Ravensworth Castle Dec.12th 1738
To Wm Corbett Esqr London
We recd yours last post wth the Boards Minutes of the 6th of Decemb Inst wch we Duly Observe & in such pticulars as answers are required we will give our answer as farr as we can next post we hope you will excuse it this post as we cannot doe it for want of time.
Mr Wharton the Undersherrif for the County of Northumberland writes us he has orders to levy upon the Goods of Mr Blackett for <an> arrear of th
Ravensworth Castle Decemr.12. 1738
To Mr Wharton Attorney at Law in Newcastle
The Arrear of Rent due from Mr Blackett at Martinmas 1734 was return’d to the Comm[issioners} of Greenwich Hospitall by the late Rec[eive]rs amongst severall other arrears, a Schedule whereof was sent to us, in order that we might receive them, & pursuant to the order we had, Mr Blacketts arrear was demanded by us, of Mr Ellis who pay’d it by our direction to Mr Bunting our Bailiff & he
Ravensworth Castle 15 Decemr 1738
To Wm Corbett Esqr
We Reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 6th Instant which we duely observe, but Scremmerston Colliery lying at so great a distance cannot this post acquaint you with the occasion of her being sett on Fire: we have wrote to be informed of it, and as soon as we can will lett you know.
We do not find by any Copy of Letter or other Memorandum that we acquainted Mr Thompson with the postscript of the secretarys Letter
Ravensworth Castle 15 December 1738
Mr Rutherford
We desire that you will enquire of some of the oldest and most judicious men in and about Scremmerston at what time and by what means or accident Scremmerston Colliery was first sett on Fire and how long it is since and lett us know by the return of the post or as soon as you can. Pray be very particular.
If your men should want work for some time the Colliery must be Saved from Burning if possible, so we hope you have used the me
Ravensworth Castle Decemr 15th: 1738
To George Liddell Esqr
Honrd Sir,
We reced Yours of the 6th Inst and are sorry to find you have so much Trouble about the Survey of the Derwentwater Estate, with regard to the Gratification for Isaac Thompson, as he had not the Benefitt by Surveying the Commons.
We have gone thro’ all that has been said about it to us and the Letters we have wrote to the Board & cannot find we had any Direction to make the Agreement with Mr Thompson,
Ravensworth Castle Decemr 25th 1738
To Mr Ra. Wood at Rivergreen near Morpeth
Mr Wood
We Desire & shall be glad if you will gett us your Bill of Costs, Inc[urre]d in the Cause Moore against Wood, we hope that you will lose no time in this because it may be in our power now to Assist you in it.
Which part of the Costs you doe not know it will , we hope be worth your while to Stir about & gett them, so as they may all be putt together. Mr Everinghams Charge should be in
1738 Dec 28 Recd of James Vernon Esq fifty Two Shillg in full for fees due
Edw Stanley
fileing Warners <Sure[ty]> 6 8
fileling Lre of Attorney 6 8
Fee on Admission 6 8
Entrd on the Role 6 8
<parl...> and duty 6 6 < 2Stamps>
<Fealty> 2 6
Fee on <Sure> to the Uses of the <Will> 6 8
Entry on the Role
Ravensworth Castle Decemr 19 1738
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Mr John Wake a Common brewer in Newcastle and of of [sic] good Repute has proposed to us to take Dilston House on Lease for 21 Years at £10 per Ann where he proposes setting up a Common Brewery & would by the two Coppers and other brewing [Implements] which are now a Dead Stock upon the Hospitals hands. He has given us an offer to be P[ar]tners with him in the undertaking which we have agreed to Accept of provid
Ravensworth Castle Janry 16 1738/9
To Mr Rich Horne
Dear Sr
We recd your kind favour of the 11th Jnry with the Boards minutes of the 10th Also We are extreamly oblidged to you for your kind intimation and caution relating what Happned about Dilson [sic] House and we intend to Observe it during the time we shall have the Honour of being concernd for the Derwentwater Estate.
Neither the Gentleman who proposed nor we intended to use the Hall as a brewery, only to use
Ravensworth Castle Janry 21 : 1738/9
To Wm Corbett Esqr
Inclosed we send you our cash accot ending the 31 December last when there remaind a balance of £292.19.8½ in favour of the Hospital, and as we are prepairing the Gen[eral] Abstract for the whole year we hope to be able to send it soon as usuall, in order that it may be settled accordingly.
We reced the Boards Minutes of the 10th January Instant which we duely observe and beg leave to acquaint the Board, that it
Ravs. Castle Janry 21 . 1738/9
To Wm Corbett Esqr
We reced yours of the 30 Decembr. last when we were going abroad, and since we came home, have been so Engaged that we realy could not answer sooner, we likewise reced yours of the 13th janry instant in due course, and are much obliged to you as we are to Mr Horne for the Hint you give us in relation to Dilston Hall, we have never yet been concernd in the most Minute Article under the Hospital nor you may be assured we never
Ravs. Castle Janry 21 . 1738/9
To Mr James Wood
Your Letter of the 29 of December last came to hand in course with Mr Saml. Arthurs Bill on Samuel Phillips inclosed for £15, in lieu of which as above you have a Bill for the value on demand wch we are sory you had not before, but when your letter came to hand it chanced that we were going abroad and so it slipt our memory which we hope you will excuse.
This day Mr Boag writes to Colonel Liddell to desire him t
Ravs. Castle Janry 21 . 1738/9
To James Hunter Esqr
We hope before this time our last Accot. is passed and should be glad to hear that it was. We have desired Mr Benj. Shutt to wait on you and pay you the £18.18 due upon the passing that Accot. and we have taken the liberty to charge it in our last Months accot. of Csh Ending 31 December 1738 tho’ you was not then realy paid so as it might fall within the Accot. for last year.
We are Sir Yr &c N.W. , H.
Ravens. Castle Janry 21 . 1738/9
To Mr Maule
Dear Sir
We were favoured with yours of the 11th Janry Inst in due course and are sory to hear our Quietus is not yett obtained, but as you are so kind as repeat your good offices in that affair, we Doubt not but you will get it for us in the time Mr Hunter mentions. when it is Compleat if you would be so good as acquaint Mr Benja. Skut in Kings Street St Anns London by giving him two Lines he will wait upon you or Mr Hunter for it
Ravensworth Castle Janry 21 . 1738/9
To Mr James Willock
Dr Sir
We had the favour of yours of the 13th Inst in due course and we had one from Mr Maule the post before to which we have given answer this day.
A Rental is now prepairing and will be sent you as soon as it is finished, and as you advise it will be proper to leave out Grindon Slate Quarry, Tho’ we do Expect the arrear will be all paid. We have wrote to Mr Maule that we are prepairing the Abstract of our Accot.
Ravensworth Castle Janry 21 . 1738/9
To Mr Benja Shutt
Dr Sir
I have this day drawn upon you three Bills undermentioned for the value of which have accounted to Sir hen: Liddell Bart. Here therefore Charge them to his accot. viz
One bill dated this day payable to Mr James Wood for £15 at 10 days date £15
One bill dated this day payable to Mr John Maule for 10 Guineas on Demand £10.10
One Bill dated this day payable to Mr James Willock for 5 Guineas on demand Â
Rav. Castle Janry 27th . 1738/9
To Mr Jno Maule
We reced. yours of the 20 inst but yesterday and are sorry our Cash Accot. for Decer. Last was not sooner sent as it is so wanted, we did what we could to gather in all the Money profits within the old year which helped to Delay it.
We sent it from this place the 21 Inst. as also the Quarters accot of Ore raised Ending the 31 Decer. 1738 and an Abstract of the whole year; and we reckon they would be wth Mr Corbett the 24 I
Ravensworth Castle Febry 11. 1738/9
To Wm Corbett Esqr
We Reced yours with the Boards Minutes of the 31 January last, wch shall be duly Observed; The Colliery at Scremmerston has been this week View’d by Mr Boag and an Experienced Viewer sent from this place, but not having had time to Consider it fully we cannot send you a report thereof before next Post, when you will receive it with a Computation of the Expence of the new Levell.
Mr Armorer has about twelve Acres of
Ravensworth Castle Febry 11 . 1738/9
To Mr Joseph Pearson
Mr Person [sic]
Yours of the 18 January last came in Course to this place but in the hurry of business was omitted answering.
As to Phineas Mark Goods, they must to be sure be sold to the best advantage in which you can want no directions as you had a direction to doe everything which appears most for the Hospitalls advantage, wch you must pursue.
The lands late in the Poss[ess]ion of Gawen Moen Pre
Ravensworth Castle Febry 11 . 1738/9
To Mr Chris. Dobson
We reced yours of the 30 january last & are in as much Concern as you can Imagine, in the disappointment we mett with, by not meeting you at Hartside Fell, in order to Settle the differences between you & us relating the Boundary of Hartside Colliery, but you may be assured of our attending you as soon as the Weather will permit which we hope may be in March next, in our way to Keswick, therefore in the meant
Ravensworth Castle Febry 13th . 1738/9
To Wm Corbett Esqr, London
In Obedience to the Boards order of the 31st Janry last we have viewed Scremerston Collry again & in order that we might be safe in the view, and give the Board the utmost satisfaction we possibly can, have Employed Mr James Burns an Able Viewer, to view along with us the said Colliery & give his Opinion & a sketch & a Computation of bringing up the said Levell.
The Breadth that will be W
Ravensworth Castle Febry 15th . 1738/9
To Mr A Bunting at Hexham
Mr Bunting
We have Considerd the affaire Relating the Copper at Dilston wch Mr Midford offers to buy & have also Considered abt. its value & upon the whole we come to a Resolution to take no less of him than 1s3d per pound & we hope that it will be Cheaper to him at that price than any new one he can buy any where.
We have Inclosed the Note of the things Mr Busby gave to us for wch Houshold Goods h
Ravensworth Castle . 23d Febry. 1738/9
To Wm. Corbett Esqr, London
Inclosed is the acct of Bricks & Tyles made & sold at Dilston &c for the Last Year Endg the 31st Decemb.:1738 by wch it appears there is a Gain to the Hospital of £102.4.2d. Inclosed is also John Skins accot. for making Bricks & Tyles for the Last Year Ending at the same time by wch there is a Ballance due to him for the Years worke of £13.6.8 ½ both which we hope the Board will approve o
Ravensworth Castle 23d. Febry . 1738/9
To Mr James Willock at Greenwich
Dear Sr
We recd yours of the 13th Inst. for wch we thank you & observe what you mention abt. Laidler & Forster Allow.ce of £15.16.6 being left out of the Contingent acct. wch we are sorry for but we have wrote this day & laid it before the Board for their Confirmation.
We thought that the <wr> had been sett right at or before signing the Rentals, we hope that Mr Hunter will take no Adv
Ravensworth Castle Febry 23d 1738/9
To Mr Willim Radley at Greenwich
According as you Desired we send you Inclosed Mr Woods Bill for Law Charges in the cause Wood against Moor wch we hope you will lay before the Board, and we hope Also that they will Allow him what it Realy Cost him as he was Desired to Defend the Suit.
We are sorry that we could not gett it sooner to send you we gave early Notice to him to gett us the Bills but as you may seeby it either Mr Warringham