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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Apr 1733

To Mr Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 11 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. Robt. Colly will sett forwards with the horses on Monday, & will be in London with ease on Saturday the 21st. Charltons Colt is in fine order & free from any Bleemish but Winship has no Opinion of him; thinks him soft & that you wont like him for your own riding. Mr. Steele tells me Mr. Manners, with whom he was last week is not willing to pay the Money, & that he gave M

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 15 Apr 1733

To Sr. Wr. Calverly Bart. Newcastle the 15 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. Yesterday Mr. Allgood delivered me the Inclos’d to send to you or Mr. Wilson, being the Trustees answer to Mr Blacketts bill, as the same he says was fixed & settled by Mr Wilson & Mr Fenwick at York with his own bill & Mr. Blacketts answer drawn to correspond there with, & desired me to acquaint you that the same had been sent sooner, but that he was desirous to have

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Apr 1733

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle the 15 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sir I have by this Post sent Sr.Wr. the Trustees answer with Mr. Allgoods bill & your answer there to, as (Mr Allgood says) the same were fixed by Mr Wilson & Mr Fenwick at York, yesterday I delivered Mr Allgood the Case Inclos’d in your last Lre , & he said he woud give you an Immediate Answer thereto. Last week I shipped the Chariot in the Amity of Whitby Thos. Simpson Ma[

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Wiseman – 20 Apr 1733

Mr. Wiseman Newcastle 20 April 1733 Inclos’d is a bill for 20£ which I have received of Mr John Airey upon the Bill you sent me on yours of the 22 Mar. I desire you will own the receipt hereof by the return of the Post, & let me know how Robin Coley has got up with the horses & what news you have a stirring. I am your humble servant Jos. Richmond Get Mr <Noluey> to send the Bill immediately for acceptance £20- -

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Peter Consett – 20 Apr 1733

To Mr. Consett Coll[ecto]r <in Stocton> Newcastle 20 April 1733 Dear Sir, I own the Favour of your obliging Lre of the 14th of which I cannot but have most gratefull Sentiments, As to the Case you mention it’s my opinion that Lime juice can’t legally be Imported from Holland unless they bring Limes to perfection in Spain or Portigall, if so you know it to be the judges opinion that the Navigation Act extends not to European goods, tho I have known many

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 21 Apr 1733

To Mr. Denton Newcastle 21st Aprill 1733 Sr. I own your favour of the 17th, with the Inclos’d Toast, which I assure you relishes very well here, for I believe scarce a Town in England has shewn greater Demonstration of joy upon the late Victory than has the Town of Newcastle. As to the case of the George Inn in Gateshead, that cannot but be assured that whatever service I can do you or any Friend of yours; you may command me, & as to Captn. Midf

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Cornthwaite – 21 Apr 1733

To Mr Wm. Cornthwaite in Mertle Court Bow Street, Covent Garden London Newcastle 21 April 1733 Sir I received your Lre of the 14th & am sorry I can’t at present procure you a bill to answer Mr. Blacketts Draught on me, for good bills are not yet to be got without a premium, in a little they will be made plentifull, & then I shall be very ready to comply with your desire, if you can’t in the mean time meet with an opportunity of turnin

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Apr 1733

24th April; I sent Mr Blackett a List of the Marriners Company, wrote him the Answers of Mr Fetherston, Mr Atkinson & Mr Simpson all in his favour; & that I had put a kit of Salmon on the Industry Richard <B/Raxter> ma[ste]r

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 27 Apr 1733

To Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 27 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. Cuthb[er]t Ogles Lease being too large to send by the Post, I have put it into a box along with some writings Mr. Allgood is sending to Mr Denton, on whom please to order it to be called for the 12 next month. I do not know what passed between Mr Robson & Sam[ue]l Arthur who was always Mr Caves fast friend, but will inquire into it, & bring him to better temper if possible, he has two B

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 27 Apr 1733

To Chas. Joy Esqr. Newcastle 27 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. I received your Lre of the 13 inst calling upon us for the half years Intrest due 14 Jan[ua]ry last. The weather having been so bad as to hinder getting down our Lead as yet to market & the prices of all grain so low that wee cant be hard upon our Tenants, I hope you will have a little more patience, & not think us slow or undmindfull of you, if I return you that half years Rent Intrest bef

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 27 Apr 1733

To Mr. Denton Newcastle 27 April 1733 Sr. You herewith receive Mr. Wilkinsons & Mr Davisons Assignm.t of Mrs Lilburns money and also Mr Wilknsons assign[en]t of a Bond given by Harrison for 89£ with a promissory note that that money shall be paid with Intrest when ever Kenton is sold & paid for I will send you a Copy of the Bond next Post, & you may have the originals when needful, I also send you herewith a copy of a Lre from Mr

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Rebecca Stainforth – 28 Apr 1733

To Mrs Stanforth in Peter Gate York Newcastle 28th April 1733 Madam Inclos’d is a Bill for the sum of Forty pounds, which I send you at the desire and on the acco[un]t of Mr Lance Allgood, I desire you’l please to advise me of the receipt of it & am Madam etc JR Sr. Macclesfield 4 April 1733 Twenty one days after date pay to Mr John Eddows or order the sum of forty pound

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 28 Apr 1733

To Mr Denton Newcastle 28 April 1733 Sir I received yours of the 24th I shall answer you[r] bill on me at three days sight, & am content that you apply the money in payment of Cap[tai]n Midfords annuity, whose Certificate & Receipt with Mrs Isab: Blacketts Receipt I desire you’l send me. Inclos’d is a copy of Mr Harrisons bond for £89 with the Int[erest] brought down to this time, if you can’t get it put in so

Letter – C Taylor – 30 Apr 1733

My Lords, In obedience to an order from your Lordships signified to me by Mr. Scrope the 26th instant I humbly Certify that Lewis Elstobb of Wigginthorp in the County of York Esqr and John Watson of Goswick in the County Palatine of Durham Esqr (who were nominated constituted and appointed by commission from your Lordships Receivers and Collectors of all the Rents, issues & profits of Barony, Manours, Lordships, Messuages, Farms, Lands, tenements, Rectories, Tythes, Hereditaments and

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Armstrong – 7 May 1733

Mr. Armstrong Newcastle May 7th 1733 In answer to yours, I desire you will Imediately wait upon Mr Allgood & take his directions how he woud have the Article drawn with Sr. Edward; I am sure he will not refuse to execute it, or give you Authority to do it in the Trustees names, which will be the same thing; pray be very particular in the number of Trees, their species & where they stand, it would be well if you would sell the Bark before they fall

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 20 May 1733

To Mr Denton Newcastle 20th May 1733 Dear Sr. I desire you will wait upon Mr. Mansell, & pay him £200 for Lady <> half years Annuity due Lady day last, which will be so much made good by you in part of the £300 you say you have drawn on me pay[a]ble to Mr Hylton, & pray send Mr. Mansells Receipt in a Post or two, as within written, or to that purpose; I desire you’l settle with Mr Mansell what’s in Arrears upon the £50 p[er] an

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 23 May 1733

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle the 23 May 1733 Srs. On Saturday last I sent you by Crabtree the Carrier a piece of Silver w[eigh]t four hundred & eighty one ounces & a half which I desire you will debit your selves for at 5s.9d p[er] ounce & advise the Receipt of it to yours etc JR

Letter – John Watson – 30 May 1733

Extract of a Letter from Mr Watson to the Lords of the Treasury, Dated at Goswick near Berwick on Tweed 30th May 1733 [Note in Margin:] Account of his proceedings in selling the Lead Ore & Oak Timber After advertizing the Lead Ore and the Oak Timber to be sold at publick Auction, I accordingly put up the Ore at £2..5..6. p Bing, which I thought a reasonable Price (some other Ores giving £2..7..0.) but could not bid above £2..3..0 p Byng, and am told it will not give above £

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Jun 1733

To Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 2nd June 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. I acquainted Sr. Edward with your offer of your house, & Stables dureing the Races, but your Lre came not to hand till Fryday in the Race Week, & then they were in Mr Fenwicks House & their Horses in your Stables. I am told his Ladys[hi]p has expressed her Resentm[en]t that the house was not offered them sooner, but Sr. Edward presented his service to your Lady & self, & se

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 8 Jun 1733

To Mr Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle the 8th June 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. Doct[o]r Noble quitted Allenheads last week upon my telling him the law would oblige him to pay double Rent & that it would be Insisted on for the time he continued after May day, I am surprised they should apply for Rich[ar]d Allgoods having the D[octo]rs House: if he were to quit his Employment for it it would be a wrong thing to let him have it, as being now John Armstrong’

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 8 Jun 1733

To Mr. Denton Newcastle the 8 June 1733 D[ea]r Sr. I received yours of the 26 inst with Mr Mansells Receipt, & copy of Storyes deed, & in between I here with send you your bill on me to Baron Hylton for £300. Also a copy of <Se[r]geant> [ie. barrister] Winners brief in Story’s case tryed here in 1708, when a verdict was obtained in Favour of Sir Wm. Blackett, & tho the case may be hard upon Storys Family yet it’s the Oppinion of our best Co

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Charles Joy – 12 Jun 1733

To Cha: Joye Esqr. Newcastle the 12th June 1733 Sr. Inclosed are six Bills Of Exchange for the sum of thirteen hundred pounds, as above, which sum, when paid, I desire you will apply towards the Discharge of the last half years Intrest owed on the late Sr. Wm. Blacketts Mortg[ag]e & advise the Receipt hereof to Yours etc JR p.s. I will make you a further return as soon as possibly I can.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 12 Jun 1733

Sirs To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 12 June I am sorry the last parcel of Silver does not prove clean, rather than you shall suffer By it, am willing to make you allowance for the dirt in it, being sure you will desire none but what is reasonable. I am obliged this day to draw on you for one hundred forty nine pounds 17. 6d payable to Chas Joye Esqr., or order forty days after date, of which I desire your acceptance, I own it too quick up

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Crowe – 19 Jun 1733

To Mr Crowe Tuesday 19th June 1733 Sr. Having a Considerable Payment to make this day senight, I desire the Favour you will let me have £200 against that Time; without it I find I shall fall short, which will be a great Dissapointment to Mr Blacketts Affairs, therefore I give you this timely notice that you may more easily lend me your assistance on this occasion, upon it I depend & am Sr etc J.R.

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 19 Jun 1733

To Mr. Denton Newcastle the 19th June 1733 Sr. I rece[ive]d a Lre last Post from Mr Blackett where in he says there is wanting a Lease & Release dating 8th & 9th Mar 1716 made between Thos. Collingwood of the 1st part, Jno. Wilkinson & Lanct Allgood of the 2nd part Wm. Ord & Eliz[abe]th of the 3d. part & Sr. Wm. Blackett of the 4th part, If these writings are not part of what was sent Mr Blackett the 30 Xber last with his Marriage Ar
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467