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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Shaftoe Downs – 19 Dec 1739

Ravensworth Castle Decem 19th 1739 To Mr Downs Sir We reced. yours and Observe the Care you have taken to Secure the Arrears due from Green Dixon & Bell, the first of which proposes to give Robert Farbridges Security for the paymt. of his Arrear, wch we have consented to Accept, if you think the Security be good, but if not the Goods must be sold tomorrow pursuant to the Notice. He has promised to be with you this night or tomorrow morning to give you Farbridge’s Security

Letter – Thomas Jefferson to Nicholas Walton – 27 Dec 1739

Cockermouth 27 Dec. 1739 Worthy Sirs Yours of the 7th Inst. I reced., wherein you acquaint me of a Letter from the Secretary of Greenwich Hospitle, whereby you were Directed to give me an Accot. that after the Submission I had made to the Comm[ission]ers of Greenwich Hosp. they have thought fitt to drop the prosecution upon the Accot. of my paying for the wood & all Charges; To these Particulars I desire you woulod Acquaint Mr Secretary that I submitt myself intirely to the Honour

Memo – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 1 Jan 1740

Mem. Wooley Farm has Inclosed from the Common of Bulbeck Lordship about 16 ½ Acres of Land many Years agoe, it is Supposed Time Immemorial for which a Rent of 5/6d per Ann has been p[ai]d to the Lord. Since that time about 34 Acres of Common has been Inclosed for which as well as 38 Acres part Freehold & part Common (the 16 ½ Acres above mentioned) the Lord of the Mannor Claims 4s per Acre. It was tho[ugh]t proper that the Tennant of Wooly pay the antient Rent of 5/6d per Acre as usuall

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 8 Jan 1740

Rav. Castle 8 January 1739/40 To Mr William Radley Sir We reced. yours of the 27 Ult on the 6 Jan at our Return from a West Country Journey, where we had been rec. some of the D[erwentwat]er Rents & settling several things with the Ten.ts upon the Estate. We also reced. your former writt abt. a fortnight agoe, both which Intimated to us what is required abt. Numbring the Trees in the D[erwentwat]er woods that was valued in 1737 in order for Sale, & Assoon as we reced.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 Jan 1740

Ravensworth Castle January 8th 1739/40 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Pay Office Sir In Obedience to the order of the Board of the 28 Novr. last we wrote to the Rever<en>d Mr Thos. Jefferson of Cockermouth , & acquainted him that unless he would make Satisfaction for the wood he had cutt down, in the Manour of Thornthwaite, & pay the charges of the prosecution begun against him the s.d prosecution would be carryed on; & we reced. the Enclosed of the 27 December last for a

Letter – Shaftoe Downs to Nicholas Walton – 15 Jan 1740

Gentlemen, I have inclosed you a Bill of the Charge accrude in the cause Mr Bunting and really considering the Cause of action & the Circumstances of the proceedings the Expence could not be avoided As to Mr Bunting’s ill usage & the necessity of commencing the prosecution you are Sensable of, you will perhaps think the Expences of this cause is high but if you will look into the bill & what I shall here mention touching the Coarse of this Contest perhaps you’ll think it

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Jan 1740

Ravensworth Castle Jan 18th 1739/40 To Wm Corbett Esq. Sir Inclosed we send you our Cash accot. for Lst month in which remains a ballance of £434:8:10 ¼ in favour of the Hospitall. We reced. yours wth the boards minutes of the 19 Dec last which we duly observe & since we reced. the same we have pursuant to the Boards order Lett the following farms viz: Lett Mr Thomas Westgarth Greymare Colliery for one yr from Mayday next at £39; Lett Geo: Blackburn Nether holmes for one

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 25 Jan 1740

Rav. Castle January 25: 1739/40 Dear Sir Inclosed we send you a Bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt dated this day and payable 28 days after date for Six hundred pounds on accot. of the Rents & proffits of the Derwentwater Estate for which we have made you D[ebt]or accordingly. The Weather is here verry Severe – being the Sharpest frost that has been known but that is no news to you to be sure as it seems to be a general Callamity. Our Compliments attend all our good friends at Greenw

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 27 Jan 1740

Rav. Castle January 27: 1739/40 To Mr Richd. Horne Dear Sir I Received yours last Post but I have not had an opportunity of acquainting Mr Boag with the Contents but tomorrow I shall. For my own part I am ready & willing to Engage with Mr Corbett & you in the undertaking, but as you will both be governed by our opinion of the prospect, I coud wish to be better able to advise you before we do Engage I was at Alston the beginning of this month where I saw Mr Panton wh

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 29 Jan 1740

Ravensworth Castle Jan 29th 1739/40 To Mr Pearson We desire that you will gett Isaac Todd and any other man skilled in valuing wood that lives in your Nighbourhood and they with yourself goe to Thornthwaite and put a value upon what Wood has been cutt by any of he Tenants since we was concerned. We beg you will be very Exact as to the valuation, and sett down each Tenants name, and the sort & quantity Cutt from time to time and Also the bark with a distinct valuation to each. Whe

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 29 Jan 1740

Rav. Castle 29th Jan 1739/40 To Mr Maule at Greenwich Dr Sr I should very glad Nay Exceedingly so to hear from you about our accot. for the year 1738. Mr Hunter has had it now a long while to Approve off, And consider its yet to come here & be swore to and after all to pass the Board. We have here most Sevear frosty Weather and I fancey its not very warme at Greenwich. I wish I could be (were it possable) but a day ot two at Greenwich to see Mrs Maule and other friends at

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 29 Jan 1740

Ravensworth Castle Jan 29th 1739/40 To Mr John Maule Dr Sir We were favoured with yours last post & are sorry you have had so much trouble in relation to our accot. which has so long laid before Mr Hunter, but it realy is surprizing that nothing more is done in it, but the reason seams to be plaine. As to Mr Woodhouses Expectations we can no way Judge how to Make him a Gratification, for we know of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Feb 1740

Ravensworth Castle 12 Feb 1739/40 To Wm Corbett Esqr Pay Office Sir Inclosed is our Cash Accot. for last Month, by which please to observe their is a Ballance in our hands of £215:9:10¼ in favour of the Hospital. Inclosed is also our Contingent Accot. for 3 Months Ending the 31st December 1739 amounting to £127:18:4½ for the Boards approbation. The greatest part of this sum has been paid for Leading Materials for Building & Repairing housing on the estate. We reced

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Feb 1740

Ravensworth Castle Feb 18 1739/40 To Wm Corbett esqr Inclosed is an accot of Bricks & Tyles made in Dilston Park for the Hospital for last year Ending 31 Dec. 1739 by which please to observe the gain for that year is but £35:7:11½ which is ocasion’d by the wett season last year which has hinder’d all people from building or repairing in this Country very much, Also Observe the Stock resting is but valued at the same price they cost making. Inclosed is also John Skin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 18 Feb 1740

Ravensworth Castle 24 February 1739/40 To Mr Jos. Pearson, Keswick Mr Pearson We reced. Yours of the 17 Inst & wonder much if Jno. Dixon & Wm. banks should offer to give up <Watsons> Park when they Absolutely took it for 21 Years, but as they have given it up & asks an Abatem<en>t we cannot Agree to that; but we Desire it may be publickly Called a Week before Lett & doe you lett it to the best bidder without favour of Affection & then if they prov

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 22 Feb 1740

Ravensworth Castle Feb 22d 1739/40 Sir, The Board were pleased by this Minute of the 28 Novembr last to Order Us to Send them a pticular acct. of the Condition of the house of Dilston hall, the Number of Rooms & Offices, how much ground the house stands upon, wth the Gardens, & to Estimate what the Materials wou’d Sell for if pull’d down. In Obedience therefore to their Command we Send you herewith Inclos’d & under another Cover, a Ground Plann of the House & Ga

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 24 Feb 1740

Ravensworth Castle 24th Febry 1739/40 To Wm Corbett Esqr, Pay Office &c Sir, Inclosed is the uprights of Dilston Hall fronts No.5 which was forgott or overlook’d in putting up the other plans last post, & we hope it will come time enough before the rest be laid before the Board, we are very sorry it happen’d not to be sent with the rest. We recd. the Boards minutes of the 16 Inst & will carefully observe them. we are Sr Your very Humb. Servts N. Wa

Letter – Hugh Boag to Richard Horne – 24 Feb 1740

Ravensworth Castle 24 Febry 1739/40 To Mr R Horne at the Pay Office Dear Sir We reced. your kind Letter abt. what happened abt. Mr Downs’s Bill & as it was a thing we could not possibly avoid we are Thankfull its allowed & Atribute this Favour to yourself & other good friends at the Helme & Assures you we will Muddle no more in that way. Mr Pantoun Mr Hayleys Agent has not answered severall Queries sent him by us but only writes he has not yet gott the Leas

Letter – George Pantoune to Nicholas Walton – 25 Feb 1740

Harbert Law February 25th 1739 To Mr R. Horn, 11th March 1739/40 Original sent. Dear Sir, I reced. yours of the 12 Inst. with the £50 by Roben Dickinson for which I thank you, as I do if you will Hon<ou>r my Bill for £50 more at Ladyday which I shall draw payable to John Friend or order. I have Likewise reced. Yours of the 4th as per my last, Mr McDowells Lease is not yet come to hand, Howsoon it does I shall send it for your Perusall, The farm Dues is 1/9th p<ar&

Letter – John Bickerdike to Nicholas Walton – 5 Mar 1740

Cowclose March 5th 1739/40 Gentlemen According to your Orders I have sent you as above the Charge of Planning Measuring & Valuing Dilston hall, which I hope youle think a reasonable one, as we were Imployed in it almost all the Night as well as the day, while it was doing, and being Oblidged to have Horses & to lye from Home made it a Considerable Expence to us I am Your Humb. Servt. Jno. Bickerdike. To Messrs Walton & Boag. A Copy of Mr Jno. Bick

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 7 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle March 7th 1739/40 To Wm. Corbett Esqr Sir We received yours with the Boards Minutes of the 27 Feb last which we duly Observe & in pursuance of these Commands we send you Inclosed the pticular of the expence of making the Valuation of the Materials of Dilston hall and drawing the Planns &c amounting in the whole to Twenty four pounds Eleven Shillings and three pence. This Expence we apprehend may appear to the Board as it did to us a great one but we

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 11 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle March 11th 1739/40 To Wm. Corbett Esqr, Pay Office Sir, We Desire youle acquainted the Board that we have Sold the Corfe, or Hazell Rods, in West Wood, Highwood, Heckford, Longhope, Coastley, & Land Ends, to Wm. & Jno. Ryle for £21 – They to pay £10:10:- Thereof at lamas 1740 & the other £10:10:- at Lamas 1741 & to Cutt none after Ladyday 1741 We have also sold the Corf or Hazell Rodds in Langley Barony Land Ends Excepted to Jmes Thompson

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 11 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle 11 March 1739/40 Sr We Reced. yours of the 6 Inst. & are doeing what we can to gett the Trees of Dilston & Thornbrough Numbred, in order to Send you, but the Weather in this pt. of the World has been so Desperate Cold the men are scarce able to Stand out of Doors one Quarter of a day. We think this Season for Cutting will be lost as there is not or at Least will not be time to Advertize after they can be marked or numbred. The Wood should be fell’d the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 11 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle 11 March 1739/40 To Mr. Richd. Horn Dear Sir We reced. Yor. favour of 1st Inst. & are greatly Oblidged to you for it among many more. Inclosed is Mr Geo: Panthoons own Letter to us whereby you will see that it is his & Mr Hayleys fault we have not yett seen the Lease we wish it were in our power to doe any but for your Mutual Advantage, its a thing we have all along been afraid off that you or Mr Corbett would be thinking, we were Dilatory in going

Memorandum – Thomas Whelpdale to John Stephenson – 12 Mar 1740

By vertue of a Power to Me [struck out: ‘Granted’] Given by his Grace ye Duke of Portland Do intend to Ride & walk the Bounder of his Graces Manor of Gamblesby in The County of Cumberland on Thursday ye 19th day of this Instant March & will begin the Riding at a Place called Ruddinfoot between The Hours of Eight & Nine of The Clock in ye morning where you and all other Persons Having any intrest in the adjoining Manners may be present w[i]th your Bounder Rolls or Such other Evida
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467