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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Matthew Brown – 24 Feb 1739

Ravensworth Castle Febry 24 . 1738/9 To Mr Matthew Brown Your behaviour in relation to high Stublock Colliery, now in dispute between us & Mr Blackett, has been such as deserved a Pticular Resentment, and as you continue your behaviour in encourageing the Incroachers upon the Derwentwater Liberty, You cannot expect other than a Resentment from us. You are therefore hereby acquainted that as You agreed with us Verbally for Langley Castle Farme, or Your Share of it, You are to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Shaftoe Downs – 25 Feb 1739

Ravensworth Castle Febry 25th 1738/9 To Mr Shaftoe Downs in Hexham Dr Sirs We reced. Yours with your Abstract of the Assignment of the Lease of high Stublock Colliery, as also yours with the Coppy of the said Assignment, in which we Observe your care, for which all proper acknowledgements shall be made, & in the mean time you have our sincere and hearty thanks. We were yesterday with Mr Richmond, & Shewed him your Coppy & Willys Information, the former of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 25 Feb 1739

Ravensworth Castle Febry 25th . 1738/9 To William Corbett Esqr Sir Inclosed we Send you our Cash Accot. for last Month on which remains a Ballance of £44.19.8 ½ in favour of the Hospitall; and Inclosed is likewise a Rentall of the Derwentwater estate, as lett at Mayday last; which will be followed very Soon with our Generall Accot. for one year ending at Christmas last. As this Reantall is necessary to be as Soon may be in the Hands of Mr Maule, we desire You will please to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 25 Feb 1739

Ravensworth Castle 25th Febry. 1738/9 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir, We have this day Sent you (Inclosed to Mr Corbett to save Postage) A Rentall of the Derwentwater Estate from Mayday 1738 to Mayday 1739 and we have desired him to forward it to You, which no doubt he will. We have taken all the pains we could to be exact in it, but if any Mistake should appear to you (tho we hope not) we do not doubt your good offices of Setting it Right. We would be glad to hear of our Quietus

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 25 Feb 1739

Ravensworth Castle 25th Febry. 1738/9 To Mr William Radley Sir We were last Post favoured with Yours of the 20th Inst and observe the Contents, in answer to which we have wote the Secretary this day that we apprehend Severall Inconveniencies will attend the Transacting the Busyness of the Tennants Leases in the Way You have putt it. You know it is fixd how the profitts arising from these Leases is to be divided, & to be sure it behoves us all to keep the Extra Expence as

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 25 Feb 1739

Ravensworth Castle 25th Febry. 1738/9 To Mr Richard Horn Dear Sir We reced. your kind favour of the 17th Inst. for which we return you Thanks. We also have reced. one from Mr Radley to much the same Purport, about Sending up of the Pticulars of the Parcels &c for the leases filling up. and we have wrote him this day, that we think it is creating Double works, first for us to write them out & send them to him to put in when they might be put in at first, with the Same La

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 Mar 1739

Ravensworth Castle March 8th. 1738/9 To Wm. Corbett Esqr London Sir We reced. the Boards Minutes of the 28th Febry last & shall Duly observe the Contents. This week we have had two offers for Dilston Hall & Gardens viz. one from Mr Stokoe of Hexham of £8 a Year & the other from one Mr Smith who lives in the Neighbourhood of £7 a Year Each of them reserving the Usual Allowance of 30 Fother of Coales for airing the Rooms. They each propose to take for <9> Y

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 8 Mar 1739

Ravensworth Castle March 8th. 1738/9 To Mr William Radley at Greenwich Sir We reced. Yours of the 1st march Inst & shall be willing & ready to doe any thing that will Tend to Dispatch and the benefit of these that are to be sharers in the profitts , but as we have now wrote the Board we will Deferr Sending you any parcells till we have the Result thereof, and as soon as we have it which we hope will not be long will give them all the Dispatch possible; we are wth Due Re

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Mar 1739

Ravens Castle March 13th. 1738/9 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir We recd. the Lease and have Examined it, and do not find but the Covenants are right, and we hope will do every well; but we begg leave to remark the following things viz. We think it will be hard for the Tenants to Apply to the Com[issioner]s for every little matter; such as taking up and laying down Grounds to Grass, and also for liberty to Sell a little Hay or Straw off the Premises, unless the Board give us a Discr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Cuthbert Constable – 13 Mar 1739

Ravens Castle March 13th. 1738/9 To Cuthbt. Constable Esqr Sir We had yesterday a Message from Mr Weldon your agent desiring to know whether the Interest upon £5900 would be paid as usual or with the Principall money, We therefore thought it Proper to Acquaint you that we have no direction on it, so that it will be proper for you to write the Secretary Wm. Corbett Esqr will no Doubt order paymt Conformable to the Notice and we are Sir, Your most obedt. Hble Servts N

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 Mar 1739

Ravensworth Castle March 16. 1738/9 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir Yesterday Mr Constables Agent sent to us to know whether we woud pay the Interest on £5900 as usual, or not till the Principall was paid, which according to the Notice is to be the 25th Instant. This we thought proper to Acquaint you with, and that we have this day wrote to Mr Constable that he is to Apply to you, who will no Doubt order payment pursuant to the notice. Inclosed is the Cash accot. for last Month as u

Letter – Hugh Boag to Richard Horne – 30 Mar 1739

Ravs Castle 30 March 1739 To Mr Richd. Horne Dear Sir I recd. Your favour of the 22nd Inst. and I hope you will along with Mr Walton who is now in Town waite on Mr Heron and know where the Affair of the Lead Mine sticks. Mr Walton was sett out from this place before I reced. yours and who before this I hope has Seen you, as also Mr Corbett to whom my Humble Service and all Friends with you <there> Dear Sir &c Hugh Boag PS Please to Observe the Board has not

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 30 Mar 1739

Ravs Castle 30 March 1739 To Mr John Maule Dear Sir I recd Yours of the 24 Inst and for which I thank you. The Copy we want is of Mr Thompsons field Book where he gives an Accot. of the Survey, the Rental and we do not want any fine thing but a Plain Copy of it that is but True and Ledgible nothing Extraordinary. When I sett out last for London I Carry’d this with me and was Called at such a little Warning had not time to doe, and the reason why we moved the Board for a Copy

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 30 Mar 1739

Ravs Castle March 30 : 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sir I recd. the Boards Minutes of the 21 Inst and shall observe them. Inclosed is Mr Tho Simpson (Court keeper for the manor of Alston) his Bill of law Charges for Law Business done for the Com[issoner]s of Greenwich Hospital Amounting to £13:15:8 which please to lay before the Board for their Directions that it may be paid; the Cheif Charge in it was occasiond by one Carrick (Spirited by Mr Hodgshon) to take away by force a Co

Letter – John Walton to Nicholas Walton – 31 Mar 1739

Corbridge March 31. 1739 A Copy of the Revd. Mr John Waltons Letter sent to Messrs Walton & Boag who sent the Original whereof to the Board A proposal being on foot for Erecting a large Gallery on the west side of Corbridge Church, I think it proper to Communicate it to you, that so the Commissioners of the Hospital may be Apprizd of it and be able to Judge whether their Joyning in the Design may be of Service to the House, and Estate now under their Direction and how farr they are t

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Pollock – 1 Apr 1739

Ravensworth Castle 1st April. 1739 To Mr John Pallock, London Goldsmith wthout Temple barr. at the Golden Anchor Sir I recd. Yours of the 27th Ult & will take care to Remitt you the Years Interest due Ladyday last for the Heirs of Dr Chamberlain as Usual, but it will be at 14 days or 3 Weeks before I be able; but about Yr time. I hope punctually to Remitt it, I am for Mr Walton & self Sr Your Humb. Servt Hugh Boag PS Mr Walton is now at London.

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 15 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 15th April 1739 To Mr Wm Radley Sr I recd. yours of the 7th Instant and observe what you say & the answers you give to our Remarks upon the Printed Lease and what is Intended to be done at the next General Court Concerning a power to be given us about Selling a little Hay or straw. I observe also what you say about all the other Remarks and upon the whole I think that if Care be taken filling them up, they may be made nearly to <suite> most of the Farm

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 15 Apr 1739

Ravensworth Castle 15th April 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr, Pay Office Sir Inclosed is our Cash Accot. for the Month of March last by which it appears there is Ballance in our hands of £4:19:7 ½ in favour of the Hospital. Inclosed is also Mr Stephensons Quarterly Accot. of Ore Raised, Number of men Employed at Aldston Moor &c Ending Ladyday last, Also an Accot. or List of the Number of Mines Unwrought. Inclosed is further, a letter from the Rever’d Mr Jno. Walton Vicar of

Letter – Hugh Boag to Nicholas Walton – 17 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 17th April 1739 To Mr Nicho. Walton Dear Sr The Ore from Alston came on Saturday Night but I did not know We begun to Smelt this day, and if <Salter> does anything that is worth writing shall Communicate in the afternoon. As you are upon the Spott push for a score of Leases being filld up and gott signed or so forwarded as to doe what you can in it before you leave the town. Joseph Todd of Newbrough and Parish of Nether Warden for Land Ends Joseph Pigg

Letter – Hugh Boag to James Wood – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. April 1739 To Mr Jams. Wood Sir Inclosed I send you seven Bills on accot. of the Derwentwater Estate Amounting to Twelve hundred pounds as follows viz. Mr Benja. Greives dated 13 Inst pyable to myself or order at 24 days on Mr John & Thomas Simpson &c for £460 Mr Wm. Stows dated 11th Inst payable to Mr Saml <Ancrum> or order at 20 days on Mr Wm. Heron £20 Do’s Dated the 14th Instant payable

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. April 1739 To Wm Corbett Esqr Sr I recd the Boards Minutes of the 14th Inst and Observe the Contents thereof. I have recd this Month from Sev.l Ten[an]ts of the Derwentwater Estate about £2400 – and this day sent Mr James Wood Deputy Treasurer of the Hospital Bills for £1200 – for the use of the said Hospital, and shall send more as soon as I can gett Bills. I am Sr, Your very Hble Servt Hugh Boag PS I hope you will forward the Tena

Letter – Hugh Boag to Nicholas Walton – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. Apr. 1739 To Mr Nich. Walton Dr Sir I have Sent Mr Wood this Day Bills for £1200 – as you will see by the Copy of mine to the Board of this day. Inclosed Also a Copy of a Memorandum I have made of Mr Salters Progress in his Assaye, which are very poor, he can make no Lead, I think of any thing, we are Going to Try to Smelt in the Furnace this day our selves but am afraid the Experiment will be too late to lett you know this post. I recd yours with the Board

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Pollock – 20 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 20. April 1739 To Mr John Paltock Sr I have this Day sent a Bill to Mr Walton my Partner for the Interest due to the Heirs of Doctor Chamberlain due ladyday last, and I hope he will waite of you in a day or two and Transact that Matter with you in Person. I am Sr Yr hble Servt Hugh Boag

Letter – Hugh Boag to Abraham Bunting – 21 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 21. April 1739 To Mr Bunting I Desire you may give it out and Publish it in the Barony that whosoever takes any Coales of Mr Teasdale and Mr Westgarth shall not nor need not Expect any favour of the Hospital or us and I Desire you will give us a List of their Names. These two men are Robing the Hospital of their Coales. I have recd. the Horse and I think him a Dear Pennyworth and I am afraid the Gentleman will think he is both too old and little, but I shall be Silent now

Letter – Hugh Boag to Shaftoe Downs – 21 Apr 1739

Ravs Castle 21. April 1739 To Mr Shaftoe Downs Dear Sir I recd Yours Relating Matthew Brown. I Doe Remember when I Raggd him and told him that you would Sell your Coales as Cheap as any, but then I also doe Remember that I took it to be such as was fitt fa [sic] Lime Burned or you Sold others at 2 ½ d but I know nothing abt. Saying he might goe where he pleased, that is Notorious. As to Animating the Tenants we Joyntly wrote Mathew Brown and gave it under hand that if he did n
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467