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Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. April 1739 To Mr Jams. Wood Sir Inclosed I send you seven Bills on accot. of the Derwentwater Estate Amounting to Twelve hundred pounds as follows viz. Mr Benja. Greives dated 13 Inst pyable to myself or order at 24 days on Mr John & Thomas Simpson &c for £460 Mr Wm. Stows dated 11th Inst payable to Mr Saml <Ancrum> or order at 20 days on Mr Wm. Heron £20 Do’s Dated the 14th Instant payable

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. April 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr I recd the Boards Minutes of the 14th Inst and Observe the Contents thereof. I have recd this Month from Sev.l Ten[an]ts of the Derwentwater Estate about £2400 – and this day sent Mr James Wood Deputy Treasurer of the Hospital Bills for £1200 – for the use of the said Hospital, and shall send more as soon as I can gett Bills. I am Sr, Your very Hble Servt Hugh Boag PS I hope you will forward the Tena

Letter – Hugh Boag to Nicholas Walton – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. Apr. 1739 To Mr Nich. Walton Dr Sir I have Sent Mr Wood this Day Bills for £1200 – as you will see by the Copy of mine to the Board of this day. Inclosed Also a Copy of a Memorandum I have made of Mr Salters Progress in his Assaye, which are very poor, he can make no Lead, I think of any thing, we are Going to Try to Smelt in the Furnace this day our selves but am afraid the Experiment will be too late to lett you know this post. I recd yours with the Board

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Pollock – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. April 1739 To Mr John Paltock Sr I have this Day sent a Bill to Mr Walton my Partner for the Interest due to the Heirs of Doctor Chamberlain due ladyday last, and I hope he will waite of you in a day or two and Transact that Matter with you in Person. I am Sr Yr hble Servt Hugh Boag

Letter – Hugh Boag to Abraham Bunting – 21 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 21. April 1739 To Mr Bunting I Desire you may give it out and Publish it in the Barony that whosoever takes any Coales of Mr Teasdale and Mr Westgarth shall not nor need not Expect any favour of the Hospital or us and I Desire you will give us a List of their Names. These two men are Robing the Hospital of their Coales. I have recd. the Horse and I think him a Dear Pennyworth and I am afraid the Gentleman will think he is both too old and little, but I shall be Silent now

Letter – Hugh Boag to Shaftoe Downs – 21 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 21. April 1739 To Mr Shaftoe Downs Dear Sir I recd Yours Relating Matthew Brown. I Doe Remember when I Raggd him and told him that you would Sell your Coales as Cheap as any, but then I also doe Remember that I took it to be such as was fitt fa [sic] Lime Burned or you Sold others at 2 ½ d but I know nothing abt. Saying he might goe where he pleased, that is Notorious. As to Animating the Tenants we Joyntly wrote Mathew Brown and gave it under hand that if he did n

Letter – Hugh Boag to Thomas Simpson – 1 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle May 1st. 1739 To Mr Thos Simpson Sir Inclosed is the Attorney Generalls opinion about Keswick Fines &c, I mean a Copy of it, for your perusall, I have also sent a Copy of it to Mr King who I have desired may Waite of you to Consider the properest time for keeping a Court as we have noe Orders. You & he will Consider whether it is proper to keep a Court Leet at the first, if it is proper, the Courts I presume will be within a Month of Easter and if y

Letter – Hugh Boag to James King – 1 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle May 1st. 1739 To Mr Jas King, atto. at Law Sir Inclosed is a Copy of the Att. Generals opinion as to Keswick fines for your perusall, and as we have now Orders to keep a Court I desire you will prepare & doe what is necessary for holding one, as I thought you might not be acquainted with the nature & Customs of this Court at first, I desire that you will Wait upon Mr Simpson (to whom I sent another Copy) & Consult with him of the proper time, &

Letter – Hugh Boag to Joseph Pearson – 1 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle 1st May 1739 To Mr Joseph Pearson in Keswk Mr Pearson I have recd the Attorney Generalls Opinion upon the fines with Order for keeping Courts. I have wrote this day & sent a Copy to Mr Simpson and Mr King from whom you will soon hear I hope. The Atto. Generall is of opinion that there is a fine due upon the Death of the late beheaded Lord. I hope to see you soon pray my Service o Mr Grave. I am Yours &c Hugh Boag Mr Walton has not gott from Lo

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 11 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle 11th May 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir Inclosed is 4 Affidavits made by four Severall persons in relation to the Dispute likely to happen between Mr Blackett & the Hospital, about high Stublock Colliery, as also an Eye Map of the Colliery & Common in dispute for the Boards better Information. The Affidavits are Originals, and therefore Care shoud be taken of them as they will be wanted if there is a Tryal; Mr Blacketts Lessees are working now in the Grou

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 13 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle 13th May 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Inclosed is a fyfth Affidavit about the rights the Hospitall have to high Stublock Colliery for the Boards further Information. Yesternight ended the Commission about Ra. Redhead the late Bayliff. They have Examined 67 Witnesses on the Hospitalls Side ag[ains]t him, & he has not had one Witness Examined on his Side but Mr Aynesley. The Witnesses against him I believe have Come up to what they said upon the Enquiry, &a

Letter – Hugh Boag to James King – 13 May 1739

Ravs. Castle 13th May 1739 To Mr Jno. King Attorney at law at Brampton near Carlisle Cumberland By B <Boldeye> Mr King Sir I reced. yours of the 7 Inst & I am very Glad you have advised with Mr Simpson & that you have putt the Courts to a long a day as the 30 May – I or Mr Walton will attend or perhaps both. I have given Mr Thompson the admittances to gett printed – 5 Dozen I intend. Would it not be well for you to come down to Hexham to Mr Bunting, who

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Benjamin Skutt – 18 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle May 18. 1739 To Mr Ben Skutt Dear Sir, Inclosed I send you three bills amounting to nine hundred and seventy Pounds upon Mr Boags & my Accot. & I desire you will pay them to Mr Mannock Strickland, with Twenty Pounds in Cash in full of one Years Interest on Twenty Thousand Pounds due to Lord Peters out of the Derwentwater estate at Ladyday last. You will please to charge the £20 in Sir Henry Liddells Accot. as paid on Mr Boags Accot. and mine. Inclosed y

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 18 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle May 18. 1739 To Mr Maule Dr Sir Yours of the 10th of May Inst is now before me in which I observe you have again Spoke to Mr Hunter in relation to the manner in which he proposes to have the Accot. for last year made out, & I find he is still desirous of having the Arrears Incerted upon the face of the Accot. – I must Confess I cannot see what end it will answer, or of what use it will be, as a list of Arrears woud Answer the same end Separate; however

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 18 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle May 18. 1739 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir I have Inclosed sent you a Certificate shewing what money was remitted you in the last year out of the Rents & Profitts of the Derwentwater Estate, but I find I cannot Certifie that the £1000 was not reced. by you till January as the Bills which make it up were all due before that time – Mr Maule must I apprehend be able to give you such a Certificate as you want to shew that the £1000 was not reced. till januar

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 25 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle May 25: 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr Inclosed we send you our Cash accot. for last Month, on which there Remains a Ballance of £1023. 7. - ¼ in favour of the Hospital. We have since remitted £1000 to pay Lord Peter’s his Interest due at Lady day last. The Court Baron is appointed to be held at Keswick the 30th of this Month for Admitting the Tenants, as Tenants to his Majesty, and we propose both to attend to receive the Arrears of Rents and Fines. At

Letter – Hugh Boag to Leck – 27 May 1739

Ravensworth Castle 27th May 1739 To Mr R<Leck> Attorney at Law, Morpeth Sir I have Examined James Stewatts Accot. & find it just as I gave it you & there was as follows viz. From Mart[inma]s 1734 being the time we Comenced Rec. to Mayday 1736 the time we left it was one year & a halfe at £4 A year £6 Deduct arrears <Jan.y> 19th 1735/6 as by <R.eceivers> 2 Remaine £4

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 Jun 1739

Rav Castle June 8. 1739 To William Corbett Esqr Sir We acquainted you the 25 May last that the Court Barron was to be holden at keswick the 30th of that Mo. for admitting the Customary Ten.ts at wch place we attended & found the Tennants much averse to the paymt. of a generall fine having fee’d a Councell to attend on their behalf wch made the busyness very troublesome. This we were appriz’d of & in order that we might be prepared to make a defence we took Mr Simpson wit

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Cockburn – 12 Jun 1739

Rav Castle 12th June. 1739 To Doctor Cockburn Sir I have this day drawn on you for £9.9 – payable to Mr Benja. Skutt one Month after date for what I pd for the Gelding I sent you. I hope he proves well. I shall be sorry if he does not. I am suspicious he does not please you as I have not heard from you, since you reced. him, however I hope to hear. I did as much as I could to get him for the £9.9. Mr Walton got safe down abt a month since and desires his Sincere Complemn

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 15 Jun 1739

Ravensworth Castle June 15th. 1739 To Wm Corbett esqr London Sir Inclosed herein I send you our Cash Accot. for last Month. in wch there is a Ball. in our hands amounting toe one hundred & Fifty Pounds three shillings and sixpence three farthings for wch we are accountable to the Hospital. The Blank Leases & those signed by the General Court are not yet come to our hands, but we have wth Dificulty found out where they are the Carryer having left them at Durham instea

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Watson – 16 Jun 1739

Ravensworth Castle June 16th. 1739 To Thos. Watson esqr at Greendon Rigg Sir We recd. yours this day dated 12th Inst. in favour of Mr R Anderson who we are very ready to Oblige in any thing where we reasonably can & know it in our power, not only at your Request but upon his own acct. The Estate at Scremerston was Lett in London & according to the Agreemt. everyone must Enjoy, unless it is by a private agreemt. amongst the Tennants now as this Agreemt. wth. the Tents

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 19 Jun 1739

Ravensworth Castle June 19th. 1739 Dr Sir We have recd. all the Leases which were Sign’d at the last General & the Counterparts filled up, but we observe the words relating to the Tennants grinding their Con at Woodhall Mills is not taken out of those which lye at great distance from it as was agreed upon. Such of them as are so Circumstanced as to lye without the Barrony of Langley or Manour of Wark will never Sign a Lease wth that Covenant, therefore it must be taken out

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 Jun 1739

Ravensworth Castle June 22d. 1739 To Wm. Corbett Esqr Pay Office Sir Inclosed herein we send you agreements we have made with Several Workmen, Amounting in the whole to two Thousand & Ninety two pounds three shillings & Eightpence for repairing Housing and new building Housing on the Derwentwater estate, which we hope the Board will Approve of. This work will be all Finished this Sum.r & is the Bulk of the Repairs to be yet done on the estate. We have recd. the f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 22 Jun 1739

Ravensworth Castle June 22d. 1739 To Mr Jno. Maul, at Greenwich Dear Sir We rced Yours of the 16 Inst by last post & the Copy of the Survey along with it, and we will acquaint the Board of our Receiving it &c We are sorry for the Loss of poor Mr Willock your Clerk & wish sincerely (if it had pleas’d God) he ha liv’d for he seem’s to understand your Business well, we are glad you have gott one & hope by his Application &c he will Answer your purpose

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 29 Jun 1739

Ravensworth Castle June 29 1739 Mr Wm Radley Sir We Reced. yours of the 25d Inst. last post, by which we observe the Boards directions in regard to the Leases which have been omitted <....> in the Covenant relating to Wood Hall Mills before they were signed by the generall Court – The Tennants will have a great objection to the Commission[er]s part having that Covenant, alltho’ if it is Eraised in their own before Execution wee cannot see they are Suferers or can be
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467