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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Jul 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 10th 1736 Since our last of the 4th Inst we have had Severall Confera with Collonel Liddell about the Derwentwater Estates who has been so good as give us his advice, & has wrote his Sentements thereon to Mr Holden. First as to the Sale of part of the Estate we apprehend it will be necessary to come to a resolution thereon before the time of letting, as it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Jul 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 18th 1736 As it is expected that there will be an Election of a Member for the County of Northumberland in the Room of Ralph Jennison Esqr we thougt proper to acquaint you that the sooner the resolution of the Directors is known to us, the better figure will their Interest make, therefore we shoud be glad of having their Earlyest Commands. William Carr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 21 Jul 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 21st 1736 In Obedience to the Command of the Board you have inclosed an Accot of Such Household Goods as are now & were fixed at Dilston at the time of making the Schedule Sent down to us by the Board, amounting to £52-7-6. You have also Inclosed a Schedule of the most valuable of Such papers as were found at Dilston, in the three large Chests bef

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 23 Jul 1736

To John Airey Esqr with an Attested Coppy of Such things as related him in the Boards Mins of the 14 July 1736 Sr Ravensworth Castle July 23d 1736 You will from time to time receive from Mr Boag or me or from us Joyntly Such resolutions as the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall come to, & you will herewith receive their resolutions of the 14th Inst that relate to you, & you will be so good

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Madox – 23 Jul 1736

To Thomas Madox Cashier of the Bank of Engd Ravensworth Castle July 23d 1736 Sr I have this day Inclosed herein Sent you three Promry Notes and two Bills amounting to Three Hundred & Five pounds Seventeen Shillings, for wch I have made your Accot Dn to the Honble the Commissrs of Greenwich Hospitall for part of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estate reced by Mr Boag & Sr Your most Obedt & most Hble Sert

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 30 Jul 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 30th 1736 Mr Lumsden of Morpeth, to whom we lett the Corn Tyths of Hartb. Rectory, acquaints us that Mr Aynesley of Hexham gives him trouble in the enjoymt of those Tyths, & claims a right to hold them for this year. Inclosed you will receive Coppys of two Letters from Mr Aynesley to Mr Lumsden, wherein he Says he had a Lease in writing Signed, for one

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Aynesley – 30 Jul 1736

To John Aynesley Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle July 30th 1736 Mr Lumsden of Morpeth (to whom the Tyths of the Rectory of Hartburn are lett by the Direction & approbation of the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall) acquaints me that you have given him Some Trouble in that Affair & that you Claim a right to them for this year, notwithstanding you allow your Term to have ended at last Mayday.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John King – 8 Aug 1736

To Mr Jno King Dr Sr Ravensworth Castle Augt 8 1736 We wrote you the 10th July last that we had recomendd you to be Court keeper for the Mannrs of Castleridge Derwentwater and Thornthwaite, to which we have not had your answer. The Generall Court of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall are pleased to appoint you their Court keeper for the Above Manners by their Warrant of the 22nd July last, which we have in k

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Simpson – 8 Aug 1736

To Mr Simpson Sr Rav Castle August 8 1736 We were favoured with yours of the 2 Inst in answer to which, the Generall Court of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall are pleased to appoint you their Court keeper, for the manners of Alston & Garrygil, by their Warrant of the 22d of July last, which we have now in keeping & which shall be Delivered you at our first meeting, We heartly Congratulate

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Aug 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle Augt 10th 1736 We are favoured with Mr Homes of the 27 July last wch brought us the Minutes taken of 21st, 22d & 24 July last, as also Warrants for the three Court keepers, the Supplemental Advertizment & an authority to us to treat for the letting any part of the Derwenter Estate We also were favoured with Mr Homes of the 5th of Augt Inst with the Boards

Letters – Aletheia Blackett to John Blackett – 12 Aug 1736

[missing ..]y the 12 Dear Brother, I must own I did expect a letter from you according to your promise long ere I got one but that is over and I am glad you had a good journey and that my Sister you and the family are all well twas a great pity your two Sons was oblig’d to move so soon after you got to warwick but am exceeding glad Mr wise was able to goe the journey. the family at Brampton was I believe somewhat disapointed but the next is to be a Son my little godson dined at Branton la

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Madox – 17 Aug 1736

Sr Gatesd Augt 17 1736 £40-40-3 Upon demand pay to Messrs Walton & Boag or their Order Forty Pounds four Shillings & threepence value recd & place it to Accot as advised by Sr Your most Humble Servt Geo Black To Mr Robt Wilson Corn Factor at Beer Key London The Bill of which the above is a Coppy Sent this 17th of Augt 1736 to Mr Madocks in Lieu of Buttlers Note for £40 returned last post

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Aug 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle August 24th 1736 In pursuance of the Supplemental Advertizment for letting the Derwentwater Estate, we gave attendance at the Three Kings in Newcastle all last Week to receive proposalls from Tennants etc offering to take Either Lands Collierys or Lead Mines Inclosed you will receive a Coppy of all proposalls that are given into us either for Lands Collierys o

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Sep 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle Sepr 5th 1736 Inclosed you will receive a Rentall of the Derwentwater Estate with the Number of Acres in each Farme, except Dewy Syke in the Barony of Langley, Langley So Common, Alston Manour Inclosed Lands and Keswick Inclosed Lands, which we have not yett gott from the Surveyor who is now at Keswick & who we expect home in a few days, when he comes home we wi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Madox – 10 Sep 1736

To Thomas Maddocks Esqr Cashier of the Bank Sr Ravensworth Castle Sepr 10th 1736 Inclosed you will receive two Bills Value One Hundred & Seven Pounds Eight Shillings on Accot of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estate We are Sr Yor most Humble Servts Nichs Walton Hugh Boag Sam Arthurs bill on Wm Oldham dated 21 Ulto at 20 days date £52-8 Thomas Aireys Do on Jos Goodchild dated 10 Sept

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 10 Sep 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle Septemr 10th 1736 In obedience to the Commands of the Board, we send you Inclosed a Computation of the Expence of Erecting, a Mill House, a Shed for Drying & a kilne for burning Bricks & Tyles which we are of opinion will be necessary & usefull to the Estate, provided a quantity can be sold, with what they expend in the repaires of the Estate, to reimburse

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Sep 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Septr 12th 1736 Sr We should have Sent you last Post Such Covenants, as it will be proper to incert in the Leases, to be granted, of the DerwtWater Estate, but not having time then, you have it as followeth. That all the Mines and Minerals be reserved, with Wayleave To & from the Same, The Tennt being allowed reasonable Damages for Spoyle of Grounds etc.

Letter – William Corbett to John Kirkley – 16 Sep 1736

A Coppy of Wm Corbett Esqrs Letter to John Kirkley of Crookt Oake dated 16 Sepr 1736 Sr I have recd your Letter of the 30 Augt as also a former one of the 17 May which was read to the Board & ordered to be Sent to their Receivers Messrs Walton & Boag with their Directions thereupon to whom you may apply. I am Sir Your humble Servt Will Corbett

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Thomlinson – 17 Sep 1736

To Richard Thomlinson Esqr Ravensworth Castle Sepr 17 1736 Sr In pursuance of my promise I Send you below the Survey of the Park at Dilston & other parts which on your View I fancie you will think proper to have along with the House. What I call the Park is I think walled round but is divided into four Inclosures, & the Hall Garden is within the Wall also, but is most of it unconverted to a Garden. The whole was possessed by Mr Busby except the Park & that you must i

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Sep 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Septmr 18th 1736 Sr Inclosed you will Receive the Severall proposalls made to us last Thursday and this day, & next Fridays Post Shall be Sent you the Thursdays proposals preceeding and an Abstract of the whole to that time, & what other proposals we receive afterwards Shall be Sent you every Post. Mr King has Sent us a State of the Customs in the Manour of Castlerig Darwentwater and Thornthwait; by which it appears that he is

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 26 Sep 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Septmr 26 1736 Sr It being now within three days of Michs we have Sent Orders to the Moore Master not to Suffer any Person to Continue working any of the Lead Mines in the Mannor of Alston moore, after Michs-day except Peatstack hill which is in the possession of Thomas Errington Esqr which we have given him leave to Continue working till further Order for the reasons following. That Mine called Peatstack hill is reputed to be verry rich, a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 27 Sep 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Sepr 27th 1736 Sr We were favoured with Mr Homes of the 12 Septemr Inst last Post with the Boards order to send them an Accot of what Bills we have from time to time remitted to the Bank of England, & what Draughts have been made on us on the Hospitalls Accot. In answer to which we have Sent no Bills to the Bank of England but what we have Charged in our Monthly Accots except £107-8 d Sent within this Month nor has there been any other

Letter – John Stephenson to Nicholas Walton – 4 Oct 1736

N Walton & H Boag Nentberry [October] 4 1736 Yours dated Sepr 29 Came to my hand the Friday evening after - this morning I went to peatstackhill & viewd under ground can only tell you At present the forefield workg is but poor yet in a little driving may be Better, that grove alters verry much in Cutting a little ground, for sometimes when has verry good base to work at in 3 or 4 Days wll work verry m

Letter – Francis Thibou to William Corbett – 8 Oct 1736

To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Ravensworth Castle October 8th 1736 Messrs Walton & Boag having been verry busy until Late last night wth the Derwentwater Tennts & again engaiged this Day, desired me in their Absence to Send you their Cash Accot for the month of September last, wth you have herewth Inclsed and by wch you’l please to observe there remains a ballance in faviour of the Hospitall of £101.7.21/4

Letter – Nicholas Walton, Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 9 Oct 1736

To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle Octor 9th 1736 Sr We acquainted you last Post that we would Send you this day an Abstract of all the biddings made to us Since Michs day, which is done herein Accordingly. By your last letter we perceive the Directors will confirme no agreement before Mr Boag be in London yett Notwithstanding that you have an Accot in the Abstract of Such Substantial bidders as the Directors may if they think proper Confirm & whenever
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467