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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 25 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 25. 1740 To Mr Richd. Horne Dear Sir We reced. yours of the 15th inst in due Course which woud have been answered sooner, but that we have not been together since we reced. it before this day, so we take the first opportunity of Joyntly answering it. As to the observations which have been made by the board on the valuation of the woods in the Derwentwater estate, we are at a Loss to know whether you Intend we Shou’d Clear it up to them, by Letter to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 25 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 25 1740 To Mr Thomas Simpson Sir We reced. yours of the 15th May Inst with Mr Birketts Letter Inclosed, & observe that John Grave & John Fleming have paid you £1-8s -0 & that Frances Lancaster promise payment. She is a power Widdow & being we hope truly Sinsible of her Transgression, we agree to Give her time provided she give you her prom<isor>y note payable at a reasonable distance of time. Mr Birkett verry unjustly says that he

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 25 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 25 1740 To Mr Radley Sir The Inclosed came lately to us from Mr Downes, which (as it relates to high Stublick Colliery) we send you Inclosed & beg you will hasten the Injunction as it is greatly wanted now in the season when there is the greatest demand for Coales. And we believe the Injunction to stay the workings of Mr Blacketts Lessees would putt an end to the dispute, & we are Sir Yr verry Hble Serts Nich. Walton Hugh Boag

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 25 May 1740

Ravensworth Castle May 25 1740 To Mr Jos. Pearson Mr Pearson, We reced. yours of the 10 Inst. about Lanc[elo]t Penny and doe desire you to Stop all the Peats till the holes are filled up, and discharge, Nay hinder him from practising for the future any such Abuses, and not only him but all other Tennants from doing any damage to the ground. Tell him he will be Severely punished for what he has done. We observe Wm. Stanger has sold his house at Thornthwaite and will pay his f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 30 May 1740

Rav. Castle May 30th 1740 To Mr William Radley at Greenwich Sir We reced. your favour of the 24th Inst. with the acct. of the cost of the prosecution against Mr Jefferson Amounting to £3-3-0 which we will take care of & Demand of him. We are Glad the Leases are signed by pt. of the Com<missioner>s & hope Sr. C. Wager by this, is gott safe back, so that in a little time he & the other mentioned will also sign them. We are doing nothing about Numbring the Woo

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 8 Jun 1740

Ravensworth Castle June 8 1740 William Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed is Severall agreements made with Several Workmen for building & Repairing Housing on the Derwentwater Estate amounting to £494 which please to lay before the Board for their Confirmation. Inclosed is also our Cash Accot. for last Month by which please to Observe there is a ballance due from us in favour of the Hospital of £773:16:2¾ . The Commissioners are Threatned to be presented for Hartburn Chanc

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Radley – 8 Jun 1740

Rav. Castle June 8 1740 To Mr Wm. Radley Sir We reced. your favour of the 5 Inst. and are glad the 25 Leases are now on the Road to us. we are preparing more which will be sent you in a post or two. We Observe what you say about Numbring or Marking the Wood, & will persue your directions, only in this we are in doubt when you say we may cause the Numberers to Value at the same time which if we doe there Cannot so many be Imployed, nay none but those fitt to Value and by a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 10 Jun 1740

Rav. Castle June 10. 1740 To Mr Maule Dear Sir Herewith you will receive our accot. for the year 1738 with the receivings bro.t down to the 30 June 1739 in the manner Mr Hunter directed which we desire you will forwar in its examination, in order that Mr Hunter may approve it & that when it is so approved you will transmitt it to us for making proper Affadavits thereto the Accot. for the year 1739 is likewise preparing in he same manner. You will Observe (notwithstanding

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 14 Jun 1740

Ravensworth Castle June 14. 1740 Sr Above is Your Accot. of Oates which I hope youll find right. I have this Day taken the liberty to Draw upon you for the Amount thereof being £33:9:8 ¾ Payable 30 Days after Date to Mr Benjamin Skutt, and I Doubt not but youll give Due Honour, we Expect Your Sacks by he George next voyage when the Remainder of the Oates shall be sent. Mr Boag joyns with me in Complements to your Self and Family and am Sr Your most Obliged Hble Servt. Nich

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 29 Jun 1740

Ravensworth Castle 29 June 1740 To Mr James Wood Sir Inclosd is a Bill on Mr Edward Chishall fo £100 dated 21 Inst. and payable 30 days date which please to Receive on Accot. of the Rents & profits of the Derwentwater Estate & place the same to our Credit I am for Mr Walton & Selfe Sir Your very Humb. Servt. Hugh Boag P.S. Please make our Complim.s to all friends at Greenwich, also Acknowledge the Rec.t of the Bill. Sir Thirty dayes after date

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 29 Jun 1740

Ravensworth Castle 29 June 1740 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed we send you the quarterly accot. for the Lead mines, Ending Ladyday last, as also a List of these Mines then unwrought. Inclosed is also Instructions for filling up Eleven Leases for the Cumberland Estate both which please to Lay before the Board . Sir Your Very Humble Servts Walton & Boag P.S. We have this day sent Mr Wood a Bill for £100 wch is all the Bills we can gett at this time tho

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 4 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 4.1740 To Mr James Wood Sir Above is my Bill on Mr Benjamin Skutt for six hundred pounds on Accot of the Rents and profitts of the Derwentwater estate and for the Use of Greenwich Hospitall for which I have made you Dr. this day. Please to Acknowledge the recet. thereof & accept my Compliments to yourself and all friends at Greenwich and Youll Oblige, Dear Sir, Your most Hble. Sert. Nich. Walton Ravensworth Castle July 4th 1740 Dear Si

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 4th .1740 To William Corbett Esqr. Sir Herewith I send you your Cash Accot. for last Month, by which you will be pleased to Observe there is a Balance of £689.9.9 ¼ in favour of the Hospitall, we have since remitted Mr Wood a Bill for £600. I have likewise Inclosed you our Quarterly Contingent Accot. Ending the 30 June last, which be pleased also to Lay before the Board. Collonel Liddell has given Directions for Building a Lead Mill at Keswick and

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 11 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 11.1740 To Mr Maule Dear Sir We Reced. Yours in due Course dated the 5th July Inst. which gave us great pleasure to find the accot. as sent you ending the 30 June 1739 has been approved of, & in Regard to those Articles which Mr Hunter desires to have Explained we give you the following Explanations, sett oposite to your Querys. [Query:] Corbridge Estate the reason of your Charging your Selves with £1 for distraining Mrs Horsmans Goods,

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 15 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 15th: 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Sir I Reced. the favour of Mr Horn’s Letter of the 10th Inst in wch he Says You desire to know if Clargill head be the same of Clargill cleugh head. That You apprehend the proposall is Irregular, as Supposing half a Mine much less half of a String or Branch from a Mine cannot be wought without prejudice in Letting the other halfe. In answer to which, Clargill head is the Same Vein of Clargill Cleugh head, & the prop

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 15 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 15th: 1740 To Mr Horne Dr Sir I Reced. the favour of Yours of the 10th July Inst. & observe that Mr Corbett desires to know if Clargill head be the same of Clargill cleugh head. That he apprehended the Proposall is Irregular & supposes that halfe a Mine, much less the half of a String or Branch, from a Mine cannot be wought without prejudice in Letting the other halfe. In answer to which, Clargill head is the Same Vein of Clargill Cleugh head, &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 18 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 18th: 1740 To Mr Thos. Simpson at Penrith Sir Inclosed we Send you a List of the Thornthwaite Tenants Named who has Cutt Wood there, and the Value thereof as it was Valued by Mr Pearson & Isaac Todd &c. There is also what Law Charges there ha been Occasioned by the Tenants Cutting the Sd. Wood added. We Desire that you will Write to Each of them that you have not Received the Money off, & Demand the Sums in the List, & those that will no

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 29 Jul 1740

Ravensworth Castle July 29: 1740 To Mr Jno. Maule Sir Wee reced your favour of the 19 Inst. and are getting the Accot. ready to be Sent to the Board next post, and it will be time enough to be at the Board on Wednesday Sennight. The Tenn Shillings you mention Short Charged on Hewett for Broxfield Tyths we Charged our Selves with it, (tho’ to our Loss) as it was putt into the Rentall for 1737 as you will see by our Charging our Selves with it in this Accot, to be Sent you, an

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Radley – 8 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Aug 8th: 1740 To Mr Wm. Radley Sir We reced. your Favour of the 29 Ult. with Mr Aireys other Bill of Law Charges amounting to £11.14.7. We have P.d Mr Airey all his Bills of Law Charges since According as the Board directed us having made the Deductions ordered. We have Almost gott the Marking of the Woods Finished in the Co. of Northumberland, We Expect they will be finished this Week, after which they will proceed to Keswick in Cumberland to mark those, n

Letter – Hugh Boag to William Corbett – 8 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle 8 Aug 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr, Pay Office Sir Wee have sent you Inclosed our General Accot. for the Derwentwater Estate from the 31st December 1737 to the 30th June 1739 (the time the Auditor desired it might be made up to) which we desire you will please to Lay before the Board for their Approbation. We could have sent it sooner but we Delayed swearing to it till the Judges came this Circuit as may Observe by the Inclosed wch we were swore to the 5th Inst. b

Letter – Hugh Boag to John Maule – 8 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle 8 August 1740 To Mr Jno. Maule at Greenwich Dear Sir We have sent our Accot. to the Board this day from 31sr December 1737 to 30th June 1739 & hope youle forward it & let us know when youle want the vouchers & we will Carefully Send you them. We Swore to the Accot. before baron Reynolds now one of the Judges at Newcastle as also we have taken the opportunity to Swear to that Accot. from 30th June 1739 to 30 June 1740. its made up as the other &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Augst 12th 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Sir In our last saturdays Newcastle Journal & Newcastle Curr.t was Incerted the Inclosed Invitation to the Gentlemen, Clergy & Freeholders of the County of Northumberland, whereby we Observe an Opposition is intended to the present Members. We therefore beg leave to desire You will acquaint the Board therewith; That we apprehend the Derwentwater Estate will command a very Considerable Interest, if it is taken Care of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Jefferson – 22 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Augst 22 1740 To The Revd. Mr Jefferson Sir We reced. yours of 31 July last which woud have been answere sooner but that we have had an uncommon hurry of buysness upon us. It is a good deal of Concern to us if you or any Tennant shd have reason to Complain of any Grievancies, but we hope it is not realy the Case as you represent it, for we know of no exorbitant demands we have made. Those demands are stated on undeniable facts so far as Relate the woods Cutt do

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 22 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Augst 22 1740 To Mr Joseph Pearson Mr Pearson I Reced. yours of the 2d Inst. and in answer must acquaint you that I doe not understand what you mean by the miller being content to give up the mill he farms of us, as we have never required it of him. If he comes to you & gives you regular Notice that he will Continue no longer, then you must let the mill for one year on the best Termes you Can, & if that be what you mean there Can be no objection to the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to George Birkett – 22 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Augst 22 1740 Sir I Reced. yours of the 31 July last, which Contain in it abundance of p[ar]ticulars, that I shall pass over without giving you any answer but that of the Grievance you Complain of, I am to Acquaint you that if it is wrong it is owing to the Information we have had about it and as upon the proof of these facts woud depend our success in Case of a dispute in Law, we can say no more than that you may Chuse whether you will pay the money to Mr Simpson o
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467