Newcastle Jan 15th 1675/6
Mr Hen: Nelthorpe
I have before me yours of the 11th In w[hi]ch take notice of the Receipt of my 3 french bills which I perceive were offered to Mr Bar I would rather have Given £5 then he should have knowne thereof because he is angry with me that I do not Imploy his Bro[ther] Legendre of Rouen but I do not care I hope every man may Imploy whome he pleases so speake not a word of this to him but negotiate my Bills upon the best termes you can because shortly
Newcastle Jan 15th 1675/6
Mr Peter Bar
I have before me yours of the 11th present but as I neither Love Lying nor decembling [dissembling] so I must tell you plainly that I am wholly at you[r] Command upon all occationes for a Requital in some measure of the favoures Received from you but for to Leave all ould friend whome In my Life time I have bene very much Ingaged unto and to Cleare to anew unknowne friend is a little unreasonable so I must beg your Excuse and the next place my adve
Mr Jno Horsham
My last to you was of the 7th present to which refers you since have received yours of the 4th present thereby takes notice you have some hopes of disposeing of 30 or 40 tun of my Leed to some <Exon> merchants so God willing shall send you about that quantity if possible to be had for this winter time I cannot command the Carriage men as I could do in summer time but this frosty weather hinders my Vessell from <starting> about Candlemas or before I hope
A Copy of Sr Wm. Blacketts Lettr to his Son upon the death of his Granson
Newcastle 18 Janry 1675
Son Edwd,
I have both yours and my Brothr Nortons Lettrs of the 15 pr.sent, the first giving me an acct of the Illness of our dear Willy & the lattr of his Eternall happiness in takeing his Leave of this vale of misery wherein he left us to bewaile his loss; and though nature cannot but be sensible of such a visit yet when we consider it’s from the Lord we have no reason to repi
Mr Robt Thorowgood Jan 18th
Yours of the 13th Came to hand wherein I perceive <wts> between Woodrow & self your stand in it is the <part> of shipes & debt is I shal by your order send the bill of sayle your brother is not come home; as for the disapointement he should have bought Kerseys Mr Forkchin & Mr Bland meet him & <stocking> with his grandfather in <wensedale> that is the disapoyntment your Bro: meets with which you desire to to be i
Thornton Jan 19th 75
I understand you would returne me a £1000 or £1100 to London for 40d p Cent wch (I think) you will not be so unreasonable to take what ever the other penurious mony changers of the towne exact, you (I deeme) ax above such more than Jewish usurers. If you will take 25d (wch is 3d per L) I will gladly give it you for I am offered it so of Mr Thompson goldsmyth at York and have it pd at Lond upon sight. But for my mony is at Newcastle twill be more convenient to
Newcastle January 21 1675/6
I have received yours of the 19th present wherein you judge mee unreasonable for asking 2.pCent for <relivening> mony to London Chancery had 2 ½ p cent the last weeke wch is rather under then over the Courant price that all people are willing to give, first you call it an Exaxtion, and for the name you give my neighbours I shall let it lei. In your letter for leave of taking could, but as to there qualification of more than Jewish usurers I think
Newcastle Jan 25th 1675/6
Mr Robt Jackson
I have both yours of the 13 and 17th present and for answer I do say possitively you were to send me the Dollers the munday before I got here: that soe I might have had time to have Disposed thereof and send you money for them and the Bill altogeather the munday after tis nothing for you to Disburse £170: upon a minuts warning faith I could find in my heart to Returne them because you are so sharpe but because you say you want money shall not do it,
Thornton Jan 26th 75
Your last post will always make me esteem ye a civil person, and one whom I shall always have a respect for. I much regret my unfortunate <news>, that I made my application to you no sooner; but since it cannot be now helped I shall thankfully accept of so much as you can pay at this time wch you say will be 4 or 500£; but you will much oblige me to make it up 600 £ seeing Wm Hutch hath so much to pay you: and I know you can with the least worde get it ma
Newcastle Jan 29 1675/6
Mr Sam Sowton
att my returne out of the west I doe meet w[i]th yours of the <20>th present; for answer w[ha]t you call very noble and favourable exchange I must confess is tollerable but I am resolved to run the hasard of have my money drawn upon Hambrough and soe upon me after wards soe shall not trouble you how ever doe tha<nk> you for your Kindnese and soe I remaine
Sr Yours to comand MB
Newcastle Jn 29th 1676
Major Allon
Kind fri[e]nd at my Returne out of west I doe mee[t] with yours of the 20th present upon I have agreed w[i]th my mil[l]er for 13s 6d for your pease <…> shall be p<aid> some time the next weeke <for me>, if you can draw some moneis upon me upon that amount to content may freely doe it your bill shall be Honor<ed> if not I shall remitt you your moneis at short sight att too persent [per cent] or under If I can pray tell me <w[ha]t
Newcastle Jan 29 1675/6
Mr Henry Nelthorpe
I very much wonder that to this day I have noe answer to mine of the 15th past att this raite how doe you think I Can booke Things In Conformity w[i]th you, for I doe Imaggine you have negotiated my bills, in assurance of w[hi]ch I have this valued £200 upon you payable Todays sight To [space left blank] or order value of [space left blank] w[hi]ch pray let find dew honner In every Respect and <due respect> and if in case you have not n
Sun morne Jan 30
Had I time I think I could pretty well vindicate what you are so tart about & answer with sharp expressions about Judas .. I used indeed the word exact, but sd not you did exact wch differ much; & the word Exact is as often taken in a good sense as a bad; & never hearing of above 30 pC , I called it unreasonable. I will breed no animosity betwixt us by any further reply & desire you to acquire .. Likewise.
This inclosed will assure you that mentioned
Newcastle feb 1675/6
Mr Henry Nelthorpe
I writ you the last post I do very <…………> wonder I do not here from you, but I hope you have negotiated my bills soe have this past <valued> upon you £200 payable <..> <sight> Mr <Tmo farison> or order value of him w[hi]ch pray settle <………> & placed to the debt of MB
Newcastle feb p[ri]mo
Mr Geo <Turfrey>
I have before me yours of the 27th past Obediah <Spurne> is not In this River so that I suppose he is not yet arrived which makes me keep his letter & when please God he arrives I shall deliver it unto him & solicite an answer according to your desire the postidge being 6d I have placed to your Debitt about your other businesse I could do nothing yesterday but against next post I shall discourse with Robt Rand & some others
Newcastle feb p[ri]mo
Honnered Sr
I perceive it doth not stand with your Convenience to remitt me my money: so that if you will please to allow me the Curr[en]tt advance betwixt your place & London I will be willing to take my money of you at Edenbrough unto w[hi]ch pray afford me your answer I am MB
Mr Ed: Allen
Here hath bene so many Hollydayes this last weeke that I cannot possiblely Get your pease delivered before munday which I thought Good to advise you of & so I remaine MB
Writt Mr Peter Watson and Compa[ny]
I have before me yours of the 4 and 14 past and have allsoe perused 2 of the same dates from you to Mr Robt Mallabar, your 2 to me are well enough butt your other 2 I understand by them that seeing I did question wheather you would accept Mr Strothers bill<s> or nott, you seeme to questione wheather you will <….y> Doe itt or nott, soe I shall nott trouble you, w[ha]t Charges you have beene att mr C and J bankes will repay you and if you
Newcastle feb 4th 1675/6
Mr Jno Strother
My last to you was of the 18th of xber to w[hi]ch refers you since none from you so the lesse to Inlarge upon I hope all my letters came to your hands & I doubt not but you will buy all my Goods to Content but whereas I formerly desired you to draw your reimbursement upon Mr Peter Wattson & compa[ny] I now desire you to draw all upon Mr Cha: & Jam: Bankes of Hamburg from whom with this I suppose you will have a letter of libertie to v
Mr Charles & James Bankes
I writt you the 20th past under covert of one to mr peter Wattson & compa[ny] but I questione whether it came to your hand or not because I gave him libertie to burne it if in case he accepted on my Commissione but since I have mett with sume passageis w[hi]ch shall hinder me of Imploying of them so upon Receipt forward the Inclosed to Mr Jno Strother of Stockholme and advise him that you will accept his bills for w[ha]t he shall draw upon you to
Mr Geo Turfrey
Since my last of the p[ri]mo present have spoken to Mr Robt Rand and severall others of our masters but your order is Com’d to late for all our vessells are disposed of this excepting one the m[aste]r whereof Ab: Dixon by name is a Scatter braind fellow who I would not Counsell you to meddle withall & so will acquiesce I delivered with my owne hand your letter to Mr Spurne who hath promised me to write you answer this post – Sr you that are Concerned In many
Newcastle feb 4th 1675/6
Mr James Burkin
I have before me yours of the 29th past for answer unto which In the first place pray take notice that I am not in Compa[ny] with my father but for future am to act for my selfe and if at any time I can do either you or your friends any service in these parts none shall be more ambitious of your Commands nor more ready to observe them than my selfe for my ability and Honnesty I will not say word I have done your friends businesse but the affidavi
Newcastle feb 4th 1675/6
Mr Hen Nelthorpe
I have before me yours of the 29th past am glad you have Negotiated by french bills the Tearmes are to my full Content have booked the same in Conformity with you. In my last I drew £200 upon you and this post I have drawne £103 more In 3 bills viz
One payable 6/d[ays] sight to mr Jno <maceson> or order valew of Sr Ra: Delavell Bartt for £50
one payable 6/d[ays]sight to Mr Ed: Caskells or order valew of Ditto
An addition to Edward Willetts
You are desired to send me by the first opertunity a pare of good pistles the best you can meet withall, about a quarter long English in the barrell and two of the best <Correbiks> I mene <…> hatts that will turne any raine about 7 an[d] a halfe in deomiter [diameter] an[d] soe deepe as will cover one eares all being for my own use I desire they may <be> Extranorniery good
Newcastle feb 5 1675/6
Mr Nicho: Verlaen
I doe very much wonder that all this winter time I have nott had soe much as on[e] line from you thought I did not write you yett I thinke you might have advised me on <.> In <4..> accurdence with you and all soe how my leed mends, ships will now begin to start soe pray lett mine be putt of upon the best tearms you Can and the money remitted unto me haveing advice from Rotterdam how leed rules there and nott knowing how itt rules with