Newcastle xber 28th 1675
Mr Sam: Sowton
I have before me yours of the 9th present & although you thinke Mr Strother without any mans Recomendatione will as soone serve me as any man In England yet I doe friendly thanke you for your Readinesse to do me a kindnesse and for Requitall if at any time I can do you any service in these parts pray frely Command your letter putts me to <astand> In saying that Mr Strothers Intentione is to come over this winter whome I have writt severa
Newcastle xber 28
Mr Nicho Verlaen
Though I write from Newcastle yet I am at Stockton and thereabouts keeping my Christmas where I meete w[i]th both yours of the 9th & 20th present the former by Geo Johnson who God be thanked is well arrived at Newcastle & the latter by <..> when I go hence w[hi]ch will God willinge be within 2 or 3 dayes shall deliver your inclosed, to sd Johnson, And advise you from thence how all goods <prices>, But I doubt not that all will be to
Mr John Stroatyer
Newcastle 10ber 28 1675
My last to you was of the 28th 10ber to w[hi]ch I referr you since none fron you soe the less to Inlarge upon this serveinge mearely for feare of miscarrage & I desire you once more that you would take greate Care, that all the Iron desired by my former bee of the very finest & best mettle & lett mee begg your Care that the Tarr desired be of the same Sort that I writt you of w[hi]ch if you doe not & be sure I shall <louse>
Newcastle xber 28th 1675
Mr P: W:
My last to you of the 28th xber to w[hi]ch I referr you since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon, I have onely to desire you to send forward the Inclosed & though Unknowne, yet by my Friends letter of Recommendation I hope you will p[er]forme what is desired, But because I can not be Certayne of the Sume, I intend in my next, to gett a letter to one MrBanks of your place Recommended to mee By my Brother Tim: Davison, soe that if you will not
Stockton xber 28 1675
Mr Ed: Willett
I am here keeping my Christmas & thought good to advise you from hence, that I left order at home to Shipp you 200 p[iece]s of Leed by John Fuller a vessell Coming to le Gendre by my next you shall God willinge have both Invoyce & Bill of Loadinge I have writt to Mr Coquemar to Receive them, when pleases God Shipp Arrives soe <bond> the same & give him your order for the disposall thereof after to send them up to you or otherwise as
NewCastle December the 30th (75)
Sr, Yours of the 24th Came to safe hand wherein you demand £40 of Samuell Holman who pretends to return it From Holland & Mr Woodraws Answer w[hi]ch you suppose will satisfie which Answer I never had but his promise to pay for my p[ar]t & what he owed when he came to Linn which that he seems he denyes which I can prove, I thank you for your Trouble your Brother Thomas is now over with his Grandfather when he comes home I shall acquaint him with w
Stockton xber 31 75
Major Allen
I writt to you the 28th present from home since w[hi]ch doe meete with yours of the 23th w[hi]ch before I answer, lett mee Advise you <once> againe that if you will take a Reasonable price for your Rye in the hands of Mr Robert Jackson, I will be your man for that <Concern> for I have a way of sendinge the same, the truth is my Father Imployes a greate many men in his Coale Works & Leed Mynes all whome I doe furnish w[i]th Corne, & am almos
Stockton xber ult 1675
Mr Ed: Willett
I writt to you from hence the 28th present where I am still merrily disposed the 200 p[ig]s of Leed advised you of is Shipped but can not send you the <weight> till next opptunity, since my last I heare that John Huntington is at Nantes at w[hi]ch place if you have a Friend write upon receipt, a way you know the debitt & how it came soe lett your Friend gett what he Can for I can not Indure to be <a….d> & would have the Rogue p
Stockton xber ult 75
Mr Henry Nelthorpe
I writt to you the 28th present from hence & sent you 2 Bills for 100 <.> each of w[hi]ch I hope came to safe to your hand. M<.> <happs> I may send you this Post a Bill for 1 or £200 but there is a little diffrence twixt us & I am affrayd <…..> shall not <.itt> of it the <p[ar]ties> > concerned about the Bills of £500 <s> w[hi]ch I chardged upon you would have mee to Order you to pay the sa
An invitation to Sir Mathew Wentworth to haste out of Ireland into England, with a congratulation for that great estate that falls to him by the death of Sir T. W. [added in a different hand:] who died 5 Decr. 1675,
Thrice honour’d Sir, arise now spur away,
We have no patience for your longer, stay,
Old Holofernes now is dead, and gone,
His land is all away and flown;
He is gone. Yea farewel he,
He is <…> that great many nobility;
Adieu hath put him in his boat, b
Newcastle Jan 7th 1675
Mr Ed: Allen
Since my comeing home do meet with yours of the p[ri]mo But for answer I cannot afford to Give you your price for your Rey [Rye] In Mr Jacksons Custody but p[er] last I will Give which is 4s p[er] Bush[el] if you will take that I will take sume p[ar]t of it perhaps all but more I cannot Give since I came home I spoake againe to my Miller about y[ou]r pease but not a farthing above <.>s 4d he will Give so I tould him he Could not have them when a
Mr Peter Barr
I cannot but acknowledge my selfe very much Obliedged unto you for both your kind letters of the 29th 9ber and the 23d past I wish the Heavens would be so favourable unto me as that some opertunity might present wherein I might Imploy my selfe in your service that thereby you might se[e] how Ready I would be to make you a Retaliatione in some measure for all your kindnesses being Impossible to satisfie you the whole In your letter I have an Inclosed from Mr Allaire w
Newcastle Jan 7th 75/6
Mr Hen: Nelthorpe
Inclosed send you 3 french Bills I suppose you understand so much french as to gather the Contents so will say no more but that they are payable in paris & amounte unto alltogeather 6400 Livers [Livres] all Endorsed unto you so if you can Negotiate the same to Content do itt and upon your advice of the termes they shall be Booked according[ly] butt if you cannot do it without Great Losse then Returne them to Mr Ed: Willet merchant in [towne]
Newcastle Jan 7th
Mr Jno Horsham
I have before me yours of the 18th and 21 past I intend you God willing a percell of Leed by my vessell but before I proceed let me In treate you to make a quick sale as possibly you can of the Goods you Receive by sd vessell and Remitt the Mo[ney] to Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Gouldsmi[th] in London I would send no Goods but what I thought would find Ready vent God sending the vessell to her desired port so shall not trouble you neither with Grindstones nor with
Newcastle Jan 7th 75/6
Mr Ed Willett
My last unto you was of the 31st past from stockton since have Received yours of the same Date with an acct of my Leed and the 3 Bills you mentione we have no ex: [exchange] betwixt this place & yours so have sent sd Bills to London to be Negotiated w[hi]ch if can be done any way Reasonable I will be well butt if not I have ordered my friend Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Gouldsmith at the Rose in London to returne them unto you w[hi]ch if he do then be pleas
Sr James Stanfeild
I have beene Long from home at my Returne doe meet w[i]th yours of the 7d past by which I p[er]ceive you still think that I am In Companie with my father, I did not question but ere this my father would have advised you the Contrary but it seames he hath forgot, soe pray take notice the Companie Is seperated and for future may please to writ to us distinckly, as you shall have accation to make use of either of us, for the provition of the <2> parcells Leed sent
Newcastle Jan: 7d 1675/6
Mr An: Allaire
I had before me yours of the 22d past under Covert of one from Mr Peter Bar who writes me, that you desires to know the spedious way to Convey Letters unto me, w[hi]ch Is to direct them unto M: B mar<…>]t In Newcastle via London and they will Come safe to my hands this pray observe for future, my vessell Called the <own……> Lane of Newcastle whereof Wm Leck Is m[aste]r Is now prepareing to begin her voyadge who Is bound soe soone
Writt Mr Edwd Allen
and advised him I Care not wheather I have his Rye or noe and likewise Wm <Sparrow> is In the Same Condition wheather he have his pease or noe, if for his pease he will take w[ha]t is offered tis well, if nott may use his discretion they being still to <……..>
8 ditt<o>
Writt Brother Edward Blackett
and advised him that I had allowed my <..> brother Mittford by his order £16 and placed the Same to his Debitt
Janu[ary] 10th 1675 [1676]
Mr Ch: & Ja: Banks
Though unknown, yett by the recommendation of my Mr Tim: Davison I make bold to write to you these few lines w[hi]ch if they come to your hand my request is that you would write <..edially> to Mr Jno Strother of Stockholme and advise him that you will accept my bills for what he draws upon you upon my Acco[un]tt to the value of £1000: be it a little more or lesse, though I think he will nott have accation to draw above 4 or £500
Writt Sr James Standefeild <he> pay to An: <Dobson> £140 if In case the Call for the Same
Janu: 11th 1675/6
Mr Peter Watson & Mr Fra: Townley
My last unto you was the 24 past to w[hi]ch referes you, since none from you, soe the lesse to inlarge upon the serving cheifly for Covert to the Inclosed, att w[hi]ch all things considered you cannott think much, nott that I doubt butt upon my friends letter of Recommendation you would p<er> forme with me in the needfull, butt I looke to have two things for my <.ow> because I w<ould> nott realy for £1000 have m
Newcastle Jan 15th
Mr Ed: Allen
I have before me yours ot the 11th with m<uch> ado have driven my miller up to 3s 6d for your pease but God knows he cannot pay you your mo[ney] in London for he hath no friends there nor will not be bound to do it he will pay Ready mo[ney] here upon delivery so if you approve of this upon your answer I shall make a bargaine I could not remitt you your money under 2 p[er]% <Lose> you know w[ha]t you could doe as for Charging upon me for if yo
Newcastle Jan 15 1675/6
Mr Edward Willet
The above is a Coppy of my last to w[hi]ch referrs you since none from you soe the less to inlarge upon, but to advise you that I am utterly undone for not imploying of <Mr> Legendre yet all will not doe for as p[er] before I now neither feare <freets> nor will make use of legendre soe Long as I live but as I sent the bills you sent me to London <ne……> it seems they weer [were] offerd to Mr Pe: Bar upon w[hi]ch he writt me a
Mr Sam: Sowton
Thanke you Heartily for your kind Letter of the 8 present I desire to know w[ha]t you call a reasonable Exchange which If I like and that you have any Mo[ney] at Stockholme I will take £1500 or perhaps more of you I am s[ir] MB