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Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 5 Feb 1676

Ditto Mr Walter Chaytor Sr I have not writt you this Long time for want to occatione this is Chiefly to advise you that I have this day shiped and Consigned unto you by the Jno of Newcastle Jno Vaughten m[aste]r 400 p[iece]s Leed which after Good arrivall be pleased to receive and dispose thereof for my most advantidge paying the m[aste]r 10 <stuyvers> p[er] p<.> freight with a <stuyver> upon a Gilder for primidge & Averidge next post God willing I shall send you a b

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 5 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 5th 1675/6 Mr Ed: Willett Sr I have before me yours of the 2<0> past & 4 present which I shall answer In short but I must tell you that by your latter I do so much thinke my selfe Obliedged unto you that all the Barrs in England shall never make me make use of Legendre the coppy of which letter pray peruse at your leisure and take a fools advice have a care how you write the same to others in this place for it may be you may be trappand by there Servants but I shall

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 5 Feb 1676

Ditto Sr Since my last of the 4th present p[er] yesterdayes post have none from you so the lesse to Inlarge upon this serveing Chiefly for Covert to the Inclosed affedavitt which Cost me in all 7s & the postidge of your letter 6d in the whole 7s 6d w[hi]ch I have placed to your Debitt Sr as I writt you in my last I am totally at your Devotione and will remaine so while I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 5 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 5th 1765/6 Mr Hen Nelthorpe Sr I have at present only to advise you that this day I have Charged upon you £100 payable 8/d[ays] sight to Mr Robt <.eaglemar> or order valew of Mr Nicho: fenwicke w[hi]ch pray let be discharged. Sr if any do remitt you any money from some port In the W Coast by the order of one Mr Wm Leck pray take notice tis upon my owne acct or if he come to London he will pay you the money himselfe which I suppose will be aboute £4: or £500: -: - at

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Willett – 8 Feb 1676

Mr Ed Willett Ditto Sr Since mine of the 5th present have received yours of the 7 Ditto the Contents have well observed but I wonder w[ha]t needs so many Complyments betwixt you and me if I were not satisfied with youre ability & honnesty do you thinke I would Imploy you In short I am so well Satisfied therewith that I desire none of your friends to give me any Security of w[ha]t I shall trust in youre hands and for the remainder of all youre Complements I shall answer them with Silenc

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 8 Feb 1676

Ditto Mr Ed: Allen Sr I have s[ol]d all your pease but there is some Little mistake betwixt my miller and I about the <..> of the quantity so I cannot possiblely send you an exact acct till next post at which time God willing you shall have it in the meane time if you have drawne any money upon me upon acct thereof your Bills shall be Honn[oure]d and in answer to this let me have your Last ord[er] whether I shall remitt you the neet proceed or that you will draw it upon me I will Cou

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 8 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb the 8th 1675/6 Mr Humphray Willet & compa[ny] Sr I have before me yours of the 3rd present with 2 Inclosures the one is from your Bro: Ed: to my selfe the is other is I suppose from you my Bro: Davisson which I have <..> according to your desire butt pray Sr let me be so free with you as to tell you that I do nott understand your writeing at all when you say you will readily be responsable for your Bro: Ed: In that he shall alwayes alwayes render me a true & a f

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 8 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 8 1675/6 Sr The above is Coppy of my last to w[hi]ch refers you since none from you soe the less to Inlarge upon this serving onely to Accompeny the beare[r] hereof Mr Will Laike m[aste]r of the owners love of Newcastle the vessell w[hi]ch I have fr[e]ighted, I cannot tell whether he would bring you any goods or nott, if he doe pray dispose thereof to my most advantage and Load the vessell w[i]th all Expedission w[i]th the best and <Roundest> salt such as you know is mos

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Horsham – 8 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb the 8 1675/6 Mr Jno Horsham Sr My last is what I wrote you this morning by m[aste]r Wm Leck who I hope may be with you so soone as this God sending him to arrive well at your port what Coale you take out of him be pleased to dispose thereof so soone as you can and remitt the neett proceed as formerly desired pray assist the m[aste]r and order it soe I may save if possible the Charge of Ballast about w[hi]ch businesse I can say no more then I have done do wholly Leave it to yo

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Horsham – 8 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 8 1675/6 Mr John Horsham Sr Of late I have not any from you soe the lesse <to> Inlarge upon this being Ch[i]efly to accompeny the bearer hereof Mr Will Laike m[aste]r of the owners Love of Newcastle In whome I have Loaden And Consigned unto you 87 Chalder of Coales this <meas…> w[hi]ch after good arrivall be pleased to <reaceivd> <……> and dispose thereof for my most advantadge the m[aste]r <…> pay noe Charges w[ha]tsoever w[hi]ch makes m

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 8 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 8th 1675/6 Mr Jno Strother I have writt you severall letters all w[hi]ch I hope come to yout han<d> In due time to this day not any from you soe the last [less] to Inl[a]rge upon this serveing onely to accompeny the bearer thereof Mr Will laike <..> of the owners love of newcastle you have had now by severall of my formers how that I have fr<egt..> him soe shall nott Inlarge upon that particular the goods desired are me[n]tioned above w[hi]ch I hope he will f

Letter – John Rushworth to William Blackett – 8 Feb 1676

London Feb 8th 1675 Yesterday wee did expect a full relation of the Ingagement at Sea between the Dutch and the French but the post that came to Court on Sunday brought noe Confirmation of that Ingagement but divers of our Merchants have letters from severall Ports in Italy confirming the Victory over the French now doubt but by the next post you will have the particulars. The 17th of this month if the Dutchess of Clevelands appointment hold she begins her journey for Fr

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 10 Feb 1676

Feb the 10th Mr Ed: Allen Sr Inclosed you have the acct of youre pease Ballance is £89: 5: 2d what I disbursed for port of Letters shall place it all to the beanes acct which I perceive you have a mind to Let lye 2 or 3/m[onths] Longer your order aboute the same shall alwayes be observed As for the remitting of your money I shall Begg youre excuse till I receive answer to mine of the 8th present for I would willingly have you to draw it upon me because the Losse is Intollerable – I hop

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Turfrey – 15 Feb 1676

Ditto Mr Geo Turfrey Sr I have before me yours of the 10 present Robt porter shall be furnished with what moneys he desires not doubting but you will Comply with my Bill for the valew Though you write me not a word of it as alsoe for w[hi]ch more I shall at any time pay to any other m[aste]r by your order but I would Gladly have an agrement betwixt us aboute my Commission as I tould you I will be very Reasonable: for w[ha]t you thinke convenient to allow me shall satisfie MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Nelthorpe – 15 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 15th 1675/6 Mr Hen: Nelthorpe Sr there is some merchants in this towne whose friends in London hath mett with the Convenience of drawing Severall Summes of money upon them gratis I wish you could do the like & Charge upon me till I gave order to the Contrary £2: £3: or £400 at a time it would be something in my pockett I have a vessell Sailed which Intends for the west burthen aboute 100 Last so that I hope shortly either the m[aste]r Wm Leck by name or m[aste]r Jno H

Letter – Michael Blackett to Anthony Allaire – 18 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb 18th 1675/6 Mr Antho: Allaire Sr My last to you was of the 8th present of w[hi]ch I writt you by m[aste]r Wm Leck who sailed Saturday last 12 present so I hope he may be with you as soone as this & I questione not but he will find his Loading ready for his takeing in and that it will be of the very best and Roundest Salt and the most fitt sort for Stockholme markett which I leave wholly to your discretione as alsoe the disposall of w[ha]t Goods he Brings unto you w[ha]t t

Letter – Michael Blackett to Samuel Sowton – 18 Feb 1676

Ditto Mr Sam: Sowton Sr To this day I have not heard one word from mr Jno Strother so that I am affraid he is on his way for England pray write me a line or two in answer to this and advise me withall youre thoughts or that whether he is or is not that soe if he be I may In time I may In time write to another to Care of my Businesse for my vessell is saild & the time Consequently will not admitt of any delay by writeing 2 lines in answer to this as is above desired you would very much

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Strother – 18 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb the 18th Mr Jno Strother Sr My last to you was of the 8th present by m[aste]r Wm Leck and not haveing any of yours will cause Brevity I have already by my formers writt you so much at large that In short I can say no more unto you for I questione not but all my desires will punctually Complyed withall both In disposeing of my Salt upon arrivall & chargeing so much the Lesse at the neete proceed thereof upon my friend at Hamb[urg] towards the reloading of the sd vessell as

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 18 Feb 1676

Ditto Mr Ed: Allen Sr I have before me yours of the 12 present the Contents have well observed I hope ere this you have received the acct of youre pease so shall dayly expect youre order aboute remitting the neete proceed thereof if you could draw it upon me it would do admirable well for you order me to remitt it I se[e] no probabil[it]y of procureing a Bill under 2p[er]% at least as p[e]r your <Graine> Indeed I thinke no greaine will turne to acct with us this next summer this is m

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 18 Feb 1676

Newcastle feb the 18th Sr My last to you was of the 4th present to which refers you Since none from you so the Lesse to Inlarge upon that being Ch[i]efly to Confirme my former and to desire you to forward the Inclosed according to the Superscriptione thereof and withall to second your former with the same unto sd Strother not doubting but you will Comply with what is desired you knowing as you are in disburse how to Reimburse your Selfe and you may be satisfied my Bro: Davisson would recomme

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Standsfield – 18 Feb 1676

Ditto Honored Sr By yours of the 10th Jan: which I presume should be feb: I take notice of youre Huffing at mine of the primo present deeming my proposall to you In that Letter unreasonable w[hi]ch none surely but your selfe would thinke so for me to buy you In Goods with ready money at your desire and to be thus rewarded for my disburse I thinke in my opinion is not merchant Like to tell me when I desire my owne that I am Severe & Rigid with you w[ha[t I desired in my sd Letter I still

Letter – Michael Blackett to John Hall – 18 Feb 1676

Ditto Sr Upon the Recommendatione of my Couz Wm Blackett I make bould to write you these few Lines desireing you to peruse Seale & deliver the Inclosed unto Sr James Standsfield and demand of him upon my acct £148: 6: 8d there is dew to me £2: 17: 4d more but let him give you w[ha]t p[ar]t of that he pleases if none I must be Content if he Give you Bills for the same payable Either here or at London be pleased to receive and forward them unto me but if he offer to pay you in money then

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 19 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb: 19: 1675/6 Mr Nicho Verlaen Sir My last unto you was of the 5th of Feb To w[hi]ch I referr you since I have <received> yours of the 18th present by w[hi]ch I take notice of the Sale of <50> peeces of Lead att 24 ¼ <s> w[hi]ch price I like not at all but doe Submitt to w[ha]t you doe & am content therew[i]th, Though I wish it were att Rotterdam where it gives above 25 <s> w[ha]t the Reason is that Rotterdam Markett should soe farr overeach yours

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Burkin – 19 Feb 1676

Newcastle 19th Feb 1675/6 Mr James Burkin Sir I am soe ambitious of your Comands & soe ready to observe them that immediately after Receipt of your letter I gott thee needfull subpeena served upon the p[er]son mentioned according to your order <…..> sent your Affidavitt thereof In due time, Now Sir in requitall thereof if you would please to advise mee p[er] first opp[er]tunity (if you can Enquire it out) where Matth Bulmer the Plaintiff is or may be found, you would very much

Letter – Michael Blackett to Walter Chaytor – 19 Feb 1676

Newcastle Feb 19th 1675/6 Mr Walter Chaytor I have not writt to you this longe time for want of occasion that is cheifely to advise you that I have this day shipped & conveyed unto you by the Jno of Newcastle Jno Vahan [Vaughan] M[aste]r 400 peeces of Lead w[hi]ch after good arrivall be pleased to Receive & dispose thereof for my most advantage paying the Ma[ster] 10 <….> p[er] peece freight with a St[uyver] upon a Gilder for primadge & averidge next post God willing I sh
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467