is taken into my <Ma[ster]s> own hand, & Potts discharged being anyway concerned, I dont know what success wee shall have with her, but I fear not her turning to better accot than she h
To Mr Geo: Edwards Newcastle 23rd Octr 1732
I have orders to acquaint you that as you have not performed your <repeated> promisses of paying your Ballance for the Hill Bark before <then>, nor even thought fitt to let Mr Blackett have equall <> wth other People wch he might have expected from you, If you do not take care to discharge the Debt or put it in some satisfactory way of payment in 14 days from the date you must expect to meet with some speedy trouble, for no
To Mr Denton, Newcastle 31st Octobr 1732
Dr Srs,
I Reced your Favour of the 19th & am glad to hear you got well to Town, I have been this morning wth Mr Clarke about the copy of the Bill, but Its not yet finished, I expect it will be ready to send away by next Tuesdays Post, As to the £10 in your Accot Mr Allgood & Mr Clarke are not wiling to have any alteration made thereon, so that it must stand as it is, I have not yet heard from Mr Brown or Mr Ward & the time of payment