Ravensworth Castle September. 29. 1738
Wm.Corbett Esq
I Reced. yours of the 21st Inst Inclosing me the Board Minutes at Salters Hall the 20th & those of a General Court at Greenwich the 21st Inst, & also your letter to Cuthbert Constable Esqr Inclosing the Minute relating paying off the Incumbrances on the Derwentwater Estate, which I sent by a Special messenger to Mr Constable, who will I expect returne this evening.
I was at Keswick the 15 inst & 16th receiving
Ravensworth Castle Octo. 6. 1738
To Mr Richard Greive at Alnwick
We were at Durham this week & took the administration to Mr Fran[cis] Anderson. The letters of Administration are in our hands which we apprehend are not necessary to be sent you, but if it is necessary for you to have them pray lett us know and they shall be sent you. The Accot. between Mr Anderson and us you have by you, the Ballance whereof is £53.16.10 wch we hope there’s no doubt of securing, in
Ravensworth Castle Octo. 8th. 1738
Mr Rawling
Yours of the 27 September last came to hand in course, which we would have answered sooner, but that there was no reason to Contradict the former Error you had in relation to the boreing at Darnhall, you must therefore pursue the former order you had that is to bore to the Length of 40 Fathom whether you meet wth a Salt Spring or not, it is Surprizing you have meet with no Water in boreing 26 Fathom.
As to the method proposed by Mr Payn
Ravensworth Castle Octo. 8. 1738
To William Corbett Esqr
Yours of the 26 & 29 Ulto. Came to hand in course & John Rawlings Accot of Boreing at Darnhall of the 27 In like manner.
The latter part of the Boreing where the metals are found to be harder are more encouraging than the former, yett there is one thing which is very uncommon & that is their not meeting with any water in the severall Stratas they have gone thro’ the Consequence of which will be we are
Ravensworth Castle Octo. 8. 1738
To William Corbett Esqr
We acquainted you that we had sent your Letter & the Boards Minute to Mr Constable by a special messenger, who returned with Mr Constables answer acknowledging the recet. thereof, in which Letter he acquaints us that he had wrote to you his answer in relation to that Affair, with which we thought proper to acquaint you.
The Tennants are quite out of patience for want of their Leases & most of ‘em think th
Rav. Castle Octo. 17th 1738
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Inclosed is an accot. of Agreem[en]ts made with Sev[eral] workmen for further Repaires on the Derwentwater Estate amounting to £860 – which we hope the Board will confirm, the greatest part whereof we hope will be got done this year.
Inclosed is our cash accot. for last month by which you will please to observe their [sic] is a ballance in our favour of £113.3.4.
We reced. the Boards Minutes of the 11th I
Rav. Castle Nov 13. 1738
Mr Readhead
On the other side is an accot. of what Fee Farm Rents are due from the Sev[era]l Gentlemen at Longframlington Michaelmass 1738 which we Desire youll Receive for us, and for which we have Inclosed you Receipts which you will deliver them upon the paym[en]t and not before.
Please to observe they are Due to the Com[missione]rs of Greenwich Hospital, and if Roger and John Wardell does not pay punctually let us know immediately, for we intend to brin
Rav. Castle 14th Nov.1738
To Mr A Bunting at Hexham
Mr Bunting
We recd. Yrs of the 1st Inst as to Jno.Bell. Did he not say when at Newcastle when Howdon & others Turn’d T<n[an]t> that he would not nor did not Expect any satisfaction but that of Entring next Mayday without Disturbance & by yours Claims £15.
As to Wm. Elliott wh. we were at the Courts he Complained he had none of the Worke & then desired that he might have the Repair of his own &am
Rav. Castle Novemb 14th. 1738
To Messrs Rutherford Gibson & Redpath at Scremerston
We have Considered the Affaire ab[ou]t Scremerston Colliery & that the best & Surest way to Extinguish the Fire is to open a Stapple upon Berwick Levell where there is Close Drift & Dam it up with wood & drown both Collierys for some time. We hope that the Mayor of Berwick will not be against this as Berwick Colliery is on fire also.
We desire you will lose no time
Ravensworth Castle Nov. 16. 1738
The Inclosed came to us some time agoe when we were going upon a Collection of the Derwentwater Rents and being then in hurry it was mislaid and neglected . We therefore send you it Inclosed & beg you will give an immediate answer to Mr Corbett with regard to the Securities as Copies of emwill be wanted. We hope you will pardon this omission in us who are, Sir
Your most Obed. Hble Serts
Nich Walton Hugh Boag
A Copp
Ravensworth Castle Nov. 16. 1738
To Mr Wm Corbett
We received yours with the Boards Minutes of the 28th of October last and also those of the 1st of November Inst. and Mr Aynesleys bill of Law charges which shall be paid at our first oportunity and the severall orders of the Board shall be duely Executed.
Inclosed we send you our Accot. for last Month on which remaind a Balance of Five Hundred & Seventy Two pounds fifteen shillings & ninepence three farthings in fa
Ravensworth Castle Nov. 16. 1738
To Mr James Wood, [Deptford]
Jas Colliers prom[isor]y Note to Mr Silvester Esqr dated
11 July last £100 0 0
A French bill on Peter Flower dated 11 Oct [inst] for 300 0 0
Jane Watsons bill on Messrs Neal & Co. dated 5 Oct
<O Sa Co.ds> 207 8 0
Do’s on Messrs Robt Dillon dated 18 Do. 40 days 113 5 4
Samuell Arthurs Do. o
Ravensworth Castle 16 Novemb. 1738
To Mr Jeffers, Attorney at Law in Berwick
Mr Ancrum our tenant at Scremerston writes us that Mrs Orde (for whom we perceive you are Concerned) has serv’d a Citation upon him for the Nonpaym[en]t of Tyth Woole.
We apprehend the Dispute to be whether Mr Ancrum is Obliged to pay that Tyth as it has been the Custom time out of mind, or that he shall pay a Rate fix’d by Mrs Ord upon every Tenth fleece of wool wch was due for sheep sold bef
Ravensworth Castle Novemb. 19th: 1738
To Mr Joseph Pearson
Dear Sir
I Reced yours of the 24th October last with your Rece[ipt]s which were wanting when I was at Keswick & John Pearson’s Rece[ip]ts which I had omitted signing the latter I have returned herein Inclosed to you signed by me.
I am glad to hear you have let the Tolls so well to be sure what Charges you are at upon that Accot as I hope they will be moderate must be allowed you when we come to Keswick.
Ravensworth Castle Nov. 24. 1738
To Mr Wm Radley, Attorney at Law
We Reced. yours of the 18 Inst & in answer thereto we find Mr Wood made application to us before he gave answer to the Citation at the Court of Durham, & we also find we gave him reason to hope the Hospitall would Support him in it, nay we find a Petition was laid before the board by Mr Wood before we were appointed Receivers.
Upon Mr Woods application to us we laid the Affair before the Board &
Ravensworth Castle Nov. 24 1738
To Mr John Maule at Greenwich
Dear Sr
We have not sent our last Quarterly Contingent Accot. expecting you would have desired Mr Willock to have sent it us first as you did for the last Quarter, which is the reason we have not yet sent it. Please therefore to give us a sketch of it.
We hope you now & then put the auditor in mind of our Accot. it’s a long time since it was settled and its now within a little time of this years accot. comming to hi
Ravensworth Castle Nov. 28. 1738
To Mr Wood at Greenwich
Dr Sir
I had the favours of yours with Mr Samuel Arthurs bill on Sam Philips dated 3 Nov Inst for fifteen pounds Inclosed & Yesterday I sent a Messenger on Purpose to Mr Arthur; who tells me he has had a Letter from Mr Phillips & that he has wrote to him again about the paymt.of the bill from which he apprehends it will Certainly be payd. I have therefore herein returned you it, & hope you will have no other tro
Ravensworth Castle Dec. 1. 1738
To Mr Wm Corbett Esqr
We were favoured with yours of the 21 Novr. Inst with the Boards Minutes of that date whereby we Observe the Colonels & Doctor Lowthers Lease of the Lead mines was that day Executed, which we are very glad to hear and hope the Leases of the tenants will soon follow.
Inclosed we send you our Quarterly Accot. of Contingent payments Ending last Michaelmas which we desire you will be pleased to lay before the Board for
Ravensworth Castle Dec. 1. 1738
To Mr James Wood
Mr Arthur was with us yesterday acquainting us that his bill on Wm Fisher dated the 4th Ult and payable at 20 days will not be paid, for which reason have above drawn on Mr Shutt for Seventy One pound five shillings the value thereof payable to you at ten days dat, which will be paid punctually, pray returne us Arthurs bill for £71-5- and acknowledge the above in Lieu thereof. Our complements attend your familly and all f
Ravensworth Castle Dec.3. 1738
To Mr Wm Radley
Dear Sir
As the Collonels Lead Mine Lease is now Executed, we hope will open a way for the poor Tennants Leases soon to follow. They have been in great agonie about them and many never expect to see one in this part of the world. However as we hope they will soon be convinced to the contrary, we think proper to order for their dispatch, to lay before you the following proposal, whereby we hope, the greatest dispatch will be made, &am
Ravensworth Castle Dec. 3. 1738
To Mr Horne
Dr Sir
Inclosed herein we send you a Coppy of our Letter to Mr Radley of this date, in which you being equally concerned, we desire you will consider it jointly with him & lett us know your thoughts thereon, & as you see occasion we hope you’ll make use of your friends at the Board in what appears of the mutuall benefit.
We have now prepared a Draught of the Lead Mine Lease to send our friend in Scotland for the usual, a Co
Ravensworth Castle Dec. 3. 1738
To Wm Corbett Esq.
Inclosed herein we send you our Cash Accot. for last Month, on which remins a Balance of Seventy pounds Nineteen shillings & sixpence halfpenny in favour of the Hospitall.
As the Collonels Lead Mine Lease is now out of the way we should be glad to have the pleasure of seeing the Tennants Leases putt forward as the great number of them will take up a good deale of time & we are, Sir Yours &c
Walton &
Ravensworth Castle Dec 3rd 1738
To George Liddell Esq
Hond. Sir
In answer to yours of the 26th Inst we yesterday waited upon Mr Airey and acquainted him with what you wrote, relating the severall ways proposed for dispatching the Tenants Leases on the Derwentwater Estate for as he is not only a judge of any Inconveniences that might Attend some of the Methods proposed, but in expectation of having a Share of the profits we thought it very proper to have his advise.
It is quite
Ravensworth Castle Dec.8. 1738
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Inclosed we send you a Draught of the Intended Lease of the Lead Mine in Scotland, which was proposed to you to be concerned in wth Mr Horne and us. It is sent to the Gent[lema]n who ha shad the Transacon of the Affair. The Lease is drawn in as favourable a manner as possible as we think for us as Lessees, but if any thing is of your opinion otherwise pray lett us know by returne of the post that we may acquaint the Gentn. the
To Mr Matthew Milburn at High Green in Wark Manour
The original sent the 16th Dec 1738
Mr Milbourn
The Comm[issioner]s of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich having had several Complaints of several Trespasses & Violences by you & your Accomplices Committed and of great damage thereby done to the Colliery called Tarret Burn of highgreen & Blackburn in the parish of Simonburn in Northumberland, now in the possession of & worked by James Dodds of Smiddiwell Ri