To Wm Corbett Esqr Rav. Castle 17 Febry .1737/8
Inclosed you will receive a [supplement to] our Accot. to the 31 Dec last sent you of the 21 jan last in which we had omitted Charging remittance at [ ½ ] P[er]C[ent] on £420.8.5 ½ sent the Treas[urer] the 6 Dec 1736 and we also omitted in the sd Accot. a payment to James Hunter Esq. for the Charge of passing our Accots thro the severall offices for the year 1736 so that the Balance ue from us the 31 Dec last was £398 –
To Mr Jno. Maule Ravensworth Castle March 3d.1737/8
Dear Sir
Yours of the 18th came to hand, when Mr Boag was from home, by which address it was not opened till last Tuesday Evening , when he came home, & on that Accot. could not be answered sooner than this day.
We are exceedingly obliged to you, for the Trouble you have taken in considering how farr it was proper for you to Engage in Settleing our Accot. and it gives us great Pleasure to hear it will be an undertaking
To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 10th 1737/8
Upon being at Keswick lately we find Mr Thomas Jefferson has Carryed off his Customary Estate in the Manour of Thornthwaite a quantity of Birch and Alder Trees which he formerly sold William Moles who has paid him the Money he contracted to pay for the sd Birch and Alder Trees and Mr Jefferson has given him an Indemnity for his so doeing notwithstanding we apprehend he has no right to Cutt any wood without the Livence and
To Mr John Maule Ravensworth Castle 12th March 1737/8
Dear Sr
By this days Post is Inclosed for you, under 2 Covers , Directed for George Liddell Esq (to save Postage) a Copy of the Rentals of the Derwent[water] Estate [sent] the Board in December last, as Mr Walton & I promised you in our last.
I hope they will come safe to your hand you may either please to call for them, at his House in King Street Covent Garden or send some person for them.
Your Kitt of Salmond is or
To Mr Joseph Pearson in Keswick Ravensworth Castle 19 March. 1737/8
Mr Pearson,
I have had a Letter from Lanc Penny Complaining of the hardships he has from King. You know that both you & lanc Penny desired only a Weeks spareance and he would pay and indeed of that Mr King writes us that he spared him a fortnight you yourselfe putt me upon sueing him because his circumstances are bad.
We perceive very well that you encourage the Tennants to withhold their Rents & despise
To Lanc Penny Ravensworth Castle March 19. 1737/8
Mr Penny
I reced. yours of the 9 Inst & am sorry that you shoud delay paying your Arrear till you are sued I did indeed give Mr King orders to sue you if you did not pay in a Fortnights time or give assurance of your paying soon after, none of which I perceive you have done which occasions this expence to you.
Mr Walton & I have wrote to Mr King to forbear process against you provided you pay in a fortnights time or 3 we
To Mr Ben Shutt Ravensworth Castle March 19. 1737/8
Dear Sir
We were favoured with yours of the 11 inst last post, wherein you are so kind as to acquaint us with your having recd. our Quietus from Mr Hunter, wee would be glad to have it as soon as you can send it by a safe hand, tho’ unless each opportunity offer soon may lett it alone till the Col[one]l comes down, pray acquaint the Collonel that you have it & that we have desired you to shew it him if he Chuses it before y
To Mr John Maule Ravensworth Castle March 19. 1737/8
Dear Sir
Inclosed herewith we send you the Generall Accot. of our Recets & Payments as Recets of the Rents Issues & profits of the Derw[entwater] Estate from the 14 Nov 1736 tto the 31 Dec last by which there then remaind a Balance of £398 – 0 - 2 ½ in favour of the Hospitall, agreeable to the Supplimentall Cash Accot. we sent the Board. And upon this general Accot. Is shewn the Rents & Arrears to Mart[inmas
To Mr Wm. Lovegrove Ravensworth Castle March 19. 1737/8
Dear Sir
Yesterday we sent by the London Carryer our Vouchers to our Derwentwater Accot to the 31 December last in a Small Box Directed for George Liddell esqr. The Carryers name is Fryer Todd & he will be at the White Horse without Cripplegate on Saturday the 1 of next Month – Tho this letter is directed for the Col[one]l it is intended to be opend by you & is Committed to your Care, & w[ha]t Expence Accrues upo
To Mr Jno King Ravensworth Castle 19 March . 1737/8
We reced. yours of the 13 Inst & are sorry that the Tennants are so obstinate & will not pay. You had positive orders to sue John Thwaite Anth Scott & Thomas Jackson with out any delay & Lanc Penny was to be threatened, & to have a fortnight spareance or more, & if he will pay you in a reasonable time we desire he may be forbore, but as for the rest Lett the process goe on against them till they pay th
To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 19. 1737/8
Inclosed herewith we send you the Generall Accot. of our Rece[ip]ts & payments as Rece[ip]ts of Rents Isues & profits of the Der—wr Estate from the 14 Novr 1736 to the 31 Dec. last, by which there then remaind a Balance of £398-0-2 ½ in favour of the Hospitall agreeable to the Supplymental Cash Accot. we sent to the Board. And upon this general Accot. is Shewn the Rents to Mart[inma]s last, and Arrears t
To Mr Thomas Westgarth Ravensworth Castle March 31. 1738
Dear Sir
Since Mr Boag came from Keswick, we have laid before the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall the offer you made to take the Waistes of Copper and Lead lying near Keswick, and they have impowered us to treat with you about the same. We are going to Alston to make a Pay, and will return to Hexham next Friday Evening, when we should be glad to see you at the Phenix at Mr Parkers, or if it be more convenient for
To William Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 31. 1738
We Recd. yours with the Boards Minutes of the 22d March Inst which we duly observe.
In pursuance of the Boards order of the 3d of Aug. last, relating the most necessary repairs on the Derwentwater estate amounting by computation to the Sum of £1160 – 8 – 2 we made agreements with Proper workmen, for the executing thereof, an Abstract of which you have Inclosed which we hope the Board will approve of, and we will
To Mr John King Ravensworth Castle March 31. 1738
We have represented to the Hospitall the case of Mr Jeferson of Cockermouth having sold and recd. for some Birch and Alder Trees cutt upon his arbitrary estate in the manner of Thornthwait and in answer thereto we are commanded to State a Case and lay it before Councel for an opinion whether the Tennants of that Estate have a right to cut down Timber at their will and Pleasure or not, and in case it is the opinion of Counsell t
To Mr Thos Simpson Ravensworth Castle March 31. 1738
We were favoured with yours of the 25 of March Inst which is now before us, in answer to which, as Furnace is dead & the Action against Carrick thereby abated, we approve of your taking Councills opinion, before you prosecute that affair any further, and desire you may do so accordingly.
The prudent Steps you have taken to procure a release from Carrick to William Lee we are greatly oblidged to you for, as it intirely
Fra Chaloners Bill on Wm Herron dated 11 March 1737 at a Month £40 9 6 1/2
Jefrey Everetts bill on Wm Everett dated 16 March 1737 at 24 days
Date 30 0 0
Thos Vickermans bill on Captn. John Cook dated 26 Do. 1738
at 10 ds date 110 0 0
Thos Hills bill on Thomas White dated 23 Do. 1737/8 at 30 ds date 53 0 0
Thos Millers bill on Jas Hill Junr dated 28 Do
To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle March 31. 1738
We were favoured with yours, and in answer you may depend upon having an Honest and Experienced borer sent to make Tryalls for Coal in your Estate at Westchester when ever we have your orders for it, in the meantime if you can get any information, what Prospect here is of Coale, it will be of use & in any thing that we can give our advise in be pleased to command us.
By next Post we will draw upon you for the two p[ar
To Mr John Maule Ravensworth Castle March 31. 1738
Dear Sir
We recd. yours of the 25 of March Inst by which we are sorry to find the Accot. we made out disapproved of by Mr Hunter, as we are afraid so much time will be taken up in the Alteration and sending it down to us, that it will not be got done before the first passing of Accots. – we have no Manner of Objection to any method Mr Hunter Proposes, as the receipts and payments will be the same in whatever way it is done, bu
To Mr Hugh Boag Alston Moor 6 April. 1738
Dear Sr
As your Call to London was upon so short Notice, which prevented your having so particular an accot. of the State & Condition of the Lead Mines, in this Manner as you intended we take this first opportunity of acquainting you thereof in as particular a manner as the nature of the thing will allow of in this way.
At Thorngill there has been sev[era]ll Old Shafts opened in order to Discover the Condition of that Mine, which i
To Mr Man, Clerk of the Peace at Durham Ravensworth Castle April 14th. 1738
I had a letter by last Post which came to my hand only last night, from Mr Andrew Scott a Tennant at Scremerston near Berwick but in the County of Durham, acquainting me that he and the rest of the Tennants of Scremerston have been lately presented for not mentaining some of the high road which they are liable to mentain and keep in repair, now as my Letter came so late I had not an opportunity of waiting u
To Messrs Palloch and Snow Ravensworth Castle April 14th. 1738
– Goldsmiths wthout Temple Barr
Your favour wou’d have been immediately answered with a remittance for the Interest due at Ladyday last to the heirs of Doctor Chamberlain but we then cou’d not get Bill, you have now herein Inclos’d as below two Bills and 3 prom[isor]y Notes amounting to One Hundred and Forty Eight Pounds Ten Shillings, which with the Allowance you are pleased to make, is in ful
To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle April 14th. 1738
Inclosed I send you the Cash Accot. of Receipts and Payments for last Month on which there remains a Ballance of £1033 -14-7 ½ in favour of the Hospital. I have this Day Remitted Bills for £150 -0 -0 to Messrs Palloch and Snow in full of one Years Interest due to the Heirs of Doctor Chamberlin at Ladyday last. I have fixt the payment of £354 to Mr Constable the 27 Inst for one Years Interest on £5900 due also at Lady
To Mr Scott Ravensworth Castle May 4th. 1738
Mr Scott
The Clerk of the Peace for the County of Durham has stop’d all proceedings against you and the Tennants of Scremerston & I will take care to pay him what Charge has Accrued upon it, but as he injoyns me so I must you and the rest of the Tennants to get the Road imediately repaird if it is not done already. The Sooner you do it the better and the more it will oblige
Your most Humble Servt
Nich. Walton
Ravensworth Castle May the 4th. 1738
Last Post brought me yours of the 28 of April last in answer to which I am sorry for the Death of Mr Gibson. His widow I have incerted in our rental in his Stead but before she is put into the Lease I must have the Concurrence of her Partners under their hands. I desire they will therefore Signify it to me by a Line & what you desire shall be done by
Sr Your most Hble Servt.
Nich. Walton
To Mr Pearson Ravensworth Castle May 4th. 1738
Mr Pearson
Last post brought me yours of the 26th Ulto, in answer to which the Farms late in the possession of Mr Wren must continue in the possession of his Successors for this Year, as they have not Legal Notice given them before the last Term nay I think you very much to blame in the Least to Countenance the under Tennant to hope for the Contrary. They shall be relieved from any Usage as soon as we see it necessary and can with Justi