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Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Feb 1733

To Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle the 2nd Febry 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir About half the Company’s have already met on acco[un]t of your Lres, & the Reception they everywhere meet with leaves no Room to doubt of success, Mr Reay has been present in severall Companys when your Lres where read, & recommended you to them in a very handsome manner, Mr Ald[erma]n Fenwick accompanied him, & declared at the same time for his <Broo.r> wch those tha

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Abell – 6 Feb 1733

To Mr Abell Newcastle 6th Febry 1732/3 Sir I have before me your Favour of the 30th ult[im]o for which I thank you, & am surprised at the difference between us, arising by my Bill for £40 in favour of Mr Lawson not being yet paid I drew on you for £110 the 12th Sept[embe]r last in three bills as advised you in my Lre of that date (vizt.) £ For 40 payable to Mr Lawson or order 35 days after date For 40 D[

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 6 Feb 1733

To Sir W[alte]r Calverly Bart. Newcastle 6th Febry 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir I have delivered the Draught you sent me, to Mr Grey, who promises to dispatch it with the Expedition, & Mr Allgood being now here, says every thing will be ready against next Term, you may depend upon every Act of mine, which can anyway influence a quicker Dispatch. In Mr Allgood Acco[un]ts (which are not signed by Mr Blackett) he distinguishes what preceeds Sir Williams

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 9 Feb 1733

To Wr. Blackett Esq[ui]re Newcastle the 9th Febry 1732/33 Hon[ou]rd Sr. I have rec[eiv]ed your Lre of the 3rd & shall have the horses in order to send up when you appoint by Rob[er]t Colly, if you choose to rather to send Rob. down for them. The state of your Exchequer has been very low since Weardale pay for Trade is now at a stand, & no money to be got till the Spring is further advanced, tho there is above £1000 owing in Town, I can

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 13 Feb 1733

To Mr. Wr. Blackett Esq Newcastle the 13 Febry 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir, Pursuant to your directions in your Lre of the 6 Instant, I send you within written, as near an Estimate of the surplus of the Estate between the time of your Marriage, & 1st of Jan[ua]ry last, as can be made till all the last quarters acco[un[ts are brot fm the Milns Groves &c togeather with an exact acco[un]t of such part of the said surpluss as has been pd you, or applyed to your

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 13 Feb 1733

To Mr Christ. Denton Febry 13th 1732/3 Sr. Inclos’d you receive Mr Allgoods answer to Mr Blacketts Bill as it stands now altered by Mr Grey, which Mr. Allgood, & Mr Clarke desire you will lay before Mr Fenwick, & let Mr Blackett have a Copy that he may see wherein it differs with Mr. Wilsons draught. I rece[ive]d of the 3rd a bill on Mr. Major Allgood for sixty pounds, which is paid, how to get you the Money returned I know not f

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 16 Feb 1733

To Sr. Walter Calverly Bar[one]t Newcastle the 16th February 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir Inclos’d is a Copy the Trustees Answer as it stands now altered by Mr Grey, & Mr. Allgood, from Mr Wilson’s Draught. It was sent up last post to Mr Denton to be laid before Mr Fenwick. I gave Mr Blackett notice thereof, & sent him as near an Estimate as I can make of what the surpluss of the Estate has been since his Marriage, An Acco[un]t of what part thereof he ha

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cook & Abell – 24 Feb 1733

To Messrs Cook & Abell Newcastle 24 Febry 1732/3 Sirs I have drawn on you this Day in two Bills for the sum of ninety five pounds, as follows for £45 payable to Mr Xpher Denton, or order 21 days after date for £50 payable to Mr Blackett Esq or order 21 days after date I desire you’l please to give the same due honour, I am etc JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 24 Feb 1733

To Mr Blackett Esq Newcastle 24th Febry 1732 Hon[ou]rd Sir Inclosed are two Bills for the sum of one hundred & sixty pounds which I desire you will please to advise the Receipt of Robt. Cabell the drawer of the £110 note (which is now due) has the Character of a punctuall man, & will be found at Ballinsgate. It will be as much for your advantage as Mr Lilburns to devise Gunnerton, if not more, as you are Lord of the Manor, &

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Christopher Denton – 24 Feb 1733

To Mr Denton Sr. Inclos’d is a Bill on Messrs Cook & Abell for the sum of forty five pounds (which is the Ball. due to you as per acco[un]t within) which bill I desire you will own the receipt of, & that it is in full. My last would acquaint you that Mr. Clarke assured me the Boundary Bill was sent away & that he did not receivable subpeena in time to get it served. I wish Mr Blackett may succeed in raising the money at 3 ½ P.r Cent but I doubt it much, pray g

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 2 Mar 1733

To Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle March 2nd 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir, All Salaries are included in the £18432 which I compute to have been the outgoings in three y[ea]rs. There is now owing to Mines, & Mills 26t. £3500 but the greatest part is due to the Milns which have not been paid since Lady day 1731. I was in hopes to have paid them about Lady day, but I find money cant be rais’d to do it till the ways mend, & Lead can be got down to market, I think that

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 6 Mar 1733

Hon[ou]rd Sr. Newcastle 6th march 1732/3 On Saturday last I sent by Laycock the Carrier in a Box directed for you, the writings of your Ladys Estate which I rece[ive]d from Mr Allgood, as below; The original will he says, must be Doct[or]s Commons, & that he never saw it, or copy of it, As Mr Allgood requires a receipt for these writings, I desire you will please to advise their coming safe to your hand. The deeds of your Ladies Estate, & y

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 10 Mar 1733

To Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle March 10th 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr Wilkinson has half of Fellon Coll[ie]ry 1/8 in his own right & 3/8 he Leases of Mr. Ald[er]man Clayton, & Mr Jos: Leedger of which Lease he has about 5 y[ea]rs to runn, Mr Clayton & Mr Leedger have a Tack from Mr Wilkinson of some ground to the rise of the Coll[ie]ry, which they work for Land sale, they pay you & Mr Wilkinson 3s. 4d for what they work, but they let the same Tack to ot

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Peter Walker – 20 Mar 1733

Sr, I desire you will me Thirty casks of Bone ashes each cask about 18 gall.ns (as the last <peel>) & pray take care the ashes are good, let the casks be marked WB as when you draw on me dor the account, wch you may do as soon as the goods are shipped, mention in your Bill, for 30 casks of Boneashes for the use of Wr Blackett Esq.r I am &c JR

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 21 Mar 1733

Wrote Mr Blacket what posted on last Wednesday, being a Comon Councell Day, on which his Lre was read, & Mr Mayor spoke something that <took in> his <Tanners & Co>, & that I had put 2 pots wild fowl on board the Swann, Tho Yeoman Ma[ste]r

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 24 Mar 1733

To Sir Walter Calverly Bart. Newcastle the 24 March 1732/3 Hon[ou]rd Sir I have this Day sent by Forster Twenty groce of Corks, & on the other side you receive your Acco.t agreeable to your directions. Mr Ridleys making his son an Ald[erma]n does not at all bring Mr Blackett’s Intrest in Question for had the Freeman of Newcastle been the Electors I make no doubt but he would have had the Gown before any other, but the Mayo

Letters – Joseph Richmond to John Mann – 28 Mar 1733

To Mr John Mann at Durham Newcastle 28 March 1733 Sir, In answer your Ltre of 24th returning me Mr. Stonehewer’s receipt for £125.-.- I send you above, a Bill for that sum, which I desire you’l deliver him the Respects of yours etc J Richmond Sir Newcastle Mar: 27 1733 Forty five days afte

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 3 Apr 1733

To Mr Blackett Esqr. Newcastle April 3 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sir Mr. Steel says he is to have Mr. Manner’s Resolution tomorrow at Morpeth, whether he will pay the money without Compulsion, & where; which I will let you know per next post. Inclos’d is a Bill for £500 which I desire youl please to own the Receipt of. Mr Swinburn on Saturday last desired me to let Winship go with him to Hamilton to be assisting in setting his Mare, & that he would be answerable

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Cuthbert Ogle – 7 Apr 1733

To Mr Cuthbt. Ogle Newcastle 7 April 1733 Sr. There is I think upwards of £600 due from you for Rent to last Mart[inma]s when all your demands are deducted, I am ordered by Mr Blackett to acquaint that he has at present great Occasion for Money & therefore desires you’l pay me £400 to remit him in a Fortnights time, I was with Mr Major Allgood about 8 days ago who then told me your Rents were the best paid of any in the Country & that he

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 11 Apr 1733

To Mr Wr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 11 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. Robt. Colly will sett forwards with the horses on Monday, & will be in London with ease on Saturday the 21st. Charltons Colt is in fine order & free from any Bleemish but Winship has no Opinion of him; thinks him soft & that you wont like him for your own riding. Mr. Steele tells me Mr. Manners, with whom he was last week is not willing to pay the Money, & that he gave M

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Blackett – 15 Apr 1733

To Walter Blackett Esq. Newcastle the 15 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sir I have by this Post sent Sr.Wr. the Trustees answer with Mr. Allgoods bill & your answer there to, as (Mr Allgood says) the same were fixed by Mr Wilson & Mr Fenwick at York, yesterday I delivered Mr Allgood the Case Inclos’d in your last Lre , & he said he woud give you an Immediate Answer thereto. Last week I shipped the Chariot in the Amity of Whitby Thos. Simpson Ma[

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Walter Calverley – 15 Apr 1733

To Sr. Wr. Calverly Bart. Newcastle the 15 April 1733 Hon[ou]rd Sr. Yesterday Mr. Allgood delivered me the Inclos’d to send to you or Mr. Wilson, being the Trustees answer to Mr Blacketts bill, as the same he says was fixed & settled by Mr Wilson & Mr Fenwick at York with his own bill & Mr. Blacketts answer drawn to correspond there with, & desired me to acquaint you that the same had been sent sooner, but that he was desirous to have

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Peter Consett – 20 Apr 1733

To Mr. Consett Coll[ecto]r <in Stocton> Newcastle 20 April 1733 Dear Sir, I own the Favour of your obliging Lre of the 14th of which I cannot but have most gratefull Sentiments, As to the Case you mention it’s my opinion that Lime juice can’t legally be Imported from Holland unless they bring Limes to perfection in Spain or Portigall, if so you know it to be the judges opinion that the Navigation Act extends not to European goods, tho I have known many

Letters – Joseph Richmond to Wiseman – 20 Apr 1733

Mr. Wiseman Newcastle 20 April 1733 Inclos’d is a bill for 20£ which I have received of Mr John Airey upon the Bill you sent me on yours of the 22 Mar. I desire you will own the receipt hereof by the return of the Post, & let me know how Robin Coley has got up with the horses & what news you have a stirring. I am your humble servant Jos. Richmond Get Mr <Noluey> to send the Bill immediately for acceptance £20- -

Letters – Joseph Richmond to William Cornthwaite – 21 Apr 1733

To Mr Wm. Cornthwaite in Mertle Court Bow Street, Covent Garden London Newcastle 21 April 1733 Sir I received your Lre of the 14th & am sorry I can’t at present procure you a bill to answer Mr. Blacketts Draught on me, for good bills are not yet to be got without a premium, in a little they will be made plentifull, & then I shall be very ready to comply with your desire, if you can’t in the mean time meet with an opportunity of turnin
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467