To Mr Ben Skatt
Ravensworth Castle Octor 21st 1737
Dear Sir
Being so often abroad is the occasion of my not getting your Letters immediately as they come by post, & of your wanting an immediate answer. I reced both yours for which I thank you with the Recet for Lady Catherine Radcliffs Annunity & Testimonial of her being alive, when it become due, which is all right except that of paying Mr Hunter half a
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Octr 21 1737
Mr Stephenson Moor Master has Sent me an Accot of the Quantity of Lead Ore raised within the Manour of Alston from Xmas last to Michs last, wch I Send You Inclosed & you will have it hereafter Quarterly. There was a Small Quantity of Oare raised from Michs to Xmas 1736 wch was not Included in the last years Sale of the Dues of wch Mr Stephenson wil
To Mr Radley at Greenwich
Ravensworth Castle October 21st 1737
This Post you will receive from Colll Liddell the Draught of the Lease of the Lead Mines in Alston Moore & other parts of the Derwentwater Estate with Such Alterations (from Your Draught) as he thinks are proper to be made of which he has wrote fully to you this post.
I Send you Inclosed a Coppy of one of the old Leases to the Tennants of La
To William Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Novemer 4th 1737
We were Favoured wth Yours of the 28th of October last wth the Boards Minutes of the 19th preceding wch we duely Observed & we reced also a letter from Mr Snowball wch is sent to him.
Inclosed we Send you Mr Stephensons & our Joynt Report of our View of Longcleugh Middle Cleugh & Capel cleugh Mines in Answer to the Boards order of t
To Mr Jno Wood Deputy Treasurer of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich at the Directors Office on Tower Hill London
Dear Sir Ravensworth Castle Novr 4th 1737
Inclosed I send you Twelve promisary Notes & Bills amounting to One Thousend Pounds the particulars of wch are above Mentioned wch I hope will be all well paid. I have made Mr Baker Dr for ‘em on Accot of the Rents of Ld Derwentwater Estate & for the Use of Gre
According to your Orders I wrote to Mr Hodgson about the Tythes the very Day I left Alston and this Morning I received this Inclosed from him If the Hospitall thinks it worth their while to Dispute the payment of the Tythes I think It will be most Adviseable to get a Release from <Carrick> which will prevent any Contest about the Boundarys of the Common before they Comence any Suit agst Mr Hodgson
I am Sr Yr hble Servt
To Wm Corbett
Ravensworth Castle Novemr 11th 1737
Inclosed I Send You our Cash Accot for the last Month in which there remained a Ballance of £802-11-5 in favour of the Hospitall. We have Since recd upwards of £200 & on the 4th Inst Sent Mr Wood Bills for £1000 on Accot of the Hospital. I am for Mr Boag & Self
Sir Yours etc N Walton
To Mr John Stephenson
Ravensworth Castle Novr 22 1737
Dear Sir
I hope this will meet with you Safe at home, where I hope also you found your Family well.
Inclosed I send you the Minutes of the last Board of Directrs at Greenwich Hospitall relateing Hushing and the Vein Called Clergill Cleugh near Ale which I Doubt not but you will Observe, but pray do not make Publick any thing about the Vein Called Clargill Cleugh
To Wm Corbett
Ravensworth Castle Novr 22 1737
We Reced Yours with the Board Minutes of the 16th of Novr Inst to which we have a Due regard and in Answer to that part thereof relating the Lead Ore Vein called Clargill Cleug Begg leave to have the Boards further Order in what way we Shod proceed to preserve and keep possession thereof. The Vein being an Open one is Granted to Geo Liddle Esq and partners and they as
To Mr Giles Monk
Ravensworth Castle Novr 22 1737
Last year was made out your Accot of Receipts and Disbursemnts to the 14 <Novr> in that Year and this we are proposed to Make out our Accot in the same Manner but as it seems more regular to end the 31st <December> in every Year we thought proper to Acquaint you that If you Approve of <It> we will Apply to the Directors to grant us leave to make up
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Novr 25 1737
Edward & Matthew Brown & George Thompson who took Langley Castle Farme, only for one Year ending at Mayday next at the yearly Rent of £75 & Langley Draw Kills being taken by Matthew Brown at £8 for one Year ending at the Same time we are to acquaint You that the said Persons have offered for the Same the Rents above mentioned on Lease for 21 Ye
Ravensworth Castle Decemr 2 1737
I have the Favour of Yours with with Lord Brodrick for a Bill of <Sam Price> for One hundred and thirty four Pounds returned for non Acceptance. since which I have Seen a Letter from Price who says he had given that Answer to the person you sent to Call upon him, but in the same Letter he Agrees he has money in his hand and Promises to pay the Bill however as I Doubt he is a Tr
A Copy of Mr John Watsons Letter to Messrs Walton & Boag in favour of Jas Wilkinson
Goswick Decem 14 1737
I Received Yours per James Wilkinson and in Order to Comply therewith have gott him to Exhibit the Inclosed Particular of Repairs at and about the Mill at Scremerston as he bears the Character of an honest man in the Neighbourhood and the said particular is Attached I take It for granted is right for
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Decer 16 1737
We Reced yours with the Board Minutes of the 7th of Inst wch we duely Observe, and we have acquainted George Liddell Esqr and his Partners with the Boards Resolutions Relating to Clergill Cleugh Lead Vein.
As we apprehend the Board required as particular an Accot as possably of the Valuation of the Severall Woods in the Derwentwater Estate we with proper Assis
To William Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle Decer 23d 1737
We would not have been so late in Actioning the Boards Minutes of the 29th June last relating the Sale of a part of the Derwentwater Estate, but that the valuing the Extensive Woods took up so much time that we could not doe it Sooner, & besides, till the boreing at Newlands and Whittonstall was finished we could not give our opinions of the Values of t
To Wm Corbett Esqr.
Ravensworth Castle. Janry 6th.1737/8
We received Yours of the 28th December last with the Boards Minutes of that Date, whereby we observe the Board have been pleased to give Orders that our Accot. sho’d be made out to the 31st December last, in Obedience to which you may be well assured It shall be done to that time as Speedily as possible.
We are Glad the Severall papers we sent came safe to your hands, and hope you have received from Colonel Liddell th
To Mr James Wood, Deputy Treasurer
Ravensworth Castle. Janry 13 1737/8
Dear Sir
I have Inclosed herein Sent you three Bills value Three hundred and Forty One pounds Eleven shillings which I have Endorsed to you on accot. of the rents of the Darwentwater Estate and for the use of Greewich Hospital, for which I have Debted you this Day accordingly.
I wish you, Mr Maule, Mr Horne, and all Friends at Greenwich and Broad street many happy new Years and am for Mr Boag and Self Dr Sir
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle. Janry 13/1737/8
The slow proceedings against Thomas Howden, Gren and others Tenants of haydon Town farm is realy such an Inconvenience to the Hospitals Affairs that I cannot help (after the Treatment I mett with yesterday) Accquainting you with It and beg It may be laid before the Board at their first meeting If you Judge It proper at that time, If not at the next Convenient time.
That Affair of Green and Howdens being Dropt at the la
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle. Janry 21. 1737
Inclosed we send you our Cash Acct. the 31 December Cash on which is a Balance in the Hospitalls favour of £419-0-2 ½ but we sent Mr Wood Bills the 13 Inst to the vallue of £541-11-0 so that they are considerably in our Debt as we have reced. very little since.
We hope the Accot. given the 13 Inst of the Severall abuses in the Der[wentwater] Estate came safe to your hands & has been before the Board, & do
To Thomas Simpson Att[orney]
Ravensworth Castle. Janry 31 : 1737/8
Wee have a letter from Wm Lee Accquainting us, that you had wrote to him to require our Authority from John Furnace to bring an Action against Carrick which he has Accordingly done and in answer Furnace tells him he is ready to give you any Authority that is Necessary provided he is kept harmless which to be sure he must be, as the Comissioners mean to be at all the expence that shall attend the prosecution.
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Ravensworth Castle. 31 January 1737/8
We recd. the Boards Minutes of the 18th Inst & shall duly observe them.
Inclosed we send you then Acct. of Bricks & Tyles made at Dilston &c the last Year to the 31st December 1737 by wch the Directors will see what Profit arises from that undertaking, Also we have sent you John Shinn, the undertaker s pticulars 31st Decemb. 1737 that they may see upon what Terms he is Imployed and also what
To Mr Maule Ravensworth Castle Febry 12th.1737/8
Dear Sir
As the Settling of our Accot. to the 31 Decem. last cannot be attended by either of us, it will necessarily follow that a greater trouble will fall upon you in Settling the same, as you will be Obliged to attend the Auditor in our steed, which will be a troublethat we cou’d not take the liberty to ask you to take upon you had we not in former instances experienced your friendship and favour. – On that Accot. it is t
To George Liddell Esqr Ravensworth Castle Febry 12t.1737/8
Hon’ Sir
Inclosed we send you Mr Thompsons Acco. of the Quantity of Common and Inclosed Lands surveyed for the Com[missione]rs of Greenwich Hospital, and his Debt and Credit Accot. with the Com[missione]rs by which there is a Balance of £58 – 4 – 8 due from the said
Com[missione]rs. Inclosed you have also Mr Ellisons Draught of the Articles of Agreem’t with Mr Thompson all which we give you the trouble of as h
To Mr Benja Shutt Ravensworth Castle Febry 12th.1737/8
Mr Shutt
We had a letter from James Hunter Esqr, Audit[o]r of the Accot. for Greenwich Hospital last post Accquainting us that he has obtain’d our Quietus & Accot for the first year of our Receivership & that they are ready to be delivered to whom we shall appoint.
We desire you will therefore wait upon him & pay him Eighteen Guineas for the Fees is passing the Accot. thro’ the severall Offices & take s
To James Hunter Esq. Ravensworth Castle Febry 12th.1737/8
We were favourd with yours of the 7th of Febry.Inst last post for which we return you our hearty thanks, as well as for the Abstract of our Accot. by which it appears there was a Balance due to us of £96.17.10 3/4 , being Eighteen Guineas Increased by the Charge of passing the said Accot.
This post we have wrote Mr benja[min] Shutt to waite upon you, & pay you the Fees, to whom we desire you will deliver the