To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle April 22d 1737
We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 13th Inst which we duely observe, as all so a Letter Signed by Reynold & Thos Corbett complaing of Allerwash being lett to other persons & of the hard usage they have mett with from us
In answer thereto Wm Watson, John Watson, Thos Dodds, Reynd Corbett & William Corbett Confirmed Tennants of Alerwash Township at the Generall Court of the 4th Novr last & the 18th
To John Airey Esqr
Ravensworth Castle April 30 1737
I reced Yours but was from home when it Came, on Some Busyness wch I unexpectly had Orders for last Post; & that prevented me givg You an earlyer Answer.
I observe what you Say as to Mr Aynesley & provided there can be no advantages taken I think it as well to acquaint the Board, before Ejectments are Served but I would not by any means have us by a delay give him any Advantage, for it is plain he will take all he ca
To Mr John King Attorney at Law
Ravensworth Castle May 3d 1737
According to my Promise I waited on Mr Busby abt the halfe Years Rent in arrear at Keswick wch the Tennants Reckoned that he had got but he (Utterly denys) or positively Says he knows nothing of their Paying beforehand & bid one look at his last Acquittance by which he will abide & that what Rent he reced last was to Martinmas 1731 from which time the Tennts will have to pay a halfe years Rent for every halfe Year
An Appraizmt of the Goods & Chattles of Gerrard Readhead taken this fifth day of May 1736
[In the margin:] The Original Sent the Board the 6th May 1737
Names of the places of abode of the Buyers
Sold for
Newburne One Red Cow & Calf £ 3 - - £ 4 5 -
Bearl One Guild Cow 2 2 - 2 16 -
Newburne One Broch’d Red Cow 2 - - 3 12 -
Left wth One Black Cow & Calfe 3 5 - 4 11 -
G Readhead
Dam Mills
To Mr Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle May 6th 1737
We recd yours with the Minutes of the Board of the 20th of April last and Mr Maules remarks upon our Conduct in the management of the Derwentwater Estate which we are Sorry he has had the Trouble of and that he has had reason to trouble the Board therewith as we can asure them and you of our great desire to Serve the Honble Board wth all the integri
Severall Persons are Drs for Dues of Lead Oare as followeth viz
The Governour & Compy for Smelting down Lead etc £716.4.3 1/2 being for the Dues of Lead Oare raised in the yrs 1735 & 1736 sold & delivered their Agent Mr Abram Watson as per the Moor Masters Accot Viz
268 1/2 Bings of Bouse Oare at 42/6 £570 11 3
77 1/8 Bings of Cutting Oare at 37/6 144 12 2 1/2
One Guinea over by Agreement 1 1 -
To James <Reeds> Esqr
Ravensworth Castle May 8th 1737
We wrote you the 18 March last and Inclosed 15 Acquitts which were signed by the Severall Persons you were pleased to mention but having heard nothing from You about the Receipt of them are in some doubt that they may not be come to your hand please to advise us
We will be glad to hear of our Accot being passed before the Chancellor of t
To Mr Jn Maule
Ravensworth Castle May 14th 1737
I recd Your Kind Favour dated the 7th April last only on the 7th Inst but where it had laid I know not
I have many times thougt within my Selfe Since I left Greenwich I had done Something very Disoblidging to Mr Maule or that he was Dead for I never look out more for a Letter from any body than I did for yours, and when I recd it was very glad to hear you was well & all friends at Greenwich, but I am very Sorry for Mrs Maul
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle May 10th 1737
We were favioured with yours with the minutes of the Board dated 4th May 1737 which we duely Observe
Mr Greive the Sherrif for the County of Northumberland is now at London to whom we have wrote this post to know what part of the Money he has Levyed for which the Extent was sent down and we have desired him to wait upon you and Informe you what he h
To Mr Greive
Ravensworth Castle May 10th 1737
The Directors of Greenwich Hospitall have given us Orders to call upon you to know if you have levied the Money on the Sevll Derwentwater Tennants for which the Extent was Sent into your hands we therefore Desire you wll on rect of this aquaint Mr Corbett with wt steps have been taken in that affair. he will be mett with at the pay office in Broad Street Lo
To William Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle May 17th 1737
We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 13th Inst wch we duely Observe
In answer to that part relating to Mr Hall the last Tennt of Greenhead <at> Tarretburne Colliery he was in possession thereof Severall years before we had the honour to be Concerned in the Derwentwater Estate, & was putt out of possession by Jas Dodds and others who Claimed a Right there to as being Freeholders in the Mannor of Wark
To Hercules Baker Esqr
Sr Ravensworth Castle May 17th 1737
Inclosed I send you Mr William Soppetts bill on John Errington Esqr for one Thousand pounds dated the 16th Inst & payable 30 days after date on Accot of the Rents of the Derwentwater Estate & for the use of the Greenwh Hospital
I send this thro’ the hands of Mr Corbett as I am uncertain where to direct to you please thereof to Acknowledge the Re
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle May 24 1737
Inclosed we Send you a Computation of the Expence of Repairing and building Housing on the Derwentwater Estate, which has cost us a great deal of Labour & had been a Considerable Expence not only to our Selves in the Severall Views but in Imploying the persons who has Signed the Accot with us, who are all honest men and well Skilled in their Severall
To Mr Wood / Depty Treasurer
Rav Castle May 27 1737
I am Concerned you Should have the trouble of returning Mr Soppitts bill on John Errington Esqr for One Thousand Pounds for want of Endorsement; I wrote to Mr Baker the Treasurer that I apprehended no ill Consequence would attend His Ordering any of his Clerks to Endorse for us but Could not reach his hand before Yours came away. I Shall for the future direct Such Bills as we Send to you at the Victualling Office as you dir
To Mr John Maule
Ravensworth Castle May 30 1737
Dear Sr
We were favoured wth a Letter from Mr Horne last post, wherein he is so kind as Informe us, that we have in some Particulars disoblidged you, by not Sending you Answers to Such Articles, as you & your Clerk both wrote about, wch we are realy Sorry for, as we never meant to use you ill in any way.
Such Particulars as your Clerk wrote abt, on rect of hi
To William Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle June 3d 1737
We reced Yours with the Boards Minutes of the 25th May last & a Copy of Mr Maule Letter dated the Same day, all wch we duely Observe
Included in the Acct Stated between Mr Blackett & the Hospitall as we Apprehended it <Stated>, by wch there Appears to be due at Martinms 1734 for Accot of Sums <Stand> £6 whereas the Extract is f
To Doctor Cockburne
Ravensworth Castle June 3rd 1737
Since your kind favour of the 27th Ulte for which I give you a thousand thanks.
As to the Expence that attends the Courtkeeping in treating Severall Freeholders etc Mr Walton & I desire no unreasonable thing of the board, & it is a distinct Charge from the Courtkeepers Sallarys but if the board should think it our due to pay we Submi
Mr Pearson
Ravensworth Castle June 4th 1737
Inclosed we send you the list of Arrears due from the Severall Tennants at Keswick to Ladyday last past & we desire that you will goe to Each of them & make a formal demand and what answers you gett Transmitt them to us.
We desire that you will not pay any outgoings Except Tyths if any there be, we mean no fee farme Rents without a fresh order from us, put
James Street June Saterday the 4
I am exceedingly Concern’d Dear Brother at the account my sister gives me of your Complaint In your eys and I beg leave to joyn with my sister In Insisting upon useing this plaister which is onely Burgamy pitch spread thick on leather and laid as you wo’d a blister on your back you must have your back rubb’d with a Cours towel even till It smart and then Lay your plaister on and when your plaister has lain some time twill begin to Itch then take it of an
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle June 10th 1737
Inclosed we send you our Cash Accot for last Month on which remains a Ballance of One Thousand & Twenty two pounds Nine Shillings & Sixpence three farthing in favour of the Hospital. We have no demand made upon us for the Interest due to the Lord Peters & the heir of Doctor Chamberlain at Ladyday last, therefore we begg to know whether we
To Mr John Smart at Belford
Ravensworth Castle June 11th 1737
Mr Smart
I think you pay on the Hospitalls Accot to the Duke of Somersetts Agent or Bayliff a fee farme Rent for Spindleston annually. We are advised that unless persons who receive these fee farme Rents Issuing out of the Derwr Estate put in their Claim at the forfeiture, the hospitall need not pay any. The Directors have ordered us to pay none unless the persons
To Mr Geo Ancrum at Scremerston near Berwick
Ravensworth Castle June 11th 1737
Mr Ancrum
Pray acquaint your Brother that whatever fee farme Rents are payd out of Scremerston that he is not to pay them till they Satisfie us that they put in their Claims at the forfeiture & we are ordered not to pay them till further orders, but what ever Tyth Rents or Moduses if any be payable out of Scremerston they must be punctually payd. I a
To Mr Peter Hughes at Middleton Hall by Alnmouth
Ravensworth Castle June 11th 1737
Mr Hughes
What Fee farme Rents are payable out of Middleton Hall to any person we are advised and ordered not to pay them unless the persons Claiming first Satisfie us that they put in their Claim at the Forfature so acquaint them with this but pay none till further orders, if any Tyth Rent or Moduses are payable out of your farm they must be
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Rav Castle June 17th 1737
We were favoured with yours of the 10th Inst with the Boards Minutes of the 8th Inst which we duely Observe.
The Representation of Ralph Radcliff Esqr relating his purchase of the Ambles Estate in the County of Northumberland, we doe not question the fact of, but we are Ready to believe Mr William Radcliff had no right to Sell What we meant by a Settlement was th
To Mr Jn Maule at Greenwich
Rav Castle June 17th 1737
Dear Sr
We Take the first opertunity of Answering your favour of the 10th Inst which came to hand last post and for which you have our Sincere and hearty thanks.
It is Some nay a great deal of Concerne to us to find you think us rather Inclinable to Correspond with the Board than you on Such affaires as particularly relate the Accots of the Derwentwater