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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Maddox – 31 Jan 1736

To Mr Madox Sr Ravensworth Castle Janry 31st 1735/6 Inclosed you will receive a Bill on John Walton Corn Factor drawn by Geo Black dated this day & payable 28 days after date Value One hundred Pounds five Shillings which with £787-9-6 in Bills Sent you last week exceeds the Ballance of our Accot for this Month. We have sent our Accot to Thos Corbett Esqr & are Sr Yor most Hble Servts Nicho Walton Hugh

Letter – Shaftoe Downs to Nicholas Walton – 4 Feb 1736

Gentlemen The damage wch John Jobling reced in the farm by Halls unparalel’d Trespass amounts to £13 17 d by a very moderate Computation My bill for Law business in that forcible entry & for Disbursments & expences therein amounts to £35 15 6d or there abts I am wth true respect Gentlemen Yr most Obedt Servt Shaftoe Downs 4th Febry 1735 Charges at Law in order to discharge the Recognizances in the Kings Bench The Breaking of the Locks & Dowers

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Edward Richardson – 6 Feb 1736

To Mr Richardson of Meldon Ravensworth Castle February 6th 1735/6 It was very Surprizing to us to be informed at Dilston that you had tore out above Twenty Acres of the best part of your Farme & it was more so to be infor’d that it was by our privily and Consent. You know very well that at Morpeth where, you requested Tearing out, we told you it was what we had no power to grant, but that after the C

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 6 Feb 1736

Mr Pearson Ravensworth Castle Febry 6 1735/6 Yours of the 28 January last came to hand & we observe the Contents & thank you for your care & diligence in detecting the Villany of Scott the Tennant at Stable Hills. As the fact is very plainly prov’d upon him, and as he ought to be punished for it, we desire Mr King may Sue him for a Tresspass or if he shall think it otherwise proper that he will proceed agains

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 10 Feb 1736

To Thomas Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Febry 10th 1735/6 Sr, We have been at Dilston & other Estates thereabouts since our last, which enables us to give you some Accot thereof. The House at Dilston you reuired an Accot of as to its repaire which we examined as far as we had an opportunity, but there is some part thereof which we did not see for want of the keys, There is a very good Kitchen, Servants hall, and extraordinary good Cellars on the Low Floor, & above is

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 14 Feb 1736

To Thomas Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Febry 14 1735/6 Sr We were favour’d with yours of the 10th Inst wherein you require our opinion which of the Lead Mines in Aldston Moore we think ought to be first lett, or advertised. As to that matter if you think it proper to pursue the Method of letting a few together, we think it should be done by taking Such a Number as it tho’t proper as they stand in the Schedule thereof beginning at Coalcloath Hill, & so continue in the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Maddox – 20 Feb 1736

Sr Ravensworth Castle Febry 20th 1735/6 Inclosed herein you will receive four Bills amounting to Three Hundred & Sixty Six pounds Eleven Shillings & Seven pence being part of the Rents of Greenwich Hospitall reced by us for wch we have this day made you D[ebto]r We thought it needless to give you any answer to yours about the Bill for £100-5-d as it will be punctually paid. below is a Coppy of what bills is

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 22 Feb 1736

To Thomas Corbett Esqr Rav Castle Febry 22d 1735/6 Sr We reced yours of the 14th Inst with the Rentall of the Manorr of Castleridge Derwentwater & Thornthwaite acquainting us that a Gentleman is willing to purChase these Estates at Thirty years Purchase you Require our Oppinion upon it. Whether it would be of advantage to dispose of the Sd Estates to him whether they are distant from the rest of the Estate or Whether any of the Neghbouring Estates wou’d be hurt or Prejducee

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Corbett – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr Thomas Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle February 23d 1735/6 Sr In answer to yours of the 14 Inst we wrote to you yesterday but on looking over yours this day we find we have omitted paying our Complements of Gratitude to you for your kind recommendation of us to the Continuance of the Management of the affairs of the Estate in which we now have the Honour to be Imployd without adding a third person in the roome of M

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Ralph Readhead – 23 Feb 1736

To Ralph Readhead Ravensworth Castle February 23d 1735/6 Mr Readhead We have yours desiring a Coppy of the order about the paymt of your Sallary & you Say it is at the request of Doctor Hutchinson He was acquainted with the affaire when we were at Dilston as farr as was proper & we are to acquaint you that if you doe not next Thursday bring the remaining part of your Rent that proper methods will be taken to Compell y

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr John King Ravensworth Castle 23 February 1735/6 Dear Sr We reced yours of the 9th of Febry Inst & are intirely of your opinion that an Action wou’d be more proper than any other prosecution against Scott for Cutting Carrying away & Converting Severall Trees out of the woods near Keswick as we mean no more than terrfying him & others from the like practices You would have had our Answer Sooner but

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr Mannock Strickland Ravensworth Castle Febry 23d 1735/6 Sr We have the favour of yours dated the 17th Inst concerning the payment of the Interest due last Michalemas on £20,000 to Lord Peters & the Annuity of Lady Catherin Radcliffe due at the Same time We have orders from the Board of Directors to pay the Sd Interest & Annuity as it becomes due, but we did not Apprehend it would be called

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Shaftoe Downs – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr Shaftoe Downs Ravensworth Castle February 23d 1735/6 Dear Sr We Reced both yours dated the 9th & 16th Inst Wherin we observe your good offcies in preventing the Tennants for comitting waist, but we are Surprised David Brown who is the greatest offender Shou’d not come nigh you You woud have had our Answer Sooner but that we were as we now are at a Loss in whose name to Comence Actions Notwithstanding we h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to EdwardWinship – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr Edw Winship Ravensworth Castle 23d Febry 1735/6 Mr WinShip We are Obliged to you for the Information you have given us of Mr Readheads having lett apart of his farme at Corbridge to an under Tennant who you are afraid may become Charageble to the parish of Corbridge & you may Assure your Selfe we will use Means to hinder such a Burthen not only coming upon you but our Selves & you will hear in a few days that

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Bunting – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr Bunting Ravensworth Castle 23 Febry 1735/6 Mr Bunting We received both yours about the pay at Dukesfield & by the last it appears to be intended on the 25th Inst when we desire you will attend & receive what you can & bring it down to us as Soon as receiv’d. You will receive herewith an Accot of what Rents are Standing out in your District & by it you will be governed in receiving anything that fall

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Robertson – 23 Feb 1736

To Mr Robertson Ravensworth Castle Febry 23d 1735/6 Mr Robertson This day we have wrote to Mrs Clavering of Scremerson for an Accot of what Damage She Sustained by the Town of Berweck working into the Coale Mine or Liberty of Scremerston & we understand that you can give the best Accot of it. What we want is the Number of Superficiall Yards of Coale taken away & what Mrs Clavering may have lost by it & we desi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Ann Clavering – 23 Feb 1736

To Mrs Clavering Scremerston Ravensworth Castle Febry 23d 1735/6 Madam We were in hopes that you woud have favourered us with A State of the Case betwixt you & the Town of Berweck relating the damage you Sustained by their working into Scremerston liberty we mean what quantity of Coale was Actually taken away which as you have not Sent us we desire you may doe it by the returne of the Post or as Soon as it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 7 Mar 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 7th 1735/6 Sr Your Letter of the 19 February last, as also two of the 26 Febry we have before us & in answer thereto you have inclosed herein the form of one Generall Advertisement for letting the whole Lead Mines in Aldston moore in the manner we proposed & we observe the Minutes taken thereon the 18 February The Covenants which the Directors intend t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Bunting – 8 Mar 1736

To Mr Bunting Rav Castle March 8th 1735/6 Mr Bunting We reced yours & thank you for your care in detecting Readhead who we will take proper care of & we desire you take as much care as possible in preventing him removing any more Stones & what you See of that or any other kind pray Comuncate to us There is Some Trees blown down at Meldon which we desire you may goe over & dispose of to the bes

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Jopling – 9 Mar 1736

Mr Jopling Ravensworth Castle March 9 1735/6 The Accot of your damages Sustain’d by Halls entering upon your Farme last May day has been laid before the Directors of Greenwich Hospitall, & Halls Charge has been laid before them also, & in answer to ours which Conveyed both, they order that the matter in dispute may be referred to two Persons indifferently Chosen, one on each Side, & it will be proper to appo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynsley – 9 Mar 1736

To John Ainesley Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle March 9th 1735/6 We have reced Orders from the Board of Directors at Greenwich Hospital, that the matter in dispute between Hall & Jopling be referred to Persons indifferently chosen, one for each Side, & in case they cannot agree a third Person as Umpire, it will be proper that they enter into Bonds of Arbitration, & the Sooner that is done the better. Ha

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Ramsey – 9 Mar 1736

To Lieutent Ramsey Sr Ravensworth Castle March 9 1735/6 The Directors of Greenwich Hospital after having considered your Petition, have directed that you may have Lodgings in Dilston House (after Mr Busby removes from it) till a proper Tenant offers for the Same. They Intend advertising it to be Lett in a very little time. We are Sr Your most Hble Servts Nichos Walton Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Nathaniel Clayton – 9 Mar 1736

To Mr Alder Clayton Sr Ravensworth Castle March 9th 1735/6 From the Conversation we had with you about the Bob Engine & other Conveniences (for working your Colliery) in the Liberty of Hartburn Grainge Estate we realy expected you would have come to a resolution what Rent to pay to Greenwich Hospital. We are determined & directed that no Bob Engine or any other thing Shall be erected or any already Erec

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Mar 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 12th 1735/6 Sr We have had Severall meetings with Mr Alderman Clayton about the Conveniences he has & now enjoys in the Estate of Hartburn Grainge, & he has from time to time put us off & at last will not consent to pay any thing. You will Observe in ours of the 27th Janury last the Pticulars of the Affair in which we then Acquainted your Bror that t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Mar 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Rav. Castle March 19th 1735/6 Sr Yesterday was the first day that we reced in proposals for letting the Tyths of Whelpington etc when we mett with a proposal from Mr George Cuthbertson Attorney at law in Newcastle for Whelpington Tyths & he offered for the Same £130 we beleive he is imployed by Sr John Swinburn to take the Same. Gawen Ainesley Esqr has offered £100 for the
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467