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Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 18 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle 18th March 1739/40 Sir Inclosed is our cash accot. for last month by which you will please to observe there is a Ballance in our hands in favour of the Hospital of £210.14.11 ¼ . We have lett Throckley Mill for one year from Mayday 1740 to Wm. Trumble for £16. We have also lett Lorbottle Tyths for one year from May Day 1740 to Mich. Swan & Ptners for £37 which is all that has ocurred relating the Derwentwater Estate since our last & we are Sir Yr Mo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Isaac Thompson – 18 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle 18th March 1739/40 To Mr Isaac Thompson Dear Sir In your next Paper pray incert the following Advertizement three times, and at the End of the last of the three say – This will be no more Advertized. ... To be Sold The Dues of Lead Ore arising within the Manour of Alston Moore from Michaelmas last, to Michaelmas next. Whoever are desirous to purchase the same, may send their Proposalls in Writing to Messrs Walton & Boag at Ravensworth Castle near Du

Memorandum – John Stephenson – 20 Mar 1740

Mem[oran]d[um] That Lord Portland rided his Boundrey Adjoyning to Lord Darwentwaters from Black gutter head to Roegill Clugh head or Roegill Currock & <Flance> to Parkinstone Currock & So Down Mere Burn But They Rid from Parkin Stone Currick Muta Currick & So down Mere Burn Mem[oran]d[um] The Bunder Was Rid The Day as on The other Side & <Was> what Names under Met Mr Whelpdale & Company at a Place Called Black Gutter head to Roegill Currock to Parkin Stones

Letter – Hugh Boag to John King – 24 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle 24 March 1739/40 To Mr Jno. King at Brampton Sir We recd. Yours of the 20 Inst. & doe leave the Appointmt. of the Courts at Keswick to your self only give us as much Notice as you can Also lett them be no sooner than to begin on Thursday 10th of April next, if you begin them on Friday 11 April it will doe, but I think Thursday would doe better for the Court at Keswick & Friday for Thornthwaite & then we shall have the Saturday for Odd things, I Des

Letter – Hugh Boag to Joseph Pearson – 25 Mar 1740

Ravensworth Castle 25 March 1739/40 To Mr Jos. Pearson at Keswick Mr Pearson I have Wrote a Letter to Mr King wherein I Desire the Keswick Court may begin on Thursday 10th of April next or on Friday 11th, which of the days are fix’d for Keswick the following day will be Thornthwaite Court day, but of this youll have Mr Kings presept, I Desire therefore youll Acquaint all the Tents. & others that we will be at Keswick on Thursday the 10 April next there to Receive the Rent

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 1 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 1 1740 To William Corbett Esq. Sir Some time ago Mr Radley gave us directions to gett the several Trees which had been valued as fitt for sale numbered, which during the continuance of the Severe Frost and Snow & for some time after the snow was gone was impracticable, we have since gott the Woods of Dilston & Thornbrough Number’d, which at most are as much as shou’d be advertized to be sold together; & inclosed herein we send you th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 4th 1740 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir We reced. last Wednesday from Mr Abraham Watson agent to the Gov.r & Company for Smelting down Lead A proposal of that date which we send you Inclosed for taking on Lease or Tack three veines in Alstonmoor the first of which they have wrought for some time and now work it by vertue of a Lease they have of a moiety. The other Moiety which they now would take being what belongs to the Hospital and is called Wineybrow al

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 4 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 4th 1740 To Mr John Maul Dear Sr We wrote you the 29th Jan last and therein Impowered you to gratifye Mr Woodhouse for any trouble he may have had in forming our accot. & since that have had no answer from you which we are really verry much concernd at. We are ready to send the accot. for last year, but would not willingly doe it till the preceeding one has had the boards Concurance and it woud indeed be proposterous to doe it, before we have had the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 13th 1740 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir We reced. yours wth the Boards Minutes of the 2d April Inst in Ans. to which we reced. no proposals from any Person for taking any of the Lead mines which were advertized to be lett except that made by Mr Abraham Watson the agent of the Gov.r.& Compa. for Smelting down Lead &c which we sent you. We observe duly the rest of the Boards Minutes wch shall be pursued according as they direct. Inclosed herewith you

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Hunter – 13 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 13th 1740 A coppy of this Letter sent Mr. Maule To Jas. Hunter Esqr. Sir We have reced. from Mr Maul the Form of an accot. in which shape he informs us you are pleased to direct ours to be made out for the year 1738 & to carry the Receivings forward to the 30th June 1739. This Sir we have considered in the best manner we can, & cannot be of oppinion if it will be right for us or Consistant with our Trust to carry on the receivings to so gre

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 13 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 13th 1740 To Mr Maul Dr Sir We reced. the favour of yours of the 28 March & likewise that of the 8th of April Inst. for both which we heartily thank you. The former brought us the form of an Acct. in which Shape you desire ours for 1738 to be made out ; but on duely Considering it we can by no means think the method a proper one, & accordingly have wrote our Sentim.ts upon it to Mr Hunter this day: a Coppy of which we send you Inclosed, & be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Woodhouse – 13 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 13th 1740 To Mr Woodhouse, Inclosed in Mr Maul’s Letter Sir Our Accot. for the year 1738 has been lying before Mr Hunter near Twelve Months in order to have fix’d a Method to Settle it in; & lately we have reced a Forme which we cannot by any means think a proper one, as the Rents and money reced. are carryed to different times, at so great a distance, we have therefore wrote to Mr Hunter this day desiring he will allow the accot. to be in the Sh

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 27 Apr 1740

Ravensworth Castle April 27th 1740 To Mr Radley Sir We reced. yours when we were abroad, & gott home last Tuesday Night late so that we coud not answer it sooner than this day. The Lease to Reynold Corbett commences at Mayday 1737, so that if by the Instruction we sent you it is made to Commence at Mayday 1739, it is a mistake in the Coppying; & an omission in not adding the addition of Widdow, to AnnTwizle so that youll please to make Corbetts Commence at Mayday 1737

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 4th 1740 To William Corbett Esq. Sir We reced. Yours with the Boards Minutes of the 23d April last which we duly observe, and beg leave to return you the following Answer. In regard to the Number and Value of each Tree, in Dilston & Thornbrough Woods, we must observe that a new valuation must putt upon all those Trees, as they now stand Numbered, which will Cost about £16 , & we apprehend doing the rest in the same manner, thro’ the Estat

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 4 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 4th 1740 To William Radley Sir We reced. Your favour of the 20 April last & are sorry that any mistakes should have happened in the Instructions for the Leases now ready for Signing. Thos. Humbell & Ptners R<en>ts for Whittonstall is £57 <Prem duct> £37 As to the Value of the Coals wrought at Stubblick Coll[iery] we cannot tell how to acertain the Values of them but shall Endeavour to gett it as near as we can & as soon.

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Abraham Watson – 6 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 6. 1740 To Mr Abra. Watson at Whitfield Hall Mr Watson We have reced. a letter from our Board ordering us to know of you the outmost you will give for these mines you proposed for, which we Transmitted the Board. Windey Brea is in the Colonels Lease and has been wrought by your Company. No Doubt but you may have a Lease of it from the Colonel &c. Please lett us know if you will take any other upon the Moore and at what due for we hear their is a new

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 6 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle 6 May 1740 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed is an acct. & a Computation of the value of the Wood Cutt by the Thornthwaite Ten[an]ts from off their Arbitrary Estates, as near as we (upon the strictest Enquiring) can gett it amounting in the whole to £34:12:6, to which we have added 16s to Mr Simpsons Law Charges for drawing Instructions for an Information against Mr Jefferson, please to Inform us what Law Charges the Board will please to Charge Mr Je

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 9 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 9th 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esq. Sir Having just now reced. the Inclosed Letter from John Lowther esq. we observe that he proposes on behalf of himself and Partners to take the Lead Mines which have been advertised to be lett on Terms which are better than any proposal which has yet been made that we know of. These Gentlemen have been very fair Adventurers & Continue to Work briskly, altho’ we are certain they are a very great Sum in disburse, & as

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 11 May 1740

Ravensw’th Castle May 11 1740 To Mr James Wood Dear Sir Herein I send you three Bills amounting Twelve hundred & Twenty pounds which I have made you D[ebt]o[r] for this day made of Rents & Proffitts of the Derwentwater Estate. Geo Pantouns bill on Thos. Hayley Esq. dated 23 Apr last at 28 d[ays] £200 Edwd. Browns Do on Wm. Stephenson dated 14 Do at 28ds £20 Ra. Fetherstons Do on Saml Child Esq & Co dated 9 May Inst at 30ds £1000

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Hunter – 13 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 13th 1740 To James Hunter Esqr. Auditor of Greenwich Hospital Accots. at No.3 Garden Court Middle Temple London Sir We had the Honour of receiving your kind favour which wou’d have been sooner answered had we not been engaged in business that we cou’d not Neglect, and we have now only to acknowledge the recet. of it to Returne you thanks & to acquaint you that the Accot. shall be prepared in the manour you have directed as soon as may be for the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 13 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 13th 1740 To Mr J. Maule at Greenwich Dr Sr. Since we reced. your last kind favour we have had the pleasure of one from Mr Hunter & Another from Mr Woodhouse, who both seem to think no Inconvenience can Arise to us by bringing forward the Receivings to the 30 June in Each year, Altho the Rents are only carried to the Martinmas preceeding. We have therefore wrote to each a Letter this day acquainting them that we will prepare the Accot. in the Manner Mr Hunt

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Francis Woodhouse – 13 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 13th 1740 To Mr Woodhouse at the auditors office Sir We had your favour in Course ofand one likewise from Mr Hunter on the same subject which we have answered this post, and we begg to returne you our hearty thanks. In a few posts the accot. for 1738 will be transmitted to Mr Maule who we have desired will imeadiatly wait upon Mr Hunter with it so that it will then we apprehend come under your Inspection in wch we begg you will use all possable dispatch

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 13 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 13th 1740 To Wm.Corbett Esqr at the Pay Office in Broad Street London Sir We have in hand our Cash accot. for the last month but cannot gett it ready to send you sooner than next post when it comes you will Observe by it that we have not reced so large a Sum of the Tenants as usuall in other years at this time which we attribute to the sevear Winter, We however sent last post to Mr Wood billd for £1220. The Lead ore dues within the Derwentwater Estate

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 16 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 16th 1740 To Wm Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed we send you our cash accot.for last Month by which you will be pleased to Observe there is a Ballance of £1585.13.9 ¾ in favour of the Hospital, but we have since the end of that month remitted bills to Mr Wood for £1220 as we mentioned in our last & are Sr Your most Hble Servts Nich Walton Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 16 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 16th 1740 To Mr William Radley Sir We reced. your favour of the 8thy Inst. but is sorry that the Leases were not Signed on the day of the Gen[eral] Court. as Sir Charles Wager is gone abroad and it may be some time before he returns, however we hope you will get them signed as soon as you can. Mr Blackett is not yet come into this Country nor do we know when he will; he sometimes stays a month or two in Yorkshire at his fathers, but his House is in Newc
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467