To Mr Simpson Attorney at Law
Ravensworth Castle June 21 1737
The Tennants of Thornthwait (a part of the Estate of the Late Earl of Derwentwater) have growing upon their Respective Farmes Birch & Alder Wood and Oakes in their HedgeRows some of whom Claim a Right to Sell all and others only to that in the HedgeRows. As I rememember when I acquainted you with it you were Clear in opinion that these Tennants had no rig
To Mr <Strickland>
Ravenworth Castle June 21st 1737
I am favoured with yours of the 16 Inst in answer to which we are prepared to remit you the Interest due to Lord Peter and the Annuity to Lady Catherine Radcliff. I Observe you have a Certificate in the usual forme of Lady Catherines Life Since Ladyday last which Certificate I desire you’ll Show Lawyer Hunter, who is Auditor of the Derwentwater Accot
In the Name of God Amen I Obadiah Emerson of Low Houses in Garrigill in Alston Moore Diocese of Durham and County of Cumberland Yeoman being weake in body But of good and Perfect Memory (Blessed be god) But Considering the uncertainty and fraility of Mankinde doe make this my Last Will and Testament In Manner and forme following Vizt. First I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty god hopeing thro[ugh] the Meritorious Death of my Saviour Jesus Christ for the free pardon of All my sins and my
To Mr John Maule
Ravensworth Castle July 3d 1737
We received your favour of the 25th Ulto for which we return you many thanks.
That mistake which you mention in our Cash for the Month of April last, about Mr Pearsons Salary being made due Martinmas 1737 upon examination of our Copy find to be as you Say, but was intended for Mayday then next, as it was so near at hand, and the Recet is accordingly & we
To William Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle July 3d 1737
We were favoured with yours with the Boards Minutes of the 22 June last in Course which we duely Observe.
The Ballance of our last Cash Accot in favour of the Hospital we have remittance for, ready to be Sent you pursuant to the Boards Commands, but as we have a demand made upon us for the Interest & Annuity due to Lord Petres & La
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle July 5 1737
After Severall enquirys and examinations into the matter in Dispute between the Hospitall & the Keswick Tennants, we have produced to us a Lease of Old Park dated 16th August 1711, for 21 years Commenceing at Ladyday preceeding under the yearly Rent of £20, payable at Penticost & Martinmas in every year, by which means every years Rent was payd
To Mr Luke Nealson
Ravensworth Castle July 14 1737
Dear Sr
Your favour of the 19th June last is before us and in answer we are sorry we Cannot Comply with what you desire as to Winning Limestone in the Estate of Scremmerston.
The Directors of the Hospitall have positively Commanded us not to Suffer any person whatever to Win Limestone in any of their Estates without paying for the Liberty of doing so, &
To Mr Andw Scott
Ravensworth Castle July 14th 1737
Mr Scott
We reced yours of the 24 June last which before now we have not had time to Answer
As to the Division of the Northside of Scremerston however you and the Joynt takers understood it, we always Meant that it Should be Enjoyed in equall Shares, Each paying an equall Share of the Rent and in that way it was understood to be agreed when Mr Boag was last at
To Mr Thos Simpson
Attorney in Law at Penrith
Ravensworth Castle July 15th 1737
A Coppy of Mr Waltons Letter dated 21st June last was Sent him this day with the following Letter.
The above is a Coppy of a Letter wrote you the 21st June last which we doubt not came to your hand, tho’ we have not been favoured with Your Answer.
What is therein desired was intended to be of use to the Hospital & not of any particular use to us, the
Ravensworth Castle July 20th 1737
We have omitted in ours of this date to acquaint you that in the Newcastle Courrant which we send you Inclosed is incerted a Paragraph relating the Informacon exhibited against Mr Readhead for Committing Waist on the Darwentwater Estate wch is taken from a Letter wrote by Mr Wye & Seems to be intended as a reflection upon the Enquirey & to excuse Ra Redhead we the
To Mr Ben Shutt
Ravensworth Castle July 20 1737
Mr Boag and I have a Sum to pay Lord Peters and Lady Katherine Radcliffe for Interest etc due out of the Darwentwater Estate which I must Desire you will <transmit> for us. The Sum due to Lord Peters is £1000 & to Lady Kath Radcliffe £100 for wch proper Receipts are to be taken: Coppys whereof you have Inclosed with Tenn Bills & Notes amounting to
To Mr Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle July 20th 1737
In Obedience to the Boards Commands we have Inclosed sent you an accot of what Repaires are most necessary on the most proper parts of the Estate late Darwentwr to be begun with & wch we hope may be done this Season tho’ it is so farr advanced that we doubt of Compleating all in the Inclosed Accot.
All the parts of the Darwentwater Estate
Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle July 22d 1737
As the Hospitall are to have Tryall (with the Persons Claiming Haydon Town Farme on an old Lease) at the next Assizes at NCastle which begins the 8 August next, we begg leave to putt you in mind of it, tho we hope Mr Airey has taken proper care to inform you or Mr Radley so as to prepare what is necessary for Tryall.
The Quakers company’s Agent havin
To Mr Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle July 29th 1737
We wrote you the 22nd Inst about the discharge given to the persons Imployed by George Liddell Esqr & Partners, at Tarrett Burn in Tindale within the Manour of Wark & therein acquainted you that we would make enquiry & give you a particular Accot of the whole Affair
We have accordingly made all the enquiry we had an opportunity of doing
A Copy of a Letter from Mr Maule to Wm Corbett Esqr
Royal Hospitall Greenwch 3 Augt 1737
In answer to the Receivers Letter of the 5 July be pleased to acquaint the Board that I have Strictly examined & considered as much as in my power the affair in Dispute between the Hospitall and the Tennants of the Demiesne Lands of Keswick & by comparing the Copys of Miles Wilsons receipts for
To James Hunter Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Augt 7th 1737
Your favour of the 23 July last woud have been answered Sooner: had we not been both abroad when it came to this place & Since engaged in business that we no way coud avoid.
By our appointment as Receivers, we never apprehend any Expence of Fees (in passing our Accots) to be upon us, & it was our Intentions to Charge what you mention, as fe
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Augt 14th 1737
We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 3d Inst which we duly observe; and the Board may depend upon our utmost care & frugality in excuting their commands.
The necessary Repaires amounting to £1160. 8. 2 we are putting in Execution & we beg leave to observe that the Board have given no Orders for doing anything at Newlands & Whi
To Mr Birkett
Ravensworth Castle August 14th 1737
We reced yours of the 16 June last, which would have been answered Sooner but that we were prevented by Busyness of Conquence.
[In the margin:] Sent Mr Simpson a Copy of this the 25th May 1740
As to what You Seem to Charge Mr Pearson with, we are Strangers in it and more Particularly so as it was at a time when we were no way concerned. At the tim
Ravth Castle August 23d 1737
Mr Stephenson
Inclosed I send you the Boards Minutes at Salters Hall the 3rd August Inst which relate to you, & which you will I doubt not Observe as farr as you have it in your power, but I doe not see how you Can once a Month give any Accot It woud do well I think when you replie if you desire they will give you Leave to doe it once a quarter, But this I only mention to you, as if you can doe
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Septr 13th 1737
Inclosed I Send You our Cash Accot for the Month of Augt last on which is a Ballance of £29.-.6d in our favour:
There has been Sold by Mr Johnson one of our Bayliffs out of the Weedings of Woods under his care this Season, on Notes dated as follows
Payble at Michs next 15th May last on Note from
Francis Marshall & Robt Watson for 280
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Octor 2d 1737
We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 14th & 17th of last Month in Answer to which we are under no Covenants with any Tenants in the Derwentwater Estate for building or Repairing Housing, further than this. That all Tenants to whom farmes were Confirmed to Comence at last Mayday made their proposals particularly mentioning that they had expected
To William Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Octor 4th 1737
We reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 28th Ulto which we duly observe.
The late Alderman Ramsey who wrought Tarrettburn Lead mine in partnership with Alderman Morton both of Newcastle has been Dead many Years, the former whereof was Succeeded by his Son, who was also an Alderman in Newcastle, the papers of both which after the Death of
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Octor 14 1737
Inclosed we Send you our Cash Accot for the last month on which their Remains a ballance in our favour of £7.14.6
We have nothing Material to Lay before the Board Save that Geo Liddell Esqr has made his Michs Quarters Pay which Amounts to £1221.10.111/4 of which for Raising Oare by bing only £118.16.83/4 there was then Employed at the Mines 263 Pi
To Mr Wm Radley
Ravensworth Castle Octor 14 1737
We were abroad when yours of the 20 Septemr last came to Mr Airey’s hand, & being Just come home, we take this first Opportunity of Acquainting You, that the Farme in the possession of Green & Howden lyes in the Township of Haydon, in the parish of Netherwarden, Barony or Lordship of Langley.
There will be great Inconveniences attending the W
Messrs <…..> Goldsmiths at Temple Barr London
Ravensworth Castle Octor 17th 1737
I have Inclosed sent you three Promy Notes for One hundred and Forty pounds & my draught on Mr Benja Skatt for Eight Pounds Ten Shillings wch with the Allowance you are pleased to make for remittances in full for one years Annunity due to the heirs of Peter Chamberlain <abt> Lady daglish you will be plea