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Letter – Thomas Corbett to Robert Ellison – 6 Dec 1735

Coppy of Thomas Corbett Esqr Letter to Mr Robt Ellison, Mr N Walton & Mr Hugh Boag dated 6th December 1735 Gentln By this Post you will receive a Copy of the Rental of the Derwentwater Estates, as the same was delivered to the Lords of the Treasury by the late Receivers. I must desire when you see any mistakes or Errors in any part of this Rentall, as no doubt there are such, that you will inform me of the Same, that they may be Sett right. The Directors desire to know fr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Bunting – 11 Dec 1735

Sir By Vertue of an order from Thomas Corbett Esqr to us directed we are impower’d to nominate & appoint you & Mr Robert Johnson Bayliffs for the Manours or Lordships of Newlands and Wittenstall, Dilston, Corbridge, Thornbrough, Newton hall, Whittalls, Throckley, Hexham Shire, Coastley, The Baroney of Langley, Wark, Ellrington & other Estates in this County of Northumberland, belonging the Royall Hospital of Greenwich & we do hereby appoint you accordingly. And you are

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 12 Dec 1735

To Thomas Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemr 12th 1735 Sr We recd yours of the Sixth of December Inst with a Rentall of the Derwentwater Estate, which we thought proper to acknowledge; and we will take care to informe you of any Errors that appear to us in any part of it. We have pursuant to your directions appointed Mr Robert Johnson Bailiff in the Roome of Mr Readhead & Mr Abraham Bunting i

Letter – George Delaval to Thomas Corbett – 16 Dec 1735

Sr I have reced your Letter of the 6 Inst by which the Derectors of Greenwich Hospitall desire a Copy of the Grant by wch I hold the Tyths of the parish of Kirkwhelpington, I hold them by an Order from the Lords of the Treasuary wch Order is directed to their Stewards with a Com[m]and to put me in possession of the Tyths im[m]ediately, but as I am not at present at my own home I cannot transmitt you a Copy of it but if you tell be it’s necessary I shall send it you as soon as I goe ho

Letter – Thomas Corbett to John Stephenson – 20 Dec 1735

To Mr Jno Stephenson Moor Master at Alston Adm[iral]ty Office 20th Decer 1735 Sir I am ordered by the Directors of Greenwich Hospital to signify their Commands to you, that you do prepare and send me as soon as possible for their Informations, an exact and particular account of the Names, Situation, and Condition of all the Lead Mines under your Inspection belonging to the Derwentwater Estate, which are L

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to George Liddell – 21 Dec 1735

To George Liddell Esqr Honrd Sr Ravensworth Castle Dec 21st 1735 We got to this place last night about Nine o Clock from Hexham where we writt you a Short Accot of our proceedings So far as things had then occurd & we Intended giving you a full Accot of the whole this post but we find it will take us all this day to putt the Remarks etc that we have made into Forme so that you will have it next post & it is not p

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to Thomas Corbett – 23 Dec 1735

To tho Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle December 23d 1735 Sr, We went from hence to Newlands & Whittonstall last Monday the fiftheenth of this Inst December, where so here most of Tennents mett us & brought in their old Leases & last aquittances but not one of them had made a provision for the payment of the half years Rent due at Mayday last. The Leases of that Lordship are all Expired & Such of them as applied to us we have taken in, As also the dates of their las

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 28 Dec 1735

To Thos Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle December 28th 1735 Sr We are favoured with yours of the twentieth Inst last Post, with your Letter to the Moore Master Mr Stephenson to whome we have forwarded it pursuant to your commands. You may be assured Sr of all the Information we can give with regard to the Lead Mines and that as Soon as possible & we are of Opinion no time should be lost in letting of them You

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Liddell – 28 Dec 1735

To George Liddell Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemn 28 1735 Honed Sr The preceeding is our Letter or rather a Coppy of it to Mr Corbett this Post, which pursuant to your com[m]ands we send you We have mentioned to him as you will Observe that we apprehend the Tops of Trees etc now upon the ground are to be disposed of. To which, we hope he will give his answer, but never the less as we have your Orders we will advertise them next week to be sold. We do not know that there was

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Hutchinson – 28 Dec 1735

To Docter Hutchinson Ravensworth Castle Decemn 28th 1735 Sr We have been favoured with the Com[m]ands of the Directors of Greenwich Hospitall, to Signifye to them the condition of Dilston House as to its repaire wch we have not had an opportunity of doing for want of the keys. We have wrote to Mr Corbett to acquaint him therewith & that we have made application to you for the keys, in whose hands we presume they a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynsley – 31 Dec 1735

To John Aynsley Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemn 31st 1735 Sr We are directed to enquire in to the matter in dispute betwixt you & Mr Ralph Wood of East Thornton relating the Tyths of the Rectory of Harburn, & shoud be glad to know how that dispute has been occasioned & the present State of it We have also Commands of the Directors of Greenwich Hospitall to acquaint you not to proceed in any Causes in

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Gawen Aynsley – 31 Dec 1735

To Gawen Aynsley Esqr Ravensworth Castle Decemr 31st 1735 Sr We have last Post a Letter from Thomas Corbett Esqr signifying to us the Commands of the Directors of Greenwich Hospitall which are to enquire into the right of the matter in dispute about the payment of the Tyths for yours & Mr Cragys part of the Common allotted you upon Whelpington Division In Order Sr that we may be able to make a true State th

Letter – Hugh Boag to Charles Busby – 2 Jan 1736

To Mr Busby at Dilston Ravensworth Castle Janury 2d 1735 Mr Busby Mr Walton & me had a letter from Thomas Corbett Esqr of the 20th Decemr last wherein he ordered us to Informe our Selves by what Authority one Mr Radburne Removed a Large Clock & two very Large Coppers from Dilston about this time, twelve Months. & to what place & how you came to Suffer them to be Removed being then Instructed & had the Charge of what was in the House. We desire youle be so

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 4 Jan 1736

To Thos Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Janry 4th 1735/6 Sr In answer to that part of yours of the 20 Decemr last relating to Furniture at Dilston, we have made enquiry of Mr Busby about the removal of the large Clock & two large Copper boylers & in answer he tells us he made an open Information to the Comissionrs of the Enquiry at Hexham the 22 Augt last to which he refers us. And he says that the Goods

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Liddell – 4 Jan 1736

To G Liddell Esqr Ravensworth Castle Janry 4th 1735/6 Honrd Sr We were favour’d with your kind Letter of the 29 December last acquainting us with the Hospitalls having agreed to make an allowance for quick returns or for extraordinary trouble & think our Selves infinitly oblig’d to you for your intimation what reception our Conduct has so farr mett with; it will answer our end if it is but done so as you may have Credit by it, as we cannot then fail of having some Credit o

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Ralph Wood – 23 Jan 1736

To Mr Ra Wood of N Hall The 23d January 1735/6 Sr, I have yours before me and in answer will take Care to write to the Commissioners of greenwich Hospitall about the affair between you and Mr Moore I will also take Councells Opinion upon it and in the meantime doe wt the Law will allow to Stop his proceedings I am obliged to you for a Copy of his Libell and it will be Certainly Necessary to prep

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Liddell – 23 Jan 1736

To George Liddell Esqr Ravensworth Castle January 23. 1735/6 Honed Sr We finished Our Collection at Mr Procters at Whittingham Last monday and Tuesday I came home but left Mr Boag at Eslington, as he had a pay to make, and Some other things to Settle there, he will be at home this Evening. We are Infinitely Obliged to you Sir for your Letters to Keswick and Morpeth, the former did not come to our hands before Munday Last but the latter we rec.d at Morpeth in Course I have wr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 23 Jan 1736

To Thoms Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle January the 23d 1735’6 Sr I had the honour of Receiving yours of the 3d, 6th & 17 Inst to which Mr Boag and my Self have a due regard, & you will have answers thereto With all Convenient Speed, but being just come of a very Troublesome Journey cou’d not possibly do it this Post Mr Stephenson Moor Master met us at aldston and gave us an acct. of the Quantity of Oar Rais’d in Aldstone Moore from Christmas 1732 to Chriss 1735

Letter – Nicholas Walton, to Thomas Maddox – 24 Jan 1736

To Mr Madox Ravensworth Castle Janury 24th 1735/6 We Send you inclosed four bills amounting to Seven Hundred & Eighty seven pounds Nine Shillings & Sixpence being part of the Rents of the Estate late James Earl of Derwentwater, which Rents we are directed by the Directors of Greenwich Hospitall to remit to you, & we have Debited your acct wth the Same as will as £728 4s 10d Delivered you in a bi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 24 Jan 1736

Thomas Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle January 24th 1735/6 Sr, Last Post brought us yours of the 20th of Janry Inst with John Fishers letter inclosed complaining of some ill usage he faced from Joseph Pearson & that it had occasion’d his giving up his farme The Eight of this Month we were at Keswick & that day reced the Rent of John Fisher as we did of the rest of the Tennants that appear’d ytday & on payment of his Money he requested that he might have liberty

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Timothy Wrangham – 27 Jan 1736

To Mr Wrangham Proctor in Durhm Sr Ravensworth Castle Janury 27th 1735/6 We apprehend a Suit is commenced by one moor of morpeth against Mr Wood of needless hall for all mannor of Tyths of a part of the Estate now bellonging the Royall Hospitall at Greenwich called East Thornton in the Rectory of hartburn and we are informed Mr Wood has employed you in bringing a defence As this is an affair that effects the reven

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 27 Jan 1736

To Thos Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Janry the 27 1735/6 Sr, Last post finished our Observations on Alstone Moore & Keswick from wch last place we proceeded to Carlisle as we found it necessary to wait upon Doctor Hutchinson there he having recd a part of the Rents at Keswick wch we were directed to receive we accordingly did wait upon him & he has promised to repay the Same to Us at Dilston next Week he has in his hand about £80 One thing in regard to Keswick Rents

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to Francis Anderson – 28 Jan 1736

To Mr Fra. Anderson in Alnwick Sr We wrote you from whitingham that we wou’d not take that warning you gave us of your Farmes unless Tennants offerd to our liking to take the Same we have now the Offer of Such Tennants as are agreeable to us & therefore give you leave to Quit them Next Mayday & you are no longer to be concernd than that time neither in Tyths or land etc You are not entitlul’d to away going Cropp as you Enterd upon a grasse Farme & we now Discharg

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to George Liddell – 30 Jan 1736

A Computed Survey of the Derwentwater Estate Janury 1735/6 Viz Inground Commons Dilstone Ingrounds abt 1200 acres 1200 3000 & a Share in abt 3000 Corbridge abt 350 Newlands &Whittonstall abt 1700 2500 Thornbrugh abt 1000 Newton Hall a Share on 300 2000 Shilldon abt Throckley a Share or 1/2 of 400 400 400 Acres moore Middleton Ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 30 Jan 1736

To Thom: Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle January 30th 1735/6 Sr Last post we wrote you that we intended Sending you a Valuation of Scremmerston, according to Mr Thompsons Survey wch you have as follows. A R P 691-2- 2 Of Arable Land at 1/6 per Acre £259- 6- 3 94-2- 7 Of Meadow Land at 8/6 per Acre 40- 3- 3 162-3- 2 Of Pasture Land at 5s per Acre 40-13- 9 82- - Of Links at 2s 8- 4- 17- -25 Of Town & G
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467