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Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 22 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Augst 22 1740 To Mr Thomas Simpson Sir I Reced. yours of the 2d of Aug Inst with one Inclosed from poor Mr Tolson for Whose death I am heartily sorry, as he was not only an honest man but a verry Sensible good Companion. I reced. likewise the same post a letter from Birkett and one from Parson Jefferson, the former of which being a dealer in so many words, I have wrote to this day desiring he may wait upon you with the money, & the latter having desir’d t

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 22 Aug 1740

Ravensworth Castle Aug.22.1740 Sir I have just now reced. yours & have just time to Clear up the difficulty which appears to you on Compairing the Accot. we sent the Board with our Rentall You will please to Observe no one Rentall can agree with our Accot. as the Rentalls are Made up from Mayday to Mayday in every year so that you shoud have Compared the Acct. & the two Rentalls as lett at Mayday 1737 & Mayday 1738 by taking ½ a year of each as I have done above which Cor

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 6 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Sep. 6 1740 Wm. Corbett Esqr. I have only to acquaint you that we have Reced. the following proposal for taking to Farm Graymare Colliery, Dilston hall & gardens & Lorbottle Tyths which you will please to lay before the board 23d. Mr Rich. Dobson proposes to take Lorbottle Tyths on Lease for 7 years at the yearly rent of £30 – he is at present the farmer of Midford Tyth & pays well & will be a good Tennant. William Storey proposes for

advertisement – Thomas Westgarth – 6 Sep 1740

To be let On Lease for twenty one Years, or on Tack note for one year The following LEAD MINES, or veins of LEAD ORE, in the liberty of Blanchland and County Durham, viz. The South and North veins in Shildon Pasture, fell grove vein, Fell grove North vein, Burnhead Vein, Birkside North, South and Middle veins, Baybridge Pasture vein, Jeffries Vein at Stony Burnhead, Whiteheaps vein, Cooper-Linn Vein, Beldon Shields South, North and Middle Veins, Rough bank vein, Linnbank North Vein, Knuckt

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 7 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Sept 7. 1740 Sir Herewith you will receive the Draught of a Lease of Gregg Shield or heigh Stubblick Colliery, and likewise another Draught of Brokenheugh, and under another Cover are those of Hartburn, Kirkwhelpington & Midford Tyths, & that of Dilston Mill, & in a Post or two we will send you the Draught of Throckley & Scremerston. For those Draughts you will please to observe Mr Airey Remarks that the Terme shou’d rather be for the remaining part of

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 7 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Sept 7. 1740 To Mr John Maul Sir We sent yesterday by the London Carryer Wm. Laycock our Vouchers for the Accot. that has pass’d the Board Ending 30 June 1739. They are Carefully packed up in a little box directed for Mr Horn, he being nearer to send for them. they will be at the white Hors in Cripplegate about the 20 Inst. we hope you will take Care & Send for them. the box weighs 6lb & 13 oz & is not paid for but we shall repay you what the carr

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 7 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Sept 7. 1740 To Mr Rd. Horne Dear Sir We sent by the London Carryer Yesterday our Vouchers for the accot. that is now passed the Board they are directed for you & will be at the white Hors without Cripplegate about the 20 Inst. we begg you will Cause some of your doore keepers to look out for them. They are in a little box & it weigh 6lb 13 oz and is not paid for when you have got them safe (as we hope you will) please to lett Mr Maul have them who h

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Sept 12. 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Sir Herewith I send you our Cash Accot. for last Month, whereby you will observe there is a ballance of £147:13:7 ¾ in our favour. & Inclosed is likewise two agreements made for building a house & Byre at Whittles & Leehouses, which is lately falen down & therefore must be built this Season & the other for a Barn which cannot be Wanted on Thomas Humbles Farm at Whittonstall; you will therefore be please

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Thomas Simpson – 16 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Septem. 16th 1740 To Mr Thos. Simpson Sir I Reced. yours of the 11th Inst & am glad Mr Birkett has at last Settled his tedious dispute, & that you apprehend Mr Jefferson’s Money will be ready on giving Mr Ritson notice. I am sorry the Parson is so much out of order. Widdow Lancaster acts imprudently as I am afraid her refusing to give her Note will be a means to prevent our Board from Shewing her Compassion, but as I cannot see you can do more with

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 16 Sep 1740

Ravensworth Castle Sept 16th 1740 Mr Pearson The late Mr Hugh Tollson is charged with Cutting down wood & selling it from Beckstones Tenem.t to the value of £4 accord[in]g to your Information & as Mr Tolson in his life time denyed the fact, it will be Incumbent upon us to produce proper Evidence in order to recover the Money. I have therefore wrote to Mr Simpson this day to fix a time with you when you may wait upon him at Penrith with such other Evidence as you have to

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ritson – 5 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct. 5 1740 To the Revd. Mr Ritson at Cockermouth Sir We wrote some time agoe to your father Mr Jefferson and therein acquainted him that we agreed to take his money for the wood Cutt down & sold off his Estate at Thornthwaite wth the Charges thereon at our Next Court and at the same time we wrote to Mr Simpson to Accept of Mr Jeffersons promisory note payable then. In Answer to which Mr Simpson wrote us that Mr Jefferson had not been well for some time w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Joseph Pearson – 5 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct. 5 1740 To Mr Joseph Pearson Mr Pearson We have fixed the Courts at Keswick & Thornthwaite to be held on Thursday & Friday the 23d & 24 Inst. of which Mr King has had notice & he has no doubt acquainted you therewith. This therefore only comes to Inclose you a Rentall of the Estate & the Arrears due from each Tennant of whom we desire you will receive all the small Rent & Services of eevery kind so as to have them Ready against we co

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 5 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct. 5 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr Sir Since ours of the Sixth of September last we have reced a proposal from Mr Thomas Westgarth the present Tennant of Grey Mare Colliery & another from Mr William Storey for Lorbottle Tyths. The former proposes to take to farm Greymare Colliery on Lease for 21 Years at the Yearly Rent of £85 & 80 Fothers of Coales for the use of Dilston hall determinable for want of Saleable Coale on Twelve Months Notice. This we thi

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 12 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct. 12 1740 Wm. Corbett Esqr. Sir Inclosed we send you our cash Accot. for last month on which there remains a Ballance of £27.7.5 ¼ in our favour. And likewise we Send you herewith or General Accot. from the 30 June 1739 to 30th June 1740 when a ballance was remaining in our hands of £641-13-0 ¼ you will please Sir to lay these Accots. before the Board. Since our Last we have reced no proposals for taking to Farme any of the farmes lately advertized E

Letter – Nicholas Walton – 14 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct. 14th 1740 The tenants of Scremerston, Spindleston, Outchester, Middleton Hall &c Gent.n We are just come from the Funeral of Geo. Liddell Esq. and as that malincholly occation requires our Attendance here for some Settling some Affairs of his, we cannot possibly Attend upon you at the Recd. as we appointed. We have therefore sent our Servants Richd. Morrison & Thomas Dixon to receive the Rents, and have given them proper Rece.ts Signed by

Letter – Robert Johnson – 18 Oct 1740

In the Excheq.r Concerning the Estates of the Late Earle of Derwentwater Robert Johnson of Ebchester in the County of Durham Gentleman & Ambrose Hopper of Fugar House in the Sd. County of Durhem Yeoman Severally make oath and say that in the months of July, Aug. & Sept. last past they these Depon[en]ts Viewed & Careefull Examined the several Trees Standing & growing in & upon the several Woods Lands & Grounds hreafter mentioned that is to say Linburn, Harsonda

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 19 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle 19 Oct. 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr., London Sir Inclosed we send you our Contingent Accot. for the last three Months Ending the 30th September last Amounting to thirteen pound three Shillings & nine pence which we desire you will lay before the Board for their Approbation. We have also Inclosed the affadavitt of the remaining part of the Woods being numbered as was desired which we also desire you‘ll please to lay before the Board. This has be

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Airey – 28 Oct 1740

A Copy of Mr Robt. Lowes Letter to John Airey Esq. Sir When I had the pleasure of Seeing you at Warks Court I omitted to Mention an Affair to you in relation to one Bridget Horseman who it seems has quietly Enjoyed a house & Garth in Corbridge as her own proper Estate for above these 20 years without the Interuption of any P.son whatsoever, till about may 1739 when Mr A. Bunting Enter’d into the house & with Violence put her out of possession, Locked up the doors of the House &a

Letter – Nicholas Walton to James Wood – 31 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct.31 1740 Dear Sirs We send you as above a Bill on Mr Ben Skutt for Twelve hundred pounds, in part of the Rents & profitts of the Derw.water Estates for the Use of Greenwich Hospital which we begg you will Acknowledge the recet. of. & with our best Compliments to all friends we are Dr Sr Yr Most Ob. Hble. Servt Nich. Walton Hugh Boag Ravensworth Castle Oct.31 1740 Twenty Eight days after date pray pay Mr James Wood or His Order One Thous

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Mannock Strickland – 31 Oct 1740

Ravensworth Castle Oct.31st 1740 To Mr Mannock Strickland at his Chamber in Lincolns Inn London Sir I reced. both your Favours the former of which I cou’d not Answer to You with any Satisfaction, having then no Money belonging to the Derwerntwater Estate in hand; but Since I reced. your last have made a provision for you, & this day have wrote to Mr Skutt to pay you the money. I am glad the Testimonial has been produced to Mr Hunter, & shall always be glad of your

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Maule – 4 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Novem. 4th 1740 To Mr John Maule We reced yours and observe Mr Auditor Hunters Qrys upon our Accot. which we have this day given answers to, opposite to the Severall Querys, & we hope they will be Satisfactory; We are much Obliged to You Gentlemen, for the Dispatch you desire to be made and will on all Occasions make due Acknowledgements. It is more than probable we are afraid that no Declaration of Accots. will be till after the rising of the

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Novemb. 4th 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. Sir We reced. the Boards Minutes of the 29th October last, by which we observe the Board approve of the Security given by Geo Liddell Esq. as it is binding upon his<Executors &c. We likewise reced. Yours the post before intimating that you apprehend it would be Sufficient, for which we begg leave to returne you our Sincerest Thanks, & for the Friendship in it which we are Satisfied you have been so klnd as

Letter – Nicholas Walton to William Corbett – 4 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Novemb. 4th 1740 To Wm. Corbett Esqr. We reced Yours with the Boards Minutes of the 29th of October last, which we duly observe. And Inclosed herein we send you the Moor Masters quarterly Accot. of the Mines Working and the Quantity of Ore Wrought & also the Mines unwrought at Midsummer last, by which you will observe that more have reverted to the Hospital. We have very great Snows which prevents the Mich.s Accots. from being made out, but as soon as th

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 16 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Nov. 16 1740 To Mr Horne Dr Sir We reced. yours of the 6th Nov Inst & likewise the Boards Minutes of the 5th of Same in which we observe Mr Simon Warners proposal for Lock Vein, Fourshield burn Vein, Cocklake, ½ Windy Brow & the East side of Clargill Cleugh head; upon which proposal we beg leave to observe That there is No such Vein as Lock Vein in Alston Manner, That there is no Such Vein as Fourshields burn, & that we apprehend the H

Letter – Nicholas Walton to Richard Horne – 16 Nov 1740

Ravensworth Castle Nov. 16 1740 To Mr Horne Dr Sir In Answer to your favour of the 6 Inst. we have write you this day a Letter which you will if proper lay before the board, & herein we send you Accot. of Such money as we have reced. for Leases Executed, with a deduction of Mr Radleys Expences of Filling up &c & what Expence we have been at in the Execution. when the others are Executed we will Account to you for them regularly. You will observe we have reced. n
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467