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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 May 1738

To Wm Corbett Esq. Ravensworth Castle May the 5th. 1738 Sir I hope before this reach your hand , the Derwentwater Bill will have pass’d the two Houses of Parliament, otherwise I should not have given you the trouble of the Inclosed Agreements; which I have made for Building & repairing Housing, which is in the greatest necessity. You will observe the agreements are Conditionall & not binding unless they are approved by the Board. You will Observe that all the Tennants r

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Robert Anderson – 6 May 1738

To Mr Robt. Anderson at Scremerston Ravensworth Castle May the 6. 1738 Mr Robt. Anderson I am not a little Concern’d that any Dispute shoud happen amongst any of the Tenants in the Derwentwater Estate, which I perceive now is the Misfortune between you and Andrew Scott, to whom I apprehend you have given Warning to remove out of the House he is at present in at Whittsontide next I woud willingly in any Affair of this kind interpose, in Order to prevent all blood and Disputes amongs

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 12 May 1738

To Mr Boag Ravensworth Castle May the 12. 1738 Sr I reced. Yours of the 8 May Instant with a letter of Attorney from Mr Goodison Impowering me to Receive the Rents of some Housing in Newcastle, in which pray acquaint him that I will Do him all the service I can. I have wrote to Mr Corbett this day a Copy of which I send you herewith so that I need say no more relating that affair: I Did not know that Mr Corbett was Marryd, for which reason I did not congratulate him upon

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 May 1738

To Wm Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle May the 12. 1738 Sr Some time agoe the Board of Directors for Greenwich Hospitall were pleased to Order an Action to be brought against one Carrick for taking away by force a cow which had been Levyd and taken away from him by the Bayliff of Alston Manor and sold by him to one Furnace from whom the cow was taken by Carrick. Carricks pretence for taking away the cow, was that she was taken without the manor, and therefore Mr Simpson thought

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 21 May 1738

To Wm Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle May 21st. 1738 Sr It is now the time of the year for setting the dues of Lead Ore w.thin the Mannor of Alston moore raised and to be raised from Christmas last to Xmas next, or which I thought proper to acquaint you, before they are advertisedto be sold as usual, in which you will please to give me proper directions. Mr Airey delivered me his bill of Law charges to the 7 February last wch I wou’d have sent you before now, but that you wer

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 2 Jun 1738

Ravensworth Castle June 2nd. 1738 Sent Mr Hugh Boag the following Bills and Notes viz: Edwd Shalletts Promisory Note to Wm Hart dated 26 April 1738 @40 days £85 0 0 Edwd Smiths Do. to Robt Noble dated 27 Do. at 40 days 100 0 0 Richd Atherlys Bill on James Harding dated 4 May 1738 at 30 days 27 5 6 Walter Kirbys do. on Eliz. Martin dated 10 Do. at 60 days 70 0 0 Robt. Hudspeths Do. on Tho. Young dated 18 Do. at 40 days 100

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Hugh Boag – 11 Jun 1738

Mr Boag Ravensworth Castle June 11. 1738 I recd. yours of the 6 of June Inst by which I am glad you gott the Bills I sent you for £860-1-1 safe. I hope those I sent you since will come safe allso to Make the full paymt. Of the Interest & Anuity. I am glad you found the Recet. but you have I doubt not reced. since wch I sent. I am also glad you have gott quitt of the Vouchers & Accots. & that it is in so great a forwardness. I think it woud greatly Conduce to disp

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Jun 1738

To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle June 11. 1738 Sir Mr Boag sent me the Boards Minutes of the 31 May last & the 3rd of June Inst which Duly observe, & in answer to which I have acquainted Mr Stevenson, Moor master wth the Boards Commands realting his quarterly reports of the Lead Mines of which Care shall be taken that he duly observes. I have putt in an advertizement into the Newcastle papers for the sale of the Lead Ore dues , for the Letting the waists of Copper &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Jun 1738

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle June 16. 1738 Sir I wrote you the 11 Inst. to which I beg leave to referr that I intended sending you this post an Accot. of the severall Bargains I have made for Building & repairing Housing in the Derwentwater Estate, which I accordingly herein send you, & hope Mr Boag will Stay another Board day in order to Clear up anything the Board may want to be Informed in relating the Severall Contracts I have made Subject to their Approbation

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Airey – 6 Jul 1738

To Jno. Airey Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 6. 1738 Sir The inclosed I had from Mr Radley before I left London Desiring I wou’d Deliver it to you. The Board Complaind of <soe> high Charges in it & Mr Radley had it delivered him & he made these remarks & Deductions that is in it, I said as much as I could of the distance the places are from Newcastle that you went and sent to and the times of the year which made Severall of the Charges appear reasonable when s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 7 Jul 1738

To Wm Corbett Esqr. Ravensworth Castle July 7th. 1738 Sr I wrote you the 16th of Jun last, and therewith sent you severall Contracts I had made for building and repairing Housing on the Derwentwater Estate amounting in the whole to £1409.10.0 which I was in hopes the Board wou’d have Confirmed, so as the workmen might not lose time or the proper Season of the Year for that sort work. The reason of my now troubling you on that affair is, that the Season advances fast & th

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 16 Jul 1738

To Mr William Radley Attorney at Law Ravensworth Castle 16 July 1738 Sir I have has a Letter from Mr Ricd. Greive since I came home desiring to know if the Board had come to a resolution about giving him Directions to take Adminsitration to the late Mr Anderson by which he thinks he could secure his Arrears to the Hospitall which is £53-16-10. He has Stopd Administration being granted to another person till we receive the Boards Orders about it & I beg that you will acquaint

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Jul 1738

To Wm Corbett Esqr Ravensworth Castle July 16th . 1738 Sir We reced. the Boards Minutes of the 5 Inst & shall observe them. Since we have had the Boards Orders to sell the Lead Ore Dues raised & to be raised on Alston moor from Cristmas 1737 to Christmas 1738 we have had the following Offers, after having advertized the sale of them 3 Weeks in the Newcastle Newspapers. Mr Joseph Emmerson has offerd on the behalf of Collonel Liddell & Ptners 46s per Bing for the B

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 31 Jul 1738

To Mr Thomas Simpson Ravensworth Castle July 31. 1738 Sir When we were last at Alston Mt Richardsons Son, who Claims the Common near Cleargill in Alston Moore sent five Persons to Burn Mr Whitefields peats, which sd. 5 Persons came and were taken in the fact and brought before Lawyer Gilpin who bound them over to the next Sessions besides the punishment which these Fellows are Liable to, Mr Richarson has as we are Informd made himself lyable to an Action of Trespass which we are to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Whitefield – 31 Jul 1738

To Mr Tho. Whitefield Ravensworth Castle July 31. 1738 Dear Sir Yesterday Evening I had the Favour of yours of the 29th Inst.with a Copy of Mr Richardsons Letter dated the 20 Inst. The Contents of which I have Communicated to Mr Boag my partner and in Answer we are glad to se[e] Mr Richardson is Sensible of his fault and that he is ready to make you any Satisfaction for the Loss you have Sustained. You are very kind in saying you will do nothing in this affair but what we s

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Aug 1738

Ravensworth Castle August 11. 1738 To William Corbett esq. Sir We were favour’d with yours of the 3d Inst & are glad to hear you are got well home & that your estate gave you so much pleasure as that you have no reason to be sorry you made the Purchase, & it is exceedingly kind that you are so good as determine not to advance your Ten[ant]’s Rents. The Borer will send away from hence his Work Tools next Wednesday by the carrier & will sett out himself so as to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Aug 1738

Ravensworth Castle August 11th. 1738 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir We reced. yours of the 5th of the 5th of this Inst. With one Inclosed for Mr Constable wch we have forwarded to him. In answer to Mr Maules Letter of the 5 July last, relating the Survey of the Derwentwater Estate we waited upon Collonel Liddell, & shewed him that part wch he was desired to explain, which he promised us he woud write to you about this post, & doubt not but he has done so, to wch we

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 18 Aug 1738

Ravensworth Castle 18th Aug. 1738 To Mr James Wood Sir I have sent you a Kitt of Salmond from Berwick on Board the Endeavour Captain Stapan Master a Whitby Vessell. I wish it may prove good. I am Sorry it was not Earlier in the Season but as I was circumstanced and some time I spent before a ship was ready to sail from that Port I could not send it sooner. Pray my Humble Service to your Sister Wood & all the Young Ladies that danc’d so well the last night I was at

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 27 Aug 1738

Ravensworth Castle Aug 27. 1738 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir I was favoured with yours of the 19th Inst (Mr Boag being from home) for which I give you many thanks. The Quarterly Contingent Accot. shall come from hence as soon as Mr Boag & I are together that we can write a Joynt Letter therewith to the Board. The undivided Lands in Corbridge amounting to 667 acres is all Inclosed & Improved Land, having been in various sort of Tillage time out of Mind, & therefore should b

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 Aug 1738

Ravensworth Castle August 29th. 1738 To Wm. Corbett Esqr Sir Mr Boag having been abroad for about a Week. I have deferred answering your last Letter, and he is yet abroad tho’ expected him home yesterday Evening & by that means I cannot describe to you the Place at Darnhall where the Borer is to begin; he was with me last night & tells me he knows the place very well & as he has his full directions what to doe, will now loose no time, he has had a job to doe which

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 29 Aug 1738

Ravensworth Castle August 29th. 1738 Sir I wrote you last Saturday Evening and therein desired you wou’d stop any proceedings against Mr Blackett for the Arrear of sams Island, as it was some time agoe pay’d to our Baliff Mr Bunting, who regularly accounted for it, as it has been by me to the Directors of Greenwich Hospital in an Accot. which we have settled with them to the 31 December last. The reason why I give you this trouble is that I’ve reced. a Coppy of your last letter

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 5 Sep 1738

Ravensworth Castle Sep. 5th. 1738 To Mr Joseph Pearson Sir I Reced. Yours relating the Waists at Keswick , wch I would have answered much sooner but that these Waists were let to another person some time before on much better Terms than the Gentleman you mentioned offered. I propose being at Keswick some time next Week I think on Tuesday night & propose receiving the Rents at My Landlord Grave’s on Wednesday the 13th Inst. ag[ain]st which time unless you have orders to t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 10 Sep 1738

Ravensworth Castle Sep. 10th. 1738 To William Corbett Esq. Sir We recd. yours with the Boards Minutes of the 26 August last and Mr Aireys bill of law charges amounting to Forty one pounds fourteen shill. And nine pence which shall be payd pursuant to the Boards commands. We have waited upon Lawyer Gray to know what his Expectations are for the trouble he has had in the Hospitalls Affaires, but he is unwilling to name any thing, but desires the Directors may order whatever they

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Pye – 11 Sep 1738

Ravensworth Castle Sep. 11th. 1738 Mr Jno. Pye Sir Mr Francis Anderson late of Alnwick dyed considerably in debt to the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital for Rent of a part of the Derwentwater estate, which being due to the Crown we apprehend is a Debt of as high a nature as any he cou’d dye in & Consequently we Suppose, no Objection will be made to our taking Adminsitration as Principal Cred[ito]rs. We are both obliged to be abroad for about 10 days, & least any p

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Cuthbert Constable – 26 Sep 1738

Sir The Inclosed came to my hand last post with orders to send them to you by a Carefull hand. I therefore send the Bearer by whom you will please to Acknowledge the Receipt of them from me, and be pleased either to give Mr Corbetts Letter an Answer by him or by post. I am Sr Your most Hble servt Nicholas Walton September 26. 1738 A Copy of the Boards Minutes Sent Cuthbt. Constable Esqr At a Generall Court for Greenwich Hospittall held at the Admi[ral]ty Office the 21 Sep
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467